Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1941)
Page 4 THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 Official Notices CPA PRIMARY The following applicants for Civilian Pilot Training Primary course, are to re port to the Aeronautical Engineering De partment as soon as possible. Beam, W. W. Bradley, W. B. Callan, R. B. Chang, H. T. Dyess, W. W. Gorham, G. M. Green, A. C., Jr. Grounds, K. E. Harris, F. S. Holman, H. H. Mintz, S. Pennington, P. B. Rheman, G. A., Jr. Strandtman, L. V. Tillett, H. A. Washburn, J. E. HOWARD W. BARLOW, Prof, and Head, Aeronautical Eng. Dept. (both names) and singles to Fred M. Smith, F. E. 223, or H. H. Garretson, F. E. 12. Any faculty member or grad uate student interested in tennis is urged to join the club and enter the tournament. AZTECA CLUB All students from Mexico please be at t Friday n Academic Building. Elections of officers for this year will be held. pres ent at the meeting of the Azteca Club night at 7 o’clock in Room 217 LAST DAY TO CHANGE COURSES Today is the last day for adding new subjects and for dropping subjects without a grade this semester. Subjects dropped after 5 p. m. today will carry a grade of «F”_F. C. BOLTON, Dean. MEETING OF THE RIFLE TEAM A meeting of the Rifle Team will be held tomorrow night in the Chemistry Lecture Room immediately after yell prac tice. It is imperative that members of both the Freshman and Varsity teams be present. Toppy and the Aggieland Swing Out PRE-MED SOCIETY The Pre-Med society will hold its first meeting of the year in the Biology Lecture room after yell practice Thursday night. All students interested, especially freshme pre-medical students, are invited. PRE-MEDS ' There will be a meeting of the Pre- Medical Society Thursday night imme diately after yell-practice in the Lecture Room of the Science Hall. Dean T. D. Brooks has a message of utmost importance to the new members and freshmen on the campus which he will present to you at this time. Don’t fail to be there. HORTICULTURE SOCIETY There will be a very important meeti: of the Horticulture Society iry important meeting ociety Thursday night at 7:30 in room 103 Agriculture Building. It is very important that all old mem bers be present and all new students ma joring in horticulture are given a special invitation to attend. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB There will be a meeting of all tudents majoring in Landscape Art, Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. in the Landscape Drafting room, Francis hall. All Freshmen and Sopho mores are urged to attend. A. S. M. E. MEETING There will be a regular meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engi- The above picture is Toppy Pearce’s Aggieland Orchestra as they will appear tonight when they present a free 30-minute concert before the corps at yell practice. In the left center is Norma Jean Jahn from Houston who has joined the orchestra for this year. ay night immediately after actice in the Physics lecture room. neers Thursd; yell practice in the Rhys All M. E.’s are urged to attend and Freshmen and Sophomores are especially invited. A talk on the A.S.M.E. will be given by Mr. Crawford of the M.E. de partment. Two motion picture films, en titled “Yellowstone National Park” and “Science Rules the Rouge”, a picture of Ford’s River Rouge plant, will be shown as part of the regular program. FACULTY TENNNIS CLUB The annual Fall tennis tournament has been scheduled to begin Saturday, October 4. Please send your entries for doubles AIRMAN ZELAN JACKETS Everyone will admire an Airman Zelan Jacket. . . Zip yourself into one and enjoy the freedom and g-ood looks of this light weight water repellent jacket. Light tan shades to match bombay slacks $3.95 METAL INSIGNIA We have just received another shipment of Reg. metal insignia — A.M.C. and all branches of ser vice. ^!aldrapg$ “Two Convenient Stores” mg iana A. & M. Club will be held in room 156 Bizzell Hall tonight immediately after yell practice. Club officers will be elected and plans for the year will be discussed. All south and southwest Louisiana students are urged to be present. tonight in the Ag. Engineering Lecture room immediately after yell practice. Mov- immediately ies will be shown. S0( night, September 25 after yell practice 201 of the Textile building. The Math club will meet Thursday 7 :30 p. m. in Room 122 Academic