Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1939)
PAGE 2 UBRARY HOURS T* A. ft M. If ao, m what? Wtet w» want, and what l , Wa naked for, U aoma plan.! no auittea what, that While there are Beany factors about the eolleye would better the aituatiou. And we’d like to hear Ubrary which can be teprared only wttb the alloc*- frum ^ af u, t Teeaday’e reply to our tion of more funda to it, there la oae factor which cma be imDroved without the need of more than a ******** rearraayemont of workiay hours of its employee-- The hiyhw.ym* .taUons, aa we said before, the hours which the Ubrary maintains. might be established by the ft. ft M. ex students It seems aiaiawhat backward to us for a OoUeye or by other organizations. Our is teat was (aad is) of around ftoob students to have e Ubrary which is a highweying station at the east entrance to eel- aet available at all haurs of aM days in the week. ^ ^ one in Bry ^ . t ^ poUU daUv^i^t^ m m'^Tk Wl “ t ** tmml first aod mom, how- dmOw Withtbmmm emptioa*. Saturday* B m. m. U 0r9Tt ^ ^r«Ater enforcement by the Senior Qjlss ► * ** * ► mnd 7 10 10 p ' m ‘ of the customs we have had In past years in regard Now that ftafrdny arraagemmtt. it -em- to us. ^ hl hwa > Agsm w. ask that .onwthlng br i s; ^ recreation, it cannot be daaiad by aayeoe who is CT|. , W( .' , Varner ’40 aaquslntad urttb student life that a great portion r, N..™s^ ’40 of tba students uaa that tisae as a study period. ] 7 It fteuld be to the beet tataroets of this group ta have the Library facilities available on Saturday just as ea any ether day. We further >a»gnt that the Library’s remain- (Editor’* note: As the h birth ing open only util It p. m. is a bad feature. Surely day ^ Washington's t defense H would not be asking too much to expect the week, the following arti. and aub- facuities to be available until 10:50 or 10:46. The by Sidney L. Lot , cavalry period from call to quarters until Ubrary closing giving the hi utficaace time is only Sft hours at preseat, ft revision would of n .tional defense w« make » or 5.26 hours svailable at night. Our suggsstioo. briefly, is this: That the By SIDNEY L. LOVE1 ; IJfcr * ry . rma T ia fr ?“ , # "‘I 1 10: “ ? m . Tbs period of time today to EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE BATTALION LAW GIVERS' . TUESDAY. FEB. 21, 1982 Ou the opposite hand, Harr Hitler NATIONAL DEFENSE day in the week, including Saturday and Wa feel sure that ft. ft H students wfl benefit • great deal from hours are only what > preeer- WASHINGTON HAPPENINGS 1 No tnvustigatioq was required to the Inhe—ntfies of the cxariat re- let folk* know that certain conn- **»•- ^ tries ars doing their utmost to to- !* BttJ ' sum America’s participation in I next world war if one breaks 4 presently. iligiuliil them. Japan also, though / 80 when Representative Martin not ms bed aa Germany and Italy. Dies, whose Congressional com- la worse than it was. I eras there mittee has bean inquiring into un- to MIX, hr thereabouts, and roved Americas activities in our midst, around with a omens uninterfered warns us that such la the case, hia with. Try It now!—and risk a fir- utterance is as sound as a dollar-- tog squad. merely superfluous. (For that matter, wa. too. are We literally are being “deluged going deity on toe nsbiect of eeptn. with propaganda, 1 * Dies says. nagu.) As to propaganda, I doubt (da- ■ spite testtmoay before the Dias wwv-a , y res committee) that It amounts to any- W licit. S OllOWlIlg thing. Britain and Francs natur- » — ally art tha two powet* which most especially scant to enlist Uncle Sam Pslsor “Tnrrsr *««h— a Trip'* ■y- PREVIEWS and REVIEWS s World 9. Fortn- ra battle prepare veraaries J. Persh- hlch pro- ToPPer Takee a IKK COLLEGIATE REVIEW Washington's Birthday It eras founded and ii aneb a change and that thee. Ottitmr, Association II vation of penes rather can be expected of a Library in This country rod War with no program aately for us that war BIRTHDAY which " DMtXinLSSAt whila friendly couatriea “Fourscore and twenty years ago our fore- at * > *Y' l” the eorly twi fathers- - how well the American people are ae- tag set up a National qaatated with these