Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
* THE BATTALION QUESTMIRE RESETS FOR COURSEM Stranft a* it may bmik, AffiM art itill pratty conaervatira fel* lows. At Uaat, that la what tha raauha of a! racent questionnaire fhran Kura| |Sock>UgJ| US ato- danU would seem to indicate. Tha questionnaire covered many topics studied in tha subject mat ter of this new course is Sfarriafe and Family (Relations, and indud- ad a numbet of leading questions of the day by Dr. Daniel Russel, Head of the Departmeat of Rural Sociology and instructor in tM'tosrse. From ware drawn many interasting con clusions retarding Aggies’ atti tudes toward marriage, mx, and family subjscta. . • “ f In the questionnaire, 61 mambara of this family relations courts de clared that they would be willing to marry a widow or divorcee. On the other hand, 42 students 'point ed out that they would! be tng to marly either a widtw or divorcee. According to Mr. Russell, this is s decided change in tie trend of opiaiot in recent years as fsrmerly a great mnjority of stu dents have voted against marry ing n widow or divorcee Regarding early marriages, 41 Students tchnowlt-dged their belief in them (before 221 whereas S4 favored late marriage (after 221 A definite majority declared that they would not marry a girl who they knew had been pronmeous in hsr aex habits; 87 members of the eoarse declared that they would Mt marry sach s girl, and 16 voted that this consideration would not charge their desire to marry bar. In respect to parential support, U students stated that they would its supporting a for the first few life, but 33 per- favor ^ji this. majority the students voted in TO BE HONORED AT BANQUET not By the •f 100 to NOTICES November t—Reserve OfficerV Aasodatfoh Meeting. Fitrslsnn I/ectur« Room at 7 p, St : December 6—Annual Horticul ture Shew! from 8:00 a. at. to 6:00 y. m. Agriculture Bldg. December 0—Benefit Picture Show— Fencing Hub—Assembly Hall—6&0 p m.! December IS A 13—Landscape Art Flower Show—College Grsen- houaa. t h. m. to 10 y» as. December U—Entertainment Se- ru*s—Ih-epi Fhrar Plantation Sing ers—Guk>h Hall—8:00 p. m. December IS ChineM Relief Pictures -Assembly Hall 6:46 f. ,m. STUDENTS Smith oft I 4 f NOT1CE First year non-military stadents ' will report to the College Hospital between 1:80 p. fc. and 6^0 p. m., Tuesday, !We<lnesday or Thnladay, DecemlHT 6ih, 7th, and 8th, respse- tively, and receive their small pax vaccination. GEO. F MOORE C'olenei, U. 8. Army Commandant KNGINHBMMG Marvin W. daas of 1916, who is at ptoyad as Manager of of tha WeatinghouM Electric and Manufacturing Company, at East Pittsburgh, and M E. Belknap, Manager of Teckarical Employ ment of the Westinghouse Com pany, will talk to inteiaatod sto- dents in the Electrical tng lecture room, Thursday morn ing at 8 o’clock. AH stator electri cal sad msdtonicnl engineers will excused from classes in order to attend this meeting. All other engineering students Who are to- te res ted are invited to attend If they do not have any classes, or ih case their engineering instructors are interested in bringing them In the lecture. Men interested in taking Service Examination |^|or I Soil Surveyor call at the officea before leaving for 1 Marvin Smith, member ef the class of 1816, Will be hanored at a testimonial dinner Tharsday sight by the college. The dinner follows a plan inaugurated last year which is for the ijurpose of honoring sacceasfnl exstadents of the enUage. A, K. Mackey, instructor of Animal Husbandry, is going to San Antonio to attend and taka part in the Annual Convention of Tex as Sheep and Goat Raisers, Doc. 7-8. -4- favor of a venereal test for boys and girls before their marriage. The final question concerned the opinion of the Aggies in respect to the five most desirable traits in tbs selection of A mate. From n list of 88 traits suggested by the de partment, physical health was vot ed the most desirable trait to look for in the Mlection of a mate re ceiving a total of 258 votes. Other desirable traits in the order of the votee that they received include good personality, 143 votes; at- tractivsnesa, 87; loyalty, 68; com mon interests, 64; normally sexed, 63; intelligence, 49; high ideals, 44; broadminded, 38; helpful and en couraging, 31; virgin girl, 28; un derstanding, 28; honesty, 27; de pendabls, 87; affectionate, 21; eco- CALIFORNIAN Leather Jackets N ! IA it i lil We’r* ns proud to show you the new Californian Leather Jackets as you’ll be to wear them. These ■ew jackets are made of goatskin, calfskin, and auede in a variety of lengths, with one-half or fail belt. f ll5ldrop«(8 Two Convenient Stores Bryan CsDegt Station nomical, 24, and good family back ground, 24. > i , Many of the suggested trait* re ceived no vote! whatever. Included in these were sech qualifications ss girl* other boys admire, girl* who enjoy sporta, girls who desire children, and girls who are ac cepted in society- Mr. Russell com mented on the fact that the men taking the questionnaire did not qualify abstinence from smoking and drinking as especially desirable traits in the Mlection of n mate. The students also did not vote for girls who make good business partners, conservatives, and non- caroaacrs ss desirable mates. Other suggested traits which received no mention Included common religion, musical ability, and non-bridge pUyars. Good coOkttg, as n desirable