Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1940)
PAGE 4 HO/HUb* JOHNSON BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR * TuIm WiU Attempt To Take Lead in Two Team Standing; Dark Horse of Valley League s atur<iay M th« Acftes take Uu, ctaint now stands even wUh ^ •***« tbs Tulsa Hur tba susa -tataaftainty" will hUl tnrar tba fiaM m tbara wm an Eyla Field last wsak A. A I. Javalinas had da rted strong (t) little San Jose ta California and had dona H in • down pour of rain Was this a tme teat of the porkers strength r ’ r WM ^ Ji»*t another game where the breaks and playing renditions t®W the difference or was It Son Jose was a strong team last year Talsa ran over Washburn IT to •, Who the week before had held the Emporia Teachers scoreleerand ran ap the other side as high as *her saw fit Little is heard of the IHtle schools and the validity of thetr strength is uncertain Twite could surprise the Aggies as did the SeerktU over Eice last year and the North Texas Teachers the Hurricanes credited with one win and the Aggie# with the same Oklahoma A. A M. is the heavy favorite for the Valley Conference with the Tulsa gang rated as the "Unknown." Last week the seme Sooner Aggies that fell to the ca data In the opener last year tied up wflh the Texas Tack slsvan. Picking them a bit early this week, from this corner they look liket Tomorrow Night U. C, L A. over Santa Clara Baylor to <iows Denver Batnrday A. A M eves Tulso in the Alamo T. C. V takes first from Arhaasas S. M U. hock over Dee tee Teacher* Tetae ky two ever Inilsna Hire lust ever Centenary Oklahoma over the Sooner Aggies against the improved Baylor Bears Auburn to ride Tulane Green W ave last Saturday. j Duk# still (n lead over Vole Juniors and Seniors Plan for Big “Week-end In Alamo City; Conference Opens Saturday “Corps Trip Tims” and tha topf two clasaaa are already planning their time according It will be the “Second Battle of the Alamo” as the cadets march on San Antonio. Many times before A A M teams A Home For Your Guests Over The Week-Ends Reservations Made in Advance COLLEGE COURTS East GaU ’have tangled on the soils surround ing the Texas shrine. Texas Uni versity heretofore was the oppon ent of the cadets. In “Cow Town" the Southwest Conference g*n goes off ss Captain Clarence Alexander leads the T C. U Homed Frogs to the field against the Arkansas Rssorbscks The Fort Worth team is the heavy side favorite m this fray, match ing their alertness and a bit of running and passing against the brawn the Otark team hat succeed ed in uncovering Alexander it t 196 pound senior center and holds two varsity let ters He was rated all-state in 1936 while at McKinney High School If the time arrives, he may be calked out of the line to carry the punting load Last year the Flrat Minor Sports Festival was held st A. A M. To night the captains and their rep- reuentativan will meet in room IS. Law Hall after yell practice to plan for the second meet next spring It is vary important that all teams be represented Whilier White, onetime All- American halfback st Colorado University and later a Rhodes scholar, stood second In hia Yala law school elaaa. Broken egg sheila may compete with oyster shells and limestone as t polltry feed, according Ur lows State ( ollege PMIICO 24IT. Gets Swope dunct J taam asmer. stroogm, ckara I And *r*m you glorious •sw tons ou American msoom 1 HtnArrr —* of satin unooth •bod Vt 4inui and bssuofuJ New CaiajrjMveod ’39* EASY TERMS Radio Tubes SW up KRAFT FURNITURE <& till IUIs Brywi Now’s The Time— Let our expert w»tch- makers repair ‘your watchea. Our work is carefully done and your aatiafaction is guaran teed SANKEY PARK Jewelers Bryan THE BATTALION . tih rsdat, ocrom a mo .'V • f.V tyJt !