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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1940)
-TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1940 PAGE 2 THE BATTALION The Battalion OPEN FORUM STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. M- COLLEGE The battalion, official. newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Tejtfce: and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College (Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of ittarch ii, ibitf. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request Represented nationally. by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office. Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone t-6444. 1939 Member 1940 Plssocioted Golle&ide Press BILL MURRAY LARRY WEHRLE Tames Critz E. C. (Jeep) Oates R. <3. Howard 'Hub" Johnson Philip Golman John J. Moseley EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ADVERTISING MANAGER Associate Editor Sports Editor Circulation Manager Intramural Editor Staff Photographer Staff Artist TUESDAY STAFF Charlie Wilkinson Managing Editor Sam Davenport Asst. Advertising Manager C. A. Montgomery Editorial Assistant Junior Editors Earle Shields Don Andrews Senior Sports Assistants Jimmie Cokinos — Jimmy James Junior Advertising Solicitors K. W. Hubbard J- D. Smith Reportorial Staff Bill Fitch, H. S. Hutchins, W. D. C. Jones, Joe Leach, J. L. Morgan, Jerry Rolnick, J. C. Rominger, E. A. Sterling, W. P. Walker, R. J. Warren Patronize Your Advertisers There is a reason for everything. There is a reason for the advertisements in your Battalion. They have not been casually inserted by mer chants unmindful of the results, but rather they have been carefully planned with a purpose in mind ... TO BETTER SERVE YOU. Merchandise in the stores of Battalion adver tisers has not been idly selected. It has been chosen because YOU have shown them what YOU want. When something new springs up on the college campuses of the nation, Battalion advertis ers bring it to you. Nor can it be said that The Battalion accepts just any advertising that comes its way. Adver tising appearing in The Battalion represents firms and merchants of a reputable and reliable reputa tion. Their merchandise or services, represented in their advertising, can be depended upon as being exactly as advertised—else The Battalion would not carry their advertising. Cooperate with your Battalion advertisers; patronize them. They are supporters of your in stitution, of your ideals as Aggies. When you trade with a Battalion advertiser something besides money and a product or service crosses the coun ter ... A feeling of cooperation and good will hovers about. So, once again, cooperate with and patronize YOUR Battalion advertisers; they form a vital ele ment in your college career here at YOUR college— Texas A. & M. Think It Over By F. R. STEVENS “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL” Probably no clause in our fundamental law has created more discussion than this and none is more important. Physically, mentally, spiritually of course the statement is dead wrong. No two men are equal and we can even go further and state that of the billions of humans who have lived since Adam no two are equal. There is equality of sight only .among the blind and equality of strength only among the dead. Life means individuality. The Declaration of Independence was written from the standpoint of law, and from that stand point “All Men Are Created Equal.” Our country stands practically alone among the nations of the world in giving no official titles, recognition or legal advantage because of birth <or wealth. No person may make or execute our laws Yinless that power be given them by the people. We have no King ruling by Divine Right. No Barons, Dukes or Counts who claim prior rights because of birth. No dictators may assume control. When the race of life starts in our country there is a fair field ahead for each of us. There is no governmental handicap. In fact it is the duty of the government to keep the field clear and the race fair. The race “is not always to the swift” but the reward at the end is measured on ly by the way we have run the race. This basic principle is expressed in all our public institutions. Our public schools, not only grade and high schools but those which furnish technical education in the Arts and Sciences are open to every student who can show his ability. In many states complete college courses are avail able to all who may qualify. Our country gladly furnishes all this that the path may be open equally to all. This truly is a land of opportunity for every individual. No test as to wealth or social class is applied. No ques tion is raised as to whether the individual is a Catholic, Jew or Protestant. This is no charity or concession offered by one religion to another. Their constituents were all here and did their part in founding this country and as the result of that long struggle in ’76 those of us here today can claim this Freedom as a Right. No other country in the world • gives such op portunity for self development, yet many of our shallow thinkers who succumb to propaganda are serving as the first line of an invading army in an effort to overthrow our Freedom and sub stitute the goose-step of Germany or the firing squad of