words! Words spoken by a "Med for the Regula man who has gone down in history as the greatist Guard to comprise on martyr to hia country. But the significance of the the reserve units were words carries us beusk further than toe peripd in thirds. The observance history during which Lincoln and his followers signifiee the importer, bald the realm. It carries us back to the time *y the Reserve Office when our forefathers did conceive in liberty and HOW THE U. 8. COM sat forth on tola continent to make liberty their COUNTRIES IN NAT chief and primary objective. For those who si At the holm of a newly organised government the National Prepare* was placed “the father of our country’*, George bo reflection is being Washington, in whose memory the American people but it is hoped that f have set aside February XX aa a national holiday, question as to the site American citizens in this country and at every srill serve to enlighte comer of the world on Wednesday will give thanks bow doe* the United S that a man who loved hia country and its people in National Defense? was the first president to guide toe infant nation and those willing to main! to preserve liberty which Americans have learned predatory nations—am to love ao well. that these United Stat But Washington did not only administer the willing to maintain its first laws of liberty, he did much more by fighting that some think the e for it. Even the youngest student in public schools taristic through the I is acquainted with General Washington and his youths of the nation^ army’s hardships at Valley Forge. Washington was and the CJI.T.C. The* then fighting for American liberty. Aftes the war the training schedules he was a member of the congress which drew up not familiar with th our constitution. Then he served his country for France has 14 7% oi two terms as its leader. What man has given more? service; Sweden. 14.4* Washington's Birthday is dedicated ia hia mem- 14.1%; and down in ory. And in hia memory American people see the States with thirty-six building of liberty which no other people in the world cent—leas than one ha enjoy to such a high degree. { figures available revi . ! j | ’“'j ii ■ - 1 ■ for all National Deft THE STUDENT FORUM eoxnD&risoD of cost ar TO THE BATTALION: - , arely the re be The open letter in a recent Battalion which Dae United States is 1 carried to ridiculous lengths our previous suggestion fmae. of • 1 united number of highwaying stations for WHY NATIONAL DEFENSE? Aggie hlgihwayvrs was indeed a clever phe. And .. . _ „ „ „ — W _ ... perhaps oar suggestion was a subject for humor; . Wh7 N * U ‘ >n ‘ 1 D * f ' n ~ T , UB Uri ^ friendship, and to bring to- but R is by no means utterly fantastic, for otosr ® taU * a,w • 7, been on th ' dr,, “ iT ° 7 Th * Am,ricmn getoer students with kindred lei- their aide, but pi epnnftarantly 1^ r-—,1. we are on their side anwway, inao- y g mm- Burke, and * —-f— far as our sympathies go. They do jyArcy. not need to propagandtae us. Gor- P-ta— T^ppe- Nakas a Trip- extent, through iU “bunds —but Hall—The Dawn Pa- no sensible person takee them very , „ (WedlM- seriously. Italian “boring from T~ VT twonnoo- within’’ surely has not boon done "" 7 _“ 77 ' with anything more formidable n.lMt- with than an extremely small gimlet. , And imagine Japan producing the No ™“ Shearer, Clark Gable. Ed- slighteet favorable effort on na In wmrd Ckarlo# Coburn p favor of th® Mikado t By BAT TREADWELL Ha predecessor in that it fails as RupMa, Dies hiforma aa, “to NeW Yo< * University baa ns Palace, Tuesday and Wednesday, •u* entertaining feature even more wor king tirelessly M toe United Trip”, n Hal than did the original Topper"; 10 m ** t * Rnssla!a fight our National Roach-United Artists picture taken t™" R toows some intoreotlng fine it while fr°«n toe book by Thome Smith, process photography but other than Russia may he working tireleeely, her two- author of “Topper" and other that the piece to held together on- but to it accomplishing anything? the year books on the same character. *7 by Billie Burke’s gags which are Hooey! Question Cast of Characters: 0°* enough to patch together a Worryiag About Notkfam " ' Topper Boland