Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1940)
• Inv ii Williamson Predicts A & M-Tulsa FootbaU Game Will Be Close One Hurricane* Predicted for San Antonio J to m * Joek^tef far position t» Um ran- pwtiv* aaaftiMtiH will aaka th# • battU af tha balls on tkt aattonal (rUiron Wa MU lika Daka and wa’ra pfcfciac tka Blua DariU to taka Tannaaaaa lata camp Daka blank ad V. M 1. 18 to 0 In a ffraat powar display last waak^nd. wkila Taa- MMaa raatad la a bad of raaaa fraw a 4» u 0 traandnc of Mar ear Tbo ratlnfa favor Daka avar Tannaaaaa by MI to WJ on tha bails of thair opaalnf parfom gtoM Son*# of tko raally tough onas wa plrk ara Auburn «rrar Tulana Mlnnaaota ovar Nabraska. Mlrhi fan oaar Michigan A tat#. North CaraUaa oaar Clawson, and Mar quatta oaar Wisconsin Tala as tbs Tarrtbla Tbiana's Croon Wsaa looked tar ribia against Boston Col lags last weak, so the nod goes to Auburn Michigan's 41 to 0 drubbing of Cali fornia was mora powerful than had barn aipartad. but the old grudge battia in the home league against the more highly touted Michigan State team in years is going to be a tussle of the bean That Wolf pack from North Car olina State makes us reverse our pre-season appraisal by straight In the am William and Mary deoa. They have tbs edge m will bo Printston oaar Vander bilt, Tala oaar Virginia, Obis State oaar Psrdus, Taras A. A M. oaar Tntaa, Colorado U. oaar Kansas Stats although they both haea tbs same ratine of *11, Holy Crass oaar Louisiana Stats, Missouri oaar Pitiaburg. aad U. C L A. oaar Santa Clara. Detroit fata the nod oaar Catho lic U , but HU bs float Both ara loadad for boar and Catholic U. went undefeated last year except for that erasy 18 to 99 loss to St. Anealm'a. The figures say Detroit will break the winning streak Others that will boar watching include Baylor over Dsnesr, Georg* Washington over Manhattan, and Iowa over South Dakota—even with Sonth Dakota picked by many sports writers to be the best in the North Central Conference Braesas will be Alabama over Meraar, S. M U. over Denton, and Washington oaar Idaho m It ha races era frem a alight la jary received la the Weak bars gama. Dick Mergaa. (abase) M4 pound Janter raster, will start against tko Aggies in Saa Aateaie Strang aad rangy, ke is an ace ball-snapper aad Mocker, sad is deselepiaf into ana of the finest defeosire cantors is •.aides Hamrane historr At one end will ke Ken Gihaon. (right) 4 fast 8 inch and weighing ttS pounds, playing his ■crowd year on the varsity eleven Sin Antonio Gums Are ‘Uncertain” Affairs in A«ie Football Historyq « 1) fVmwag Tmm N Mt.GORF. VtMliow Tmi HHbWir* J C 4. C. n r<Mwsr VMUM Tmo ab rsaurruN H«»» Taws N--Omvw T« a A T LOB BATTALIONA— Vv*' \ H«»» Tasw MIM* SOUTH VMUna Tasw Two N Taspt* > MUm Tmm (;M)a<;m)WN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 PAGE 5 Intramurals Tmm twn^ Californian LEATHER (OATS It’a leather coat time— We aufftat that you itop in to see our apiendid uportmenta of Califor nian Leather Coat* Styled as only Califor- niana can make them .. You!) find plenty of new coat models or shorter lengths . . . tailored in auedea . . goaUkins . . . eapeakin or calfakin Pull belted or one half belt* . . . upper or button front* . . bi-ewing back flTaklrop&fl *Twe Convenient Storee” ('oflege Station • Bryan uc.i hard simmons T«M*t» TmtImt, « Nmm Tmm HovmH PsarM vwane T »- roMHcacK T VtaHMs Tmm TBXA1 a«M« Tmm lows #ut» ... VMIM* Tmm kANBAl : OHIO ; Class A Contenders Begin; 5 Monday Class B Will Start Marine Band - (Continued from paga 1) OKLAHOMA A A H wa W1 . #1 j j week ana j" I esaitato m ♦ V Hmm Tmm ! mMaef VmUmm Tm aiMovai T. TUAl A A H aMUaa Tmm Take • • • Ifnaaa enwrun _ VM*M Tmm N-TBXAf rate raniia Tmm V IU.AJIOV A VMUm« Tmm r<M HUMw *1 By Boh Myer* Following up the start of Class A sports, class B activities are set to begin on Monday. On this day many “fish'' will gtt their first „ | taste of intramur al play at A A M College ('lass B touch football is to be run off at the rat* of eight games a ill n*e the play ing of an average Hvm* of two games s week by each out fit Games scheduled for Monday in the class B division are as follows | . TOUCH FOOTBALL 4 00 C-C. A. C. -- B Cue E F A — I Inf G Inf — A Sig Srd Hq F. A -Inf Band « 44 B Eng — D Caa Hq Big — 1 Hq. F A E Eng — H Inf F C. A C. ^ C Caa BASKETBALL 4 00 B F A. - D Eng B tig — A F A. G F A - C Inf D Inf — A f A. C iers or for the managers who are refereeing Eighty yards will be the distance between goal