Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1941)
-With Hnb Johnson- Who will protect the home and the wife when Johnny goes away? Saturday in Denton the Aggie Rifle team found the answer to this as they fell to the T.S.C.W. rifle toters by two points. It was shoulder-to-shoulder on the range that afternoon. That night it was cheek-to-cheek on the dance floor. The later results were not reported. Roy Bucek saved the Aggie thin- ly-clads from disgrace at Laredo Friday might by carrying off the 120 high hurdles. Albert Ricks had two boils lanc ed that morning and found the going a bit rough in the high jump and pole vault. W. L. Clapham of the Okla homa Aggies complained in an un boastful way that the jumping pit in Sain Antonio wasn’t quite long enough. A few of the by standers laughed but later sighed as he cleared the hoed pit to jump 24 feet ll 1 ^ inches. PHOENIX HOSIERY Double VITA-BLOOM Processed ior Long Wear We wish to announce to the ladies of College Sta tion and vicinity that you can get your favorite Phoenix Hose at our New College Store. You’ll find all the newest Spring shades and weights of these famous hose ready now for your selection. 79^ - $1.00 to $1.35 WIMBERLEY STONE DANSBY CLOCKIERS New College Store North Gate Texas Swimmers Nose Out Aggies In Sat. Meet 49-44 Taylor and Hensley Better Own Records In 220 and 100 Free Both holding a win over the Sooner Aggies, the Texas Univers ity and Texas Aggie tankers met here Saturday night to decide the conference favorite in the wa ter games with the Longhorns tak ing the upper hand, 49 to 44. The Aggies opened fast and got off to a nice lead as the 300-yard medley relay race team nosed out the steer three. Bob Taylor cut his 220-yard record two and a half seconds to beat out Chonoshi of Texas and McKey of A. & M. Harold Hensley bettered his pool record and at the same time bet tered the conference record as he nosed out Harris McClamrock hold er of the '39 title in the fifty yard free style. McClamrock returned in the next event, the individual medley, to aid the Texas squad in catching up with the Aggies. He won over J. H. Stephens and Nickey Ponthieux. Bab Papick and Ted Dunham proved to be much better than Bub- ba Reeves and Mike Cokinos, and carried off the first two places to move the Texas team to the front 23 to 22. Hensley topped McClamrock and Denton in the 100-yard free style lowering his pool record nine- tenths seconds. This tied the score 27-all, the Longhorns taking second and third. Wade Smith and Holland New man took the first two places in the breast stroke for Texas to beat out E. W. Conway and move the Longhorns into a 35 to 28 lead. Dick Beeler nosed out Ponthieux and Ken Tarleton claimed third place in the breast stroke to still widen the Texas lead. The outcome changed tide a bit as Taylor came through in the 440-yard distance race with a time of 10.3 seconds under his pool record and 11.8 seconds under the conference record. Hensley was placed in the distance event to try for those three points in second place but cramped up in his fourth lap. Chenoshi and Moise carried off the remaining places for Tex as. In the four-man 400-yard relay, the Aggies came through with a close win, moving up to within four points of the Longhorns. Both teams were forced to put out their very best in every event. This match usually gives a pre meet picture of the conference run ning which will be held at Texas later this month. Here’s the pick for the 1941 All- Conference Cage Squad. We didn’t see the champs play but from what we’ve read, the records produced a bit of last year’s continuance— they placed three on the proverbial team. From Arkansas—Hickey, Frie- berger, and J. Adams. From Rice—Carswell and Kin ney. Derace Moser came from the shade Saturday to throw the Whites to a 54 to 0 win. It’s a funny thing—in Austin the Aggies wore maroon, Remem ber. In the first charity game, the Maroons lost. Saturday afternoon the Maroons lost again. I don’t believe in jinxes though—still I’m glad Thanksgiving comes on Kyle Field this year. Next Year's