Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1942)
MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 21, 1942- -THE BATTALION- Page 5 Students Should Know Their School’s Dean Administrative Heads Who Will Guide Your Stay Here New Students Will Have Opportunity To Become Acquainted Before They Register The officials of Texas A. & M. College, those men who are respon- ible for the administration of the affairs of the school, are ready to assume the responsibilities of their office for another term. These men, under the leadership of President T. 0. Walton, are faced -this year with the new and additional responsibilities of A. & M.’s year- round program and war-dominated curriculum. In order that they may give you the counsel and guidance which will aid you in becoming a successful member of your college-f' ; community, they welcome and en courage visits from students. New students should become acquainted with these college lead ers, and old students should strengthen and renew their friend ships. T. 0. WALTON President of the college since 1925, Dr. Walton came to A. & M. in 1916 as state agent with the Extension Service. He was made director of the Extension Service in 1918, retaining that position un til his selection as president of the college. Eminent in national affairs, he has held this position during the period of A. & M.’s greatest growth and most radical changes. F. C. BOLTON Dean Bolton was once a major in the cadet corps of Mississippi A. & M*. and also served as com mandant one year. He was brought to this college as professor of physics and electrical engineering. In 1922 he was made dean of en gineering and served until 1927. Since that time he has served as dean of the college. GIBB GILCHRIST In his career, Dean Gilchrist has held many jobs of importance Dean of the College A. & M. President Agriculture Dean F. C. Bolton T. 0. Walton ***** Liberal Arts Dean Engineering Dean E. J. Kyle * * Veterinary Dean Registrar President’s Aide H. L. Heaton E. L. Angell T. D. Brooks Gibb Gilchrist R. P. Marsteller throughout the state of Texas. Graduating from the University of Texas in 1909, he was assistant engineer and head engineer of the Santa Fe Railroad, and has served as division engineer of the high way department at San Antonio. In 1924 he was made state high way engineer. He also has served as an officer in the Engineer Corps during the World War I. He was made dean of engineering at Texas A. & M. in 1937 and is devoting his efforts to placing more A. & M. engineers in mod ern industries and in positions vi tal to our war efforts. T. D. BROOKS Dr. Brooks, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and of the WELCOME TO AGGIELAND FRESHMEN HERE ARE SOME HEALTHFUL HINTS • Ours Is the Best Fountain Service • School Supplies at Reasonable Prices • Courteous and Efficient Service • Postage Stamps for Your Convenience • Stationery by Gorneau Local and Long Distance Telephones THE FRIENDLY DRUG STORE AGGIELAND PHARMACY KEEP TO THE RIGHT AT THE NORTH GATE AND YOU CAN’T GO WRONG Phone 4-4004 Graduate School, is a graduate of Baylor and has 'served as princi pal and superintendent of schools at Hillsboro, as president of South western State Normal College of Oklahoma, and as mayor of the city of Waco during his employ ment as professor in Baylor Uni versity. E. J. KYLE A graduate of A. & M. in 1899 Dean Kyle first became a member of the teaching staff in 1902. He has been head of a department and was made dean of agriculture in 1911. Holding a master of science degree from Cornell University, he is the author of numerous publica tions in the field of agriculture and is an outstanding figure in the growth and development of agri culture in the South. R. P. MARSTELLER Dean Marsteller attended Ohio State University, receiving the de gree of Doctor of Veterinary Med icine in 1905. He came to A. & M. in November of that year as in structor and assistant veterinar ian for the Agricultural Experi ment Station. He succeeded Dr. Mark Francis as dean of veterin ary medicine. E. L. ANGELL Formerly manager of student publications E. L. Angell succeed ed Colonel Ike Ashburn as the as sistant to the President. Having done graduate work in Chicago University, he has been a report er on a daily paper, a school offi cial, a school superintendent as well as a representative of the State Department of Education be fore coming here. H. L. HEATON Acting registrar in place of E. J. Howell, who is on leave with the army, is H. L. Heaton, whose job is to keep the many records that are necessary. He is assisted by R. G. Perryman. WELCOME FRESHMEN YOU WILL PASS INSPECTION WHEN WE DO YOUR CLEANING AND PRESSING Campus Cleaners OVER EXCHANGE STORE IN NEW “Y’> Hello! Aggies RIDE THE BOS TO BRYAN Dependable — Safe — Economical Bus leaves YMCA on the hour. Half hour service on Saturday afternoon. Every corner a bus stop. Bryan-College Traction Co. RIDE WITH SAFETY — RIDE THE BUS