Russia. Horses are staging a comeback—according to a news item. Not the ones we bet on. Professor at the University of Oklahoma has compiled a list of 10,000 superstitions. Including the one that prosperity is just around the corner? TO THE BATTALION: Not since the first time when there wa's a write-up about the Y Cabinet’s hitch-hiking cards has there been anything in The Battalion about them, besides that letter of praise in the January 6 issue by that fellow with the American Oil In stitute. I am not a member of the Y Cabinet—but I think this move by them was one of the best things that has happened around here. The boys in my* house think it is a swell idea and will do a lot to help the highwaying situation. We failed to get any cards when they were is sued, but I talked to Haines and he said that the Cabinet would have some more printed if the boys wanted them. I think that he should receive much credit for this idea—and that the Y Cabi net should be urged to have more cards printed. Everybody I have talked to thinks that it is a good thing and should certainly be continued. C. PARKER. (Editor’s note: The Battalion agrees with you 100 per cent, Parker. There has been no new de velopment in regard to the new highwaying plan, however, which is the reason we have had nothing on it lately. But The Battalion is in favor of any move which will improve the Aggie highway ing situation; and we think that Haines and the Y Cabinet deserve high praise for their idea. We hope they continue and expand upon it.) BOOKS YOU'LL ENJOY “Young Man With a Horn,” by Mrs. Dorothy Baker. » “Agriculture in Modern Life,” by O. E. Baker. “Medicine at the Crossroads,” by Bertram M. Bernheim. “Best Short Stories . . .” 1939. “Living Bible” (Bible. English). “Which Way America?”, by Lyman Bryson. “May From Tibet,” by Clyde B. Clason. “Hollywood Saga,” by De Mille, W. C. “Four Ways of Philosophy,” by Irwin Edman, “Corn,” by Paul Engle. “Toward an Understanding of the U. S. S. R.,” by M. T. Florinsky. “Atoms in Action,” by George Russell Harri son. “Rogue Male,” by Geoffrey Household. “Right and Wrong in Labor Relations,” by Wil liam Morris Leiserson. “. . . The Importance of Living . . .,” by Lin Yu-t’ang. “Christmas Hiloday,” by W. S. Maugham. Man, Your Manners— Good manners are important in business; no man knows when the lack of them will turn the scale against him, lose an important sale or con tract. QUESTION: Is it necessary for a man to rise at his desk to greet a business prospect or business acquaintances who call at his office? L. E. J. ANSWER: It is courteous for him to rise to greet a business prospect or any other man when he calls at his office; it is also good manners to rise when a lady or elderly man calls at the of fice. As the World Turns... Steen By DR. R. W. STEEN Funeral services for William E. Borah were held in Washington Monday. The Senator from Idaho had been a member of the upper house of the American Congress since 1907. During his more than thirty years in the Senate, Borah made a name for himself that will be long remembered. His fame rests more completely on his ability to oppose moves than on his ability to pro pose them. He was almost unique in his ability to be a “no” man at a time when “yes” men were so much in evidence. Borah came to the Senate as a progressive, but has been known for years as a conservative. He achieved his conservatism by the simple pro cess of standing still. He believed in 1940 many of the things he had believed in 1907—but beliefs that were progressive in 1907 are something less than progressive in 1940. Borah at one time or another fought for the federal income tax and for the popular election of United States Senators. He took an active part in the trust busting of the early years of the century, and was, in general, an advocate of states’ rights. As a self-constituted authority on foreign af fairs he passionately advocated isolation for the United States. His texts for American foreign pol icy were Washington’s Farewell Address and Jef ferson’s Inaugural Address. Following the advice of these early American leaders he opposed the League of Nations and everything else that might give America a leading part in world affairs. He was an opponent to be reckoned with for he fought with the determination of a fanatic. The tribute that the Dallas News found fitting for Joe Bailey is also fitting for Borah. It is one in which both his friends and enemies can agree, namely: “He had the courage of his convictions.” Texans will have several interesting political fights to watch this summer. There will be the governor’s race which again threatens to take on something of the appearance of comic opera poli tics. There will also be interesting campaigns for the Railroad Commissioner and other state offices. Long before these campaigns reach the boiling point, however, there will be the fight between the Roosevelt and Garner forces for control of the state convention which will choose delegates to the Democratic National Convention. All in all, Texas will be engulfed with oratory, and what passes for oratory, during the summer months. ■i BACKWASH By George fuermann "Backwash: An agitation resulting: from acme action or occurrence.”