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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1941)
Page 2 -THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1941 THE BATTALION The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, is sued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is pub lished weekly from June through August. Entered aa second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-5444. Don Gabriel Editor E. M. Rosenthal Associate Editor Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager Sports Staff Mike Haikin Sports Editor W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor Mike Mann Senior Sports Assistant Jerry Gleason, D. B. Gofer Junior Sports Editors Chick Hurst : Junior Sports Assistant Circulation Staff E. D. Wilmeth Circulation Manager Photography Staff Jack Jones Staff Photographer Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers Thursday’s Staff Lee Rogers Managing Editor John Sleeper Advertising Assistant Charles Babcock - Junior Editor Clyde C. Franklin Junior Editor Mike Speer Junior Editor Reportorial Staff Calvin Brumley, Kenneth C. Bresnen, Arthur L. Cox; W. J. Hamilton, Jr., N. W. Karbach, Jack Keith, Tom B. Jounneay, Tom Leland, Charles P. McKnight, C. G. Scruggs, John May, Douguass Lancaster Lest We Forget The Aggies learned a lesson Saturday. A les son which unfortunately was learned at the expense of one of A. & M.’s greatest friends, ■Texas Christian University. A unfortunate occurance happened fol lowing the close of the game—an incident which we of A. & M. regret because it oc- cured during a weekend when the people of Fort Worth and the student body of T. C. U. had extended to the cadet corps a brand of hospitality which had never before been giv en on any corps trip. To T. C. U. and Fort Worth, we extend our appreciation for all the hospitalities of the past weekend. Already the corps has sent its apologies to T. C. U., and they have graciously accepted them. The incident is closed—our relatidns with T. C. U. remain untarnished—but the memory of this affair should teach Aggie- land a very potent lesson. A lesson that every Aggie because he wears a uniform, because he represents a great college, should make every effort to maintain the reputation of A. & M. Because you wear that uniform, you share in the glory of being an Aggie, because you wear that uniform, you have the responsibility of maintaining A. & M.’s reputation. Open Forum :By Dr. T. F. Mayo: anything valuable about farming. In many cases, they may even fail to tell you anything you don’t know already about rural life. But after all, the usefulness of fiction is not in instructing so much as in interpretation. A good novel can make you see quite familiar facts and types of people in an entirely new light, and can thus change your whole at titude toward your own day-to-day life. It can make you find interest and dignity and perhaps drama in a common cycle of events which have heretofore simply bored you. By showing you familiar people from the inside, it can make you see them ever after as pa thetic or humprous or heroic, never again as merely drab. The following short list of “farm novels” is selected at random from the recent litera ture of half a dozen nations. If you become at all interested, why not go into the field se riously and make this sort of thing your chief literary recreation? If, coming from the farm to an agricultural course, you know country life and people already, these novels will help you to understand what you know. “Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers,” as old Tennyson remarked. If, on the other hand, you are a city-slicker or a small town sport and are headed into engineering, good farm novels have still more to teach you. Anyhow, here is a selected list of farm fiction: Growth of the Soil, by Knut Hamsum. In my opinion, the biggest of the lot. A Nor wegian epic of the farmer’s battle with grim nature. 0 Pioneers! and My Antonia, by Willa Gather. The opening of our Middle West. Tobacco Road, by Erskine Caldwell. Can such things be? Worn-out soil producing de generate culture. The World Turns On :By A. F. Chalki TO THE BATTALION: This is about the flag episode in Fort Worth. The T.C.U. student body had given up its usual mid-field seats to our boys and the Denton girls, in order to be good hosts, and had accepted goal line seats in their place. Their beloved Frogs had been knocked out of the championship race and they were in the gloom of defeat. Their hopes of future victories, even, had been dashed by the injury of their star. You Aggies remember how you felt last Thanksgiving. T.C.U. felt that way Saturday evening. Then came the flag incident rubbing salt into their wounds. A flag is no ordinary emblem. It is no Steer, nor Mustang, nor Owl. It shares space with Old Glory and the Lone Star