posts, each ten yard tone being reduced to sight but the designation of the tones will not be changed Action is picking up speed down *t the gym Boxers sr* taking the stiffness out of the weight bag and are breaking in the new punch mg bags Many men were on the basket ball court; among them several varsity players Looks lika the men are interested in getting an early start this year Several hundred gold objects dog up from ancient Indian burial > Office Anyone interested in trying out for Sophomore manager is request ed to come down to the Intramural for a try-out. All second 10 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER.” The evening program is also made up of compositions by Amer ican musicians and will be select ions intended to please the adult audience The program includes: 1 “SYMPHONIC OVERTURE" - -Opus Burnet Tuthill. 2. Tone Poem "SKYWARD”- Nathaniel Shilkret 3 Trombone Solo — "BLUE BELLS OF SCOTLAND”-Arthur Pryor 4 "RHAPSODY IN BLUE”- George Gershwin 6 Excerpts from the Grwnd Op- •ra—“N ATOM A"—Victor Herbert 6 Xylophone Solo—“SPANISH VALSE"—George H Green. 7 ANDANTE from THE NORDIC SYMPHONY”—Howard Hanson. 8 Fantasy - “A VICTORY BALL" —Ernest Rebelling 9 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER On the printed program there is s short paragraph giving some points of interest shout each com poser and selection to be made Until this season it would have been impossible to hear s concert such as the U. 8 Marine Band will play, according to Capt. Wil liam F Santelman, distinguished | leader of this famous musical or ganisation. This band, known for | its resplendent scarlet and blue uniforms, is bringing to the A 4 M campus s full program of artia- tic excellence and stirring marches This band has been in existence since John Adams officially ap proved the bill that brought the band into being on July 11, 1798 It has performed at White House functions since the days of George Washington Probably no musical organisation so gloriously express ea the soul of a nation—its history, its religion, its patriotism, its hope and aspirations—as does the U S. Marine Band This band, whose pkk them, it might ke tko hen stop. Hoad Obaek Chet Beneftel brings > team to Texas with the in ten ttm of stopping tko march to tko eoaat wHk an anblimiaked record T\o Hurricanes have taken to tke practice field paying eloae at tention to tkeir pass defease. Tkey believe their groand defense is •trong enough to alow the Aggios down and make thorn uko to tho air. As for their offense tho backfleld is boos tod by Jo# Gibson, brother of the regular end, Kotmoth. as blocking back, sophomore Gloa Dobbs, as wing back that miakltng thorn to beast two triple threat backs la the game at the same time, the other being N. A. Keith ley, and Ray Muchowich. Muchemtrh is a Texas boy hail ing from Freeport He is playing hit first year on ths Hurricane varsity but has received much ex perience from play with the Kil gore Junior College. The Gibeon brothers also claim residence in the I>w* Star State j graduating from Klectra High School. Surprise performances have been turned out by a few Tulsans, and these have caused Chet to revise his number-one team in a few ' spots. Browne Ambuili and Roy Stuart will probably start as guards instead of Gler. Henicle and Wayne Halt, 230 and 220 poands respect- j ively, who have failed to get into ] condition as quickly as the smaller boys. This still leave* the Tulsa team going onto the field with a veteran line. Bill Gnmmett and Ken Gib son will fill the ends, Charlie Greene and Don Gray at tackle posts, Ambum and Stuart at the guards, with Dwk Morgan at cen ter As for the Aggies, they are in mb ths asms tmfttlen m they re before the A. A L Jaenltne fray Tke au* storting team will take to tka field at I o’clock with tko Other sWamm randy for tka call if the go of the gam* permit*. U of T Boasts- (Continaed from Pag* 4) sidelined with a pulled leg muscle According to advance report* from Boulder, Colorado will bring a large squad with many mterans from the Big Seven champion ship team including Leo Btosica. a 180-pound Junior being bailed as another Wkixaer White. Staeica’s passes te John Pudlik, 200 pound end, were instrumental to several ’88 victories, and Coloradoan again are expecting much from thto “Pole to Pole" combination. Upon two pooetbi* advantages, superior reserves and stronger re sistance to Texas beat, the Long horns are largely basing thedr hopes for an opening victory. POOL