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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1940)
DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE VOL. 40 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 12, 1940 Z725 . NO. 25 Panorama of Past Weekend ~^ l' iv', ' - ■ IV,.-.' ■ Midnight yell practice (top) outside the Baker was attended by over twenty-five hundred yelling Aggies. The little sweethearts of T.S.C.W. and the freshmen (middle) get together in the lobby of a hotel just before the big game. Mary Margaret McCarthy and Pete Wehner (below) look the beautiful flowers over in the center of the field during the halves where the Texas Aggie band formed a heart. The flowers were pre sented by Cadet Capt. J. P. Ledbetter in behalf of the Aggie band. —Staff Photos By Phil Golman Corps Trip Turns Out A Big Success With Denton Dance And Game By Lee Rogers A gray day changed to a gay day. — That’s the Aggie version of the Dallas corps trip. And the incessant buzzing that is heard over the campus is only the hoarse voiced tales of the week-end as each one tries to make his sound better than the other. Dallas got a new meaning of the word “blitzkrieg” when an army of 6,000 cadets invaded the city and prepared to do battle against the Mustangs. An over hanging murky sky loosed a con tinual drizzle that soaked every thing but the Aggie spirit—which was bolstered by the presence of some 2,500 T. S. C. W.ites who joined forces with the Aggies for the week-end. The serge clad vanguard that went to Denton Friday was driv en to cover and had to abandon the idea of the anticipated steak fry that had been planned by the T. S.C.W. Junior Class. But the un expected postponing of the out door event only added to the merry making at the dance which lasted from 9 until 12:30. After bivouacing in Stoddard Hall for the night the juniors re turned to Dallas to meet the rest of the corps for a parade, but again the weather took a hand and (Continued on Page 4) Industrial Engineering Department To Present Film On Neoprene Today The Industrial Engineering De--fadapted to visual instruction pro- partment will show a 22 minute sound film on the manufacture of Neoprene, one of the new synthe tic or artifical rubber, at 5:10 p. m. in the large lecture room of the Petroleum Building today. This is the same film on industry shown as a regular part of the class work in the senior course in Industrial Management. The main footage of the film deals with the physical properties cedure, with the sound cut out and the picture stopped at differ ent points so that the lecturer can dramatize the technological char acteristics that are involved. Because of the impact which the development of artificial rubber will have on the technology of many industries, this film is of general interest to all students of technology. Anyone interested may attend the showing. The film is of special interest to A&M Heads Winners At Science Meet Is Completed Science Students, Professors Attend Texas Academy Meet By E. M. Rosenthal The lion’s share of honors and positions was taken by the A. & M. men who attended the Texas Academy of Science convention at San Antonio last Thursday, Fri day, and Saturday. Dr. Charles L. Baker of the geology department was made vice president of the academy and chairman for the sec tion on Geological Sciences and Dr. S. W. Bilsing of the entomol ogy department was elected repre sentative on the Council of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science. A. & M. professors also receiv ed four committee chairmanships with Luther G. Jones as head of the auditing committee; Dr. S. W. Bilsing, chairman of the library committee; Dr. Charles H. Wink ler in charge of the necrology com mittee; and Dr. Frederick A. Burt, secretary of the constitution board. Other than the chairmen five College Station men were placed on different committees. Dr. S. W. Bilsing was named on the affil iations committee, Dr. Ide P. Trot ter was placed with the library group, Dr. S. S. Goldrich is to represent geology on the research committee, Dr. Charles L. Baker will work with the committee on “Handbook of Science”, and Dr. C. C. Doak was placed on the com mittee for the collegiate division. (Continued on Page 4) Schedule For Club Meets New Course At Aggieland Called Agricultural Ecology A new course being taught at A. & M. College this year for the first time is agricultural ecology, which is listed in the catalog as Agronomy 427. Although the word “ecology” means little to the average student, the course is a study of plants in relation to their. I inet a nd Freshman Y.M.C.A. Coun environment, as to climate, top ography, soil, and biology. A special course was taught here the past summer by Dr. W. G. Mc- Ginnies, who is chief of Range Re search at the Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station, Tucson, Arizona, in Range Manage ment and Ecology, from which the present