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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1942)
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 7, 1942 Z275 NUMBER 55 Fun-Feast Entertainers Above are some of the entertainers that appeared on the Saturday night fun-fest held in the Assembly Hall last week. Featured on the program were the “Aggie Mudcat Swingsters,” a group of Aggies who whipped out a real jam session. Buddy Kaufman won the cigar smoking contest. The baby milk drinking contest rolled the watchers in the aisles. All-Girl Orchestra From TSCW Plays on Aggiekind’s Fun - Fest Central War Time Begins Here Monday Schedule For All Calls Are Changed One Hour Central War Time will be ob served in College Station, starting Sunday at midnight. At that time, all clocks will be moved up to 1 a.m., thereby causing one hour to be lost. The schedule of col lege events has been changed, ef fective Monday, so that all form ations and classes are one hour later by clock than the present schedule. The following is the new sch edule as issued by the comman dant's office: Daily Except Sunday Sunday 1st Call 7:15 a.m. Reveille 7:25 a.m. Assembly 7:28 a.m. Recall 7:40 a.m. Fatigue 7:43 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Mess Call 8:00 a.m. 8:25 a.m. Assembly 8:03 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Mess Call 1:10 p.m. 1:20 p.m. Assembly 1:13 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 1st Call, Retreat 7:10 p.m. Assembly 7:13 p.m. Retreat 7:15 p.m. Mjess Call Immediately After Retreat Call To Quarters 8:15 p.m. Assembly 8:30 p.m. Tattoo 11:55 p.m. Taps 12:00 p.m. Senior Ring Dance Date Is Definitely May 14 The Senior Ring Dance will be held May 14, the class decided in its second meeting of the week Thursday night in the Assembly Hall. Less than 100 Seniors were present to decide if the date should be changed. At the meeting Wednesday night the class fought to a standstill on every suggestion made. The dance was originally scheduled for May 8. On January 16 the class met and changed the date to May 14, since then many seniors had expressed the desire to hold it on an earlier date. Both meetings this week fail ed to produce a date which was agreeable to the majority and which would not conflict with other events on the school schedule. All men between 20 and 45 years of age who are supposed to regis ter February 16 should do so with their own local boards, ac cording to General J. Watt Page, Selective Service Director of Tex as. Registrants who are unavoid ably away from their homes may register at the registration place most conveniently located, but care must be taken that the cor rect home address is recorded on the registration card. Aggies who have advanced mil itary contracts are exempt from Military Aircraft Discussed by Speaker Recent improvements of Ameri can military aircraft and a dis cussion of problems pertinent to aircraft design was presented to a joint meeting of the A.S.M.E. and the I.Ae.S. by F. B. Chapman of the Aeronautical Engineering de partment. In the joint meeting of the two organizations in the chemistry lec ture room Thursday evening, Chap man took up recent improvements and problems in aircraft design, such as those involving high alti tude flying, fire-power and arma ment on modern military planes, and the development of new types of power plants. Although many of the aircraft Chapman presented interesting data on were considered military secrets, it was shown that aircraft built in this country are of a very high quality. By W. J. Hamilton Calling all Aggies 1 Get in the groove tonight with the TSCW all-girl swing orchestra which begins at 7 p.m. in Assembly hall. The hour program will provide lots of fun and entertainment be fore the corps dance at 9 p.m. The 14-piece orchestra will swing out on the sweet side, un der the direction of Miss Mary Elizabeth Armstrong, in their own style which went orver big at their preview during the intermission of the Fish Ball last night. Included in the repertoire o fthe Denton congregation will be vocal solos, violin and vocal trios, and novelty numbers. A tap and acro batic dance will be presented by Miss Patricia Racket. The “Three registration. Others exempted are National Guardsmen, West Point Cadets, army officers and mem bers of the Public Health Service, also exempted are all those be tween 21 and 36 years of age who According to General Page, legistered in 1940 and 1941. special registrars will be provided to register men who cannot ap^ pear at a designated registration place because of illness or other incapacity. Every man subject to registra tion who is an inmate of an asy lum, jail, penitentiary, reformatory or similar institution on February 16, is required to register on the day he leaves the institution. Cattleman’s Ball Being Planned By Saddle and Sirloin Plans for the third annual Lit tle Southwestern and the Cattle man’s Ball were the chief topics of discussion at a meeting Monday night of the officers of the Saddle and Sirloin Club. The plans for the initiation of the new members into the Block and Bridle Club at the next meeting were com pleted. In addition to the initiation ceremonies the measures recom mended at the last meeting will be passed on Monday night. It will be necessary for all sophomores majoring in Animal Husbandry to be there, and all freshmen who are prospective can didates for membership are urged to attend. Tones”, a vocal trio composed of Miss Betty Tieman, Miss Joan Gurley, and Jerry Smith will sing several numbers. Accompanying the group will be Miss Sally Maxwell, 10-year-old mascot of the* orchestra, who will sing her version of “Elmer’s Tune” on the program. The largest crowd in the history