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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1940)
CIRCULATION 5,500 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE VOL. 39 122 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1940 Z725 NO. 87 SENIOR OFFICERS OF '41 TO BE ELECTED THURSDAY Conference This Weekend On Low-Cost Housing Neutra, Maverick Will Be Speakers State ASCE Head Meeting Is Sponsored By Architectural Club, Dept, of Architecture The program for the conference on the low cost house, to be held here on Friday and Saturday, May 17-18, has just been announced by the Department of Architecture, which, in connection with the Ar chitectural Club, is sponsoring the meeting. The conference will begin with registration at 8:00 a. m. Friday morning. Col. Ike Ashburn will give the welcoming address at 9:30, and following this will be a dis cussion of the problem “Why Can’t I Have A House?” under three di visions; (a) The problem of the rural dweller, (b) The problem of the urban dweller, (c) What kind of low cost house. The subject for discussion dur ing the afternoon session will be “Practical Problems of the Low Cost House”. Richard J. Neutra, AIA, well-known architect of Los Angeles, will deliver an address on “Architectural Evolution of Habi tation, Its Functions and Struc ture”. Among the topics which will be discussed will be the problems of the architect, the general con tractor, the realtor, the financial agency, the materials company, the lumber yard and the laborer. The Architectural Club will be host to the visitors at dinner Fri day night at 7:00, at which time Maury Maverick, Mayor of San Antonio, will make a talk on “So ciety and Shelter.” “What Can the Building Indus try Do for the Low Cost House?” will be the subject of discussion Saturday morning. Ray Crow, en gineer in the sales production di vision of the C. I. & R. Co. of Birmingham, Alabama, will make an address at 9:30 on “Home Own ership and the Building Industry”. Discussion will follow on prefab rication in the building industry, standardization of materials and construction, maintenance factors of the low cost house and the ele ments of design. “What Can Society Do for the Low Cost House?” will be the gen eral topic for discussion Satur day afternoon. Neutra will again be the speaker, and his talk will be on “Community Planning, City Planning and Housing.” Planning (Continued on page 4) Britt Christian, junior of Com pany B Engineers from Jeffer son, Texas, was elected chairman of the Texas Student Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers at the recent meeting of the organization in Galveston. The office, which is the highest student executive position in the organization, was conferred upon an Aggie for the first time. As chairman, Christian will preside at the annual fall and spring conven tions held next term. Seniors, Here Is Chance To Become A Political Power With the state political pot al ready boiling, and prospects for a still hotter vote-getting campaign to open early in the summer, can didates are using every possible means of getting elected, from the use of hill-billy bands on up. Now comes an offer from C. M. Lank ford of League City, candidate for railroad commissioner, of a prize for the best paper on effective campaigning within the expense limit set by the legislature. Following is the telegram re ceived by Bill Murray yesterday: “Wish to offer prize twenty dollars to any senior student your school best paper subject now to most effectively cam paign for railroad commission er within expenses set by leg islature stop similar contest is being conducted Texas Uni versity today stop You to be (Continued on page 6) Zahn Selected ’41 Leader Of Singing Cadets Charlie Zahn of Dallas was elect ed president of the Singing Cadets for the year of 1940-41 at the an nual spring picnic held last Wed nesday evening at the home of Professor and Mrs. J. J. Woolket. Other officers elected were: Pete Adams, Bryan, vice-president; Gil bert Michalk, Corpus Christi, bus iness manager; Reynolds Smith, Throckmorton, publicity manager; Alanson Brown, Houston, librarian; Marion Lyle, Denison, accompanist; and J. J. Woolket, director. A barbecue supper, prepared by Mrs. Woolket, was given on the lawn of the Woolket home with ap proximately sixty members pres ent. When the club was on its spring tour last year, they adopted the song “The March of the Musket eers” to be sung for that year and it was decided to adopt a new song each year. This year the club chose “Stouthearted Men” as their song. Siegfried Neubert, a graduating Senior and the only member who has been in the club for four years, is to be awarded the honorary plaque which is given annually to members who have been with the club for four years. Five seniors leaving the club this year are: H. D. Crawley, Pat Ca sey, Siegfried Neubert, R. L. Bell and E. J. Butschek. Naval Aviation Board To Meet In Dallas, June 18-26 A board of Naval Officers from the “Annapolis of the Air”—the U. S. Navy’s Aviation Training Station, located at Pensacola, Flo rida, will meet in Dallas, Texas, from June 18 to 26, for