Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1941)
/l 1 ON KYLE FIELD With Mike Haikin Sam Houston Rated Far From “Breathers”; Ags Hold Five-Game Lead in Bearkat Series The Texas Aggies open their football season Saturday afternoon against a Sam Houston State Teachers’ team that is by far the best Bearkat squad the cadets have ever faced. Twenty lettermen com prise Coach Puny Wilson’s fine polished team—a team that gave the Lamar Junior College one of its worst beatings in its career last Thursday (the score was 51-6). This same team came through with eight victories out of a ten game schedule last year, losing a couple of heartbreaking 7-6 battles to Denton and Texas A. & I respectively. It is much stronger now, and is considered to be the class of the Lone Star Conference. However, don’t be too pessimistic about the whole affair. The Aggies have something to say about all this. As mentioned before, if they play as they are capable of playing, they! should not have much trouble. The above paragraph is written only for those who think that Sam Houston is nothing but a warmup game. The Teachers’ game IS NOT A BREATHER. Let’s get that into our heads. If the gridsters realize that when game time comes, then the Bearkats will learn how t obe GOOD LOSERS! Sports Squibs From Here and There; Ray Murray, ’35, First Aggie Stationed in Iceland Aggies Work Hard On Fundamentals For Sam Houston Holder’s Deferment Leaves Center Situation in Much Improved Spot; Sibley OK BATTAUO SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 Page 3 Ray Murray, 35, former football star who is in the Marine Corps, is the first Aggie on the newly acquired base in Iceland . . . Hub Johnson, former Battalion Sports Editor, will hear wedding bells Friday, October 4 in Houston when he takes Maudine Suggs of the Bayou City for a wife ... this makes the second consecutive Batt Sports Editor that has gotten mar ried . . . hope this isn’t a start of one of those jinxes . . . Gulp . . . Norman Sper, famous football forecaster, picks Texas University and the Washington Huskies to play in the Rose Bowl game January 1 . . . Seems to us Mr. Sper pick ed the Aggies and Washington to play in California last year, but for some unforeseen circumstance neither showed up . . . DIDJA KNOW . . . that Jamie Dawson is the third of the Dawsons to reach over six feet . . . Big Dog and Dooley were both 6 feet 5 inches . . . that Dick Todd, former Aggie football great and one of the Wash ington Redskin stars, still holds the world’s record for scoring with 318 points ... he accomplished that feat in Crowell High School . . . that the T. C. U. Frogs played 94 conference football games since joining with the Southwest football group in 1923. . . . that Willie Zapalac, Aggie blocking back, in a bi-district game with LaGrange during his senior year in Bellvilie High kicked off for his team and was down field just fast enough to fall on his own kickoff for a touchdown—not bad for a boy that tips the scales at 200 pounds! . . . that Coach Dutch Meyer’s T. C. U. Frogs will travel nearly 8,000 miles in playing six of their 10 games away from home this season . . . DIDJA KNOW . . . that Nolan Sparks, senior Frog left half-back is the only man on the T. C. U. squad who will wear the same jersey number that he wore last year . . . L AN AGGIE STORE VISIT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Plate Lunches And Drinks Are Better Here Try A Malt-A-Plenty LIPSCOMB PHARMACY North Gate WANTED 8 GOOD SERGE SHIRTS 10 PAIRS OF GOOD JUNIOR SLACKS 1 SET OF GOLF CLUBS LOUPOT’S TRADIM POST The Aggie gridsters continued to show improvement Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons as they went through their regular rou tine practices on a slippery, mud dy field. Particularly outstand,-t ing was the passing of the wet and muddy ball by Derace Moser and Leo Daniels. Webster and Zapalac in place kicking were con