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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1942)
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 10, 1942 Z275 NUMBER 56 TSCW String Trio Girl Choir to Feature Variety Of Songs on Town Hall Number Variety will characterize the con cert to be presented by the TSCW Modern Choir on the Town Hall program scheduled for Guion Hall tomorrow night. Because of the changes in clock time, the program which was scheduled for 7:30 will begin at 8:30. Selections presented by the Choir include modern music and arrangements from musical com edies. Jerome Kern’s “Make Be lieve” from “Show Boat,” “Night and Day,”' “Old Folks at Home,” and “Ay, Ay, Ay” are some of the popular numbers on the program. One always popular favorite is the negro spiritual “Little David Play on Your Harp.” In addition to thirty members of the Choir, the program will fea- Coast Guard Film To Come Tuesday Lieutenant Commander T. Y. Awah will show motion pictures of the Coast Guard Academy lo cated in New London, Conn., from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday afternoon in the Assembly hall. Awah is looking for students to enter the Guard School which differs West Point and Annapolis in that en trance is based on competition ra ther than appointment. Requirements for admissiom to this school -is that the applicant be a citizen of the United States and between the ages of 17 and 22. He must be unmarried and re main unmarried for the four years that he is in school. He must be at least five and one half feet tall. The Coast Guard Academy is a four year school similar to West Point and Annapolis. ture vocal and instrumental solos, trios and duets by the specialty section of the choir. Miss Beth Masterson of Ada, Okla., acts as Mistress of Ceremonies. The string trio is composed of Misses Roberta von Gremp, Helen Markley and Hazel Powers. Hazel Webber, so prano from Port Arthur, and Mari lyn Van Valkenburgh, soprano from Houston, will be featured vo calists. Mariam Collard, Wichita Falls, plays piano accompaniments for the group and Dr. William E. Jones, head of the TSCW Music department, is their conductor. Wednesday night’s performance on Town Hall is the first appear ance of the Choir on the campus. The Choir has performed with great success in many parts of Texas and Oklahoma, their direc tor says. Applications For TSCW Dates at Soph Ball Should be Made All Sophomores interested in dates from T.S.C.W. for the Soph omore Ball, February 20, should sign up for them as soon as pos sible, Bob Phillips, Sophomore Class president stated today. The dates will be from the soph omore class at T.S.C.W. with Gretchen Kokomoor in charge of the date bureau at Denton. Sophomores may sign up in the old area with H. Q. Haile, D-6, Walton, Gus Boesch, G-8, Hart, and Vance Carrington, 8-31, Pur- year. In the new area Forrest Sharpe, 313 Dorm. 8, and M. J. Pollan, 326 Dorm 7, are prepared to take the names of all interested applicants. One Easy Lesson on What Every Fledgling 'Louie’ Should Know By Tom Vannoy Seniors who will go on active duty after graduation in May were given some sound advice concern ing reporting for duty at the post to which they are assigned, and the uniforms they will need while on duty by Major A. J. Bennett, adjutant. When he receives his orders to report to a post, he reports to the commanding general of the station to which he has been assigned at the adjutant’s office. He should be in uniform and have a copy of his orders with him when he re ports. At this time of the year, he should be wearing a woolen 0. D. shirt, light trousers, overseas cap, low-quarter brown shoes, and brown socks. The adjutant of the post will send him to the personnel office where he will fill out his mileage voucher. He will receive his reim bursement from the finance de partment at a later date. The new officer will be instruct ed in the regulations of the post, and the uniforms to be worn on all occasions at the station. Calling hours will be outlined to him at that time. Calls To Be Made Within a short time after arrival at the post, the officer should call on the commanding general of the post at the specified hours for making calls. He should also call on his commanding officers, the regimental commander, battalion commander, and battery, company, or troop comamnder. Upon arriving for duty at the post, the oficer signs the officer’s book. When leaving the post, he signs out on the book and signs in again on his return. He should study the post regulations care fully and follow them. Major Bennett stated that the uniform varies on different posts according