Young thin sophtotleatod plot such as this 7 ^ ^ Mrs. Topper —* Billie Burk one The baron Alexander ITArcy Exsept for the plot the picture /_ Marion Kerby mcertung _ •d States oursae to religion to tide Of persecutions “now common ta the d,cUtor<-on trollad lUitioDB**. too Western Reserve University has started a drive for a fund to honor the memory of Newton D: Baker. Propaganda may bo worth wor- World War secretary of w^ fv , » rying about if it gives promise of scoring an appreciable number of The University of South Caro- Oonnio Bennett is esrentially the ^ a. H’s fore- con V^,."' b u7’if it to' 9» permit «“»’• «w 1108.000 swimming pool n scales ^ . 7“ “ OW ^ 7 . flr “ aburtivv?-tot ’em prop^dise b7 * j:;r r ' mOrt0,U “ n0Trit ' bW,,nl -^Wknttonto^^out-E have any xists this Id power, ir nations nation*— frity—the The only pro-Russian propaganda I have seen that had a modicum of sense in it came from ex-Premier Leon Blum of France, who wants to " ' ' ? ' ' * line up Britain, France and Russia Presentation of an exploration The forms were developed after against Germany, Italy and Japaa. —We hope cruiser, floating laboratory for a a Study of admission blanks and qf Now, I would not want to ha su*- irong and number of Pacific cruises in the similar forms frim fifty other peeted of the toast fellowship with stions ars advancement of marine science, baa universities and colleges, incorpo- Soviet ideas. Nevertheless, as a last too mfli- just been made to the University rating also suggestions made by choice, I should prefer Russia to >y of toe of Southern California. the deans, many faculty members pn-.K-nt-day Germany or Italy. The 1 R.O.T.C. Regarded aa the finest vessel “<• student leaders. Soviets started with a pqrfactly ab- rerlooking afloat for scientific exploration University officials contemplate ominable esarist government, and ir also nr* and field reaeach, the cruiser has that toe Information gathered dur- if they have not improved It, at how that especially designed laboratories tag the four yanrs will give a per- least Jt is no worse than it used to mined for and field research, tbs cruiser has sonality picture valuable for guid- be. Possibly there has been a tri- 116; Italy, eight years anaual voyages anee while toe student is ta col-' fling improvement. I can refer tie United throughout the eastern . Pacific lege, and tremendously helpful ta readers to the writings, of a gen- one per- ocean have accommodated leading plucing him after graduation. oration ago, by George Kerman, of The latest scientists from outstanding educa- — ' * 1 1 • M-TIIU aVSSKaVVKLY WALL spits cost tional institutions. Germany st Britain Embodying a new departure in educational endeavor by a major Wito tois univoreity, the vessel will continue ^ her exploration work and also serve ition that for instructional purposes in nau- itional Ds acal rab>cta . STOP WITH US, AGGIES When In He*me ’ ECONOMY CAFE HEARNE, TEXAS “Servea Only the Beat at the L»w**t Prle**" In an endeavor to encoursge stu- eoUeges have found their highwaying .Utiona to »**!! ^ W ""T Intormto, v operate well Indeed. It may be a novel idm for “ by hoeUl. oattons have ws entered war lUgard- verslty ha. set up a . . u K..» u t c.... r, j leas of our lack of preparedness we went to war Recreational Interest*. A. A M . but HoW *>- in 1778, 181I„ 1881. 1898. and 1917. Perhaps it The Bureau to now engaged m era 1 i.ftol. need - eon- Would ^ » dv “» b, « bo try preparedneea for a change Cornell’s first comprehensive sur- lort on the nmd. Futhermore. ^ “ Iff "f ^“7 ^ f ’T ^-eatonml mHivitie. and dents ox students and outsider* *®“ t afTord »* curit f ta case of an emergency. It to inUrests, under the guidance of true that we have won all our warn, but the price union . \ . . L. »• had to pay ta lives and money has been extremely Prior to hi* arrival on the ram- Cornell Uni- Bureau of anyone know it wouldn't? Aggie highwayers certainly nee vents net-* of this sort on toe road, complaints from stud' alikft about upstream in sr •ad the increasing difficulty of our getting nde. -• ^ to pay in lire, and money h« been extremtoy Prior to hto arrive on th. cam- are becoming mors numerous and mvelm all the *« h in f> min « freeman ha. Unw. Per many of to highwaying to th« moat do- WHO 18 TO F,GHT THE BATTLES? been sent a form requesting infor- airable or economical mode of travel, for 1 ® number Doea anyone want war? Ae men who will hare mmt *°n on activitiea participated in of reasons: and our opportunities for it should not 40 ?