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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1942)
Page 2 THE BATTALION The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1941 Member 1942 Associated Golle6iate Press E. M. Rosenthal Acting Editor Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager Sports Staff Mike Haikin Sports Editor W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor Mike Mann Senior Sports Assistant Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor Circulation Staff Gene Wilmeth Circulation Manager \ F. D. Asbury Junior Assistant Bill Huber, Joe Stalcup Circulation Assistants Cedric Landon Senior Assistant Photography Staff Jack Jones Staff Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel. Phil Crown Tuesday’s Staff D. C. nturman Managing Editor Tom Vannoy Junior Editor Clyde C. Franklin ...Junior Editor Kea Bresnen Junior Editor Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager Keith Kirk Junior Editor Reporters Calvin Fox, bach, Tom Leland, Doug Lancaster, Charles P. McKnight, Keith Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine, Ed Kingery. Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred Pankey, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood. Fashion Notes Again National Defense plans for victory are going to be felt by A. & M. students as well as the entire nation. This time, how ever, civilians will have only an old style changed but the Aggie will have style as well as a fond tradition affected. For years cuffs have been the pride of every Junior class and the envy of all fresh men and sophomores. It was the significant feature which marked the third year men, a mark which meant that the student had accomplished a hard task. Now, the government has made it man datory for all tailors and clothing manufact urers to make defense trousers with no cuffs. The army is fully in support of the law and the R. 0. T. C. as a junior branch of the army must comply. But because a new change has been re quired their is no reason to forget and do away with distinguished class markings. Class distinction has been one of the strong est points of the A. & M. routine, and the difference in the uniforms has made class distinction even more effective. The only problem, and it is only a small one, which confronts the student body now is the problem of finding a substitute dis tinguishing feature for sophomores and jun iors. Freshmen will continue to wear fish stripes and seniors will have boots, buttons and gold hat cords. In looking for this substitute several things must be kept in mind. Whatever is decided upon must be inexpensive and read ily obtainable. It also must be something that can be easily noticed. As a suggestion, a bar the size of the Ross Volunteer bar could be used with pur ple material on it. Such a bar would be worn on the shirt above the left pocket. In fact the distinction could be carried further and the seniors could put a star on their bar or even wear another color bar. What action that may be taken should be taken within the next week or so. After that time the khaki uniform will be in for the summer and the juniors will want to be known as juniors and not as either juniors or sophomores. Politics Again At 9 o’clock tonight the political season will have its official opening. Even though cam paigning has been going on for several weeks this evening will see the first ballots cast. At first though there is nothing different about this political season, or more specifi cally about this junior yell leader election than any other season or similar election of the past, but actually there is. The men elected tonight and at the following elec tions will be the leaders of the corps for at least the, next few months, and at critical times like these a body’s leaders must be of the highest caliber. Tonight, before any man casts his bal lot he should carefully consider all of the candidates. Personalities shouldn’t interfere. The best candidate should be voted for. But above all things, to make this elec tion truly representative of the cadet corps the Assembly hall should be filled to the galleries with voting sophomores and sopho mores tonight. Quotable Quotes **America has never been in a war yet that she wasn’t licked until she won the last bat tle, and this war is not likely to be much different. The American Revolution was a string of defeats until Yorktown. During the war of 1812, the country was invaded and the capitol burned. In the World war the Allies were pushed back steadily until March, 1918. American forces were not defeated in that war, but the Allies