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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1940)
Page 2- THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1940 The Battalion Something To Read STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings ; also it is publisher weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Aet of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, 93 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Erancisoo. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone *-ft444. Bob Nlsbet Keith Hubbard George Fuermann Hub Johnson Tommy Henderson Phi) Golman Pete Tumllnson _ J B. Pierce P R. Vannoy Editor-in-Chief Advertising Manager Associate Editor Sports Editor Circulation Manager Staff Photographer Staff Artist Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant THURSDAY STAFF George Fuermann Acting Managing Editor George Woodman Assistant Advertising Manager Junior Editors Tom Gillis D. C. Thurman Sports Staff Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor Jack Hollimon Junior Sports Editor W. F. Oxford Sports Assistant Reportorial Staff Z. A. McReynolda, L. B. Tennison, J. M. Speer “Unfortunate” Incident AT THE FOOTBALL GAME in Dallas Saturday 62 A. & M. cadets, who were standing outside the S.M.U. stadium without tickets nor the price of ad mission, were allowed to enter free of charge by the manager of the stadium on the condition that they stand on the track below the stadium on the Aggie side of the field. Of course they accepted and rush ed in a body to the spot. Shortly thereafter the temporary bleachers at the south end zone collapsed, injuring some 38 persons, a few seriously. In a prominent Dallas newspaper Sunday morn ing the following report of the two incidents was printed: ‘The mob of student gate crashers overpow ered a policeman in a charge through the south west gate and may have accidentally broken out one of the stand’s supports, witnesses said. A crowd of 100 students broke through the southwest gate and scooted into the stadium just uniformed policemen, wallowed them in the mud before the bleachers toppled. They knocked down 2 and rushed into the stands. Joe Yonack, 2735 For rest, a spectator assisting the ambulance crews said the charge accidentally ended on one of the stand’s supports. Inspector Charley Rader of the Dallas Police department, who was standing close by, believed the added weight caused the stands to settle. It might have had something to do with it,* E. C. Carter, one of the mud-splattered Univers ity Park policemen, said,” The Battalion takes time out to protest in the light that some readers of this account might be led to believe that those Aggies who entered the game in a body, and who were the crowd of 100 students referred to in the article, were responsible for this accident. Opinions are built around small impressions. A. & M. prizes the good will gained through appearances of the corps at corps trips and athletic contests. On the basis of this news story we stand to lose. It is bad enough to get the credit for mistakes we make, but it is bitter to have to bear the brunt of those of which we are not guilty. That the students immediately circled the track to the Aggie side of the stadium and certainly did not stop to sit in the stands that fell. No one believes the officials of S. M. U. built stands they knew would fall, not even the persons that were injured. It would be absurd to imagine the accident was intentional on anyone’s part. The Battalion hopes that this explanation will clear the corps of any responsibility for this acci dent, and that the readers of this account will credit the incident as “unfortunate.” V. K. Sugareff Mountain From Molehills “FISH JONES” came to me the other day with a tale of woe,” a certain senior said. “He complained that he had twisted his ankle a week or so back and had missed that much school lying on his back in the hospital. The leg would necessitate crutches for at least a month more. He had given up trying to catch up in his studies as a hopeless task even be fore he tried; he wanted to go home.” “What did you tell him?” we asked. “Well, I started out to give him a little en couragement, and before I knew it I was giving him a sermon in a true oratorical fashion. I can’t re member my exact words, but here is something similar to what I told him: ‘Don’t be discouraged too quickly, Fish Jones. Your little bag of troubles are minor compared to the troubles some men have encountered and have overcome. ‘Can you imagine a musician being deaf? Well, Beethoven, one of the greatest musicians of all time, was deaf most of his life. He never heard a single note of his greatest work, the Ninth Sym phony. He was ugly, hot tempered, awkard and lonely. He had very few real friends, and he had to struggle for money all his life. But in spite of these great handicaps, Beethoven wrote some of the most noble music that the world has ever heard. ‘Certainly you have heard the story of Glenn Cunningham, the holder of countless world titles in track meets. In his youth his legs were buraed so badly he was given up as a hopeless cripple, but he exercised daily to regain his strength. Soon he be came so absorbed with his exercises that he con tinued until he became a star. ‘Think of Helen Keller who was born deaf, dumb and blind. You would wonder how on earth the mind of a person, whose only contact with the outer world was a sense of touch could be reached in the first place. Then the fact that now she is a well-educated person who can speak after a fashion is astounding beyond marvel. Here you, Fish Jones, are ready to quit school and go home just because you broke your ankle and missed a week of school. You should be ashamed.’ There was so much wisdom in the lecture I sur prised myself almost as much as I did the freshman. But at any rate he is still in school.” Seagoing birds sometimes accumulate barnacles, as do ships. Texas A. & M. college has won more awards than any other U. S. school in contests of the So ciety for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Fourteen universities and 10 colleges are main lined by the 5,400 Jesuits in the United States. “Alma Mater (Latin for ‘Beloved Mother’)” came into collegiate use because a statue of Mary, Mother of Christ, is placed over the entrance of Bonn University, Germany. Syracuse athletes are barred from competition if they marry during the school year, unless the ceremony takes place during a holiday, such as Easter or Christmas. BACKWASH BY DR. T. F. MAYO Do You Want to Be President? THE READERS (a very select group) of a little Co lumbia Press publication, “The Pleasures of Pub lishing”, recently voted that the following books would be the most desirable for any candidate for the American presidency to familiarize himself. The College Library hereby offers the ten books to any future presidential candidates who are at present hiding their lights under Aggie uniforms. We have also taken the liberty of guessing why each book is particularly appropriate in this connection. If the candidate knows (1) The Bible thorough ly, he ought to have a pretty well-defined notion of the difference between right and wrong, as well as a definite preference for the former over the latter. (2) Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath ought to awaken him to the existence of hideous economic inequalities in our democratic land, and, moveover, make him loathe such inequalities and want to do something about them. (3) Hitler’s Mein Kampf would probably show him what happens to democracies which fail to make life bearable to their masses. (4) Beard’s Rise of American Civilization will train our candidate in detecting economic realities through the mist of political and military events. (5) Sandburg’s Abraham Lincoln will introduce him intimately to the most nearly complete fullfil- ment of the American ideal of personality. (6) If he reads Emerson’s Essays, he will live, for some hours at any rate, in a rarefied and stimu lating atmosphere of high thinking and dynamic well-wishing. (7) Marx’s Capital will make our candidate un derstand (if he manages to get through it!) the only honest and intelligent frontal attack which has ever been made on our capitalistic economic system. (8) In Plato’s Republic he will read the first re corded attempt of man, the planning animal, to de scribe how things ought to be. (9) Familiarity with Shakespeare’s Works should make him more understanding and therefore less intolerant of his fellow-man. (10) Reading Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, the future President can hardly help becoming more genuinely democratic, more proud and fond of the best country in the world to live in, and more de termined to get rid of the injustices and stupidities that keep it from being even better. (On special request, a few of these books will be checked out, as long as they last, to non-candi dates.) As the World Turns... BY “COUNT” Y. K. SUGAREFF THE NAZI MILITARY OPERATIONS have slowed down measurably. There has been no major military operation since the fateful fall of France last sum mer. The Egyptian campaign has reached a stale mate. If reports are true, the Italian invasion of Greece is proving to be a costly adventure. A change in the command of the Italian for ces indicates that even the Italians take a serious view of their mili tary reverses. The Greek moun taineers, aided by the terrain and bad weather, have forced the Ital ians to retreat from their original advances into Greece. If Hitler should decide to give the Italians military aid in this campaign, Greece might capitulate. But Tur key has promised to come to the aid of the Greeks if they are at tacked by the Germans through Bulgaria, regard less of what Russia may do. The English coopera tion with the Greeks, though the nature of it has not been revealed, must have been of sufficient mag nitude to prompt the Greek offensive into Albania. German air attacks on England and English ship ping have caused