to the wishes of the of ficers stationed there, and that these minor differences will be ex plained to the officer on his ar rival. Uniform Worn at All Times Under present regulations, the (See ONE LESSON, Page 4) Welty Names 13 for Regular Commissions King Cotton To Be Named at Meet Of Agronomy Clul Election for Social Secretary and Business Manager also Scheduled King Cotton will be selected Thursday night at the regular meeting of the Agronomy Society which is to be held in the Agricult ural Engineering lecture room,. King Cotton, social secretary, and business manager of the Cotton Ball will be elected at this meet ing. Nominations for these three pos itions will be made from the floor and all members of the Agronomy Society who have paid club dues will be allowed to vote and all sen iors in the society will be eligible for these positions. May 1 is the date for the Cot ton Ball this year and present plans call for the greatest show yet members of the department said. The Cotton Ball committees will also be appointed, J. S. Mogford, director of the show, said. Don’t Get Hershey Wrong; It’s Just As j Easy to Register Here All men who are supposed to register for the selective service on February 16 between the ages of 20 and 45 may register at the closest registration place that day, according to Dean F. C. Bolton. Cadets will be allowed to regis ter at the registrar’s office that day and the papers will be sent to their home boards It is not neces sary for them to go to their homes to register because they will be given the same consideration as if they had registered at home if they register here, Dean Bolton said. Aggies who have advanced ^mili tary contracts are exempt from registration. Others exempt are National Guardsmen, West Point cadets, army officers and members of the Public Health Service. Harvard Opens Training Courses For QM Officers Harvard University expects many new students at the begin ning of the June and the Septem ber semesters, according to infor mation received this week by Prof. J. William Barger, head of the department of Agricultural Economics. Increase in enrollment will be due to the establishment of the combined M. B. A. and R. O. T. C. Quartermaster Corps. Applicants must have completed three years of college work with a major in marketing and finance, accounting and statistics, or gen eral economics. They must also have completed two years of basic R. 0. T. C. training. They must have a good scholastic record and be able to pass a limited physical examination. They will attend Har vard Business School for 18 con tinuous months, at the same time taking instructions in Quartemas- ter practices and procedures as given by the army officers handl ing the R. 0. T. C. instruction. At the end of this time they wil re ceive a degree of business admin istration and also a commission as second lieutenant in the U. S. Army Quartermaster Corps. Harvard is the only educational institution in the country with a R. 0. T. C. Quartermaster unit. Officers Guide May Be Obtained Through Ross Hall Officer’s Guide may be ordered now at the Corps Headquarters of fice in Ross Hall any afternoon from 2 until 6 o’clock, Tom Gil- lis announced yesterday. Howard Brians and Pete Frost are in charge of the orders. The total cost of the guide >s $2.15, of which at least $1 deposit must be made at the time of order ing. The book contains practical in formation concerning an officer’s conduct in the army, his responsi bility to his men, insurance, cus toms of the service, foreign serv ice, court-martial, and a list of all army posts and their location. A new edition of the book is now being published and the orders will be filled with the new edition. Final Approval Left to Corps Area Headquarters; No Mental Examination Thirteen seniors have been recommended by Col. M. D. Welty, professor of military science and tactics for commis sions in the regular army on the basis of scholastic and mili tary proficiency as well as qualities of character and leader ship. These men have been designated as honor graduates of the college, and therefore will not be required to take a scholastic examination in order to receive their commissions. Corps Area headquarters will send an examining board to A. & M. to pass upon the candidates and to give them a rigid physical exam. Those who are selected will be appoint ed at the foot of the West Point class. Three letters of recommendation-f Architects Plan Futuristic Dance For Friday Evening “Things to Come” will be the theme of the 1942 Architect’s Ball which will be held Friday night in Sbisa Hall as the dancers step onto the floor in costumes befit