Juniors Mendl and Hornak present their credentials . . . talk to any of the long line of juniors who have worn uniforms bear ing the Symbol of Distinction “Made by Mendl & Hornak” and you will find a satisfied customer! Order N6w . . . prices will not be raised as long as the material lasts . . . small de posit required. BATTALION MARCH 11, 1941 PAGE 3 Champ Racquet Wielders B CWS, winner of the first semester class A tennis championship. Reading front row left to right, Frank Lewis and Romie Davis; back row, Sam Mencyer, Jack Elliot, Bill Lynch, and William Morrison. Intramurals Finals in Intramural Wrestling to Be Held Tonight in DeWare Field House By Bob Myers Tonight at 7:45 all wrestlers who have run the gauntlet this far will have their chance at the school championships. With pre liminaries and semi-finals out of the way, only the finals remain to complete a per- | feet season of | wrestling with the $ precision of a well Mgfjgi oiled machine, ip Following in a v logical sequence, the first boxing of this year will be come a reality on Thursday night. All entries were completed Satur day and weight classifications are now being made. My ere FORFEIT DOGHOUSE D Engineers H Infantry D Field Artillery A Signal Corps “Fish” took their handball game from M Infantry 2- 1 through the play of Hargis, Huss, Stegall, and Wiggins. Crews and Fowler came through for M Company. Fishmen Sones, Foster, Hola- day, and Patrick managed for two of the three matches on the hand ball courts to account for the win over B Signal Corps by H Field Artillery. Johnson and Bittle got on the same' beam and won the sin gle for B Company. Freshmen from C Chemical War fare and L Infantry each chalked up a 3-0 win in water polo by swal lowing just a little less water than did K Infantry and B Cavalry respectively. Herring, Jones, Clark, and May berry cashed in for A Coast Artillery under the stadium for two horseshoe matches to over shadow the singleton made by Bennett and Walker of D Infantry. CLASS A FINALISTS 119 Pounds: Ball, G Field vs Crist, F Engineers 129 Pounds: Durham, G Field vs Little, F Coast 139 Pounds: Newton, E Field vs McCarthy, G Coast 149 Pounds: Merritt, MG Cavalry vs Crawford, F Engineers 159 Pounds: Vick, C Engineers vs Donnell, E Field 169 Pounds: Wells, D Cavalry vs Prowell, E Field 179 Pounds: Kiser, M Infantry vs Ogdee, G Field Heavyweight: Fritsch, M Infantry vs Wade, B Infantry CLASS B FINALISTS 119 Pounds r Barrier, D Cavalry vs Clubb, A Infantry 129 Pounds: Hooks, E Engineers vs Hopkins, B Eng ineers 139 Pounds: Vick, B Cavalry vs Conner, I Field 149 Pounds: Bergin, H Infantry vs McMinn, B In fantry 159 Pounds: Harper, G Coast vs Halton, H Coast 169 Pounds: Simmons, E Field vs McMinn, H Inf. 179 Pounds: Beckley, I Field vs Howard, H Infantry Heavyweight: Montgomery, G Coast vs Hadley, I Field A farmer’s son is more likely to follow his father’s occupation than the son of a man in some other kind of work, according to a sur vey at Cornell university. Another Successful Football Season May Pay Stadium Debt By Hub Johnson Where does all the money go? This is one of the thousand ques tions asked daily in every part of the country. Here at Aggieland some thirteen years ago a large stadium was erected, seating 35,000 people. It was named after Dean E. J. Kyle, chairman of the athletic committee. The Constructors went deep into debt and in the fall of ’37 they were refinanced at $206,000 in bonds. The next payment due included a year’s back interest, yearly pay ment on the principle and the year’s interest. After the football season, $32,- 260 were paid the bond holders in interest and principle. The ’38-’39 season gave $21,420 for payments. With the southwest conference title in ’39-’40 came the payment of $64,447.71 in principle and $6,980 in interest. Last season four notes were paid on the principle, totaling $67,500. $4,420 were paid on interest. Though some $53,680 were paid off in the years 1937 and 1939, ■f-only $29,000 went toward the prin ciple. There now remains a balance of $43,000 with interest rates at $1720 