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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1941)
Page tr THE BATTALION -THURSDAY MAY 1, 1941 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agrienltoral and Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1940 Member 1941 Associated ColIe6iate Press Bob Nisbet Editor-in-Chief George Fuermann Associate Editor Keith Hubbard Advertising Manager Tom Vannoy Editorial Assistant Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist J. B< Pierce, Phil Levine : Proof Readers Sports Department Hub Johnson Sports Editor Bob Myers ! Assistant Sports Editor Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon W. F. Oxford Junior Sports Editors Circulation Department Tommy Henderson .... Circulation Manager W. G. Hauger, E. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Managers W- D. Asbury, E. S. Henard ] Circulation Assistants Photography Department PW1 Golman Photographic Editor James Carpenter. Bob Crane, Jack Jones, Jack Siegal Assistant Photographers THURSDAY’S EDITORIAL STAFF George Fuermann Acting Managing Editor George Woodman Assistant Advertising Manager Junior Editors Tom Gillis D. C. Thurman Y. A. Yentzen Reportorial Staff Lamar Haines, John May, Z. A. McReynolds, J. D. Mehe- p»n, L. B. Tennison, Mike Speer, James F. Wright. Putting a Tour Under Way WHEN THE LAST NOTE from the Aggieland Orchestra dies away tomorrow night, another Cot ton Show—the tenth such function to be held— will have been written off the books. When that last note dies, another group of students will have been enabled to further their college course of study by making an extensive tour through a foreign country. This opportunity which is made possible by the proceeds from the Cotton Show, is one that extended in like manner by no other school. The three winners of the cotton contest car ried on each year by the agronomy department—- the students most interested and proven most de serving—will this year tour South America visit ing such countries as Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. When that last note dies, an established social highlight of every year, will have come to a close. It is an activity looked forward to throughout the year, and it has been established and built through the efforts of the students of the agronomy depart ment. It is an activity that provides an out let for a great many boys to exert their extra curricular energies, and it is one that gives favor able publicity to the school, making friends for the school throughout the state. When that last note dies, another tour will be able to get under way. Hitler’s Birthday QUOTATIONS FROM THE NAZI press frequent ly contain some very surprising comments, the implications of which seem to have escaped brain- trusters of the Nazi propaganda offices. Yester- day’s Berlin dispatch in which Press Chief Dr. Otto Dietrich released a statement on Adolf Hit ler’s fifty-second birthday contains two such quo tations. Dr. Dietrich began by speaking of Hitler’s “Napoleonic enterprises.” The comparison is cer tainly apt, and Dr. Dietrich may have imagined that the world would be much impressed by the ^comparison between Europe’s two greatest con- vquerors of modern times. What Dr. Dietrich seems to have forgotten—and what the rest of the world cannot but recall with pleasure when Hitler is compared to Napoleon—is that the French emperor ended his days as an exile-prisoner. And then, probably without meaning to do so, Dr. Dietrich gives damning evidence of the per version of Nazi thinking. According to Dr. Diet- rich, the fuehrer’s military decisions are part of his “creative planning.” For home consumption, that statement might have been all right; but the civilized world has not yet retrogressed to the point where it considers the total destruction incident to total warfare as “creative” in any true sense of the word. The efficiency of the Nazi propaganda ma chine has been widely heralded, but the failures in its attempt to convert the non-Nazi world to totalitarianism far outweigh its successes. The reason, it would seem from Nazi press dispatches, is that the Nazis simply do not think as do more civilized men and are incapable of understand ing the workings of the non-Nazi mind, which so often reads into Nazi statements implications ex actly opposite to those intended by their author. —The Daily Illini. Quotable Quotes ■“The human world as we know it is the pro duct of work—work with the hands or work with the brain. Its progress is only made possible by work. It is work which has lifted us out of brute life. It may be work which is tiresome, it may be work which is nerve-wracking or it may be work which brings with it satisfaction and de light. In any case it must be work. Everything depends upon whether the individual human being understands his work and what it means and what part it plays in the human economy, and whether he is ready and willing to do his very best to make his work production and helpful to his fel low-men.” Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia university, calls restrictions on output of labor unfair to society and to the worker.—As sociated Collegiate Press. Phi Beta Phi has the largest membership of any college sorority. Something to Read BY DR. T. F. MAYO CULTUR.E, I THINK, is best defined as an inform ed interest in anything for its own sake. Please note that the place of honor in this definition is given to “interest.” A genuine interest in some thing or other is the basis of any culture that is genuine. But an interest in a subject which is not supported and fed and enriched by information can hardly be called culture. Again, if your “informed interest” is to con stitute a part of your culture, it must be an inter est in a subject for its own sake, not for what you expect to make out of it. Now for some illustration: If you are genuine ly interested in photography and have learned a lot about it, and if this intrest of yours is not de pendent on the money or the credit that you may expect to get out of photography, then you are, to a degree, a cultured person. If photography is your only informed interest, your culture is of course not very broad, but it is at least real. Or say you are a civil engineer, and have an inter est in your bridge-building or what-not, over and above the hope of making a few thousand dollars and a reputation out of it. This margin of in formed interest in bridge-building for its own sake is culture. It seems to me that a genuine and informed interest, for the sake of the things themselves, in horse-doctoring, or pig-raising, or tree-grafting, is far more properly to be called “culture” than an earnestly bright smattering of information about “the higher things of life”—whatever they are. As for the culture of the Aggies, I for one like it. It is, I confess, in too many cases rather nar row. It does not always “include informed inter est for their own sakes” in things so desperately im portant to every one of you as economic problems or ethical values. It all too frequently skips such richly rewarding fields of interest as music and literature. But it does have the all-important vir- ture of genuineness. It isn’t fashionable in the dormitories, I understand, to palaver elegantly about “the higher things of life” (terrible phrase!). But it is fashionable here, I believe, to take a lot of interest in whatever technique you are ac quiring—an interest which goes far beyond your of making a good living out of it. The culture of the Aggies (what there is of it) is sound and real. Its defect is .narrowness. How about cul tivating a few more “informed interests in sub jects for their own sakes”? As the World Turns... By “COUNT” Y. K. SUGAREFF OUR “AID TO BRITAIN, short of war” policy is approaching a crisis of great national magni tude. Hitler’s success in the Balkans, his mmored attack on the Suez Canal and Gibraltar, call for duty a large portion of the British fleet in the eastern Atlantic. He evidently aims to split the British Em pire into two parts—eastern and western, and curb, if not totally destroy, the empire’s life lines. Several weeks ago Hitler extended the Nazi blockade zone in the western Atlantic, including Iceland. Thus bringing the war to within three miles of Greenland—rather close to our Western Hemisphere. While this might be merely a paper blockade,' yet it challenges our declared policy to defend this hemisphere. We are, therefore, called upon either to aid Britain with all our “might and main” or just wish for a victory with “aid to Britain, short of war.” It is a choice of far reaching consequences. Secretary of State Hull said the other day, “aid to Britain must reach its destination in the short est of time in maximum quantity. So ways must be found to do this.” Secretary of the Navy Knox on the same day declared, “This is our fight.” These words came from responsible gov ernment officials who are in a position to know the facts and weigh their importance better than the ordinary citizen. Halfway measures and dela- tory tactics invite defeat. The experience of thir teen nations under Hitler’s rule now might help us to formulate our future course. Price control has made its debut in our na tional defense. President Roosevelt has appointed Leon Henderson, a new dealer, the price adminis trator. We are spending billions of dollars for our national defense materials. Consumers’ goods are also in demand. Some industrialists and distribu tors have raised their prices. A price control agency could do good deal of good. It should have an extensive power and ample facilities to enforce established prices. Leon Henderson does not have such powers, nor does he have the machin ery to carry out a program of price control. A beginning has been made, however. Prices have been fixed on some war materials, such as iron and steel, copper, lumber and aluminum. The list is to be extended as the need arises. Mr. Bernard M. Baruch organized “Industrial Committees” dur ing the last world