the pur pose of examining candidates for appointment as Naval Aviation Cadets, according to word received here yesterday. This Board is head ed by Lieutenant A. Laverents, vet eran war-time flyer, as Senior Member. Lieutenant Laverents states that all candidates who meet the necessary general re quirements will be given a per sonal interview and a thorough physical examination. Candidates must be American citizens, between 20 and 27, un married, of sound physical condi tion, including a minimum height of five feet, six inches, and a min imum weight of 132 pounds, and must have perfect vision in both eyes without the aid of glasses. They must have a minimum of two full years of college education. The training presents an oppor tunity not only to become a pilot experienced in many types of air craft; but gives complete ground school instruction in aircraft struc tures, engines, instruments and accessories, radio, navigation, and other pertinent subjects. Upon graduation from Pensacola, the successful student is designated a Naval Aviator, and is commis sioned as Ensign in the United States Naval Reserve. From Pen sacola, he is sent to duty with the aviation squadrons of the United States Fleet. Lieutenant Laverents strongly urges all interested parties to write him at once, for full particulars and application blanks, at the Na val Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. There is no obligation involved in making application. Five Ex-Aggies To Graduate From Air School This Month The headquarters of thd Air Corps Advanced Flying School has announced the list of cadets who will graduate this month. Among the forty-two graduates, five of the number are exes of A. & M. This is the largest number of any school in the United States. The Graduate Flying Cadets from A. & M. are Henry Dittman, ’39; Robert C. McDheran, Jr., ’39; Alvino V. Reyes, ’39; David K. Lyster, Jr., ’38; and Thomas F. Collins, ’39. Largest Mothers ’ Day Crowd In History Of A, & M. Was Here One of the largest crowds in the history of Mothers’ Day ob servance thronged the A. & M. College campus over the past week end, and a full program for the parents kept the visitors enter tained every hour of the time. Visitors began pouring in on Friday afternoon for the Senior Banquet and Ring Dance, and this colorful ceremony attracted by far the largest crowd ever to attend such an event. As the banquet announcer nam ed the couples passing through the giant senior ring for the ceremony at which the lady re moved the senior’s ring and re placed it on his finger, it was revealed that more than 25 mem bers of the senior class of 1940 are married. More than a score of couples announced their engage ment at the ceremony. At the Senior Ring Banquet sur prise presentations awarded by the Student Activities Committee were made to senior social secretary Charlie Hamner, and to Town Hall manager Walter Sullivan and his assistants Henry Herder, George Steurer, and Carl Pipkin, in rec- -fognition of their services. And a gold watch was presented Cadet Colonel “Woody” Varner as a tok en of appreciation from the cadet corps for outstanding service as leader of the corps. Saturday was given over to Engi neers’ Day, and all branches of the School of Engineering were open to public inspection. A baseball game in the afternoon gave the visitors a chance to see the 1940 Aggie team play one of their best games in defeating Baylor 5 to 1. Throughout the day Saturday the college Board of Directors was in session for the May meeting. Only routine matters were disposed of, and Board members and their wives attended the reception Saturday evening at the home of President and Mrs. T. O. Walton. The Brazos County A. & M. Mothers’ Club honored the visiting mothers with a reception Saturday afternoon at the College Y. M. C. A. parlors. Visitors enjoyed the regular corps dance in Sbisa Hall Saturday night. (Continued on page 4) W. R. Scott To Succeed Col. Moore A. & M.’s Largest Longhorn To Be Issued Wednesday Scott Ex-Classmate Of Colonel Moore Colonel William R. Scott, In fantry, has been detailed as Pro fessor of Military Science and Tactics at A. & M. to succeed Colonel George F. Moore, who is being transferred at the end of the school term. At the present time, Col. Scott is commander of the 35th Infan try at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. The exact date of his installation here is not known. However, his duties begin with the fall term, and he is expected to arrive here sometime in the late summer. Col. Scott is a graduate of the United States Military Academy in the class of 1904. Later he grad uated from the Army Industrial College, the Command and Gener al Staff School, and the Infantry School. He was, for a while, an instructor in the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia. He has also served as P. M. S. & T. at Davidson College in Noitth Caro lina. It is interesting to know that in 1928, Col. Scott was a class mate of Col. Moore. Col. Scott has also served with Major Ewing in the 4th Corps Area. Col. Scott (Continued on page 4) MATH CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY