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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1940)
PAGE 6- THE BATTALION THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 Intramurals Reach New Peak With 4,000 Competing SUMMER SESSION AT A. & M. IS DESIGNED TO CARE FOR ALL TYPES The Summer Session of A. & M.,-f vided under the direction of Dr. C. H. Winkler, offers work in practically all the different fields of learning included in the regular college year. The general purpose is to ex tend the activities of the resident teaching division of the College throughout the entire calendar year. Men and women are admitted to summer session courses. The first term of summer school will begin on Monday, June 10, with registration from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Classes start at 7:30 a. m. Tuesday, June 11. Thursday, June 13 is the last day for registration for credit during the first term. Final exams take place on July 19-20. The second term begins with registration on Monday, July 22. Finals will be on Friday and Satur day, August 30-31. In addition to the six and twelve weeks’ courses of the College Di vision and the Graduate School, the summer session provides a number of short unit courses extending over a period of two or three weeks to meet the needs of adults who cannot leave their jobs for a long er period of time. Field and tour courses are available to advanced students in agriculture, geology and engineering branches. Besides the regular College Di vision of summer school, the ad ministration offers a number of short courses, including the Sum mer Cotton School, the Texas School Administration Conference, the Conference of County and Rural School Supervisors, the Farmers’ Short Course, the Fire men’s Training School, the Short Course for Oil Mill Operators, and the Annual Coaching School. Courses will be offered subject to the same general admission re quirements in the summer school session as in the regular session, but there are no specific academic requirements for admission to the general short courses and the Sum mer Cotton School. Summer-session students are pro- with the best room accom modations in the college dormitor ies. Walton Hall will be jased by women students and married stu dents. Sixteen two-story cottages designed especially for “project groups” will be available for the summer session students. These houses are of eight rooms with thirty-two beds and are very suit able for groups who may desire to live together on a cooperative plan. As in previous summers the col lege will provide a variety of in teresting lectures and entertain ment at no extra cost to the stu dents. In addition to these special lectures, students are invited to participate in the “forums,” the sessions of the general short courses, and educational confer ences. Speakers of national prom inence in the fields of education, rural life, and farm economics ap pear on the programs of these special groups. CONFERENCES TO BE HELD IN JUNE The annual Texas School Ad ministration Conference will be held at Texas A. & M. College, June 24-27, according to an an nouncement made here by Dr. T. D. Brooks, secretary of the con ference and Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and the Grad uate School at the college. Problems to be discussed during the four-day session will include guidance, school organization and administration, evaluation of sec ondary schools and agricultural education. During the same dates the an nual conference for county and ru ral school supervisors will be held on the campus, Prof. W. L. Hughes, head of the college’s Education Department, has announced. Prob lems facing these educators will be discussed by the various superin tendents, supervisors and members of the State Board of Education. "AGGIE TELLS AGGIE” ... that A. M. Waldrop & Co. has catered to the needs of A. & M. men for the past forty-four years .... during these many years we have sold only regulation uniforms and equipment... every item we sell carries our personal guarantee for quality and workmanship and is moderately priced. We wish to extend our Greetings to all prospective students and invite you to visit our two stores .... You will find Aggie graduates in charge of our Military Departments and they will be pleased to as sist you in selecting your needs for next fall. See us before you buy. Regulation Slacks Regulation Dobbs Hats Regulation Trench Coats Made to Measure Uniforms Regulation Insignia and Hat Cords Aggie Coveralls Regulation Shirts Regulation Blouse Nunn-Bush - Edgerton and Fortune Shoes We also carry a complete stock of young men’s clothing . . . furnishings and shoes. fl )aldropfl(3. “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Organisation Sports Program Expands With College Growth 16,000 Entries Were Recorded in 1939-40 In 15 Upperclassman, 14 Freshman Sports By HUB JOHNSON Just as in days of old when the Athenian and Spartan men and boys competed in sports, this year some 4,000 Aggies have taken part in intramural sports—contests between various organizations on the campus. The A. & M. intramural system is known as one of the most successful possessed by any school in the world. The origin of such contests and games can never be actually de termined, for throughout time con-'f tests have been held to proclaim the best in each game or sport. It is the aim of intramural ath letics at Texas A. & M. to provide an opportunity for every student to take part in athletic sports in which he is interested and to en courage every student to take part in as many sports as possible. The department is primarily interest ed in those students who are not proficient enough in a given sport for varsity competition. Intramurals Started At A. & M. in 1924 The record of actual scheduled games at A. & M. extends back to when the physical training of students was under the supervis ion of the Athletic Department in 1924. In that year, under the di rection of H. H. House, competition was held between the battalions in football. Each of the battalions had two teams determined by the pro ficiency and skill of the players. At the close of the season, cham pions were declared in each class. The following year seven sports were added to the list but bat talions were represented by