$'$ yjA >; n %7 M HtS FI AST coueot QAMi CHAT SCO4S0 . ■ JOUR TOUCKOOHNSf ecos'ir 8 ■ BBC5SP0SIL \ t. 4 HAYiO A£lULA* QuMTttAACK FOA YlAJti, WAS AA ACE PASSE A ( DIO rug UCKJNQ, NAS A POWfA- FOii tioexit and one of tub MATBSr fUJHHBIS EM no PLAY IN The SOUTHWEST, WITH the EXCEPTION OF ONI rtAA WHEN he COACHED ft A WOH SCHOOL Chet has men cOHHgcrgD with HIS AMA MATT A AS A SrUPfA/f AND COACH 6/NC8 /127 tulsa unde* blneful IS INTENT OH CilAABlNCr TO A HIGHER LEVEL f chet pahticipated in ALL SFOOTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TULSA Stanley Paul ROSTER UNIVERSITY OF TULSA Name Po. Yr Wt. Ht Age Home Town Rose, Wayn# E 1 1K5 « 0 21 Kilgore, Texas White, ( harlrs E 1 180 611 20 Shawnee Gnmmett. Bill E 3 206 « 2 21 Pauls Valley Giboon, Ken E 2 196 « 3 19 Electra, Texas Swait, John E 1 190 6:0 20 Sulphur Sprmgt. Tax Anubum, Srewne G 2 186 6 11 23 Hollis Campbell, Elston E 1 196 6 1 23 Tyler, Texas Erickson. Duvrey E 1 186 6 2 22 Ramona Herriman, John E 1 170 6:2 19 Monett, Mo Grey, Don T 2 225 6 3 23 Mariand Georgv, Jodi* Bob T 1 230 6 1 23 Monett, Mo. Grvene. Charles H T 2 210 6 1 22 Shawnee Wickham, John T 2 238 6:5 22 Findlay, Ohio Moore. A E. T 1 220 6 0 21 Magnolia, Ark. Worthington, Jim T 1 200 6 2 21 Nowata Denma, Marshall G 2 198 6 11 22 Tyler, Ttxas Hail. Maurice G 1 202 6:11 19 Sand Springs Abbott, Bill T 1 200 6 0 22 Tula* Btuart, R«y G 2 190 6 8 20 Shawnee Holt, Wayne T-G' 2 220 6 10 22 Breckenndge, Tex Rpilman, Charles C 1 180 6 2 to Monett, Mo Morgan, Richard C 2 200 6 2 21 New Lime Allieon, G*fie C r 212 6 1 21 Rosenberg. Tex Dobbs, Gletm HB i 196 6 3 20 Frederick Gentry, I-e* WH 3 190 6 0 21 Shawnee Akin, Hugh HB 1 182 5 11 19 Tulsa Kohard*. Don HR 2* 170 6 9 21 Miami Keithley, N. A HB 1 180 5:8 20 Miami Gibson, Joe yB 2 200 6 3 21 Electra, Tex Moore, Lester D FH 2 200 6 1 22 Springdale, Ark McCraw, Bet FB 1 190 6 10 22 Shreveport, La. Singleton. Bill FB r 200 5 11 21 Monroe, La Muchowich, Ray FB 1* 197 6 0 24 Freeport. Tex Hsnicle, Glenn G 2 230 6 2 21 Wayneeboro, Pa Buffalo, Roy HB 2* 170 6:9 21 Miami Strow, Malcolm HB 2 176 6 0 20 Ada Vickers, Jim HB 1 166 6:8 21 Blackwell Purdm, Calvin HB 1 190 5 11 20 Augusta, Kan IVinelson. Jack HB 1 165 5 10 24 Tulsa Cargile, Nelan HB 2» 170 5 9 22 Hope, Ark Meeks, Clayton C 1 188 6:2 21 Pierce City, Mo Irons, Iteaa G 1 196 6 9 22 Vernon, Tex. (1) Year on University of Tulsa Varsity , Indicatas Junior Collegs Transfer Swimming Team Members Enjoy Busy Summer Entering Meets Over the State Of Most Powerful Team Since 1937 < The craaeuado of anguished cries arising from tha natton’a f ootball cnaches ia not bvtng augmented •M whit by tha baaao profuado votes of Dana X. Bible, University of Texas mentor. It isn't that Bible and hia col leagues think they have a South watt conference champion, or even naceaearily a contender for that honor—it’s merely that they see their strongeet squad aince they took over at Ttxaa in 1197. “Thu Texae team will be sound than any we’ve had," waa the way one coach expressed it Last year the Longhoma scram bled to a fair BOO conference av erage and aa all-season record of five victortea to four loaaea. by dinging to the flying coattail* of two speedy scat backs. Cowboy Jack Crain and Galloping GUly Da via. Crain ia back for hia junior aea- aoa, and this trip ot appears Taxes will havt a littl# something to go with him. All ef this adda up to a Tsxss team that should bs even more dan geroua than In '3S, although It apparently lacks the all-around power to challenge seriously for the championship. The Longhorns art deeper in ca pable reserves than at any prsviout ■tags of Bible's four-year tenure Right now Crate has aa hia bnek- fwld mate* Pet# Laydoa, lettermhn, J at fullback, Vernon Martin at blacking back and any one ef the feur men at wingback Letter** Noble Doce and Nelaon Puett, Jr., Sophomore* Ralph Park and Prttx Lobphes The wingback post has been be set by injuries, and all aave Ub- prtea have miaeed tome practice*. This rugged 18<V-pounder appears to be on* of the equad't hardest runners. The firet-etring line include* Mike