—Webster. Fuermann Down Military Walk . . . The best inter-ramp communication system the writer has come across is that between G and H ramps of Walton Hall. Powers Kirven and Buddy Williams operate from H ramp, the sys tem being com posed of the usual microphone con nected with radio loudspeakers. It’s all very handy, especially when engineering prob lems arise in rainy weather . . . T.S.C.W.’s 2,800- odd Sadie Hawkinses vote A1 Capp’s Li’l Abner their favorite comic strip, Jane Arden and Dixie Dugan being next in that order . . . Ninety-nine dollars short: One of the campus’ several confectionery owners, George McCullough, was recently asked to cash a check for $1. George did so and was sur prised no end when, a few minutes later, the customer returned and pointed out that the check was made out for $100 . . . Welcome at any party is Aggie Mike Soto. If you’ve ever seen him dance the conga-rhumba you’ll know why. Mike, as you may have guessed, is one of A. & M.’s 36 students from Puerto Rico . . . And one more item from A. & M.’s Denton sister school: The T.S.C.W.-ites are ad vocating Elsa Maxwell for the na tion’s president. Elsa, they point out -in their student publioation—- The Lass-0—will run on a plat form promising “A man in every home.” . . . The English Depart ment’s R. M. Weaver recently ex plained to one of his classes the meaning of the abreviation, “G. T. T.” It seems that the term is very proper legal vernacular in the state of Tennessee. Back in the days when Texas was begin ning to take on a sizeable popula tion the Tennessee law officials oc casionally failed to locate a much- sought criminal. The result was the appearance of the letters G. T. T* on the records—Gone to Tex as! • Somewhere in the interior of Emily Post’s book on social be havior she says: “Never remove from your mouth anything which you have pu Doubtless Emily was giving serious advice on the ground rules at the local festive board, but she didn’t so specify. The point being—as one cadet pointed out—what about tooth brushes? • The Junior Prom committee: Class prexy Ele Baggett has taken time out to appoint the men behind the scenes on the junior class’ all-important annual func tion, the Junior Prom. The orches tra committee is chairmaned by Ed Felder, and with Ed is George Taylor, Jack Hendrick, David Yar brough, Ben Roberts, and Bill Beck er. Bob Little heads the commit tee on favors and programs, but the other members of that group have not yet been decided upon. • It’ll cost $7,000—and it’s worth it: The Band is already making plans to journey California-way next October 12 when the Aggies play U. C. L. A. in Los Angeles. The college, of course, will try to pay a sizeable share, but the Band will still need to raise most of the money. To help make up the “Califor nia, here we come” fund, Band juniors are planning a music- comedy review with a real “kick” to it, but no definite announce ments will be made until the begin ning of the second semester. Large ly instrumental in forming plans for the event are J. H. “Hymie” Focke, Pat Ledbetter, Pete Wehner, Maurice McCall, Jack Nelson, Charles Scott, and Charles Poulter —but, as said before, all Band jun iors are doing their share. • From verse to verse: One of College Station’s Con solidated School teachers recently asked her class to try their hand at poetry. Evidence that the world- famous “Aggie Spirit” begins at an early age lies in these bits of verse written by pupils who will be A. & M. and T. S. C. W. fresh men about 1947. The football boys are big and strong And we are with them right or wrong. In playing games they show their might And the other team always looks a sight. And here’s one that can’t be overlooked: Kimbrough, our star, stands six feet two When he hits that line he goes on through. The others block like an iron bar But they couldn’t win without John to jar. • Wherein “What I like (Or Don’t Like) About T. S. C. W-ites” is mentioned again: The contest is a little more than a week old, and there’s still three weeks to go, but get your entry in early... It’s simple: Write one hundred words or less on the above subject; send the entry to the writer, Box 2279, College Sta tion; and the contest closes on February 15. To the winner goes a Battalion subscription (If he is already a subscriber, the magazine and news paper will be sent to any address in the nation), and his entry will be published in an early issue of the magazine. The list of the eleven judges has appeared in an earlier column. • Thursday’s column carried an item where at Garrison’s words to The Beer Barrel Polka were pass ed on to the corps. As predicted, the words took hold and are al ready a campus favorite. In the same groove are the lyrics writ ten by a Baylor coed to the tune of Jack Littlejohn’s popular song, “I’d Rather Be A Texas Aggie.” She has titled the song “I’d Rather Be A Baylor Girl” and, if you’re familiar with the original, you won’t have any trouble with the substitute words. I’d rather be a Baylor U. Girl With an Ag'gie on the string Than to have President Roose velt Take me to swing. I’d rather be at a ball At dear ole A. & M. C. Than to go to Mrs. Aster’s Afternoon tea. For I’m true to the boys of Maroon and White But I love the green and gold ‘cause I know its right The boys are swell, old pal You can always hear me say For they really treat a girl In a wonderful way. I’d rather love a Texas Aggie The mean old so and so Than to love a boy