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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1942)
Page 6 THE BATTALION MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 21, 1942 Senior Leaders Finish Half of ’42-’43 Task Social Secretary Bobby Stephens Battalion Editor Brooks Cofer BOBBY STEPHENS The important position of social secretary of the senior class will be filled by Bobby Stephens of the Infantry Band. It will be Stephen’s duty to plan and super vise the corps dances put on by the senior class. Stephens also heads the new outdoor dance hall which the college built especially Town Hall Manager John Lawrence for summer entertainment. JOHN LAWRENCE At the head of Town Hall is John Lawrence, who has announced already an outstanding program for the entertainment of the corps. Lawrence is a Liberal Arts stu dent and comes from nearby Bry an. BROOKS COFER The editor of the tri-weekly stu dent Battalion will be Brooks Cof er, Liberal Arts major from College Station. Thg Battalion is also the official newspaper for the city of College Station. Cofer is in the Coast Artillery on the campus. KEN BRESNEN Ably assisting the Battalion ed itor will be Ken Bresnen, associ ate editor. Bresnen served as jun ior editor on the paper and is well qualified. He is from Dallas and is a member of the Scholarship Honor Society. REGGIE SMITH Reggie Smith heads a strong advertising staff for the Battal ion. This year’s new advertising manager led the junior assistants in soliciting for the paper. Smith is from Waco and is a member of A Troop Cavalry. Class of 1943 Continues Work of Guiding Corps in Various Publications, Activities Cofer, Longley, Miller, Gordon Edit Student Publications; Chalmers Is Head Yell Leader; Stephens Is Social Secretary The leadership of the student-^ body for the coming school term will be in the hand of a certain group of students, whqse responsi bility it will be to guide the many activities of the corps. Most of these men have been elected by the student body at large, while some have been put in office by the senior class of ’43. These men will head the corps for the 1942-43 school year: John Lawrence, Town Hall manager; John Longley, Edi tor the Longhorn; Ed Gordon, Edi tor the Engineer; Jack Miller, Edi tor of the Agriculturist; Brooks Cofer, Battalion Editor; Bobby Stephens. Social Secretary of the Senior Class; Ken Bresnen, Associ ate Editor of the Battalion; Chuck Chalmers, Head Yell Leader; Bob Haney assistant yell leader; Reg gie Smith, advertising manager of the Battalion; and Bill McKenzie and J. B. Booth, junior yell leader. These men look to the corps for cooperation in the many activities which they represent. The success of the many student activities will depend upon the way in which these men perform their duties. McKENZIE AND BOOTH Bill McKenzie and J. B Booth will assist Chalmers and Haney as junior yell leaders. McKenzie is in the Field Artillery and Booth in the Engineers. JACK MILLER Jack Miller, is the new editor of the Agriculturist magazine as he takes the place of Dave Pinson who resigned. Miller is a major on the Cavalry regimental staff, and won the Danforth scholarship his fresh man year. All but two of the American states, the District of Columbia, five outlying possessions and three foreign countries are represented by correspondence students of the University of Wisconsin. Manager Student Activities L. D. Boone L. D. BOONE L. D. Boone, who replaced Joe Skiles as director of student ac tivities, is a graduate of Rice In stitute. He came to the Aggie campus in June of this year. Use of Technical Equipment Results In Officer Shortage The increased use of electronic devices, communication apparatus and the complexity of the newer apparatus has produced a critical shortage of officers with sufficient training in these fields. The armed forces have been required to con duct long full time training pro grams for officers. This has pro duced serious delays in getting of ficers in the field after they have reported for service. JOHN LONGLEY The Longhorn, the college an nual, will bq edited by John Long ley, AA major front Giddings. Longley served as junior editor of the staff on this year’s Longhorn. The plan under the new speed-up program of the college is to have a Longhorn with each graduating class, that is for each class which was in school at the time of the change. CHUCK CHALMERS The leader of the famous Twelfth Man will be Chuch Chalmers from Houston. As senior yell leader Chal mers will direct the activty of the corps as it supports the Aggie athletic teams. Chalmers is an agricultural administration major and is a major on the corps staff for the coming- year. A conference was held at Mas sachusetts Institute of Technology the first of September, which Pro fessor H. C. Dillingham of the Electrical Engineering department attended, to consider what the col leges might do to assist in giving increased training the electronic and communication arts with the view of ^providing more officers and reducing the full time service training. Representatives from seventy colleges, the Army, the Navy, and the U. S. Office of Ed ucation were present. The conference laid out of a course of study very similar to the communication option in most engineering schools and urged that all qualified electrical engineering students take the new course. In order to fit this program in the Electrical Engineering curriculum here certain temporary- changes have been made effective this com ing term. These changes are prin cipally a shifting of electives to required courses with minor modi- Longhorn Editor John Longley fication in content in some cases. A revised curriculum is under con sideration and will be announced soon. Air Corps Needs More Experienced Workers The Army Air Force needs more experienced technicians like Tech- ncial Sergeant F. T. Cook of Sher man, Texas. An electrician before enlisting two years ago, Cook has designed and built an electrical and instru ment test bench that reduces re quired testing and repair time from a day or more to less than an hour. Using mostly salvage materials, Cook has installed on his 8 by 14 foot bench instruments which ac curately check magnetos, gene rators, spark plugs, voltage regu lators, coils, tachometers, also hydraulic systems, brakes and wheel assemblies. Daniel M. Pearce, Jr., who re cently was graduated from Harvard university with a degree in me chanical engineering, paid part of his tuition by performing as a clown at private parties. Head Yell Leader Chuck Chalmers Engineer Editor Ed Gordon ED GORDON “Flash” Gordon will edit the Engineer, the student engineering publication. Gordon is a mechani cal engineering student from Gil mer. HELLO FRESHMEN LET US SERVE YOU FRIENDLY AND EFFICIENT SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OF NEW AND USED BOORS SLIDE RULES CAPS SAM BROWNE BELTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRAWING EQUIPMENT DRAWING BOARDS HATS I.E.S. STUDY LAMPS SLACKS AND SHIRTS RADIO AND BICYCLE REPAIR THE STUDENT CO-OP One Block East Main Post Office Ex-Student Owned and Operated