Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1939)
Battalion Sports COLLEGE STATION FEBRUARY 21, It St PAGE S Schedule of Intra-squad Clashes For Spring Training Is Changed BY K C. “JfSXP- OATKS ■M tba New Tort Gtaata pUyin* the Green Bay Packers, and the Washington Radakina playing the Chicago H<pn Wednesday at 4:4k. Saturday the Beam and Packan meet and the Redskins and Giants play. Ooach Norton ha the games to Wednesdays ad 4 and Saturdays at 4:M. Manning Smith’s fresh man mere handed a 40 to £9 feat hr Depto Holmes' N. T. A. C. team Friday night. The freshmen are not looking as good as they aheeld. This may be caused by the fact that Moser, one of the start ing forwards is practicing football now instead of basketball. Yon cant practice football all week and than play good Iwakethadl. Stevenson, Henderson, Cole and Ooach looked pretty flair for the I all of McQaillan than fair varsity t. M. C. A. for Saturday night here, has been catted off. Soothwoot Confe player. O'Brien, Hale. Tedd. and Patterson havo rsfaaid to sign. Cistern has said that he to threegh with football. Coach Dutch Meyer of the T. C. U. Frogs says that his tB team will be at toast BO par cant as >ng as kto national champions of 1B1B. Ho has 10 lottennen hack. His first eleven, which consists of siivon littmwisa mho represent U grid Utters. The conference trade race will again be between Rica and Texas. The Aggies will hog third again and will no doubt have to say aa to whether Rice or Texas with him Friday night. He played five of them one half and five the next half and there wee little dif ference between tho two sets. The kid who wore number f'is a broth er to Whitey Baccna, S. M. V. basketball coach. He certainly tak es after Whitey in hie ability to i the floor and to The half-time score on the game was N. T. A. C. M, A. A M. Fresh- Bveryone arewad Aggie dr- dee are pleased to heas of the Improves^at of Clyde Uttie- field, Texas track cench. He to ene ef the flnaat Texas and A. A M. wig have as ether rengh fight far the baseball crown Baylor win be aember three ia the race. Rice, S. M. U. end T. C. V. wiD have a mad scraatole far Urn other pedtiona. The Aggies wiD hare the sdrsatage ia pitchlag and hattiag streagth. » Our vote for the best ell roun-1 athlete of the campus ia V. C. iton. Ho ia a demon at horse shoe pitching, probably the best golfer ip the county, sn outstand ing tennis player, the heat softball fh-stbasemen this orriter baa seer around here, a fair basketball play, ar, a good man in volley ball, and pretty fair la several other sports. Border Olympics Officials See Best Games Coming: Up Officials in charge of tho seventh inning of the Border Olympic night games scheduled for March t at Laredo looked forward to an other record-breaking list of en tries as the field of SCO ptsnrc, rose yesterday to tea colleges and twenty-one high schools. Cart Kelch, Junior College Champion, was Edinburgh's lone bid for points In the Olympics, and the best entry up to tbs present time in a field that to scheduled to Include Fred Wollcot ef Rice, the famous Rideout Twins of North Texas State Teachers College, Boe- fus Bryan of Texas University, and a host of others. Schools entered follow: Colleges: Texas A. A M., Terrill College, Rice Institute. Southwest Texas State Teachers Collage, Texas University, West Texas State Teachers College, Abilene Christian Collage, Howard Payne College, Edinburgh Junior College, and Baylor University. High Sehaols: Karnes City, Kingsville, Thomas A. Edison (San Antonio), Austin, Dilley, Co- tulla. Goose Creek, Carriae Springs and Pearsall, Hariandale (San An tonio), Platon ia, Asherton, Wauri- ka (Oklahoma), Freer, Pleasanton. San Diego, Lockhart, Crystal City, Laredo, Kerrville, end Caere. Mustangs Break Losing Streak Everyone talked about the else of Ernie Lain last fall, bat the Aggies wfll have the largoit back in the conference next year. Euel Wesson, who to now in the Cadet beckfield, tips the bean* at 262 pounds when he gets hU uniform Walter Hag cm. great golfer. H miles eat ef receatly. One after- aeow be appeared la Menomi nee, Michigan far a golf exhi bition when 444 people were waiting far him at the first toe to Me EIGHT LETTERMEN RETURN TO TOO I BASEBALL CLUB Eight lettarmen end e promising group of sophomores will report to Coach Howard Grubbs whoa the varsity baseball club call is issued March 1 at Texas Christian Uai- Aggies Mark Dp Second Win of Season Friday The cellar championship of Southwestern Conference for was settled hare Friday night whan the Aggies defeated the T. CL U. Frogx 44 to M, the Aggies mark ing up thsir second win of tho saaaon, both of which havo boon over the Progs. At the half the Prog* tad BS to It, but whan the teams for the final parted, ti scored 10 points before were able to tally. After the