only one team in the games. These sports included basketball, cross country racing, gymnastics, swim ming, track, softball, and tennis. The next year, 1926, speedball was added to the list. After the development of the program, various organizations developed teams and later de veloped the attitude that the or ganizations winning the intramur al games were of top ranking on the campus. Penberthy Becomes Intramural Director In the year , 27-’28 the games were first played on a company basis, with seven teams partici pating in each class, A and B. This was the first year that intra mural athletics was under the su pervision of the present director, W. L. Penberthy. Six sports—vol leyball, golf, handball, horseshoe pitching, boxing, and wrestling— were added to the department. This brought the number of dif ferent games ‘and contests to fif teen. Twenty-two organizations were represented in the various contests the following year, including a team composed of “casuals” or non-military day-students. Second teams were chosen in softball and as much excitement and competi tion was seen in their games as between the “A” teams. Supervision of Program The program is supervised by W. L. Penberthy, a faculty com mittee, and a student committee made up of representatives of each of the three higher classes. The senior managers elected this year included W. W. Downer, P. J. Lemm, and George Tillson. W. W. Downer is captain of 3rd Headquarters Field Artillery and a resident of College Station. P. J. Lemm is captain of C In fantry and hails from Brenham, Texas. George Tillson comes from Mis sion, Texas and is in D Field Ar tillery. Intramurals May Be Substituted For P. E. Classes Pingpong was introduced experi mentally in ’32, with three-man teams representing each organi zation. No points were given for participation in this game, but championships were declared and medals were awarded the winners. At the close of the tournament the game was added to the some six teen others but was dropped the following year. Water polo took its place among the games in 1934 and in the second semester of the following school year a plan was drawn up for the optional substi tution of intramural participation for physical education in the fresh man year. Water polo, softball, volleyball, and horseshoe pitching were opened to the freshman list with the new arrangement and touch football was offered to the regular teams. This was the spark to the reform that followed the next term. The double program was begun with the freshmen form ing their own teams in the same sports as the upperclassmen and holding their own series of games. With this change, rifle shooting was introduced to both classes, and football was again played on the regimental basis with no points being given towards organization records. Class A did not have speedball nor did Class B teams participate in touch football. This year the program was run on a duplicate system with both classes playing the same games excepting for Class B. Teams in the latter class had no represen tation in rifle shooting. Pingpong was again added this year as before. System Has Grown Rapidly In Last Few Years In 1927-’28 some 1,174 students took part in the intramural pro gram, while it is estimated that approximately 3,300 boys entered the games and contests last year. The intramural sports system has proved to be a great help to nearly all that enter into it. It is supervised by the director and his assistant, but all games and matches are governed and ruled by members of teams other than those between which the game is being played. With such a setup the whole success and interest lies in the hands of the students. In sports where it is possible, leagues are formed and playoffs are held between the league champions. In sports such as boxing and wrest ling, tournaments are staged and champions are determined in each sport. Intramural Trophies Awarded Each Year At the end of the year the All- Year Participation Trophy is awarded the organization having the greatest number of points. It is the largest and most significant award given by the Intramural De partment. The trophy is a beau tiful standard and is carried by the winners in all parades and reviews. Each organization enters at least twelve of the sixteen various sports and has the privilege of choosing the sports which it desires to have included in its final score. A duplicate award is given the or ganization whose freshmen score the greatest number of points in the Class B bracket. On some occasions the college champions are invited to play the champions of the intramural or ganizations of other colleges or universities. This year the fresh man champions in basketball de feated the Texas University fresh man champs in an invitation game at Austin. Varsity Material In many of the games varsity material or material for the fresh man teams has been discovered. It therefore remains that a letter- man in a varsity sport is barred from competing in that sport in intramurals. Intramurals Offer Many Advantages The factor vital to the smooth running of the program lies in the desire of individuals to play the games. Much advancement has been seen since the beginning of the plan and the future probably holds in store further advancement with the addition of still more sports. Nevertheless the present system enables any boy to continue a sport or game he has found interest in. Seven Branches Of Military at A. & M. Military training is compulsory at Texas A. & M. College for the first two years and seven branches of military service are taught, leading to reserve commissions as second lieutenants. These branches are Infantry, Field Artillery, Coast Artillery, Cavalry, Engineers, Signal Corps, and Chemical Warfare Service. This training is in charge of a large number of officers of the U. S. Army, with the Commandant and head of the Military Department this year a full colonel. SOIL SPECIALIST WILL TEACH HERE DURING SUMMER Robert Chandler, Prof Of Forest Soils, To Visit Dr. Robert Chandler Jr., assist ant professor of forest soils, de partment of agronomy, Cornell University, will be visiting profes sor of agronomy at A. & M. from June 10 to July 20. In order to be of service to all groups interested in forestry, and particularly those interested in the