war for similar purposes but prices did go up. Price control, agency, to be ef fective, must have the power to fix wages and prices. That, however, is too big a job for a small Federal agency to make it work. Under the Federal price control agency there should be a state, county and municipal committee to guard against “profiteering.” Rumor has it that price control is to be enforced energetically. It remains as a possibility. An agriculture college freshman at the Uni versity of Nebraska is getting by on a budget of $1 a week. A pastel drawing of Mrs. Wwight W. Mori'ow recently was presented to Smith college. Franklin and Marshall college is offering free swimming instruction to all undergraduates. BACKWASH By George Fuermann "Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster Fuermann sionally ‘trade’ friend but Touch and Go . . . One Texas belle, a senior at Stephens College for Women (Missouri), has a unique point of view where A. & M. is concerned. She writes, “God bless A. & M.—a land where men are white; above all else, free! We at Stephens are bless- ;ed with only the I little Kemper ;iboys, and that ^ makes coming to i Aggieland, where ;cadets are allowed j off-campus, a trip le pleasure. Decid- ;edly contrary to JA. & M., these •Missourians have never heard of ‘stags.’ They occa- a dance with a Oh! for A. & M. where the stags are in the majority and everyone has a license to cut- in!!” . . . The first addition to thfe Aggie hitch-hiking benches since the campaign for their erection was boomed last spring was made three weeks ago by confectioner George McCullough who financed the construction of the largest one yet built. Sixty feet long and painted white, the bench is located at the East Gate and serves cadets hitch-hiking Houston way . . . One of the recent additions to the col lege staff (five months ago) is C. A. Price, diow .acting assistant in the editorial department of the Texas Extension Service. One of the most capable men associated with the college, he was with As sociated Press 45 years before be ing retired and some of the tales he can tell you concerning his ex periences with AP will curl your toes . . . watch for the unprece dented musical review being spon sored by the Student Engineering- Council to become an annual fix ture. The event is packed full of 'entertainment and may become a highlight of the Aggie show year. iness that takes on major propor tions in a hurry. To wit: Forty cadets are employed weekly to make the corsages, the weekly payroll runs between $100 and $150 and supplies alone cost more than $150 weekly. Cadet taste for corsages is well grooved. “Nine out of ten Aggies ask for white carnation corsages,” A1 said, “because they usually don’t know what color evening gown their date will wear and the white carnation corsage g-oes well with anything. “Of course,” he added, “we re ceive requests for many other types of corsages and occasional ly—but rarely—we receive an ord er for an orchid.” 9 9 9 The Annual Bill Thus far this year Aggies have spent $2,907 to make their sweet hearts more beautiful via the flow er route. That figure, of course, doesn’t include the amount spent with Bryan florists. The business takes on a national scale because the flowers used by the student concessioners come from Chicago, Denver, New Or leans and Houston, being shipped in special containers to maintain their freshness. Each weekend there are flowers left over and these are given to the college hospital. Once the flowers are taken out of their containers the work can’t stop because the corsages must be made while the flowers are still fresh. That means that the cadet employees work between 1 and 7 p. m. each afternoon when ^ork is under way. They can’t stop once the work is begun, so the mess hall furnishes sack lunches at supper time. • • • C. B. Oddities • • • On Flowers There are at least two cadets who can tell you plenty about flowers—particularly about Aggie- whims when it comes to buying the things. They’re A1 Lasell and Frank Barnes, co-owners of the student floral concession. In the main, their job is to manufactui’e corsages for the weekend balls and social func tions. They run an all-the-way bus- Judson Lupot, local merchant was King of the Cotton Ball in 1934. J. S. Mogford of the agron omy department recently pointed out that “Loupot got more thrill out of being king than any other king we have had.” Quoth Loupot: “It’s little like a king -that I feel today—I’m about to be drafted!” .... And one of the former Cot ton Ball king-s—1937—was only a duke, or an earl, depending on your point of view. He was Earl T. Duke . . . Another Cotton Ball king near-plugged the name of an Above is a Backwash shot of Maestro Duke Ellington taken at the conclusion of last Friday night’s Infantry Ball. Photograph er Phil Golman set a chair on top of the piano and climbed aboard to get this bird’s eye view of The Duke polishing the ivories. Alpha Delta Pi sorority will cel ebrate its nintieth anniversary at its convention