Ca dets went ahead t»-23 they n tot the Ft. Worth school In load again. The toad switched only onto during tho gams ami that was after tho start of tho second ported. Bill Dawaoa and Jude Smith ttod for high-point honors with 11 points. Tom Tinker was next with 10 points, end Abney led the Frege with nine markers. It was Dawson who kept the f-adets in the ball game during the first round. He seared ntae ef the Aggiea’ points during that time. T.C.U. mieoed four oat of too free throws while the Aggies miss ed only two oat of twelve. Dawson was the only man baa- id on fools. Best, Snodgrass, Duckworth and Abney were the outstanding men for T.C.U. For the Aggies it was the five that starred. NEW SPORTS FOR INTRAMURAL PROGRAM BEGIN 2ND SEMESTER Nkvft COACH By CHICK DENNY Saddle and Sirloin Club Initiates 74 New Members at Meeting The Saddle and Sirloin Club held its annual Initiation of now a here in the Animal Husbandry Pa villion last Tuesday night adding 74 members to the club roll. Applicants for metnberehip are raquired to be in the sophomore year of the course of Animal Hus bandry and to have paid the nomi nal fee of $2.00 to the secretary of tho club. Membership ia the cljjb nearly dop^ied with this year’s new mem bers. The club membership before iniation totaled BO. Last year's initiation brought in a total of SB. Back from last year’s club are Bon Abney, third baas; Robert Porte, first base; Mae Best, catch er; Don Looney, outfielder; Arthur Moseley, shortstop; and Paul Tankersley, Woodrow Duckworth and Durwood Horner, pitchers. Horner, however, will probably not be available because ef a recent operation. Billy BBderback, ineligible last year, will boost the Frog stock with his work at first baas and his strength at bat. Promising among tho sophomores ere the Tankersley twins, Ralph and Dennis, Rusty CoWart, Ross Vanderkolk, Paul Sorrells, Jack Odle and others. The Progs will play 16 confer ence games, opening March 24 with 8. M. U. at Dallas and closing May 12 with Rice at Houston. English and A. & M. Pistol Teams To Fire This Week Capt. Phil H. Enslow is certain ly going far afield to find oppon ents for hie IM9 Texas Aggie pistol team aa ha has onnoi that a match has been booked with the Ham end Petersham Rifle Chib of Surbiton, Surrey, England, to be Bred Feb. 28. Each team will fire am their own ranges and then exchange cer tified scores by mail. Score of the English team to not expected to arrive before March 8. The match came shoot through a challenge made by R. T. Shtola, Jr. of Dallas, pistol letter man end co-holder of the college record, to a member of the English with whom bo was corresponding. Further details were work.-d out by Capt. Enslow, Aggie pistol, coach, and R. W. Creasy, secretary of the English Clab, with the re sult that the Texas Aggiea new have entered the International pis tol picture, and marks the first time in the recollection of the Ag gie athletic department that a Ca det team has ever taken on a for- opponent in a dual match in any sport. A search in the Atlas shows that Surbiton to located in County not far from London and their range to toes ted on the banks of the Themes River does to Ham and Twtckerfaaa ferry. The dubs has as its patron the Right Honorable The Earle of Ath- lone, G.C.B., CXJ.V.O, DJJ.O. and for president. Sir Lionel Tolto- mache, Bart. liar to the partici paata ia the In- tra mural race. The tarn of the tonne haf brought forth each sports as wrestling, horseshoes, volleyball handball. Also there to spa to both rleeeee to be finished, with other eporto each as tennis and boxing to be started in the pear future. If the warm weather will prevail, the program will run off nicely, but should rain occur fi mesa tty, then someone will be foot a little poshed for time. Wrestling has boon started i between twenty and thirty bo are being held nightly. Claes A want to A F. A. last year this sport, but it seems dot ea to whether or not they will Volleyball to another sport that has been started in the Ossa A division and these honors also went to A F. A.. who defeated A Inf. hi some well played games for the •tie. j : Both classes of horseshoes havo boon started and this sport i also won by A F. A, defeating 1st Hdq F. A. in a does match. By tee way, it looks aa if they might be a repeater for this year in pitch, tog the ahoee. , Last years champion in Claaa B traoshoea was B. Cav., who de feated E FA. Handball honors front to 2nd Hdq. P.A. with their Win over A F.A. Wrestling was won by B C.W.S., and B Inf. took tee top honor* in fish boxing. Penny” baa announced that ho expects to have Class B tennis start on or about March 1st. The same goes for boxiag in both Claes A end B. defeat Aggies in Fast Game Here By Score of 48 - 28 BT JEEP The Southern Methodist Mua- taags broke their three-game toe ing streak