per year. This rate puts the pay ments ahead 16 to 18 years. Next year an effort will be made to make the final payment and call in the last bond. One bowl game can turn the card or a game drawing an out of the ordinary gate would do the same. The top gates for the Aggies next year will be the Texas game here and the Rice game in Hous ton. The season opener with T. C. U. in Fort Worth should draw a large crowd and the Southern Methodist game here should come close to filling the stand if both teams come through with fair records. Arkansas is met this year in Little Rock which will increase the gate to a height above those us ually met between the Aggies and the Razorbacks. It’s an awful lot of money but Kyle Field will belong to the Ag gies before the original date of ownership. T Dance Friday; Seniors Invited Battered faces and smooth faces, tight muscles and lim ber muscles, and jitter-bugs and pile drivers will take to the floor Friday night as the Aggie T Club dance to the music of Johnny Sulli van and his orchestra at their annual celebration. For the first time in the history of the club the sen iors of the school have been given an open invitation. This will be the last time that the four sport lettermen —football, baseball, basket ball and track, can gather to gether with the seniors to talk over the “remember when’s”, beat S.M.U. again in that 6 to 2 battle on Kyle Field of last year, or beat out Texas in the closing min ute of the final cage game of 1940 with a one point win. TSCW Defeats Aggie Riflemen by Two Point Margin Denton Match Results In Second Successive Defeat By Mary Alice Brown Lass-O, T.S.C.W. Proving that women can hold their own with the opposite sex, T.S.C.W.’s sharpshooters outshot the Aggie team two points to win a shoulder-to-shoulder match Sat urday in Denton. Winners for the second year, TSCWites this time received no handicap of poihts, yet their total score was 981 points to the Aggie total of 979 out of a possible 1000. A milling crowd of girls, Ag gies, faculty members and towns people waited impatiently as the twelve giils and eleven men each fired twenty rounds with .22 rifles at bulls eyes 50 yards away. Win ner of the contest was determined by totaling the five high scores of each team. Surprise of the afternoon was the high point score winner, Irene Chamberlain, junior TSCWite from McMahan. Scoring 199, Miss Cham berlain hit for the first time in her shooting career a “possible.” (100 points out of a possible 100). Emblems were awarded to the three A. & M. high scorers by Luella McManus, captain of the TSCW team. E. C. Cunningham took first place with 198. Russell Cook, with 197, was second, and G. B. Caperton took third wjth 196. Other firing in the contest were De Vilbis, Teal, Filco, Thenn, Kaufman, Holmes, , Leurs and Crossland. Captain of the Aggie squad is C. A. Lewis. Although all the Aggie scores were in the 190’s, TSCW scores slumped from 199 to 181, with sev eral in the 180s. The five leading TSCWites were Miss Chamber- lain, Miss McManus, with 196, Ger trude Lyon, 198, Florence Rice, 195, and Josephine Albert, 193. Other girls shooting were Caroline Brown, Josa Lou Bullington, Fran ces Wall, Edna Schmidt, Jerinel Lamar, Shige Nagai and Eugenia Stewart. Officials were Miss Mary Boone, of T. S. C. W., and Lieut. C; A. Williams and Sergeant H. Richard son from A. & M. In the contest last year, the A. & M. squad gave the girls a 40- point handicap, and then were de feated 514 to 487 in a match at College Station. Baseball Team Preps for Beaumont With Intra-Squad Tilt An open house has been pro claimed by the Aggie baseball team Wednesday afternoon as they complete their practice in prepar ation for their two game series with the Beaumont Exporters here Friday and Saturday. Bad weather caused postpone ment of the intra-squad game which was to have been played last Saturday as a feature of the annual Sports Day. However, Coach Marty Karow promises the local fans and Aggies a thrilling game between his “A” and “B” squads. Another factor in the intra-squad game will be the