June 27-July 1 at Hot Springs, Va. WHATS SHOTTING AT THE CAMPUS Thursday — “DAWN PA TROL,” featuring Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, David Niven and Donald Crisp. Al so “A MAN BETRAYED,” with John Wayne, Francis Dee, Edward Ellis and Wal lace Ford. Friday, Saturday — “TO BACCO ROAD,” starring Charles Grapewin, Marjorie Rambeau, Gene Tierney and William Tracy. AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Thursday 3:30 & 6:45 — “THIEF OF BAGDAD,” with Conrad Veidt and Sabu. Friday 3:30 & 6:45—“GAL LANT SONS,” featuring Jackie Cooper, Bonita Gran ville, Gene Reynolds, Gail Patrick, Ian Hunter and June Preisser. Benefit of Amer ican Society of Military En- gineei's. Beautiful CORSAGES Cotton Ball One of the most im portant dances of the year means special at tention should be paid to the selection of a cor sage. We have the pret tiest corsages at the most reasonable prices. Prompt Delivery WYATTS Flower Shop Bryan - Phone 2-2400 Only once a year under the title of entertainment comes the Cot ton Pageant and Ball Friday night. The pageant is always an impres sive spectacle as the duchesses, es corted by some of our Aggie friends, come parading down the walk to show off their dresses. The style show which is included will be of more interest to the escorts and women in the audience than to the Aggies, but some of those cotton styles can look plenty good. And they model everything from evening dresses to beach wear. The dance afterward in Sbisa hall is about the only Friday night dance of the year which anybody may attend. The Singing Cadets are putting on a second performance tonight in Guion Hall at 7:30. Their first appearance as a full length pro gram during the Town Hall enter tainment series brought such fa- forable comment that this program is being given for those who missed it. Visitors on the campus, attract ed by the Ag Day activities, will find that the cadets have a good choral style and a great deal of originality in the selection and presentation of their numbers. Much of this originality and the excellence of the group itself is due to the efforts of Prof. J. J. Woolket, the director, who has tendered a resignation from the post effective at the close of the year. Under Woolket’s direction for the past four years the singers have grown in number and through their state-wide trips have been one of the best publicity agencies for the school. Their program this time will be very similar to the one presented on Town Hall. “GALLANT SONS” is to be the A. & M. dormitory in the state press—meaning Valton Hall, king in 1938 . . . J. W. Pinson, social secretary of this year’s Cotton Pageant and Ball, has never at tended a Cotton Ball. benefit show at the Assembly Hall this week, put on by the American Society of Military Engineers. It is about teen-aged kids, a subject which is usually put out in a slip- shop manner by some two-bit stu dio, but MGM put this one out and their reputation will tell you it is no cheap production. It is about the way two of the kid’s fathers get into trouble and have to have their gallant sons to help straighten it out. Jackie Cooper and Gene Reynolds are the two specifically referred to as gallant, but there is nothing wrong with Bonita Granville and baby blond June Preisser. With the adults in the picture, Ian Hunter and Gail Patrick, the show is genuinely sin cere and borders on being a good tear-jerker. With another of their double fea tures today the Campus has “THE DAWN PATROL.” In spite of the age of the show, the public’s inter est in air defense has not lessened and the feature has not lost any thing. Errol Flynn is this time an underling in a pursuit squadron under cold blooded Basil Rathbone. But Basil gets promoted, and Flynn takes over the command and orders others up to fight while he sits at the desk. When David Niv en’s kid brother comes up to join the dawn patrol, Flynn finds the responsibilities of a commander and reasons for his cold blood. The women in the show are nil because it is all fight. It is a pretty good little drama of wartime in the air force. Cadet Golfers Meet “Team to Beat” Frogs After enjoying a successful tour of Fort Worth and Dallas, the Texas Aggie golf team will take on the T. C. U. Frogs, regarded as the “team to beat” in the con ference meet. i ! j i j i i i Curly locks are nice, but they don’t look well down over your ears. Get a good haircut for the COTTON BALL by visiting Y. M. C. A. BARBER SHOP VARSITY BARBER SHOP i f i i ? I ! f You may not have a new suit for the COTTON BALL, but if we clean your old one no one will ever know the differ ence. CAMPUS CLEANERS Over Exchange Store In New “Y” Take Your Pick USED CARS You can buy a good used car from us with com plete confidence — because we tell you all the facts. 1934 Pontiac 4-door Sedan $165 1935 Oldsmobile 4-door $250 1940 Nash Sedan $575 1940 Ford 2-door $725 1938 Olds ‘8’ 2-door $325 1936 Chrysler 4-door $300 Central Texas Auto Co. Across from I.-G. N. Depot (Missouri Pacific) Bryan