of this three-week-old Saturday- night revels is expected for to night’s presentation which will also include stunts, surprise con tests, and other audience participa tion events, including the group singing of popular songs new and old. Last week’s program made a hit with everyone who attended. Fea tured on the program were the “Aggie Mudcat Singsters” a group of Aggies who whipped out with a real jam session. Biggest laugh was the cigar smoking contest. After the stogie blackout cleared away, the winner of this event was revealed to be reeling Buddy Kauf man, CHQ, who inhaled to a close victory over Manny Rosenthal, Another hit was the baby milk drinking contest in which the male participants imbibed the cow juice from nippled bottles held by their mothers. The latter part was play ed by girls from the audience, how ever. Drop Courses Today, Last Time Today is the last day for drop ping or adding a course or making any other changes in the present semester schedule. Any courses that are dropped after today will be turned in as an F grade, how ever, those dropped today or pre viously will bear no grade. Officials have announced that due to the fact that the semester’s work is well under way in most classes no more classes may be added to courses. Bolton Speaks For AAUP Monday Night Dean F. C. Bolton will speak to the American Association of Un iversity Professors Monday, Feb. 9, at 8 p.m. in the M. E. lecture room on “Tentative Plans for the College during the Emergency.” Dean Bolton’s address will be informal with opportunity for questions from the floor and, will be as specific as the present status of plans permits. Just what surprises are up Dick Jenkin’s sleeve for this evening have not been re vealed as he does not re turn from the Singing Cadet tour until today, and would not di vulge the news even if he were here. See the show tonight and pro pose a name for the as yet name less attraction scheduled to be presented every Saturday this spring. A $10 prize awaits the per son who submitted the best title before 5 p.m., February 10 to the Student Publication office. An entry blank may be found on page two. Texan Debunked On Debunking Done To Dover's Bluebirds Bluebirds in the popular song, “There’ll be Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover,” are rep resentative of peace and happiness, in spite of the recent “debunking” of the song spread around by the Daily Texan. This publicity concluded that England would have to wait a long time for the bluebirds over Dover’s White Cliffs since the nearest English relative of the bluebird resembles the American robin. However, it may be pointed out that the English are looking for the peace and prosperity symbol ized by the mythical bluebirds in the song and not for the actual bluewipged creatures. Upleger Speaks For Accounting Society A. C. Upleger, president of the A. C. Upleger & Company, Waco, was the chief speaker at the meet ing of the Accounting Society Thursday night. Upleger spoke upon the subject, “Opportunity for Accountants, in the Present War Program.” He told of the many favorable opportunities for accountants in defense work. He spoke of the great demand for cost accountants at the present time and urged the students to watch for the civil service examinations for account ants. R. K. Long, newly elected pres ident of the Society, presided at a business meeting following the talk. Plans were made for the meeting with the Houston chap ter of the National Association of Cost Accountants. General Page Asks That Students Register With Local Boards If Possible Fish Ball Begins Social Season; Dance Tonight Exercises Omitted Due To Fish Ball Extra Thirty Minutes Sleep Allowed Today Calisthenics were not held this morning because so many students have been moved out of their dormitories to accommodate the girte who are here for the Fresh man Ball and the Corps Dance to night. This will also permit Fresh men who had late passes last night to have an extra half hour’s sleep. The special order suspending calisthenics was made by Colonel Welty on the recommendation of Major A. J. Bennett, Adjutant; Lieutenant Joe E. Davis, Assistant Commandant and Tom Gillis, Ca det Colonel. Breakfast formation will be held at the regular time. Fouraker Will Conduct New Defense Course Professor L. L. Fouraker of the A. & M. Electrical Engineering de partment will be the director of a new defense course called “Funda mentals of Radio Communications and Electronic Devices” which will begin February 16. This course is designed to of fer employed men and women an opportunity to obtain a techincal background for work in radio com munications and simple electron ic devices. Enrollees in the course should be high school graduates who have an interest in or a lim ited experience with radio equip ment. Instruction will be given in the mathematical fundamentals necessary in the handling of ele mentary electrical circuit theory. This will be followed by a dis cussion of simple electronic de vices and the fundamental circuits employed in radio transmission and reception. Registration in this course will be at Bolton hall (Electrical En gineering building) on February 9. The closing date for registra tion will be Monday, February 16, when the course will start. Similar courses are being offer ed in Houston, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Kilgore, and Waco, design ed to offer men employed in elec trical trades an opportunity to obtain a technical background for their work. Instruction is being given in the mathematical fundamentals neces sary in the handling of the circuit theory. The electrical instruction covers d-c circuits; d-c machinery; a-c circuits, transformers; rotat ing a-c machines; power genera