were, almost until the end. In a war like this one, Americans had no cause for expecting great victories to begin with. Pearl Harbor was a surprise; no body was really expecting Japan to go to war; and we were deceived about Japanese strength. But once the United States starts rolling there can be no doubt about the out come of the war. For the army and navy to give way to public clamor now and start an offensive would be foolish. When they are ready to begin a campaign, we may be sure they will win it.” Dr. Walter P. Webb. Penny's Serenade By W. L. Penberthy I feel pretty much like the typewriter salesman who traveled this territory and made the mistake of calling on a local bank, the cashier of which was a life insurance rep resentative. Not only did the typewriter salesman fail to make a sale but emerged from the bank with a $5000 insurance pol icy. I dropped by the Batt office a few days ago to enlist the cooperation of the editors in a little physical education publicity, and al though I fared better than did the typewrit er man, I was shortly hemmed up in a corner and asked to write a weekly article for the Batt, so stay with me Army—at least, for the first few rounds. It will be my aim to make the articles as interesting and educational as possible and I hope to give the readers some idea of the everyday incidents in the sports prog ram that make my work and that of my as sociates so much fun. Last year 4278 different students took part in our Intramural Program and the total participation, derived by totaling the number of participants in each sport, was 15,577 which, by the way, is the largest in the country, leading the University of Mich igan by about 5000 participants. In a prog ram involving this much activity we have a fine opportunity to know our student body and to observe its reactions and attitudes. I have always been impressed by the fine sportsmanship of our men both as contest ants and spectators. As contestants I have found that they play hard but dlean and are ever ready to congratulate the winner when they are defeated and to give their opponents credit for a fine game when they win. We have more spectators at our boxing and wrestling matches than in other sports, and as spectators our men like to see the con testants fight hard, clean and aggressively, and they will pull for the under-dog if one of their own comrads is not one of the con testants. If both men follow the above rule the loser is given as much acclaim as the winner which makes them like the scorer in the very familiar poem which ends “It isn’t whether you won or lost but how you play ed the game.” Its a fine attitude, men; stay with it. The World Turns On Kollegiate Kaleidoscope CHARTS- PROH EDW. M. NEAILEY OF SANTA ANA J.C. HAS’ MADE UP IOOO LECTURE CHARTS DURING THE PAST 35 YEARS. HE HAS DIA GRAMMED OVER TWO MILES OF PAPER THREE FEET IN WIDTH/ -TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1942 COVERING campus dismoNs wi-rn III TOM VANNOY III k Coach ■CAN TAKIT, WHO, AFTER A LOSING SEASON, DIDN’T CLAIM HE WAS BUILDING CHARACTER/ Ohe sore “FINGER OF A PRINCETON PITCHER BACK IN I8f74 STARTED THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CURVE BALL. JOSEPH MANN, 76, NOTICED THE BALL BRPKE INTO A CURVE WHEN HE LET IT ROLL OFF THE SORE FINGER. HE WORKED ON THE THEORY ALL WINTER AND THE FOLLOWING SPRING BLANKED YALE 3-0 IN THE FIRST NO-WIT, NO-RUN GAME ON RECORD/ BACKWASH Bg Jack Hood ‘‘Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster Denton Sidelights Bluejacket Rebound By Dr. J. H. Quisenberry American labor has been tried in the court of Public Opinion under the jurisdiction of Judge Production and found guilty of over organization. Men in our armed forces are continually asking for more supplies. Even those charged with the training of our troops at home are constantly handicapped in their efforts by lack of material and equipment for instructional purposes. Most of the charges placed against la bor are hardly applicable to the average worker. He is as anxious to do his part in winning this war as any other impatient citizen. But the average worker is at the mercy of labor bosses often using their pow ers for racketeering and selfish exploitation. War demands an almost complete re versal of our national economy. In time of peace, those who have are taxed to provide governmental protection for those who have not. (Even though it sometimes results in maintaining those who have not, without). In peace time, all the have-nots have to sell is their services or labor. As a result of this low purchasing power, even their services are often not needed. Unemployment