preview of the 1941 baseball squad. According to authoritative sources, the Ag gies’ main problems will be the hurling and catching staff. All this will be answered when the ca dets clash against each other to morrow afternoon. AggieTrackTeam Defeated By Texas U and NTSTC Bucek Win Hurdles At Laredo For Ags’ Only 1st Place Show South on the border Friday night and again on the field of the Alamo Stadium Saturday afternoon, the Texas Aggie track team met de feat at the hands of the Univers ity of Texas and North Texas State Teachers. Bucek Wins at Laredo Roy Bucek went down in the books as the only member of Dough Rollins squad to take a first place on the trip. He stepped the 120 high White’s Drub Maroon Team In Sports Day Event Water Polo B Team Defeats Cadet Corps Team, 6-2 “Old Man Winter” had his say last Saturday when he caused a postponement of the varsity base ball gAme in the fifth annual Sports Day Festival, but the foot ball game and water polo tilt were played according to schedule. In a game that was filled with thrilling spectacles, the Aggie “B” team defeated a team composed entirely of members of the cadet corps, 6 to 2. Inclement and cold weather brought only a handful of fans to witness the gridiron tilt between the maroon and white teams, but they were served a match that was filled with thrills and spills. The game proved without a doubt that Coach Homer Norton has a few hidden aces up his sleeve with which to open the gridiron cam paign next fall. Moser, Williams, and Pickett proved too much for the Maroon team as the trio paced the Whites to a 54 to 0 victory. They hit for the airlines 18 times, completing ten. Derace Moser proved that he will be a valuable cog in Homer Norton’s machine as he sparked his team to a one-sided victory. His kicking, passing, and running, brought a satisfying smile to Coach Norton. Elvis (Boots) Sim mons showed up.well on his pass- snagging, as did Dick Sharke and Jim Sterling. The battering of Willie Zapalac, who is groomed to fill Kimbrough’s shoes, and Dennis Andricks, freshman ace, showed that the Aggies have more than one kind of attack. In the line, Les Richardson, ever-hustling guard from Houston, Leonard Dickey, re cruit from the freshman team, and Euel Wesson, big, husky tackle, showed up to advantage. The Aggies will continue practice with light workouts until March 12, whereupon they will hang up their togs until Fall training starts next September. Dr. A. Benbow DENTIST Phone 375 Astin Building - Bryan J 4-hurdles in 14.7 seconds, three- tenths slower than that set by Fred Wolcott of Rice. However, all was not well with the rest of the Aggie cinders in the Border Olympics as they took down only 13 points to come out in fourth place. Texas University, with 33% points, took first place in the meet, with North Texas State Teachers College getting the runnerup position. Watkins, Ricks, and Henderson were the other Aggies to place in the Laredo meet. Watkins came through in fine style to annex sec ond place in the high jump, while Ricks tied with Small of Texas U. to take runnerup honors in the pole vault. Henderson came through with third place in the 880-yard "run, while the Aggie team as a whole was third in the 880-yard relays. Thomason Places Third Jim Thomason, Aggie cinder captain, came through in fine (Continued from Page 1) •HOT TAMALES •ENCHILADAS •CHILI Hm! Delicious! E-TEX Sandwich Shop Hwy. 6 Bryan Give Your Date A WYATT’S FLOWER SHOP 2-2400 - - 105 E. 26th Cash When You Need It ... on your Car or Furniture Borrow $300.00 and repay as little as $23.10 monthly. See JACK TITUS 215 S. Main Bryan Good News For Juniors! LUCCHESE is pleased to an nounce that a new process has enabled him to make an im proved Non-Wrinkle Toe and Perfect Ankle Break Boot. When you consider boots you may be sure that LUCCHESE has just improved the best on the market. When May rolls around and you want to order for your Senior year, remember that you cannot afford to buy un til you see this improved boot. The Perfect Ankle Break Boot LUCCHESE BOOT CO. 101 W. Travis San Antonio