a great deal of damage, but re taliation in kind by the R.A.F. is, no doubt, creating problems for the Germans. On the diplomatic front Hitler has scored some successes. Rumania is now completely under German domination. Yugoslavia is subservient to the Nazi economic system, but the Yugoslavs will fight if their political independence is threatened. Hitler’s recent visits with Marshal Retain and Franco did not result in any decisive diplomatic victories. What may ensue from Molotoff’s current visit to Berlin is the subject of much speculation. The consent of a high Soviet official to visit Berlin smacks of Cham berlain’s appeasement tactics. The world must wait for the significance of this visit. The democracies had better not count on any Russian cooperation in the future. National defense progress—President Roosevelt announced last week that the United States will build 12,000 planes for England. Besides, plans have been approved for 32,000 planes for the U. S. army. The automobile industry is entering the field of making plane bodies. There has been a steady rise in the expenditures for national defense. Last June the government spent $150,000,000 on defense pro jects; during October that amount was nearly dou bled, and by the middle of 1941 the government will be spending more than $600,000,000 a month on its defense program. By George fuermann “Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster. Once Over Lightly ... Supervisor of Subsistance J. C. Hotard side lights the day’s news with the an nouncement that 4,500 pounds of turkey have been bought for the Thanksgiving Day supper Novem- _ her 26. Incidental ly, whatever your turkey bill is, it probably won’t be as high as the mess hall’s. At 22.60 cents per pound dressed, the cost of the 450 turkeys j '■ OC ; the 450 turkeys will be $1,017 . . . Life Magazine gets Fuermann off one of the best cracks of the year with, “In every Italian plane that carries parachute troops there is a crew of twenty men: A pilot, a co-pilot, a naviga tor, a radio operator, a parachutist, and fifteen men to push the para chutist out!” . . . Watch for more pics of the A. & M. football players in a future issue of Life. Nig Mil ler, Houston photographer, was on the campus Tuesday taking pic tures for the magazine . . . And what about the Bryan fortune tell er who predicted that the Aggies would lose to SMU by one to three points . . . Story of the week is the one told by Col. T. H. Barton, Aggie graduate in 1899, at the Dal las banquet honoring Dean E. J. Kyle last Friday night. The story concerns the ghastly crime of the missing figs and, 42 years late, the identity of the culprit is revealed. Here’s the story in Col. Barton’s own words: “Authorities came to me that year and said, ‘Barton, you seem to know everything that is going on around the college. Now, these figs, nuts, and oranges have turned up missing. If you’ll tell us who got them, we’ll make you a cor poral.’ ” “Well, I’m ready to tell, and I want my promotion to corporal. Right down there, you see R. B. Boetcher of East Bernard. He egged me on to do it. “And right over there you see Hal Mosely, the former City Man ager. He ate more of those figs than any other single person.” Colonel Barton, a former Dallas- ite, is now an oil company exec utive at El Dorado, Arkansas. “I couldn’t look a fig in the face for twenty years,” he said. • Aftermath The Dallas corps trip resulted in the usual crop of stories, big ones and little ones, but there’s a few which are credible enough to tell. One of them concerns the 30 Army officers who arrived in Dallas with out advance room reservations. Of ficials of the Adolphus Hotel came to their rescue and provided cots in four of the hotel’s meeting rooms, but a few still had to sleep on the floor. . . .The victorious members of the football team were treated to the largest steaks served in the history of the Adolphus Hotel a few hours after the game. . . . Halls and lobbies of most down town hotels were crowded with sleeping Aggies Sunday morning. Most of the hotels cooperated with the cadets by furnishing blankets free—as long as they lasted. . . . Four Aggies — Gilbert Michalk, Charles Wakefield, Albert Camp bell, and Chris Schaefer—talked with NBC’s ace sports announcer Bill Stern, the night before the game. Stern promised the four that John Kimbrough would definitely be on his all-American team again this year. . . . Incidentally, many Texans were disappointed because they were unable to get Stern’s broadcast of the game. However, the NBC show could only be picked up out of the state as the Humble Refining Company owns broadcast ing rights in Texas on all South west Conference football games. • Two Letters From Dr. J. S. McIntosh, director of the SMU athletic council: “I want to congratulate the Ag gies on the victory of their team Saturday. It was a magnificent game, won by the superior team. The game was very cleanly played and was a real credit to Southwest ern sportsmanship. I also want to express my approval of the conduct of the large A. & M. student body throughout the game.” From a member of the Dallas Chamber iof Commerce: “The A. & M. corps trip to Dallas last Saturday was one of the finest exhibitions of mass gentlemanly conduct ever staged here in Dallas. The city was actually ‘taken over’ by the cadets and the populace liked it. The student body is to be con gratulated on the fine way they conducted themselves for they cer tainly ‘sold’ A. & M. college to Dallas.” • Jimmie Lynch Jr.