sistently placing the ball between the uprights. Holder Deferred* The problem »over the center sit uation was brightened considerab ly when word was received that Leonard Holder had been deferred. Hold er was called to San Anton io by his lo cal draft board last week and it was feared that 2® ctfolder ' he would be lost for the rest of the season. Dub Sibley also returned to reg ular practice Monday but as yet he has ont taken part in any hard work or scrimmages. He will be ready to go against the Bearkats Saturday. Wesson, Moser and Daniels were averaging 45 yards on their punts against the wind with the wet ball. Daniels and Moser likewise show ed great improvement in their passing as they kept hitting their receivers when among three and four defenders. Snatch Long Ones Henderson and Simmons showed up well as pass receivers as they snatched the long ones the easy way. Defensively the entire line showed much improvement. The boys practiced some of the plays and put the finishing touches on them in preparation for the Sam Houston game. Against the Fish team the blocking and pass ing looked much better than last week. The backfield combination of Moser, Spivey, Zapalac, and Dan iels showed fine skill in running their spinners. They were unbe lievably fast and extremely decep tive. Norton Pleased Coach Norton in speaking of last Saturday’s game with the Fish said he was well satisfied with the showing the boys made considering the amount of time they had put in on practice. He also added that they needed lots more work to iron out the rough spots, especially in blocking. In speaking of Leo Daniels, Coach Norton remarked that he played an exceptionally good game Satur day and that he had great possi bilities. ITiis Bearkat Means Business Washington State to Down UCLA In Feature Game Friday Night-Williamson By Paul B. Williamson The Williamson System picks the Wasington State Cougars to take the U. C. L. A. Bruins into camp in their game at Los Angeles Friday. The Denver-Iowa State game is hard to figure but the System will ride with Denver. We se lect Creighton over Centenary and Montana over Brigham Young. Little San Jose State should de feat Utah State and St. Louis U. will beat Missouri Mines. George town of Washington, D. C., will go under before the boys from Dixie of Mississippi. The Temple Owls will demon strate their power when they play Kansas University. Butler has lost many standout players and should lose their game to Xavier Friday. The Williamson predictions for Friday’s game are listed below. The favored teams are listed in captials. WILLIAMSON’S PREDICTIONS Home Team Visiting Team Arizona State TEXAS A. & I. KILGORE Northeast Center AUBURN Howard ADA ST. THRS Oklahoma City AUSTIN COLLEGE Durant Brigham Young MONTANA U. CENTRE Mississippi College CREIGHTON Centenary DUQUESNE i Niagara FURMAN Wofford Georgetown MISSISSIPPI Gonzaga PACIFIC LUTHERAN HOWARD PAYNE San Marcos Iowa State DENVER U. NEW MEXICO U Flagstaff NAVY William & Mary SYRACUSE Clarkson College ST. LOUIS U Misouri Mines SCHREINER Southwestern U., Tex. S. F. AUSTIN Trinity TEMPLE Kansas U. U. Cal. of L. A WASHINGTON STATE WICHITA Southwestern College WASHBURN Kansas Wesleyan XAVIER Butler Youngstown OHIO U. GIFTS OF ALL KINDS IF IT’S NEW WE HAVE IT Aggie Jewelry Of All Kinds Diamonds Watches Silverware CALDWELL’S Jewelery Store Bryan, Texas Captain Nolan Didly INTRAMURALS By DUB OXFORD “Whenever continuance of life is finan cially valuable to others, either to family dependents, business associates, or edu cational and philanthropic institutions, the necessity for life insurance is pres ent.”