tion transmission, and distribu tion; and applications of electri cal machinery in industry with special emphasis on industries rep resented by the students. Serenaders FromTSCW To Entertain Beginning the spring social sea son at A. & M., the freshman swung out last night to the music of Toppy Pearce’s 14 piece Aggie- land orchestra in Sbisa Hall. Over 260 girls from TSCW were in at tendance as dates of the Fish together with girls from all parts of the state. Tonight the Corps Dance in the old mess hall is the second occa sion of the starting season of soc ial activity. Pearce’s orchestra will also play on this occasion, toge ther with a floor show during intermission by the TSCW serena ders. Seniors attended the opening function given by the Fish as the honor guests of the freshman class, from 9 until 12 last night. Fish class president Lewis Bracy who has been detained in his home during the past week return ed Friday sufficiently recovered to attend the dance. Norma Jean Jahn who was to furnish the lyrics in addition to the Aggieland orchestra was un able to be present. Dates for the dances are being lodged in Pur- year Hall. Admission to the Corps Dance will be $1.10, President FDR Says “War-Time” Instead Of Old Daylight Saving Getting tired of hearing about this new change for the purpose of saving electric power? F. D. Roosevelt’s newest name for day light saving time is “war time,” with the name of the time belt at the front. Well, this is what it is. The cen tral time belt instead of saying 6:15 a.m. Central Standard Time say 7:15 a.m. Central War Time. In the East it will be Eastern War Time; in the West, Pacific War Time, and so on in each respective belt. This new name has probably been made to keep war before the U. S. citizens each day so that the task which confronts America is not forgotten; fight against those enemies of democratic and liberty loving people. Extempore Contest Entrants Will Meet In Academic Tuesday Students interested in represent ing the college in the National Extempore Discussion Contest on Inter-American Affairs will meet in Room 316, Academic Building, at 7:30, p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, to be given complete information on the subject. A. & M. has been authorized to send as many as 6 students to the district conferences. Selected dele gates will be sent to regional and national conferences and finalists will be sent on a summer tour of other American republics. Courses In Managing Of Mess Planned Students May Sign for Course Late by Permission Definite plans are being drawn up for a course in Officer’s Mess Management and training to be offered here this semester. A sufficient number of students have already made primary appli cation for such a course to make it possible to offer it at this time. Special permission has been grant ed so that students may sign up for the course after the deadline today. The plans will be submitted early next week to the course com mittee and, if approved, will then be sent to the executive commit tee for final approval. Officials of the college feel sure that it will be okayed by both committees. Under the present plans, The mess management course will be a one hour credit course. Classes will meet one afternoon each week at 5 p.m. It is necessary that all those interested in taking the course leave their names at the registrar’s office by Monday af ternoon. This is just a preliminary list of those who intend to regis ter for the class and is not bind ing. The course in Mess Management and Training has been requested by many students because many young officers are assigned the duty of mess officer soon after they enter the service. The course is designed to prepare future of ficers from A. & M. for this ser vice so they won’t be handicapped from lack of knowledge of the subject. Former Aggie Goes to England Lieutenant George Murchinson, graduate of A. & M. who took his degree in mechanical engineering, recently left for England after be ing selected by Government of ficials in Washington to make a survey of aeronautical conditions with the U. S. embassy in London, Upon leaving school, Murchin son worked as an engineer for the Texas Oil company, later entering the air service at Randolph Field, San Antonio. After, taking exten sive training at air bases in Gal veston and Boston, Mass., he was sent to Shreveport as an aeron autics instructor. When the C. A. A. came into be ing he was sent as a member of the organization to Chicago to serve as aeronautical inspector, at which task he was employed when he received his appointment, being the first to be chosen from the C. A. A. for the responsible un dertaking. No Curtailment In NYA Employment During This Semester There will be no curtailment of employment under the N. Y. A. throughout the duration of this semester, according to W. R. Hors- Committee. Although a 36 per cent cut in NYA funds was realized in N. Y. A. funds was realized in January, there definitely is enough funds left to continue the employ ment schedule as it is now until May 16. The question of N. Y. A. student employment for the next semester hinges on Congress. Because of the present war expenditures the N. Y. A. annual appropriation may have to be discontinued or at least decreased for the duration in all probability. In that event the de ciding factors for employment will be the student’s needs for financial assistance and his ability to main tain a good scholastic average while employed. Rhythm Section Above i| the rhythm section of Toppy Pearce’s ’42 Aggieland Or- chestr? which will play for the Corps Dance tonight as Aggie swing~—rs and their dates “cut a rug”. The Aggieland has play ed w v throughout the state this year at Aggie dances.