then becomes a problem necessitating more taxa tion to take care of the nation’s unemployed. In war time many, both employed and unemployed, are called into active service and great demands are made for supplies. The individual with services to sell is then in great demand. His income increases and again he can afford to buy, but the things he wants to buy have been conscripted for the war effort and so the government is forced to take away his income by taxes or selling him bonds. If the government does not do this, manufacturers and producers will take his income through higher prices. The producer must have a large amount of this income in order to expand his produc tive capacity to meet war demands. At the end of hostilities the wealth is again tied up in producer’s goods and labor has little with which to buy the products these goods can produce .Is it any wonder that labor has to be punished for its appar ent negligence in the war effort? To whip this economic paradox labor must curtail its buying urges, loan more money to the government through the pur chase of stamps and bonds, and thus retain more to purchase with when the war is over. To whip the enemy labor must elim inate strikes, curtail over-organization, over come inefficiency, work more hours, demand less governmental coddling, and exercise more democratic control of unions. We as individual citizens can help do our part in hastening our war efforts by contacting our political leaders, urging them to demand better labor cooperation and en force more stringent profit limitations on manufacturers and producers. Redbud Day at Denton: TSCW’s new student union building was christened with the crowning of the queen of the Redbud Festival . . . the new building has the ball room on the third floor, with or chestra shell, two lounges, mod ernistic lighting, ceiling criss crossed with designs of moons and stars; classrooms, studios, and of fices on the second floor; and the new college club on the first floor . . . a new swimming pool is lo cated behind the building (sand beaches, underwater lights, under water windows for making pic tures and observing swimming classes) . . . soldiers from Camp Wolters, Royal Air Force Cadets from Terrell, and cadets from Per rin Field, Sherman, were imported for the all-college dance after the coronation ceremony ... as usual, A. & M. was well represented . . . Redbud Day was Sunday, when around 2,500 redbud plants were in full bloom . . . Mrs. Mogford, wife of J. S. Mogford, Agronomy department, stated that the Queens Court displayed the most glamorous girls in many years . . . 100 Princesses were selected and judges were unable to narrow them down to less than 16; so they picked a queen from them, and named 8 maids, and the rest duchesses . . . Ernestine Ashe, the queen, is sister to Anna Ruth Ashe, Aggie Sweetheart of the Fort Worth Corps trip. The corps in the east wing of the new mess hall was called to atten tion (with a couple of foul notes on a trumpet) Sunday night, for the appointment of June Stande- fer, D Infantry, to the rank of Buck Gob in the U. S. Navy. The fish of D company lined up with military precision and marched to Standefer’s table to present him with a diploma, complete with signatures and trimmings. After the grand ceremony the fish con gratulated Standefer on his naval achievements. • • • Back Wash-line Ted FioRito has been contracted for the Composite Ball . . . could n’t be had for the corps dance fol lowing . . . and bands become in creasingly harder to sign for one or two night stands. Politics at U. T. didn’t fare so well the first day . . . two persons filed for offices, and both were declared ineligible . . . one, says the Daily Texan, “was afflicted with an insidious academic disease known as scholastic probation.” Prophet of the day is Paul D. Marable Jr., of the Daily Texan sport staff. Quips Paul, “The Longhorns attitude toward their host, the Aggies, is much like a wary fly about to enter the spid er’s parlor, for this year the draft- protected Aggies have . . ... Maybe he’s talking about our air- conditioned rooms. Mystery pictures and comedy are not supposed to mix very well, and “SMILING GHOST” is no es pecial exception. It is the average comedy with some spooks, ghosts and what-have-you thrown in for good measure. Alex Smith, a wealthy debutante has been named by the newspapers as the “kiss of death” girl be cause all her suitors have died, except one, and he is in an iron lung. Wayne Marshall is hired to make love to Alexis to disprove the story. But the hero meets Brenda Mar shall, a reporter, who tries to keep him away