building. POULTRY SCIENCE CLUB There will be an important meeting of the Poultry Science Club in Room 1227 of the Animal Industries building after yell practice Friday night. The purpose -of the meeting is to form committees and ar- AGRICULTURIST STAFF MEETING There will be staff meeting after yell practice cations office ENGINEER UNIT, R. O. T .C. Notice to Engineering Students: A change in eligibility requirements for the Advanced Course in the Engineer Unit of the R. 0. T. C. has made it necessary for certain Basic Students in the Engineers to transfer to other units. There are now vacancies for approximately 10 Soph mores and 40 Freshmen in the Engineer Regiment. Interested students who are range the program for the year. All poul- Regiment. Interested students who are try husbandry majors as well as students taking Civil Engineering, Electrical Engi- taking poultry courses are cordially in- peering. Architectural Engineering, Petro leum Engineering or Aeronautical taking poultry vited to attend. AGRONOMY SOCIETY MEETING There will be a meeting of the Agronomy ociety tonight at 7:30 in the Ag. Eng. Lecture room. All agronomy majors, both upperclassmen and freshmen are invited. A. & M. COLLEGIATE F.F.A. The A. & M. Collegiate Chapter of the Future Farmers of America will meet ngineering or Aeronautical Engi neering ONLY should make application for transfer to the Senior Instructor of The Engineer Unit (Room 32 Ross Hall) be fore Friday September 26, 1941. THOMAS A. ADCOCK, Capt. Corps of Engineers, Senior Instructor. FACULTY DANCE Faculty Dance, Friday, September 26 from 9 to 12, in Sbisa Hall. College Station Bryan INTRAMURAL TOUCH FOOTBALL The Game: The playing rules of Intra mural Touch Football are the same as those used for American Football with the exception of the regulations listed below: Number of Players: Nine players shall constitute a team. On offense at least five players must be on the line of scrimmage, whether or not a full team is present, and the remaining players at least one yard behind the line. At least seven players of a team must be present before that team LIST OF RECORDS [“Chattanooga Choo Choo”— Glenn Miller |“I Know Why”—Glenn Miller I “I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire”—Mitchell Ayres j“Jim”—Dinah Shore (“Time Was”—Mitchell Ayres | “Why Don’t We Do This More Often”—Freddie Mar tin t “Elmer’s Tune”—Glenn Mil ler BLUEBIRD the quality 35c record Made by RCA VICTOR HASWELLS Bryan ANNOUNCING Opening of Offices Dr. H. W. Hooper Dentist Office in Community Center Building, College Hills PHONE 4-8704 can start the game. Equipment: Only tennis shoes or basket ball shoes may be worn. Rubber-soled street shoes are not permissible. Yardage on Downs: The field is divided into 20-yard zones. A team has four downs to move the ball from one zone to the next. A first down results when the ball is declared dead, any part of which is on or above the next zone line. Forward Pass: A forward pass may be made from anywhere behind the line of scrimmage. Any man on either team is an eligible pass receiver. Substitutions: A player, withdrawn dur ing either half, may not re-enter that half. Touching: Both hands must touch the runner simultaneously before he is con sidered tackled. The player making the touch must be on balance for the touch to be valid. Blocking: In all blocking, no part of the blocker’s body except his feet shall be in contact with the ground throughout the block. Unnecessary roughness involved in blocking will be penalized. ands: Defense players are re stricted in the use of their hands to the shoulders and body of the offensive block- s. Scoring: If scores are made the game shall be decided on the usual basis. But if scores are tied or no scores are made, the game shall be awarded to the team making the most 20-yard penetrations. If 20-yard penetrations, are tied, 40-yard netrations will decide. If all of these are tied, the game shall be declared half won and half lost. Overtime periods will not be played. A penetration shall count when a team carries the ball into the zone, or comes into possession of the ball within zone (intercepted pass, recovered fum- rided that they put the ball least one time. ble, etc.) provided that they into play in that zone at A twenty-yard penetration is an automatic yard penetration. nbles: Any fumbled ball that touches the ground is dead and belongs to the