problems of the forest soils in the Southwest, graduate courses in for est soils will be offered during the first term of the 1940 summer ses sion under Dr. Chandler. Since no such courses have been offered be fore in the Southwest,, and since the state of Texas has about 35,- 000,000 forest acres, these courses and their attendant field trips should present a valuable oppor tunity to study forest soil problems in a new area, it was said by Dr. Ide P. Trotter, head of the A. & M. Department of Agronomy. Ecology of the Texas forest areas is particularly interesting because they represent both the typical Southern pine forests and the temperate zone where the hu mid forest areas meet the semi- arid tall grass prairies of the South west. College Station lies in the center of this transition zone. The wide range of soil and climatic con ditions found in Texas, and the 225 species of trees in the state make it an especially significant place in which to study the climatic, phy siographic and biotic relationships. A. & M. College has the largest School of Agriculture in the world. The school is a member of the Land Grant College System of the United States and its courses are accepted for credit by the outstand ing educational institutions in the country. This school permits a graduate student to take a total of six credits in a six weeks’ summer term. One three-credit graduate theory course and a special problems laboratory course of one to three credits will be taught by Dr. Chandler, mak ing available full-time graduate Coaching Staff Represents Many Sections of the Nation From the South, the Southwest,-fMarty Karow played professional the Midwest and the East have come the members of the Texas Aggie coaching staff, bringing the experience of many seasons of coaching and the knowledge of foot ball and other sports as they are played in all sections of this nation. This year the assignments for the fall are as follows: Homer Norton,- head coach; Marty Karow, who also is head baseball coach in the spring, backfield; J. W. (Dough) Rollins, who also is busi ness manager of athletics and head track coach, ends; Bill James, line; Manning Smith, backfield demon strator and handler of B squad; H. R. McQuillan, who also is head basketball mentor, head freshman coach; Charlie DeWare and Virgil (Brahma) Jones, assistant “Fish” coaches; Harry Faulkner, scout who is also assigned to coaching duties; and L. J. (Lil) Dimmitt, trainer. Head Coach Norton, product of Birmingham high school and Birm ingham-Southern College, where he was a four-letter man, captain of both baseball and football and win ner of the medal as the best all- around athlete of the 1915-16 sea son, came to Aggieland in 1934 from Centenary, where his Gents had made it miserable for several years for Southwest Conference teams. He also played professional baseball in the Southern Associa tion, the Piedmont League and the Million Dollar League and had been sold to the American Association at the time he retired from the diamond sport to stick to coaching at Centenary in 1920. At Cente nary he was head coach two years, then line coach under Bo McMillan, and finally head coach from 1926 until 1934. Played In France Coach Rollins, who established himself as one of the “greats” in Aggie athletic history before his graduation in 1917, was a captain of Infantry in the World War and played on the 36th Division team of the A.E.F. in France. Starting in 1923, he coached at Wesley Col lege in Greenville and at the East Texas State Teachers College at work in forest soils. Any student Commerce before returning to Ag- who has completed a three or four credit course in introductory soils at an accredited institution will be admitted to Dr. Chandler’s courses. For a six weeks’ summer term the matriculation fee is $15; the medical fee is $2; dormitory rent $8.50 including janitor service, and in the college dining hall meals are 40£ each or $30 for the term of six weeks. Lindbergh (whose real name was Manson) was the 67th man to make a non-stop flight over the Atlantic Ocean. gieland. A brilliant Ohio State athlete, baseball and coached at the Uni versity of Texas and the United States Naval Academy at Annap olis between his graduation from Ohio in 1927 and his arrival as an Aggie mentor. Line Coach Bill James brought 14 years of coaching experience at Birmingham and Fort Worth Central high schools, Texas Chris tian University and Texas Univer sity when he came to Aggieland in 1935. A former member of the fa mous “Praying Colonels” of Centre College, he has won recognition as one of the best line coaches in the game. Manning Smith jumped straight to his coaching job at A. & M. from Centenary, where he won all- American mention under Coach Norton. He began his quarterback ing at Byrd High in Shreveport. McQuillan, highly capable Fish football and varsity basketball head, was an all-round athlete for North Dakota Agricultural Col lege, graduating in 1916. He coach ed at Rochester, Minn., and Lake land, Fla., high schools and at John B. Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, and had served as pres ident of the Southern Intercolle giate Athletic Association before coming to College Station in 1935. DeWare and Jones, who assist McQuillan with the Fish, were all- Southwestern at center and guard, respectively, three years ago, and are in their third year on the coach ing staff. Trainer Dimmitt, one of the best known and most popular sports figures in Texas, is a former Southwestern University man, and came to Aggieland from Beau mont, where he coached the Royal Purple when it annually was among the leaders in Texas high school football. Only addition to the football staff this past season was Harry Faulkner. Former producer of strong teams at Terrell Prep, he served at one time on the S. M. U. staff, has done much scouting for major teams, especially Oklahoma, and was business manager of the Lubbock team in the West Texas- New Mexico baseball league last year. GREETINGS, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES! WHEN IN BRYAN, IT’S CANADY'S PHARMACY “On The Corner” Bryan : WHEN IN BRYAN COME IN AND SEE SAM FOR MEN’S WEAR CIVILIAN CLOTHES OR UNILORM Reasonably Priced Buy Now Pay Later Small Deposit PRESENT SERVICE MEANS FUTURE BUSINESS SAM KAPLAN BRYAN