course is an outgrowth. Professor R. C. Potts and Dr. R. L. Donahue are teaching the part concerning vegetation and that pertaining to soils, respectively. While Dr. McGinnies was on a re cent visit to A. & M. College, the class had the privilege of hearing him speak at one of their meetings. About twenty students, several of whom are graduate students, are enrolled for the agronomy course, and the class may be seen almost any Tuesday afternoon leaving the campus on a truck, with equipment for studying veg etation or soils in Brazos county for laboratory work. of the new material and with the men who intend to enter industry . many products into which it en- Three dramatic chaTacterhtics of | modem industry stand out in the Entertainment value of the film j film. These are, first, the business- is high, but the showing will be| (Continued on Page 4) Water Works And Sanitary Engineers Go To Class February Water works and sanitary en gineers will go back to school at Texas A. & M. college next Feb ruary, according to announcement made here by Prof. E. R. Steel, head of the college department of municipal and sanitary engineer ing. The announcement discloses that the annual Water Works and Sew age Short Course will be held at the college Feb. 17-21 with approx imately 250 engineers in those fields expected to attend. The following week of Feb. 24 will see the opening of the short course for sanitarians with approx imately 20 to be enrolled for the period lasting from Feb. 24 to May 17. During the latter course all the facilities of the college, including the teaching staff of the munici pal and sanitary engineering de- In order that the various student club organizations of A. & M. col lege may more regularly and con veniently meet, Preston Bolton, stu dent president of the Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, with the aid of the pres idents of the club organizations, has successfully completed a meet ing schedule by which a minimum of conflicts will be encountered. Set dates and designated meeting places have been included. The purpose of the advocated plan is to eliminate any possible confusion that might arise in a club member’s mind when club meetings, of which he is a member of more than one club, are an nounced for the same night and he is at a loss as to just which one he should attend. By installation of the proposed schedule each club will have a set date for conven ing and also a permanent meeting place. Those students belonging to mom than one club have been tak en into careful consideration and the dates for meetings have been so arranged that as few club mem bers as possible will have two club meetings on the same night. For example the Entomology Club is to meet on every second and fourth Mondays of each month for their membership is largely composed of Agricultural students thereby facilitating a conflict if they met at the same time that the Agricultural clubs meet. For the same reason the Agronomy so ciety will meet on every second and fourth Thursdays. All home town clubs will meet on any Tuesday night and a set list of possible meeting places for them will be available. This program is being promoted in hopes that it will improve each club’s attendance and increase its membership. The schedule is flex ible enough to allow called meet ings for any emergency that might arise. Following is the schedule with all, suggested changes made: On Mondays the Y.M.C.A. Cab- cil will meet. On the first and third Mondays of each month the Economic Club, Mathematics Club and Round Table Club will meet. The Entomology Club will meet on the second and fourth Mon days of each month. Each Tuesday all home town clubs, the Student Engineering (Continued on Page 4) “News Letter ,, Is Published By Poultry Science Club The November 15 edition of the “News Letter,” a bi-monthly pub lication of the National Collegiate Poultry Club, will be published by the A. & M. Poultry Science Club. Donald D. Demke, secretary of the A. & M. Poultry Science Club, is also secretary of the National Collegiate Poultry Club and will be in charge of the publication of the News Letter here. The object of the N.C.P.C. and the News Letter is to promote a sectional or region al exchange of ideas among poul try students throughout the nation. The A. & M. edition of the News Letter will contain articles about the various phases of the poultry industry in Texas written by mem bers' of the Experiment Station staff, A. & M. professors and one by a student at Prairie View Col lege for Negroes, Demke has an nounced. New Meyer’s Trainer Will Arrive This Week To Replace Wrecked Plane A new Meyers trainer will arrive this week at the College Airport to take the place of the plane that was demolished two weeks ago in an accident. The plane will be flown back from Tecumseh, Michigan Jjy Ralph Parkman, an instructor in the secondary flight training program. At present it is difficult to get new