The final examinations in the Mathematics Contests offered each year by the Math Department will be held in the Chemistry Lecture Room Thursday night at 7:30. Fol lowing is a list of the students who have qualified for these ex aminations : Sophomores: Fred Ashford, J. Barker, C. E. Calvert, R. A. Doak, E. G. Doughty, B. Hardie, J. M. Holliday, G. R. King J. L. Lam- berson, A. J. Landau, M. A. Mil ler, R. B. Pierce, G. M. Perkins, Q. M. Pickett, H. M. Rollins, J. M. Sinex, R. G. Skidmore, W. C. Swain, J. W. Thompson and Louie Tomaso. Freshmen: W. M. Adkisson, T. W. Allen, S. R. Baen, J. A. Baird, J. G. Glasdel, S. V. Burks, Philip Crown, H. E. Dixon, S. A. Ells- berry, B. T. Flowers, J. G. Goppert, Don Griffin, E. C. Hartman, L. C. Hengst, W. E. Holland, R. W. Hud son, F. C. Keeney, D. S. Lansdon, S. J. Marwil, A. L. Matterson, W. H. Mullins, Wm. Noa, L. R. Robertson, F. D. Sanborn, A. J. Specia, G. R. Thenn, R. T. Town send, D. A. Treadwell, C. G. Well ing and J. T. Cox. The largest “Longhorn” publish-- ed in the history of the school will begin issuance in the Admin istration Building basement Wed nesday. The Longhorn for ’40 is bound in blue leather and trimmed with the school colors of maroon and white. The dedication was appropriately made to the mothers and fathers whose sons are at tending A. & M. • The seniors will obtain their Longhorns tomorrow, Wednesday, from 3 till 5 p. m.; juniors Thurs day, May 16, from 1 till 3 p. m. and the sophomores Thursday, 3 till 5 p. m. The freshmen may ob tain theirs Friday, May 17, from 1 till 5 p. m. Further details of the distri bution provide that the cards and the Longhorns will be issued at the same time this year instead of having a time interval between them as was previously done. The cards, when signed by the desig nated person, serve as a receipt for the issuance of one copy of the book. It is cautioned that anyone sending down for his copy must assume all responsibility for the signature on the card. Cards may be obtained by pre sentation of a receipt showing payment of the student activities fee or payment for a Longhorn. This receipt must be presented at the designated time at room 22 in the basement of the Administration Building, about 75 feet further south in the basement. If for any reason a student has lost his re ceipt, a copy may be obtained on ly on Monday, May 20, at the Student Publications Office. • The “Greenhorn Section,” which has been a feature of the annual in recent years, was omitted this year in order to provide more space for activities at Aggieland. A new feature which is found in the new annual is the color photography of all the buildings on the campus. The “Vanity Fair” and “Senior Favorites” section go to make up the necessary amount of femininity to prevent the annual from being entirely a “men’s book.” Heading the sports section is the beloved mascot of the Aggies and “the only female student at A. & (Continued on page 6) Commencement Invitations To Be Issued This Week Comencement invitations will be given out to those who ordered them, Thursday and Friday from 1 to 5 p. m. in the rotunda of the Ac ademic Building, senior pres ident Max CcCullar has an nounced. George Smith, ’40 Longhorn editor President of Oil Company To Speak For Geology Club “Functions of the Average Pe troleum Geologist” will be the sub ject of discussion by Carter D. Speed Jr., president of the Speed Oil Company of Houston and a distinguished A. & M. alumnus, at a meeting of the Geology Club to night at 7:15 in the Geology Lec ture Room. A member of the graduating class of 1926, Mr. Speed was a letterman at guard on the A. & M. football team. He was a member of the ‘T’ Association, a Ross Vol unteer, a Lieutenant of “I” Com pany Infantry and received his de gree in Agricultural Administra tion. After leaving A. & M., Mr. Speed attended the University of Chicago, where in 1929 he received a degree in Geology. Since that time he has held various positions and is now president of the Speed Oil Co., (Continued on page 4) A. & M. Men Attend Grain-Seed School Representatives of the A. & M. teaching staff, the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Ex tension Service took leading parts in the program of the Grain and Seed School which was held in the Federal building at Fort Worth recently. Dr. E. P. Humbert, head of the Genetics Department, and chairman of the council, discussed the Fed eral Seed Law. Dr. F. L. Thomas of the Experiment Station discussed weevil control and E. A. Miller of the Extension Service discussed disease control in wheat. Federal Inspection Will Be Held Here Today, Wednesday; Gen. Baker To Visit A board of officers of the Eighth- Corps Area is visiting College Sta tion today and tomorrow, to make the annual inspection of the Re serve Officers Training Corps Units at this institution. The board is headed by Colonel Edward A. Keyes, Cav., Civilian Compo nents Officer, Headquarters Eighth Corps Area, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The other members of the board are as follows: Colonel Theodore K. Spencer, In fantry, Headquarters Eighth Corps Area; Colonel Oscar C. Warner, Coast Artillery, First Military Area, San Antonio, Texas; Lieu tenant Colonel Edward Montgom ery, Chemical Warfare Service, Headquarters Eighth Corps Area; Major John E. Maher, Cavalry, Central Catholic High School, San Antonio, Texas; Major Howard M. Yost, C. E., A. & M. Col lege of Oklahoma, Stillwater, ■Oklahoma; and Major William F.