banner, and is due similar rever ence. T. C. U. reverences it flag. Nor is it very brave or sportsmanlike for a group from some 5,000 students to start a melee with a group which had every T. C. U. boy been present would have numbered only one tenth their number. For our eleven best to beat their eleven best is all right. But a ten to one affair bears a somewhat yellowish hue, and we rather put ourselves in the to mato throwing class. As an Aggie alumnus, my ears burned and my face stayed red for the half hour I was in Jarvis Hall after the game, hearing the cold fury vented and the repeated vows that the Aggie cadet corps would not again be welcomed on that campus. For this to come to my ears from the students of one of the cleanest school in the country, hurt and still hurts. Certainly no more than a small percent age of our cadet corps condoned this most thoughtless insult to our defeated hosts. Sure ly, the vast majority of our students are zealous defenders of Aggieland’s great rep utation, and will not rest until they know a welcome awaits them again on the T. C. U. campus. It is my hope that literally hundreds of letters will reach T. C. U. from Aggie cadets, expressing regrets and apologies for this re grettable action by a thoughtless few. Jas. W. Williams Class of 1919 Former Editor of The Battalion Something to Read Farm Fiction Considering how few farmers become writ ers, a surprising number of novels have been written about the farm, good ones too, many of them. It would seem to be a good idea for you Aggies who are chiefly agricultural in your interests to look at rural life through the highly imaginative eyes of the novelists. Not that these story-tellers will teach you COVERING campus disttacitts WITH TOM WINDY “Ugh; You got a reservation for me?” BY Charlie Babcock “Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster Matters could be worse, though. • 09 The Daily Grind . . . Laurie Oliver has been on the receiving line of a lot of Texas U. publicity re- cently. Latest to be received in -LWO--b>lt 1 ip the way of Longhorn correspond ence was the envelope containing two pictures—one of Doss and his memorable T h a n k s g i ving Our government is now concerning itself with the problem of controlling a rising price level. Thus far the “moral suasion” of Leon Henderson has had very limited success, and it is obvious even to the uninformed that some comprehensive legislation is needed to remedy the situation. It is our purpose here to ' mention some of the measures which might be adopted as a means of checking the present trend of prices. It is difficult to classify scientifically the different techniques which can be used as a means of avoiding inflation. In the inter est of simplicity, however, we might classify all price-control procedures as either direct or indirect. The indirect methods attempt to solve the problem by adjusting the supply of and demand for consumer goods. The di rect methods involve the attempted control of prices by governmental decrees, et cetera. Some group is usually given authority to es tablish maximum prices by decree and any violation of the law is considered a criminal act. As suggested above, the indirect pro cedures usually constitute an effort to correct maladjustments of both the demand for and the supply of consumer goods. At present the supply of such goods is decreasing while the net income of consumers is increasing. Both these factors tend to cause prices to rise, and the indirect controls which are in stituted should attack both sides of the probem if they are to be reasonably satisfac tory. Whereever feasible the supply of con sumer goods must be increased and consumer incomes must be decreased. The following are some of the methods which have been suggested as a means of alleviating the supply problem: (1) Impor tation of as many consumer goods as possible with the available shipping space, (2) Stim ulation of production of consumer goods when the production of such goods would not require labor and machinery vital to national defense, (3) Drastic restriction of the production of certain comfort and luxury goods which compete with rearmament in dustries. Examples would be automobiles, re frigerators, new housing of certain types, etc. Many such goods are so durable that a temporary decline in their production would not constitute a great inconveniece. (4) Re organization of distribution machinery to permit lower costs and retain lower prices, and (5) Increasing working hours of wage- earners to permit increased aggregate pro ductivity on the part of labor. In connection with this, it has been suggested that some legislation of recent years should be suspend ed for the duration of the emergency. The techniques for controlling demand are not so varied as in the case with the sup ply side of the problem. In general, it may