fumbling team at the point where the player lost possession of the ball. On a bad ss from center,' the ball is dead where strikes the ground and belongs to the team that put the ball in play. RULES OF AMERICAN FOOTBALL THAT APPLY IN TOUCH FOOTBALL Safeties and Touchbacks: Safety. When ever the ball is declared dead in possession a team, provided the force which sent it to or across the goal line came from the team defending that goal, it is a' safety and scores 2 points for the —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued from Page 2) it to make it worthy of a cast such as this. Wallace plays an oversized cupid or something of the sort in “The Bad Man.” As head of band of border bandits who raid ranch ers on each side of the Mexican border, Beery and his gang raid Ronald Reagan’s ranch and steal all his cattle. The mortgage is about to come due. So we encoun ter the banker who owns the mort gage. In the end, Beery gets everything straightened out, every one paid or killed, and Ronald Reagan and Laraine Day tie the knot. This is the one of the duds that lurk in every star’s career, and Wallace Beery is bound to come out of it and make some more pictures that will rival his past performances. Largest Number of Candidates In History out for A & M Rifle Team With the largest number of cand idates in the history of the school, the A. & M. rifle team goes in to training next Friday night. Bill Filgo, captain of the rifle team, stated yesterday that 210 candi dates have applied for a place on the team and estimated that by the end of this week the number will have mounte dto 300. To announce their candidacy 1 in the Chemistry Lecture room. for the team, the members already out met in the Academic Building last Friday night for the first meeting of the Rifle Team for the year. A minimum of 300 potential squadsmen, surpassing all previous expectations, are expected to be present at the second meeting of I the team to be held tomorrow night -it-* -fL/-» Ol-i w*-i T Fn r»/i T>/-\nvv-i There’s Nothing But Victory In Sight For The Aggies Next Saturday! So For The First Victory Dance Saturday Night Listen And Dance To The Music Of ‘‘TOPPY” PIERCE and his AGGIELAND Orchestra THE AGGIE MILITARY SHOP North Gate Prop. Kappy Kaplan QUALITY Is Our Custom Being well dressed is one of the first things you want to be noticed for! For the first Corp Dance be well dressed — Wear a Tuxedo — See our selection in midnight blue and black. Come in and see them before the dance. $23.50 up ne opi the t< •pon- sc ents. The ball is put in play by tfie team that was scored on, by a free kick (of any kind) from its own 20-yard line. The In 1916 Texas University re- fued to play A. & M. in basketball because the Longhorns were still using the out-door court, and would not agree to play on the Aggies’ in-door court. own 20-yard line. partially that crosses the line of scrimmage is con- artially blocked punt (pampas Correctly Air-Conditioned by Frigidaire 15tf to 5 P. M. — 200 After 200 All Day Sunday LAST DAY THI BRIDE WORE crutche* LYNNE ROBERTS • TED NORTH EDGAR KENNEDY • ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIONEL STANDER • RICHARD LANE A 20th C«ntury-Fox PIctur* Plus M. Mouse - Picture People Larry Clinton Orchestra FRIDAY — SATURDAY John HOWARD Brod CRAWFORD Binnie BARNES Leo CARRILLO AnneGWYMNE Samuel S. HINDS Shemp HOWARD restraining line for the receiving team shall be the 30-yard line. A touchback is made when the ball in possession and con trol of a player guarding his own goal is declared dead, any part of it being on, above, or behind the goal line, provided the force which sent it to or across the goal line was given by an opponent. The ball is put into play from scrimmage by the team making the touchback, from its -yard line. Blocked Punts: A line sidered as an unblocked punt. A ball kicked from scrimmage which for any reason does not cross the line of scrim mage may be recovered and advanced by any player. A blocked punt recovered by the kicking team counts a down. If on the fourth down, the ball goes over. Down After Penalty: It is an automatic first down when the defensive team com mits any foul except offside, linemen’s hands on ground, or delay of game. (Down remains same- on these three penalties.) The down remains the same when the of fensive team commits any foul except on certain forward pass plays. Interference With