**ht do not want war. We are the one* who must FhS* in high school, and th* aeti- b. lessened. W. feel t£V something should be done, W 4 the battle,. Although w. are ta toe aecond eachjtudent wtohe. to con- before the situation gets any worse. Any plan that and third lines of defense, the miniature standing “"ito or begin. Space to also pro- would effect an implement in It to tolto deseed with it* 16*000 enii.tod men and 1*500 offi- ^o* ^ must of necessity enlarge to take ta the Offi- act ** 1 Participation during As we said in our first letter some time back, may be highwaying stations would not be practical at The Battalion Corpn. Reserve Office re Training ta college. Corps, Civilian Military Training Corps, and Nation- - *1 Guard besides those taken on some form of draft. Just because a man to ta uniform doea not mean that man wants to fight. Hto job to a pro fession the same as any other profession. And he. NEW Remote Control . Sound System . * j 1 Hear Your Favorite Tuned Make Choice From Year Table OPEN AFTER DANCES COLLEGE INN HOMEMADE PIE If 1 * i Wednesday, Feb. 22nd 6:30 P. M. Entered as second das, matter at th* potooffice like any professional man, prefers to do hto work at College Station. Texas, under the Act oj Con- i„ The civilian components far exceed the Subscrip tion rat^.' $2 a yenr. ' ta number^ and ta ma. of war they Advertising rates upon requast. will be uniformed men. Theae men have some idea Office in Room 123 Administration building, of what war to like. They have taken of their own Telephone College A Night phone College 899. time and money to become more efficient in the keprauentod for national advertiring by Nation- raIe , a nd technique of combat. Just think of the thousands who know nothing of war at all and who R L DOSS —n—-ssa^mi— would be trained ta a limited time to take their al Advertiaing Service, Inc., 420 Madison Av#^ New York City. place* beside the seasoned and experienced soldier. BDITOB-IN-CHIEF T H r“« H H i., Mure. ADV “ T ^^ N ^L^ So if w. have to fight srante war conduct- George ^FnSton, * B. ^C. l3i«*a»ZZ5CS^3*.^^ mn * “°~ 7 “ E. C. (Jeep) Oates , Sports Editor and terminated quickly. It is the role of the civilian Tom Darrow Assistant Sports Editor then to make sura that the United States to ade- Bob Oliver, Wayne Stark. — Associate Editor* gMtely prepared. j , c ,i ftiS£ m “ hay we accept our problem as it is Boas Howard, H. C. Howard Circulation Assistants During this week of National Defense may we C. F. UeVilbiaa Editorial Assistant baT8 accepted this problem as It to. It to agreed TUESDAY STAFF j that no one wants to fight. Unpraparadneas means Ray Treadwell .—I.. ... Junior Editor that we accept the world situation aa it to to-day— E. Thompson —_— Bob Nisbet, A J: Junior Editor not aa the crisis it may develop into should nothing _ „ „ , , Rohtnson._J. S. O^Oonnor, ^ done to prevent it. We cannot continue to ignore D. C. Burk, J. A. Stanaell, Foster Wise, M L. How- . . . ard. B. Q. Bntdy. Richard Litsey, W. N. Tomlinson. **• ptwsihillty that un preparedness may mean tra- M. G. Fermann, T. N. Studer. Lewis Chevaiilier. ‘ora of money and men. Thera to no question FRIDAY STAFF C. M. Wilkinson — d actions, the overnight training camps, and officers Frank Phelan. H. O. Tolbot, E. A. Shields, “ W . O. A. Lopes. J. P. McGarr, Jack Henderson. Billy tafaned to aa tba 90 day wuodan, aad profit by Clarkson, L. A. Newman, Jr^ Max Perkiaa. Alfred those mistakes. Truly th* future to a reliving of Tin-" James Eppler. D. K. HUL «be past looked at from a different viewpoint. about the men aad resources being available, but review the pages of history that described the hasty Learn The Meaning Of The Word QUALITY LETT US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS THE EXCHANGE STORE . “An Aflrffie Institution**