be said that extremely high taxation and in creased sales of government bonds to indi viduals are the two methods which have re ceived most widespread attention. In addi tion to high excise and personal income tax es, the use of an excess profits tax approach ing 100% would appear to be desirable. Not only would it decrease consumer income through smaller dividends, but it also would take away one of the arguments used by labor in demanding higher wages. Profits and wages will probably have to be controlled rigidly in the interest of national welfare. Space will not permit discussion of the direct methods of controlling prices. It should be remembered, however, that the efficiency of such methods depends primarily upon the efficiency of the governmental agencies charged with the administration of the law. Controls must be very extensive, and penal ties for evasion have to be extremely strin gent in order for the laws to be effective. These factors would probbably make any widespread use of direct controls particularly unpalatable to Americans. Direct price con trol could be used to advantage in a restricted number of cases, but indirect methods would no doubt be more satisfactory for the pur poses of general price control. Second lieutenants and former Aggies, Jimmie Giles and Earle Shields, were lunching in the Milam Cafeteria in Fort Worth. Giles spied a couple of beauties catch, the other a table across the room. Trying of Layden going strike up an acquaintance, he over against the 8' av e the waitress twenty-five cents Aggies for the deliver a note to them, fatal seven points Lieutenants’ laces became crim- —all with the son when the waitress gave the line, “No explana- girls the note and the two-bits! Babcock tion necessary” . .. Unconcerned was the attitude ■ of about ten Aggies when Fletcher Asbury and his date walked into the date’s hotel room in Fort Worth and found the cadets sleep ing on the bed and floor . . . Fea ture of current attractions at the Campus Theater is a couple of sur- i: prise slides. A somber audience The latest hiJlbilly tune to make changes to one of laughter as the ,, , . .. . „ r . ... the big time is Sweetheai'ts Or following slides are flashed on the screen to the accompaniment of a Strangers,” and no less than four funeral march—“This theater will Different recordings of it have be closed until 6:30 p. m. Satur- been made. The best two of the Musical Meanderings ;By Murray Evans: day”—“So that the staff may at tend the funeral of the lot are sung by Dick Todd and „ . , , , B a Jd° r (j onn j e Boswell. Other current Bears! ... it would have been ,. ^ recordings of the same ilk are impossible to match Jack Hering s <Tn Keep 0n Loving You> „ by Con _ Somewhat better than his past performances are Hugh Herbert’s Lany actions in “HELLO, SUCK ER,” playing at the Campus to day. Others in the cast are Tom Brown and Peggy Moran. Utter nonsense is the sum total of the show. Naturally it is enter taining. Nothing could help but be that with “Woo-Woo” Hugh any where around. The main improve ment that “Hello, Sucker” has is that a lid of sorts has been put on Herbert so that he doesn’t make his presence too obnoxious. The usual romantic complications are present. A new star is rising on the Hollywood horizon. This one is named Anna Lee, famed British actress. She is co-starred with Ronald Colman in “MY LIFE WITH CAROLINE” which is to be at Guion Hall today and tomor row. A tolerant husband who under stands his fluttery wife is the idea of the show. Anna Lee reminds us of the humming bird hovering over a flower-bed, undecided from which to take the nectar. Anna just can’t make up her mind whether she likes Gilbert Ro land, Reginald Gardiner, or Ronald Colman, her husband, best. Some how just when Anna is about to decide on one of the others, Ron ald walks in and spoils everything for the other fellow. “My Life with Caroline” is a most sophisticated comedy. It has a bit of English touch mixed in that makes everything fine. One of the better comedies of the year, we think. Colman has taken ad vantage of the opportunity to put his best foot forward in this light bit of nothing for which he is so capable. At the Campus tomorrow and Saturday is “ADAM HAD FOUR SONS.” Ingrid Bergman and Warner Baxter are the leading players in the picture. Warner Baxter is a Wall Street broker with a family on an estate in Connecticut. He loses every thing in the panic of 1907. Ingrid Bergman, the French governess, has to be sent home. The family starts to disintegrate. In spite of its heaviness, “Adam Had Four Sons” is a good picture. Adam’s growing love for the gov erness on her return after his wife’s death, the young, radiant love of Adam’s son for his wife. Susan Yayward, the disillusionment con cerning Susan, all are magnificent ly portrayed in the show. WHAT’S SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Thursday — “HELLO, SUCKER,” starring Hugh Herbert, Tom Brown, and Peggy Moran. Friday, Saturday — “ADAM HAD FOUR SONS,” with Ingrid Berg man, Warner Baxter, and Susan Hayward. AT GUION HALL Thursday, Friday — “MY LIFE WITH CAROLINE,” featuring Ronald Colman and Susan Hayward. Applications For Dances Due Nov 1 November 1 is the deadline for making application for dates for organization dances. These appli cations must be in so that the so cial calender for the year may be arranged. Permit cards can be secured in the Student Activities office in Room 126 of the Adminis tration Building. Organization dances will start with the Freshman Dance shortly after mid-term. This dance will be followed by the Sophomore dance the next week-end. The discovery at A. & M. that Texas cattle fever was transmitted by an insect has been responsible for one of the greatest advances ever made in medicine. embarrassment Saturday night in Fort Worth when he and his date climbed into the wrong automobile and went for a ride. Hering, a nie Boswell, and “You Are My Sunshine,” by Bing Crosby. John Kirby, whose swell musi cal combination made him one of field artillery senior, was suppos- the most talked about bandleaders ed to go by a certain parking lot in the countl . y) has returned to the and use his room mates car^ Duffy , s Tavern program which is Through mistaken identity, the , . . , ,, , & , , , being aired once weekly over a couple used an unknown party s network of 60 stations _ Kirby wiU vehicle and didn t return it until , , j ^ i.- i j-j , . , be remembered tor his plendid or- they discovered their error about , . .. , , ,, ^ chestrations and popularity on the Rhythm” an hour later. • • • Roses in October Texas is getting ready to to the Rose Bowl! It is orange lights on the Administra- “Flow Gently Sweet CBS series last year. Aggies will remember the Gene Krupa short feature which played the local theaters not long ago, in tradition in Austin that which Howard Da Lan y san g “ Cal1 Of the Canyon. Du Lany has tion’BuildTng tower’are* turned on ^ cen the featured vocalist with the night after every game in which the Longhorns are victor ious Krupa for several years and has built up quite a following. But just two weeks ago Uncle Sam Speaking of lighting effects for called ’ and now Howard is wea1 ’- special occasions, Carl Eckhardt, khaki at Cam P Dix > New Jer ‘ superintendent of the university i ns tead of diilling and utilities, states: “There probably shouldering a rifle, he is vocalist won’t be any more additions to the wlth the cam P orchest ra. color scheme unless the Steers go Ginn y Simms > Ka y K y ser ’ s for - to the Rose Bowl, and then any mer maia stay, recently signed a thing is likely to happen. starrin ^ contract with a Hollywood Better take a second look, “Men ?tudl °- But there is no stopping of Forty Acres.” You’ve got to l er ’ for she has j ust si ^ ned play a ball game Thanksgiving star on a commercial radio pro- Day, and it so happens that " ram ema ^ing from Hollywood. Thanksgiving comes before New Gmny has a million dollar smile Y earg and a voice as clear as a bell. Then too, it is rumored that Pete Layden must take his selec tive service physical examination today. That means that induction orders will be forthcoming in about a month or six weeks. “ARMY” IT’S BAYLOR NEXT We Will See You At The Game Following our custom of several years the store will be closed during the game. Meet your friends before or after the game where the “Aggies” meet— Lipscomb Pharmacy (Jampus Principles of War Applied to Plowing Reversing the modern trend of changing from a peace to a war time economy, Professor A. W. Clyde of Pennsylvania State col lege has used an instrument of war to aid the farmer in the peace ful task of plowing. Adopting the principles used in the recoil mechanism of artillery, Professor Clyde has developed a satisfactory automatic release hitch for use on tractors when plowing in rocky ground. After the plow hits a solid rock, the tractor is stopped in 8 to 10 inches and is gently pulled back and recoupled to the plow. Ail plowman must do is to back away or otherwise release his implement from the stone and go on with his work. 4-1181 TODAY ONLY “HELLO SUCKER” With Peggy Hugh Moran Herbert Plus “SWING WITH BING” Starring Bing Crosby MICKEY MOUSE FRIDAY & SATURDAY PiW INGRID WARNtKfl § JERGMAN« \dD.fim Hw Pom Sons ...M with Susan Hayward • Fay Wray : Richard Denning. Rob’t Shaw Plus Com. Sing—Cartoon—News GUION HALL THURSDAY — FRIDAY 3:30 & 7:30 Introducing ANNA LEE with CHARLES WINNINGER and REGINALD GARDINER • GILBERT ROLAND KATHERINE LESLIE » HUGH O’CONNELL Produced and Directed by LEWIS MILESTONE • A United Producers Production WILLIAM HAWKS, Executive Producer ♦ Screen Play by John Van Draten and Arnold Belgard SPORTS — NEWS — COMEDY I