here last night whom they boat the Aggtoe 48 te 18 to •Of *f the roogbtet and wildest been sees hoes te > Ponies wore haw- BRET2 SPEAKS AT NEXT MEETING OF' PLANT SEMINAR Dr. T. W. Brets of the Depart ment of Biology will be the speaker at the Plant Science Seminar this woek, on the subject, “Gray Mold in Relation to Tomatoes Grown ander Greenhouse Conditions". Dr. Brets came to A. A M. last autumn from' Cornell University where he was instructor in the De partment of Plant Pathology. He was educated at Iowa State College and at Ohio State University and done research on the nature and control of molds and dots of fruits and vegetables in transit, well as on diseases of plants snder greenhouse conditions. He is the author of important scientific papers sad monographs reporting the results of his re searches, in spite of the fact that ha la still in his 20's. The paper to be presented by Dr. Brets this week will be valuable to ell who ere interested in plant •cience. The meeting will begin at 7:80 to the Conference Room of the Agricultural Experiment Station. The public to invited. TCU Track Coach Doesn't Speak to His Men I x>st His Voice ., Not ona word has bw by Track Coach Mack dark to his squad of SO who have been working out for a week now. Conch Clark has plasity to any, hot because of a throat infection, he has loot his voice. When anyone comes up and be gins a conversation, Clark displays a card aa which he baa typed: “I ia tost my voice. Too do the talking I” Pai Clifford, captain of the 1988 track squad and recently- named as feaahmaa track coach, will di rect the varsity workouts until Coach Gifford gets e Lewis Points Out Advance Made in Gore Analysis to Club James A. Lewis, of Core Labora tories Incorporated of Dallas, spoke to the members of the Petroleum- Geolpgy Hub Thursday night. Mr. Lewis pointed, out the most recent advancements made in this field during hie talk. Ho enumarateA his experiences during the talk Which began in Pennsylvania when the first prac tical experimental steps in core analysis were being made. With the aid of slides,'Mr. Lewis illustrated many statistiA a bled from core analysis of Various field* and their relations to water flooding programs. Since the incorporation of Cqre laboratories ia 1936, Mr. Lewie explained, they have developed methods at fairly accurate esti mates of tho oil raaervea of differ- ent types of fields. At the request of the club preei- David McCorquodale, Mr. consented to have oqa of his portable laboratory trucks visit A. A M- at the first opportunity for ■tOtewtites portion The Aggies i coaid sot find basket range Wvd this ference of the Itwo teams. During the latter part of the game, the Pony coach put ia a* entire new teajp because of friction that w^s building up the floor. ■■tag J Lang failed shot. Dawson also missed bis ed ahead when free Wilkerson who 1 his gift toes, Dhwell tipped tho first field goal. Dougherty follow ed up with ano her basket and w*a followed to tie stunt by Wil kerson end Nortob and Wilkerson again. Lang gavA the cadete an other point on * free teas. Smith then ggAk the first field (coal for the Aggiea Just before Norton dropped another through the hoop. Dawson counted with two points end wee followed by Noe- ten again. Lang came through with another gratia ahead ef an other Norton goal. WUkeraoa hit e gratis sad followed it with ft 4 basket. Tinker missed a fra* on* and then came through with a bas ket Duncan came through with On* before Smith counted twice to the cadet scoring for the find hich ended 28 to 16 in the favor. The last half f H ui " >Urh end eight Tinker scored the last two 1 throws. on tho fray on free BILL PATTERSON. ACB BOTH gridiron and iq the claaa kpom at Baylor U., and! Sara Con- nIngham, who rank* htgb in beauty studies and aetivttoa at named as Baylor r’s moot faculty and to from Hills boro, and San RABBI SPEAKS ON RELIGION AND SCIENCE AT MEET Rabbi Kahn of Houston, asao- Qabbi of Temple Both land City, delivered a lecture ambers of the HUM Clab and its guests Sunday, evening in the Asbury room of (he library. His eheesst subject for the evening “The Influence of Science so Religion." A general discosaion fal- lowed his lector*. Rabbi Kahn pointed out theory of evolution teaches war and aalfiahnaaa. This to ad by the fact that the theory evolution taarhee tw The straggle for existence and survival of tho fittest. He stated that religion- tea rhea cooperation among the people In tho Way of thetr welfare. Whereas, the former principle ef evolution cooperation among the people as a whole and centers oa individual or dan existence. The latter principle to edf-oxplanatory. he sold, to that the fittest and PALACE LAST DAY - WED. “Topper Takes A Trip” THURS. - FRI. ASAT. NEW DIXIE * WED. - THURS. \ , with Henry Arthur, Joan Valerie, Henry Annette