ting their interpretation of the future. Somewhat of a surrealis tic affair, this annual costume ball has long been one of the most pop ular dances held during the year. It was the Architects’ Ball which initiated the idea of having an nual organization dances. Striving again for something different, something new to liven the social season at A. & M., the orchestra for this year’s dance has been secured from the Prairie View Negro College. The Prairie View Collegians will play from 10 ’til 2 for the architectural jitterbugs and hep cats. Contest to Name Show Ends Tonight The contest for naming the Saturday night shows ends tonight at 6 o’clock. This contest is sponosred by the Student Activities office and a $10 prize will be given to the Aggie naming the show. The three rules of the contest are (1) the contest is open only to Aggies; (2) only one name may be submitted by each contestant; and! (3) entry forms must be left in the Student Activities office or given to Richard W. Jenkins, di rector of the shows, not later than 6 p.m. today. Ex 4-H Club Hears Hohn at Last Meet C. “Dutch” Hohn ’13, assistant state 4-H club leader, was guest speaker at the regular ex-4-H club meeting Thursday night. Emphasizing the importance of leadership, Hohn stated that the time is here when a student must face and do things that he other wise disliked to do. Other members at the meeting were C. H. McDowell, Dr. M. K. Thornton, and J. D. Prewitt. Dean Kyle Addresses Valley Fruit Exchange Dean Kyle is to address the Rio Grande Valley Citrus Exchange at a banquet in Weslaco tonight. He will speak on his trip through Cen tral and South America. This meeting is for the purpose of better understanding between those interested in the citrus fruit industry. as to character and background and other related papers have been submitted to 8th Corps Area Head quarters in San Antonio for ap proval. The fact that these men have been recommended does not necessarily mean that they are assured of receiving regular com missions. Each year every ROTC unit in the country submits a list of can didates whom the school authori ties think would make good offi cers. These men are rated accord ing to their records and the im pressions they make regarding their military proficiency. They are appointed to the rank of sec ond lieutenant in the regular army in numbers according to the open ings available for them. Those who are eligible will not be commissioned until they finish their college work in May. Candidates who have been rec ommended are: Sibley Azar, Jr., “C” Cavalry; John B. Hancock, “G” Field Artillery; Jack M. Holiday, “C” Engineers; Gerald R. King, “B” Coast Artillery; T. W. Leon ard, “I” Infantry; C. B. Marsh, Jr., “C” Coast Artillery; M. A. Miller, “B” Signal Corps; Rufus B. Pearce, Field Artillery Band; Jack R. Tay lor, 3rd Headquarters, Field Artil lery; Ben T. Yeager, Machine Gun Cavalry. Staff Changes In Extension Service Staff changes involving the ap pointment of one new district agent and the transfer of four others, were announced by George E. Ad ams, vice director and state agent of the A. & M. Extension Service. The changes are effective Febru ary 16. J. Knox Parr, for seven years county agricultural agent of Tay lor county, is appointed district agent of Extension district one, in the Panhandle. He succeeds Parker D. Hanna who is transferred to dis trict seven, comprising 21 counties in central West Texas. Hanna has served district one since 1934. T. B. Wood, district agent for extension district nine since 1935, becomes district agent at large. He is succeeded by George W. Johnson, district agent in exten sion district five since 1934. Dis trict nine comprises a group of East Texas counties from Panola to the coast. W. I. Glass, district agent of dis trict seven since 1937 is transferred to extension district five, composed of 19 counties in the northeastern corner of the state. College Military Officers Affected By Current Changes Changes in personenl in the mili tary department bring Lieut. Col. L. E. Swearingen to the campus to replace Captain McCulley as sen ior instructor in the Chemical War fare Service here. Col. Swearingen reported for duty February 3, com ing here from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Major T. A. Adcock left Sunday for the 388th Engineers Camp at Claiborne, Louisiana. Lieut. C. A. Williams took Major Adcock’s place as senior instructor. Major J. F. Stevens is now on a twenty-five day leave and will retire because of ill health at the end of this leave. Lieut. C. G. Sory wa^ promoted to the rank of Captain last week. He is Instructor of field artillery