- Kernan, Field Artillery, Ball High School, Galveston, Texas. The inspection will terminate in a Corps Review to be held at 1 p. m. on May 15. • Major General Walter C. Baker, Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service, will visit this institution on May 17 and 18. General Baker will arrive at 10 a. m. on the 17th and will be met by a Cavalry es cort, which will conduct him to the President’s office. As soon as he enters the campus he will be given the cannon salute prescrib ed for a Major General. During the afternoon General Baker will review the corps, and during the review will present the Baker Trophy to the 2nd Platooon, Com pany C, Chemical Warfare Unit, which won this trophy for the year 1939-1940 in competition with the •other platoons of the Chemical Warfare Service Unit. Cadet 1st Lieutenant B. C. Barnes is the platoon commander of the winning platoon. The platoon sergeant is cadet staff sergeant C. H. Colgin Jr., and the platoon ammunition sergeant is cadet sergeant R. L. Sweeney. Following the review General Baker will inspect the dormitory occupied by the Chemical Warfare Unit. On Saturday morning Gen eral Baker will look over the in stallations and equipment pertain ing to the Military Department of the College and at 11 a. m. speak to the Seniors of Chemical Engi neering, members of the faculty, and such other students as may be interested, in the lecture room of the Chemistry Building. General Baker will depart for the maneuver area in east Texas Saturday afternoon. Move Effected At Suggestion of ’40 Senior President The Senior Class officers for the 1940-41 term will be elected Thurs day night at a meeting of the Junior Class to be held in Guion Hall at 7:30 p. m., according to an announcement made yesterday by Ele Baggett, Junior president this year. The offices to be filled at that time are those of class president, vice-president, secretary- treasurer and historian. This is the first time in history that the Senior Class officers have been elected during the preceding term, before the juniors become seniors. The election is being held at this time at the suggestion of the present Senior Class president in a Battalion editorial several days ago, in order that next year’s seniors can begin work on some of the problems which will be fac ing them when they return to school in September. Several mat ters, such as the movie situation, the dormitory telephone situation and others, are felt to need atten tion before the present term is over, and this can best be accom plished by having the class elec tion now. Cadet Colonel “Woody” Varner will preside at the meeting. Every member of the Junior Class is urged to be present, as the class election is a matter which cannot fail to affect the destiny of the members next year. Out-going officers of the class include Ele Baggett, president; Tom Richey, vice-president; I. B. Stitt, secretary-treasurer; and Jeff Clarke, historian. Field Artillery To Have New National, Regimental Colors The Field Artillery Regiment will have a new national standard for the next regimental formation, according to a letter received by Colonel O. E. Beazley from Cap tain L. R. Garrison, formerly of the Military Department here, who was transferred last year to the Army Industrial College in Wash ington, D. C. Captain Garrison announced that he was sending by parcel post a new silk standard obtained from the Philadelphia Quartermaster De pot. The first standard was pre sented by Major L. R. Dougherty in 1921, and has an inscribed sil ver band on the staff to that ef fect. Another band will be placed on the staff with Captain Garri son’s name when the replacement standard is added. It was also an nounced by the Military Depart ment that the old Field Artillery Regimental Standard, donated sev eral years ago by A. M. Waldropt & Co., will be replaced by the same concern. Special Edition Of Battalion To Be Thursday’s Paper The Thursday issue of The Bat talion will be the annual special edition which is distributed to 10,- 000 seniors graduating from the high schools of Texas. Total circulation will be nearly 16,000, including the usual 5,000 faculty-student subscription list. Distribution on the campus will be at the usual time, Thursday morning; the 10,000 high school copies will be mailed out during the two days following. An attempt is made to present as complete a picture of A. & M. College, its divisions, and College Station, the Texas Aggies and Ag gie life, as space will permit. Ob ject of the special edition is to better inform the high school chil dren of the state about the school and to furnish the boys graduat ing an added incentive to enroll at A. & M. In order to print the extra-large number of copies on time, the reg ular Wednesday afternoon staff will work this afternoon.