Pass Receiver: The defensive player has as much right to intercept a pass as the offensive player has to catch it and any bodily contact caused by a genuine effort to intercept the pass shall not be construed as inter ference. The question to be answered is— “Was the play for the man or for the ball?” Rick Off: The kickoff shall be made from the 40-yard line. Five members of the receiving team shall stay between ■yar kick is made. If the kickoff goes out of bounds beyond the 40-yard line, ii be put in play on the 40-yard lin it shall Out their 40-yard and 50-yard line until the tde. I mnd play of bounds kickoff in front of the 40-yard line shall be put in play at a point even with where it went out of bounds. If the kickoff does not cross the receiver’s re straining line (10 yards from point of kickoff) it shall be kicked over, unless a member of the receiving team touched it, when it shall remain in play. The kicking team may gain possession of the ball after it has gone 10 yards but may not advance it. A kickoff covered by the kicking team in the receiver’s end zone is a touch down. Team A may advance kicked ball only if blocked behind scrimmage line. To the Timekeeper: Two 8-minute halves shall constitute a game. Five minutes shall be allowed between halves. Each team is allowed three times-out in a half. A time out shall be one minute long. The watch shall be stopped on times-out, out of bounds, incomplete passes, fouls, substi tutions, and scores. The watch is st ien the ball is snapped or kicked the case may be. tarted off, CLUB PRESIDENTS On October 1 The Battalion will carry an official club roster giving the names of A. & M. Club and the club officers for 1941-42. Only those clubs which have constitutions on file with the Student Ac tivities Committee the mittee with the nd which have filed names of their officers with this com- ee will be included on the roster. Club officers may be filed for the committee Rooom 126 Administration Building. Classified A UNIVERSAL PiCTURfe Also Football Highlights Actual Voice Of Knute Rockne Cartoon - News RIDE TO DALLAS this week-end. Leave day ay | Oldsmobile with radio. Price $2.00 round trip, $1.00 either way. See Jim Gillespie, 40 Legett. k-ei College 9 o’clock Saturday morning ; leave Dallas 6 o’clock Sunday afternoon. 1939 LOST—Metal box with drawing instru ments and slide rule. Reward. Zentnir, 225 No. 11. ROOM FOR RENT—Furnished, back of Church of Christ. Mrs. Gorbet at North Gate. See J. E. Loupot. WANTED—Student to work Saturday afternoon in ladies’ shoe department—Only party with experience need apply. Eugene Edge & Sons, Bryan. BARGAINS 1 SENIOR BY-SWING BLOUSE 10 JUNIOR BLOUSES WILL TRADE SENIOR SAM BROWNE FOR JUNIOR SAM BROWNE WITH A LITTLE CASH LOUPOT’S TRADING POST GET READY For The Corp Dance GET THOSE CLOTHES CLEANED and PRESSED Before The Dance THE CAMPUS CLEANERS Over The Exchange Store BOOKS FOR SALE Money and Banking — Eco. 311 Ag. Eco. 101 Livestock Marketing — A. H. 203 Resistance of Materials—Seely The Federal Union—Hicks Elements of Physics—Smith Eco. 403 LOUPOT’S TRADING POST LUKE’S GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY Hi-Ho Crackers, 1 Lb. Box 19 Armour’s Dog Food, 3 cans for .25 Armour’s Potted Meats, 6 cans for .25 Trappey’s Cut Beans, No. 2 can 10 Luke’s Special Coffee, any grind, 1 Lb .23 Grape Fruit Juice, 5% Oz. Can, dozen —.43 Libby’s Pineapple Juice, 12 Oz. Can, 3 for 27 Cross & Blackwell Catsup, large size. .19 Lemons, 490 Size, 1 dozen .10 Yellow Onions, 2 Lbs. for .05 Oranges, 150 Size, 1 dozen 28 Winesap Apples, 150 Size, 1 dozen .17 — MEATS — Oysters, Extra Select, pint 45^ Chuck Roast, “it’s the best” Lb 25 Roth’s or Decker’s Bacon, 1 Lb. Pkg 31 Hormel’s Sack Sausage, 1 Lb .30 Birdseye Products, finest fruits and vegetables ob tainable, also fryers, lamb, beef and pork cuts of all kinds. Free Delivery 9:00 — 10:30 — 11:30 a. m. — 3:00 — 5:00 p. m. Open at 7:00 Close at 6:30 Phone 4-1141 LUKE’S TAKE IHOSf BfffiilS IMS. like you take to those savings at PENNEY’S • • • • NEW SHIPMENT TRENCH COATS split tail 50 inch $4.50 Plenty of LEATHER COATS For Cold Weather Wear $5.90 to $14.75 200 dozen REGULATION SLACK SOX wear like higher price sox 4 pair for $1.00 Glengarrie POPLIN REGULATION SHIRTS $2.25 Burton’s Irish POPLIN REGULATION SHIRTS $2.50 BOMBAY SLACKS polo back $3.25 J. C. Penneg Co., Inc. “Aggie Economy Center” Bryan, Texas