—Daredevil They call themselves “Death Dodgers” and it’s an appropriate title. Sophomore Jimmie Lynch Jr. is pust a part of the famed act which is headed by his famed father and includes two attrac tive girls, Jacqueline (Bye-Bye) Bodie and model Betty Middleton, plus 20 males. The Death Dodgers are the people who do the best they can to provide thrills by wrecking cars —and their best is ace high. There’s a practical side to the job, too, be cause, like the famed Indianapolis Speedway race each year, the Death Dodgers serve as a test unit so that the average motorist can enjoy his Sunday drivihg. Strangely enough, in the seven years that the Lynch family has been engaged in the hazardous business none of the crew has been killed or even seriously injured. The job is risky, but the risks are minimized as much as is scientif ically possible. During the past season—the sea son usually runs from May 1 to October 31—71 new automobiles were bought and destroyed, repre senting a retail investment of $78, 100. More than $385,000 has been spent for new automobiles since the show began in 1933. • Predicament. The recent order from the com mandant’s offide to the effect that wool shirts must be worn at all meal formations has caused a ma jor cleaning and pressing prob lem. A canvass of local cleaners by the United States Bureau of Statistics shows that more than four hours are necessary to prop erly clean a wool shirt if the thing is to be dried before returning it to its owner. Therein lies the problem, because most Aggies only own one wool shirt—the shirts be ing an expensive item (about $12). Thus, a cadet has four alternatives: Make meal formations regularly in a shirt which is constantly getting dirtier and more odorous, miss a meal entirely, wear a cleaned shirt, but a wet one, or bid for the week end’s “bullring” by wearing a cot ton shirt and receive a few de merits as punishment. What to do? When in Doubt About Your Eyes or Glasses, Consult . . . DR. J. W. PAYNE Masonic Bldg. Bryan WHATS SHOWING AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Thursday 3:30 & 7:30— “UNTAMED,” starring Ray Milland, Patricia Morrison, Akim Tamiroff, and William Frawley. Friday 3:30 & 7:30—“TWO GIRLS ON BROADWAY,” starring Lana Turner, Joan Blondell, George Murphy, Kent Taylor, and Wallace Ford. AT THE CAMPUS Thursday—“THE SAINT’S DOUBLE TROUBLE,” with George Sanders, Helen Whit ney, Jonathan Hale, and Bela Lugosi. Aggietone News. Friday — “ARGENTINE NIGHTS,” featuring the Ritz Brothers and the Andrews Sisters. 1940’s ALL-AMERICAN LINE From Arrow Shirts to Arrow Shorts, here’s your chance to sign up for the best coordin ated line of men’s wear in the country. Arrow Shirts, with the smart est patterns you’ve seen in many seasons. $2, up. Arrow Ties, designed specifi cally to harmonize with your Arrow Shirts and your suit fabrics. SI and $1.50. Arrow Handkerchiefs, also planned for your Arrow Shirts and Ties. 25c, up. Arrow Shorts, with the pat ented seamless crotch to give you extra comfort. 65c, np. Your Arrow dealer has this unbeaten, untied line under contract . . . See him today. ARROW SHIRTS COUARS . . . TIES . . . HANDKERCHIEFS . . . UNDERWEAR 15£ to 5 p. m. CAMPUS 200 After LAST DAY AGGIETONE NEWS and NEWEST EXPLOITS fc OF CRIME EXPERT.. Now it's . . tL Samis DOUBLE TROUBLE GEORGE SANDERS and Helene Whitney Jonathan Hale Bela Lugosi Donald MacBride John F. Hamilton Dashing Debonair but . . DEADLY! X Produced by CLIFF RElD. Directed By JACK HIVELY. Screen play by Ben Holmes. From the story by Leslie Charteris. Tomorrow - Saturday Sing a" 11 yi$s StcAnuv} ANDREWS SISTERS im f' thh RITZ BROTHERS : J; THE •' mi IPS'! ||^ Constance Moore Ife George Reeves \ and a screenful of ® j X sultry senorifas... : \ ^ V and gay gauchosl . v > Prevue Sat. - Sun. - Mon. “Young Thomas Edison” ;C V ■> ’ > v - | s : I Q 1 • Wliere do Bell telephones come from • ^ Who purchases the thousands of ^ products needed by the Bell System • ^ What distributor can make tele- ^ phone supplies quickly available • almost anywhere Y* Who installs telephone central offices ? The answers are: Western Electric, Western Electric, Western Electric, Western Electric. Monotonous? — the answers, perhaps, hut the job, never! Filling the day to day needs of the telephone companies—helping them to meet and beat emergencies caused by fire, flood, storm—has never lost its "kick” in 58 years. So Western Electric contributes its share toward making your telephone service the world’s best and most economical. ~v 'to f '♦ ♦ * * *