from Texas Who’s just rolling in dough. I’d rather be an Aggie’s sweet heart— Oh what a guy— Cause I’ll always love an Ag gie Till the day I die. />y Dob NisbeE ECENT ECORD ELEASES The two selections Blue Barron combines on record B-105j.9 were composed under unique conditions. The words for each selection w°re written by famous lyricists, HOLY SMOKE, Johnny Mercer; WHAT EV’RY YOUNG GIRT. SHOULD KNOW, Johnny Burke. These were published in a book entitled “Song Hit Guild.” The purchasers of this were granted the privilege of submitting music to fit the lyrics. Two unknowns, Royal Marsh and Walter Behl, are re spectively responsible)for the melo dies played by Blue Barron. Both numbers are of exceptional melodic and lyrical appeal, and we swing out on a limb in predicting great things both for these two tunes and the two new song writers, Marsh and Behl. Ray Eberle, whose song styling is rapidly pushing him to the front, sings both CARELESS and VAGA- Call it coincidence or not, but on Wednesday night there will be two shows with Mickey Rooney as the star, the Palace with “JUDGE HARDY AND SON” and the As sembly Hall with “BABES IN ARMS.” As in most shows put out in Hollywood, the antics of Mickey as a young adolescent are horrib ly overdone, even to the point of being silly and ridicplous. How ever the gullible American public seems to like them, so as not to row against the strong wave of public opinion, the high rating of three grade-points will be given each of them. These are rated not for what they are worth, but for the probable enjoyment the audience will receive. With the same Hardy family sup porting cast, Mickey is so sure of winning an essay contest prize of $50 that he buys his girl, Ann Rutherford, orchids and buys him self a tuxedo. Then he discovers that the cash prize is offered to girls only—the winning boy re ceiving a set of books. Judge Hardy, learning of his predicament, offers to help him out if he finds a missing girl with a middle name of Volduzzi. On top of his trou ble over his essay and the girls, Andy’s mother becomes ill, with pneumonia. As usual, however, Andy finds a solution to his prob lems and comes out on top. In “Babes in Arms” Mickey is starred with Judy Garland. The two are the children of famous vaudeville hoofers at the time of the.fall of vaudeville and the in troduction of the motion picture. The families plan a comeback with a tour of the country, but they re fuse to take the children along. In the meantime, Miss Steele, a local welfare worker, threatens to put the children in the county home because, as she claims, they are not being properly cared for. BOND DREAMS, the two medium sweet swing ballads Glenn Miller offers on his record of the week. CARELESS was written by Lew Quadling, Eddie Howard and Dick Jurgens, while VAGABOND DREAMS is a Hoagy Carmichael production with lyrics by Jack Lawrence. First airing of both tunes have met with above the average audience reaction. One of the most popular num bers performed by Art Kassel and his Kassels-in-the-Air is his unique composition, HELL’S BELLS. Here it is recorded just as the Kassel group usually presents it with a vocal refrain by “The Three Romeos” and the ensemble chorus with the clarinets playing a half tone apart. The companion piece is another novelty tune of a differ ent type. DOWN IN THE ALLEY AND OVER THE FENCE was written by Cavanaugh, Redmond and Simon. Again, “The Three Romeos” sing, this time about something purchased in a pail for a dime; cider, we believe. Ozzie Nelson went to the Oscar Hammerstein, II - Jerome Kern score of “Very Warm for May,” for material to be used in this, his latest Bluebird record. HEAV EN IN MY ARMS features the voice of Harriet Hilliard and THAT LUCKY FELLOW, Ozzie Nelson. Both selections were recorded at the medium sweet-swing tempo best suited to the unique Ozzie Nelson type of arrangement. Mickey gets an idea to start a show on his own, and he gets the other vaudeville children to help, and soon they are going strong. Of course his best girl is the star. Then along comes a screen star, Baby Rosalie, who offers to fi nance the show if she is given the feminine lead held by Judy. When Mickey consents, Judy leaves. At the last minute, however, Rosalie’s father drags her away, and Judy, who has returned, is given the part once more, and the show is a grand success when Mickey imitates President Roosevelt, Clarke Gable, and Lionel Barrymore. WHATS SHOWING AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Tuesday and Wednesday— “BABES IN ARMS,” with Mickey Rooney and Judy Gar land. AT THE PALACE Beginning Wednesday — “JUDGE HARDY AND SON,” with Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone, and Ann Ruth erford. AT THE QUEEN Wednesday and Thursday— “THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS,” with Nan Grey. ilb n.Titti ASSEAVKLY HALL THE BIG SHOW! Hundreds in the Cast! IS I BOON He sings! He dances! He's — CLEANING and BLOCKING Guaranteed To Fit STANDARD HAT WORKS LOUPOT’S TRADING POST NORTH GATE “BELIEVE IT OR NOT” Spring Is Just Around The Cornet • SO PREPARE YOURSELF NOW FOR THE SPRING DANCES BY ORDERING YOUR NEW WHITE DANCE UNIFORM SAVE WITH SAFETY By Having Your Uniform • “Tailored by Mendl & Hornak” UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP North Gate 4 * i ) » % ! * */ 4 * * * i » k. r