HOURS Monday. Tuesday. Thursday, and Friday from 4 00 to b 30 p m Wednesday. Saturday, and Sun day from J 00 to 5 30 Out of 4252 game# scheduled for last year, W7 were forfeited Roughly, this is 14 per cent. Not only does this mean that the team forfeiting the game didn’t play, but too, includes the fellows who went down to the field to play against them Roughly speaking again, wa will make a conservative estimate and aay that ton men, on an aver age, turned out for each contest It is but a simple mathematical h|tU)ry ^ the hi> . calculation to come to the condua- of ^ liniment .t- ,on that there were some 4.000 Coe, ^ h „ hMlled ^ ntQrJ) of ^ m For Expert Watch Repair C. W. VARNER JEWELER Alno Fine*! Lin* of WATCHES. RINGS JEWELER North (jate and Bryan MANSFIELD’S (ampun Buckle Oxford $5.50 W’ell lay oddn the beat educated feet on your enmpua will go place* in then* nmart Mansfield* pictured here They’re right for any wear and they’ll go *well with your uniform. Now Showing; Complete Line-up Univeraitv St vied MANSFIELDS— • Blucher Brogue* • Wing Tip* • Norwegian Moccaain* • Bootmaker Tone« All Style* *:> and $5.50 College and Bryan $T6n| o**<4v WlCJIl/ ClOChlERS College and Bryan ground in Panama by Univaraity of Pannaylvaiua archeologists have been placed on exhibition in the university museum GREATER PALACE Thursday - Friday - Saturday SOVINTURE comes to year men are eligible for this Job Prevue 11 P. M. Saturday Night Wallace Beery - Ann Rutherford “WYOMING” * Aleo Shown Sunday • Monday The playing field for speedball and touch football has been abort ened twenty yards for this year’s play It wilt ao longer be necessary for a player to ha a superman In order to play tke game of speed bail now It’o hard to tell whether the change was mad* for tke play tostanta who went to the field of play last year oaly to find their opponents absent Think thia over men, and then ask yoursalf if H is fair to your opponent or to your self to forfeit game* IF YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY A GAME, DONT RNTKR IT! WELCOME BACK. AGGIES ... PARKER LUMBER CO. Since \m Bryan, Texaa Swimming Team (Continued from Page 4) mars who won laurels during the ■ummor vacation period, but the hat would not be complete wHh- eut mentioning several boys who remained on the campu* during tka summer and organised a water poke team Thia toam won the state AAU water pelo meet which wae held at College Station this year Coached by Art Adamson, vanity swim coach. Prod Renand, Nad Ew ing. Bob Taylor, BUI McCauley, E Toro, Jimmy Da via, Gilbert Nag le, Gariaon Smith, and J. Schon field all provad tkeir mettle will be watched as future Aggie polo stars. Any 6 or 8 Exposure Roll Film Developed & Printed for 25* ONE DAY SERVICE EASTMAN ROLL FILM AT REDUCED PRICES Minis STUDIO NORTH GATE ****" - ■ - ■ —-- . nrLrrrx | conquering heroes. Its cadence* have marked the way to the final resting places of tke nation's honor ed dead The Marine Band has beat en the tempo for the American heart whether to steady the pa- tnotic flame m time of war and sorrow, or to sound its joyous ac claim in moments of triumph, its crescendos have voiced the nations rejoicing and its muted strains have spoken a people grief The oideet bend in the country ita his tory has been both vivid and event ful. In order that as many people as possible, especially student*, will have an opportunity both to see and hoar this famed organisation the Marin* Band has consented to give a special matin** performance in addition to the regular evening perform*nee, which will bo hold at College Station, at 1:30 in Guion Hall. Under special agreement with Marin* Band officials per mission has been granted to admit school children in group* for only 864 a child. Having the Marine Bstoj at A. A M is indeed a privilege, «mi an opportunity that all should tike advantage of. It ia ran indeed that «m M f lvOmd to hRihm • performance *f such a famous or ganisation. rl «. r •'“ft 1 r ; 1 M;' 1 j \ THE ENROLLMENT FIGURES Wednesday aftarnooa at 6 o’clock showed a total of 6,514. Thursday is tke bet day for enrollment aad a Toll—it figures already < od Registrar E J. BowalT* ea- aato far tka first saaaastor. he popularity of Coca-Cola is atturaaca of ita quality. Four gen erations of acceptance have made Coca-Cola known to all You will like it, too. Pause aad refresh yourself. ^4 U S E THAT REFRESHES ■iuli4—tswksstosnks f^Ctot Cato BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, INC,