from Alexis. The typical ghost scares befall them, but no thing very important comes of it. It will be shown at Guion Hall to day and tomorrow. “The Devil and Daniel Webster” from which “ALL THAT MONEY CAN BUY” was adapted was writ ten by Stephen Vincent Benet, and first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post. It has since been republished many times in anthol ogies of the best American short stories. The story tells how, dogged by hard luck, a debt-ridden New Eng land farmer sells his soul to the devil for seven years of prosperity. Even though his sudden wealth changes him into a grasping, dom ineering character, his devoted WHAT’S SHOWING AT GUION HALL Tuesday, Wednesday— “THE SMILING GHOST,” with Wayne Morris and Brenda Marshall. AT THE CAMPUS Tuesday, Wednesday— “ALL THAT MONEY CAN BUY”, featuring Edward Arnold, Walter Houston, and Jane Darwell. Also “JUKE BOX JENNIE,” with Harriet Hilliard, Ken Murray and Charlie Barnett and his or chestra. — wife remains loyal to him, despite his neglect and his attentions to a beautiful stranger sent by the devil to live in their home. Belatedly the farmer, confronted by the conse quences of the pact, relents his bargain, enlists the aid of Daniel Webster. And the matchless ora tor, in an eloquent speech before the jury composed of long-dead American rogues, out-talks the devil himself, and saves the farm er’s soul at the risk of his own. “ALL THAT MONEY CAN BUY” is one of the strangest stories ever made into a motion picture. It presents a new angle to widening scope of the writer’s fertile genius. It is quite an inter esting story. The other half of the double feature attraction at the Campus today and tomorrow is “JUKE BOX JENNIE” with Harriet Hil liard and Ken Murray in the lead ing roles. To make the show bet ter and to provide some music are Charlie Barnett and his orchestra, and Wingy Manone’s orchestra. S' ' • \ y^unipiis Dial 4-1181 TODAY AND TOMORROW DOUBLE FEATURE Startlingly DIFFERENT DRAMA! WILLIAM DIETERLE PBODUCTION RKO RADIO ■with Edward ARNOLD • Walter HUSTON jane DARWELL • Simone SIMON Gene LOCKHART • John QUALEN and Anne SHIRLEY • James CRAIG Shows at 2:00 - 5:04 - 8:08 “JUKE-BOX JENNY” with HARRIET HILLIARD KEN MURRAY Also Charlie Barnett and Orchestra and Milt Herth Trio Mickey Mouse Cartoon Shows at 3:45 - 6:49 - 9:53 Corpus Christi “University of Air” Trains Airmen in Flying Seamanship AGGIES, LET US CUT YOUR HAIR Before the Ball This Week-end Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop and Varsity Barber Shop — f " ) The final stage in a cadet’s career at the Navy’s Corpus Christi “University of the Air” is advanced squadron training where the Navy decides what type of plane the cadet is best suited to fly and spends the rest of its ef forts in making him a specialist in one of three fields, patrol planes, scout and observation seaplanes, or carrier-based fighters and dive bombers. Of course, the decision is based as far as possible and prac ticable upon the cadet’s choice. Young pilots who receive final assignments in the huge “P” boats (twin-engine Consolidated patrol bombers) at the world’s largest naval air station are able to fly, when they graduate, practically all types of Navy planes. One student pilots the ship under the skillful eye of a Naval in structor while another is busy plotting the navigation course and taking drift sights to determine the wind direction and force. Still another is busily occupied with sending and receiving radio code and with keeping in contact with the Naval radio station at the air base. One prerequisite in gaining en trance to this advanced training squadron is a facility for celestial and practical navigation because most patrol flying is over water. In addition much aircraft gunnery and bombing practice are carried out in this squadron. Lining the beach of placid Corp us Christi Bay, are six huge sea plane hangars with two more in the building program. VICTOR AND BLUEBIRD RECORDS ON THE OLD ASSEMBLY LINE—Glenn Miller LET’S GIVE LOVE A CHANCE—Tony Pastor TOM THUMB—Vaughn Monroe SO LONG, SHORTY—Erskine Hawkins ANGELINE—Dick Todd HASWELL’S MOVIE GUION HALL Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday March 23, 24 and 25 IT’S A MYSTERY [butyou ll roar!) IT’S A COMEDY [but you’ll gasp!) WAYNE MORRIS • BRENDA MARSHALL • ALEXIS SMITH ^ \LAN HALE • LEE PATRICK • DAVID BRUCE • Directed by LEWIS SEILER Screen Play by Kenneth Garnet and Stuart Palmer • From an Original Story by Stuart Palmec. A Warner Bros.-First National Picture COMEDY “SKY SAILING” and “INKI, THE LION” COMING Thursday and Friday “TARZAN’S SECRET TREASURE” Vv