trainers due to the rapid Metermen’s Short Course Here This Week The Meterman’s Short Course that is to last until next Saturday at noon opened yesterday morning under the sponsorship of the elec trical engineering department. There were 85 registrants who came from points in Texas, New Mexico, Louisianna and Oklahoma. Gibb Gilchrist, dean of the school of engineering, gave the welcom ing address and is to be followed on the program by N. F. Rode, M. C. Hughes, L. A. Haupt and R. P. Ward, all of the electrical engineer ing department. My. Rode is also in charge of the entire short course which deals with all types of elec tric meters. Representatives from the fol lowing companies are here to dis cuss and demonstrate their new equipment: Westinghouse, General Electric, Westone Electric Instru ment Corporation, States Com pany, Duncan Electric Company and the Houston Specialty Com-' pany. Wells To Deliver Address In Austin Thursday Evening H. G. Wells, world famous au thor and historian, will deliver an interesting address in Gregory Gymnasium, Austin, Texas, on Thursday November 14, at 8:00 p. m. Mr. Well’s subject: “Two Hemispheres or One World?” will give him an opportunity to put in a good word or two for the cause of Britain. The announcement of the lecture declares that it will be a “frank and challenging discus sion of the most important prob lems confronting the people of the United States and the English- speaking world. It is distinguished by the same bold and original thought and lucid expression that has made H. G. Wells the most famous writer of our time.” The Austin address is sponsored by the Texas State Historical As sociation, publishers of the highly respected “Southwestern Histori cal Quarterly.” Several members of the A. & M. faculty are mem bers of this association. Sixth Annual Dairyman’s Short Course, December 2-4 The sixth annual Dairyman’s Short Course will be held at Tex as A. & M. December 2-4, accord ing to an announcement made here this week by Prof. A. L. Darnell, of the college Dairy Husbandry department. Instructors for the course will be drawn from the staffs of the college, the Texas A. & M. College Extension Service, and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. A. H. Kuhlman, of the staff at Oklahoma A. & M. College, Still water, Oklahoma, also will serve as a lecturer during the course. expansion of training pilots and partment, will be used in carrying I orders must be placed in advance out the teaching of the course. in order to be filled. An Enlargement On St. Mary’s Chapel Will Be Started In Spring Work will be started in the eary spring on the enlarging of St Mary’s Chapel at College Station. The work will be paid for by $2,500 willed to the Chapel by the late Henry Schuhmacher of Houston who died September 28. Schuhmacher was an ex-Aggie and served on the Board of Direc tors of A. & M. College. On his last visit with the Rev. Mr. Gleiss- ner he said “we must get busy to relieve the overcrowded condition at St. Mary’s. Well, I surely will remember the Chapel’s needs in my will.” Schuhmacher was the largest contributor to St. Mary’s building fund. His first donation was a check for $500 and another for S100 for needed repairs. Small checks were frequently sent by him for various other needs. This money will be set aside un til further funds are raised before the building will begin. The en largement is to be an addition to j the east of the chapel so when I completed it will be in the shape ! of an L. The work is expected to | be completed by next fall. Berry Announced As Winner Of Essay Contest Colonel Moore Transferred From Hawaii to Philipines Col. George F. Moore, former commandant at A. & M., has re ceived orders transferring him from the Hawaiian Department to the Phillipine Department, accord ing to army orders issued recently. Col. Moore left College Station for the post in Hawaii late in August. He was on duty as com mandant and P. M. S. & T. here from 1937 until the end of last year. Latin-American Conference Here Wednesday Night A conference concerning our re lations with Latin America will be sponsored by the agricultural eco nomics department tomorrow in the chemistry lecture room. The plan is to hold three separ ate meetings with the first from 3 to 4 p. m. J. Wheeler Barger, head of the agricultural econom ics department, will be the chair man of this meeting and will pre sent T. U. Purcell who will talk on “Our Economic Relations with La tin America.” Purcell is the Hous ton district manager of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce of the United States De partment of Agriculture. The second meeting will be held from 4 to 5 p. m. with S. R. Gam mon, head of the History Depart ment, as chairman. “Our Cultural and Political Relations with Latin America” is the subject of the prin cipal speaker, Edgar C. H. Soule who is a prominent Houston attor ney and United States Consul for