seniors. Week End Supper Time to Be Changed After one day of the new Cen tral War Time at A. & M., college authorities have made two minor changes in the corps’ routine by changing the time for the evening meals on Saturday and Sunday. Although an official order from the commandant’s office is pend ing, temporary arrangements have been made to serve those two meals in the mess halls about 6:30 p.m. Reason for changing the Satur day supper was to give Sbisa Hall employees more time to clear the main dining room for dances which customarily start at 9 p.m. Sun day evening’s meal will be eaten earlier so that cadets may attend evening worship in churches that have not altered their time sch edules to meet with the new col lege restrictions. Lt Widdicke To Sign Applicants For Marine Corps Juniors and Seniors Without Contracts Are Eligible for Training Marine corps reserve officer’s training is available to all seniors and juniors who do not have con tracts and can meet the qualifica tions for appointment ta the Ma rine School. Lt. C. F. Widdecke, U. S. Marine Corps, will be in Room 37 Ross Hall Thursday and Fri day of this week to interview any one who is interested and thinks he can qualify. Marine Corps medi cal officers will return to College Station early in March to exam ine applicants, and to complete en listment. Those who meet the entrance re quirements will be enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve as privates, first class, and placed on inactive duty until they finish college, at which time they will be called act ive and trained as officers of the “Sea Soldiers.” To be eligible for appointment to training with the Candidates’ Class, the juniors or seniors must be unmarried and agree to 1 remain so until they are commissioned. It is required that they do not be long to any other military organi zation, including R. O. T. C. Students must be enrolled in courses leading to the B. A. or B. S. degree, or some field of engi neering. Age limits for applicants are that the seniors be over 20 but not older than 24 years and six months when enlisted. Juniors must be between the ages of 19 years and 23 years and six months. Should the exigencies of the pres ente war situation necessitate these men being called to service before they finish school, they will be notified at least six months in advance. Dorm Equipment Is Being Installed Equipment for the new dormi tories is arriving on schedule the office of College Buildings and' Utilities stated. All the mattresses have come and half the beds are here. Others will come in weekly from now on until around the mid dle of March. All the plumbing is in and two of the four dormitories are complete except for furniture. Dressers and study desks are to be fabricated from birch and the beds will be of steel like those in the twelve dorms built in 1939. One of the new dormitories still has to be painted inside. Officer’s Mess Management Course Now Available for One Credit Hour Mess Management and Training has been added to the college cur riculum for those who desire it, the course committee announced yesterday. This training is avail able to any student who desires to As Fish Started Social Season A. & M.’s spring social season opened Friday with the Fish ball. Center is Pat Atkins of Waco, who was asked to sing with the orchestra. Upper right, Alden Cathey contributes a ballad. At upper left, Dub Oxford and his partner show a few fancy steps to the crowd. At lower left, the crowd gathers for refresh ments. —Photo by Bob Crane take it, and may be still added to class schedules by registering with the dean immediately. This addition has been made at the suggestion of Professor D. W. Williams in order to better prepare future officers for mess duty. Al most every lieutenant acts as mess officer for his organization some time during his career. Many of these young officers experience dif ficulty in orienting themselves to the task of seeing that their men are properly and amply fed, and that the mess is prepared most efficiently under the allotted bud get for rations. “Lectures in this new one hour course will be given, in the main, by the heads of the various depart ments of the college,” said Wil liams. The first class will be held Thurs day at 6 p.m. in room 132, Ani mal Industries building. Classes will be held only one night a week, and the course will be worth one semester hour. Adriance Is Making Survey of Citrus Land G. W. Adriance, head of the Hor ticulture Department, is in the Rio Grande Valley making a survey of a large block of land devoted to citrus growing. He is making this survey for the Farm Security Administration.