—S. S. Huebner. Texas has seven State Teachers Colleges and a State College for Negroes. SEABOARD Life Insurance Co. Houston, Texas W. F. Munnerlyn, ’26, District Mgr. Associates: H. E. Burgess, ’29 Sidney L. Loveless, ’38 Paul L. Martin, ’39 I 1 Mii m This afternoon at 5:00 p. m. on the west side of Kyle Field there will be a discussion of the rules of touch football. All freshmen at tending this meeting will re ceive credit for one game’s par ticipation. And incidentally, this meeting is not for freshmen on ly. Any person Oxford interested in foot ball is invited to attend. Intramural Banquet Tonight Tonight at 6:30 in the banquet room of Sbisa hall, Mr. Penberthy will be host to all the athletic and recreation officers and their as sistants. These men, selected from each organization on the campus will be treated to one of the best banquets of the year. Mr. Penny will act in the capacity of toast master, and he promises that there will be very little speech making. Most of the time will be taken up by just “meeting each other,” which is the principal purpose of the banquet. Intramural basketball will not start on the dates as planned. The gym is being refinished and the floor is to be taken up and re placed. Of course, if you want to keep in practice, the little gym is always available for workouts. And basketball will begin in earn est as soon as the floor is finish ed. Football Rules With the Aggies playing Sam Houston Saturday and intramural touch football starting Tuesday, football rules are important infor mation. Here are the rules used in touch football and a resume of American football rules is also in cluded. Intramural managers are re minded to clip these rules for fu ture reference. LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 BUY NOW Leather Jackets—Lined — Leather Jackets—Lined Last buy at these prices CAMPUS VARIETY STORE North Gate 45.98 46.98 PRESCRIPTION FOR EXAM JITTERS COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES Chemistry 101 Physics 201 History 306 Biology 111 “Tutors that fit your pocketbook” LOUPOT’S TRADING POST RAIN OR SHINE YOU’RE SNUG AND SMART IN A La Play’a TORRENTOR i It’s a fact that the Tor- rentor will stave off the elements and keep you snug! Water - repellent and wind-proof, this rug ged jacket is full-cut, with plenty of room for arms, chest and back movement. Made of pop lin .. . it’s a popular “pippin” $2.95 Also With Plaid Lining That Can Be Reversed $5.00 Other Sport Jackets And Finger Tip Coats $3.95 to $16.50 7 * V <""» TN WIMBERLEY STONE OANSBY \^/ _\_J _ J_/ CLOUKIERS College and Bryan w /V "Must" lor every ■wardrobe*. ALLIGATOR *1050 First choice raincoat among style-wise campus leaders*. Knee length. Stitched bottom and cuffs. Water repellent, $10.50 up. Other Alligator ^ Raincoats, $5.75 to $29.50. < ALL! GATOR Raincoats • Gotecoots - Sportswear IT’S SURE TO RAIN! Rice Owls, Idle This Week, Prep For Sam Houston This is the payoff week for the Rice Owls. Favored by their sched ule, they have started off slowly. Their first game is October 4, with Sam Houston Teachers College in Houston. “We’re going to work at top speed this week and work our hard est,” Coach Jess Neely said after his squad had gone through a vigorous scrimmage session Satur day. “If we get results, we’ll slow down a little next week. But, we’ ve got to get those results.” The Blues, or second stringers, gave the first team a fit in Sat urday’s scrimmage. Mostly soph mores, they held the Whites much closer than the 20-6 score indi cated, getting within striking dis- jtance of touchdowns several times. DRINK OUR JUMBO-SIZED MALT-A-PLENTY America’s Finest Dairy Drink — 16 Oz. for 150 DE LUXE DOUBLE-DECKER SANDWICHES SERVED ON WHITE OR WHOLE-WHEAT BREAD With The Following Orders No. 1—Baked Ham—American Cheese—Lettuce Tomato & Mayonnase 25f No. 2—Crisp Bacon—Pimento Cheese—Lettuce Tomato & Mayonnase 25^ No. 3—Minced Ham—Egg Salad—Crisp Lettuce Tomato & Mayonnase 25^ N N°* 4—Salomi—Melted Cheese—Lettuce 'i fTp* & Mayonnase 25f, ifXvN J \ No. 5—Egg Salad—Crisp Bacon—Lettuce & Mayonnase 25^ RADIOS — DRUGS — COSMETICS AGGIE JEWELRY KEEP TO THE RIGHT AT THE NORTH GATE AND YOU CAN’T GO WRONG The Aggieland Pharmacg Phone 4-4004 NORTH GATE