Ecuador. E. J. Kyle, dean of the school of agriculture, will be in charge of the last meeting from 7:30 until 8 p. m. tomorrow. At that time he is to present T. L. Evans whose sub ject is “Our Present Day Commer cial and Social Relations with La tin America.” Mr. Evans is the manager of the Foreign Trade De partment of the Houston Chamber of Commerce and has been con nected with commercial work in Mexico for over 20 years. Other than this he is the head of the yearly business men’s good will tours to South America and is consul to nine South American countries. Postponed Opening Of Franklin’s Held Tomorrow Formal opening of Franklin’s, on the Airport Road will be held tonight instead of last Wednesday as previously advertised in the Bat talion, Franklin Simon, owner, an nounced yesterday. Reason for the delay was that the Airport Road was under re pair and impassable to automo bile traffic. Winner Is Given All-Expense Trip To Chicago Stock Show W. T. Berry, Fort Worth, of “E” Company Infantry has been an nounced the winner of the Swift Essay Contest for students ma joring in Animal Husbandry at A. & M. Berry will be given an all expense trip to Chicago to attend the International Livestock show from December 8 to 11. After this he will make a study of the Swift Packing Plant in Chicago. The essays entered in the con test discussed the relation of the meat packer to the producer and consumer of animal products. The winning essay titled “The Packer’s Marketing Machine,” stressed the fact that the Packer helps the producer obtain a good price for his product and at the same time supplies the consumer with a whole some food. The committee that judged the essays was composed of four men of the animal husbandry depart ment, with Dana as chairman of the group. The original number of papers entered was narrowed down to five in the final judging and of these, Berry’s effort was judged to be the best. The contest was open to anyone interested in marketing livestock or their products. Akins Heads Feed Convention Here Friday Night Wiley Akins, Dallas, president of the Texas Feed Manufacturers As sociation, will preside at the fall meeting of the association here Friday morning at 10 o’clock in the conference room of the Re search Administration building. Introductory remarks of the con ference will be delivered by Dr. F. D. Fuller, chief of the Feed Con trol Service of the Agricultural Experiment Station. W. R. Archer, Houston, president of the South Texas Feed Company will respond. Other addresses of the morning will include “The Effect of Man ganese Sulphate on Egg Produc tion and Hatchability” by J. R. Couch of the Agricultural Exper iment Station and “Quantitative Requirements of Vitamin A for Beef Cattle by John K. Riggs. The morning session will adjourn at noon for luncheon in Sbisa Hall. Jack Shelton, vice-director of the Extension Service, will deliver the main address of the afternoon ses sion which opens at 1:30. The com mittee on Research Projects, com posed of L. E. Church, Houston; W. R. Archer, Houston; and P. F. Walsh, Fort Worth, will report, and other subjects concerning prob lems of the feed manufacturers as sociation will be discussed. Officials of the association in clude Wiley Akins, president; R. E. Cranz, Fort Worth, vice-presi dent; and W. W. Bridges, Fort Worth, secretary-treasurer. The Machine/' New Organization In Band, Ignored By Who's Who By Bob Nisbet " Feeling slightly ignored by the announcement of the members of Who’s Who for the current year, the MACHINE of the Aggie Band Jias brought to our attention the unique character of its mighty or ganization. The MACHINE came into being last year at an election of officers for the band this year. It seems that a group of the mem bers were decidedly against one candidate and organized themselv es into a body to “swing the elec tion” as it were. Who coined the name of the MACHINE cannot be uncovered but the name has be come one of increasing popularity around the campus. While not on active campaign for some worthy cause the mem bers of the MACHINE devote their time to a little old fashion H raising all the way from the sun ny shores of California to the dus ty plains of West Texas. Where ver people are seen having a good time, one will always find a mem ber of the MACHINE, if not two or three. They are well known in all the “spots” in the entire sec tor and always make it a point to have representatives at all the major functions around the col lege. The MACHINE is organized strictly on a non-partisan basis. There are no officers, no one high er in esteem than the other, but just a bunch of good natured boys banded together to take the “bore” out of college life in their own way. In order not to infringe upon anyone’s password, the MACHINE has adopted one from the Lil Ab ner comic strip—namely BRACK. Because of this odd password they are sometimes called the BRACK- ERS. It is hoped by the members (Continued on Page 4)