Sweeney and Malcolm Kutner et ends. Bo Cohenour and Stanley Mauldin at tackle*, Co-Capt Tad Dawson and Chal Dantel at guard*, and Red Goodwin nt center All nru lettermen except Cohenour. squad- mar. and Mauldin, sophomore , Bidding earnestly against tha current first-teamer* are: End* Charley Richardaon, J#** Haw- thorn* and Wally Boott; Tackle* Don Williams and Julian Garrwtt; Guards V. D. Basey and Harold Jungmochel; Center Glenn Jack- son; Blocking Back Johnny Gflli Pullbacks Roy McKay, Lswia May- ne and R L. Harkltu, and Left Halve* Spec Sander., Walter Heap and R B Patrick. Co-Cafrt Jimmy Grubbs, a blocking back, has been (Continued on pegs B) [ft? 1 NEAT APPEARANCE... ... Ig Your Greategt Agget LET US HELP YOU LOOK YOUR BEST AGGIEUND BARBER SHOP North Gato—Aeroua Fro« Pout Offku COMPLETE COVERACE OF TOOK EVERT NEED ARROW- Shirts and Ties GLOVER- Jacketg, Sweaters and Pajamas CROSBY SQUARE Shoes THE EXCHANGE STORE AN AGGIE INSTITUTION wa It was a great summer and was had by all, but none could ex cel that attained by many of the A. A M varsity swimming team during thorn dog fays of July and August Prom tho lowly squad- man up to the hi^h ranking senior lettorman, laurels and giory ware won ia tvary ki*d of swimming Let Us Fix Your Radio! EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK STUDENT CO-OP North GaU fun+meet in Texas < The annual Southwestern AAU meet in Dallas attracted ite share of Aggie performers, and all of the A. A M boys walksd off with honors. R H Taylor, sophomore star from Dallas, won the 220 and 440 yard free style*, setting a new record In the 440 Taylor was clos ely followed by Eddie Johnson who won the individual medley John soa ia not ia school this year, for he joined the air corps recently Sophomore I. D McKay from Dal las won the junior 60 yard fra* style In this meet. Taylor conquered other fields In Galveston at the Gulf AAU when ha walked away with the 100, 110, and 440 (again setting a meal re- cord in this dtetauanj as well aa being high petal man. nt the Tame AAU, hi mm in the 440. But srnit, and this is n't all. Hs won another 440 at the TAAF meet, and, you guested it, set a new record for the 440. This proceedur# was becoming a bit monotonous To relieve the tension, Taylor was beaten In the 200 in the TAAF for hia only de feat of the summer A boy like this is well worth keeping nn eye on. • H. 8. H entice, center sprint star from LaPtria and Southwest con ference 110 and 100 champ, gained further honor* for A. A M. by win ning the 10 yard free style at the TAAF and sating a new roeord in the distance. Eddie Johneon, the boy whe join ed the air eorpe, won tha back- stroke nt the Gulf AAU and waa established as tha high point taty of la Mail of the SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY Premier Mushroom. No. 1 tall Premier Froit Cocktail, No. 1 Ull, 2 (or — Premier Royal Ann Cherrieu, No. 1 tall, 2 for Premier Pears No. 1 tall, 2 for Premier Kodota Figa, No. 1 tall, 2 for Premier SHred Pineapple, No. 2 can, 2 for Crystal White Soap, giant siie, 5 for Royal Raking Powder, large aixe —— — Tender Leaf Tea, 3Vi ot. site and H4 os. aiie. all for Dated Coffee, Silver package, 1 lb. Corn Kix, large site, 2 for Trappey’s Catsup. 14 ot. bottle SPECIALS lb. MARKET Bacon, MorreH’s Pride, 1 Hama, any brand, half or whole, lb. Pork Chops (branded). 1 lb. Sausage, Hormel’t tack, 1 lb. Calf Liver, 1 lb. Sbrimpa, fresh, 1 lb. Also Fryers, hens, fish, oysters lamb legs and chops. VEGETABLES 2 California Oranges, 2.V2 White globe onions, 3 lbs. California Lettuce, bard head* each California Lemons, (special) 1 dot. ippiw, ISO rite, S .23 .30 .30 .29 .90 .11 .36 .17 .22 .26 .13 .23 .26 .26 .26 30 .18 .96 -10 .04 .09 .96 We wil have a full line of Vegetable* and Fruit* There will be s take sale at Lukria Saturday morning, benefit A. A M. Consolidated School Athletic Fund. LUKE’S * AIIAS 1.1141 W. ruu.*.