trait, received 11 votea, whereas good dancing received two votes. Good sporta received 17 votes and the home type girl received 2. Mr. RusmII also pointed out that only 8 votes were east for girls with monsy. Beauty received 6 votes, desirable relatives rseshrsd 9, dean habits received S, and 2 votes were oast far naatnesa. Girls who are not jealous, girls with self SUP porting; parents, and girls who me too sweet received no votes. . . i • j Cotton Tour Pictures Receive Favorable Comments at Capitol A report from DT. 1. P. Trotter, who ia back from his recent trip to Washington D C. say* that the 1 moving pietursb made on the recent cotton tour te : Europe by the cot ton contest ^innei} art causing favorable comment, especially due to showing* in Washington, D: C Dr. Trotter was -asked to sand for the pictutes, t^hich were re cently shown • by the Agronomy Club, after he reached Washing ton. Some men from ,the Bureau of Plant Industry who saw the films were Dr. H. Bam, and Dr. J. O. Ware, who are in charge of cotton work of the- United State* Department of Agriculture; C. W. Wharton, director of the Exten sion Service for the country; P. K. Norris, of foreign Mrvice and authority on cotton production; and Dr. R. W. Webb, one of the principal cotton technologist, and members of his staff. p<44 ■ THE RESERVE OFFICERS As sociation ha* announced plan* for a dinner-dance to. ba held next Saturday night at Mrs. Parker’s Tea Room. 7 All Mniors who are junior mem hers are incited to attend and bring dates, f acre will be a charge of 76 cents per plate which will be collected at the regular meeting Tuesday night in the Geology Lec ture Room. Both senior and junior members are urged to uttend the meeting Tuesady night since the Houston chapter of tp* R. 0. A. will be the guests of this MtnmEr • l (Continued from page 1) of the Gulf Coast Miocene Of Ten»s”, on which he will address the Geological Society of America meeting Dee. 88-30 at the Waldorf Astona Hotel in New York City. Mr. Hesaa will be in the East from 04 17 to Jan. 9. a B. Parks, Chief of the Api cultural Laboratory of San An tort 10 connected with tha Expert ment Station, b coming to College Wednesday to bring a large collec tion of plants which will greatly enlarge the Museum's collection of the present-day flora of Texaa. Recently a number of exhibits have been added to the Museum These include a fine coUeetioa of preeentHfcy Indian tools, clothing, and other objects from Colombia in South America, and a very fa teresting collection of day pottery of grotesque shapes and figures, purported to be ancient pre-Inca pottery of Colombian Indians These were donated by Dr. Wink ler’s son, a geologist who has tra vel«d extensively fa Souto Ameri ca. Anothsk. collection recently put i display is that of caste of the skulls of ’’the various kinds of apes and of primitive men (induding one of the Neanderthal man). This collection was acquired by Dr Mark Francis, late Dean of the Veterinary School, and Dr. Ball bout the year 1900, from a touring Chatauqua company which went "broke” and sold its exhibits at vugj low prices. Included fa this purchaM was the Egyptian mum my displayed in the Museum. 11] ENTERTAINMENT SERIES The date for the Deep River Plantation Singers has been chang sd from Doc. 14 to Dec. 15. The program will be held fa Guion Hall at 8:00 p. m. . / i I at 7 p. m. fa SIS Pinal win Is of ths AGRONOMY SOCIETY There will be a meet! Agronomy Society tonight )to begin ptens for ths annual Cotton Ball Members of ths Crops fa just back from Chicago, cribs the trip and give Of ths eoatest m o’clock the dnvfer of tbs A. S. C. R. Tonight at se A. 4 M. student American Society of Cli B Engi neers will hold their regular semi weekly meeting. At thjs time re ports will be given by A-| E. Coch and A. G. Sherrod, ths from the A. 4 M. Chapter who at tended the convention of Rm Texas section of the A.S.C.E. held fa Lubbock on October 88 4 »• T A. 8. A. B. The A.S.A.E. Society Trill mast Tuesday night at 7 p. m- fa the teo- ture room of the Agricultural En gineering building. M| H. F Smith, QMafi Agricultural engi neer of the A. 4 M. College Ex periment Station will fire a talk on the mechanical cottifa picker. CHURCHES The All-Chuich School of Mis sions fa being held at ths First Baptist Church, College Station, Texas, this week The Classes are being held at 6:00 and 7:00 p. m., supper being red at 6:00. CLUB PRESIDENTS See Beckman In 99 Leg^t about chib sections in Ufa Longhorn be fore Christmas. HILLEL CLUB f? JPWIPWi Rabbi A. & Tails i of Hoatean will address tha Hi el Ctuh naxt Sunday evuadnr, Ite l 11, at 7J9 in the Asbury Ream if ths library. The meeting fa open to the public. DAMES (XUB . Tha' A. 4 16. Da mb Club wiB have their >Chri*tm«e program on ths regular meetinj j night, Wed nesday, Deeamber 7th. parlor at 7:30. LOST LOOT: Near Chemistry Satur day Morning 9:00 a. m. Ysltew gold Hamilton wrist watch. Reward for return to Commandant’s Office. LOST Red Wool Jacket with leather sleeves. Return to Golden. Room 30 Leggett for reward. POULTRY AND EGG CLUB The Poultry and Egg Chib me tonight fa room 116 of 4* A. 4 L Building at 7:30. Members of the .ndging team which competed in Chicago fast weak will give an ac count of the tup and ths contest. LOST: Minor T-sssdal, ming bar, and P. O. key. for return to G. R. Daria, Bax 1004 or Pboaa C-206 FOUND: Ons photographic printer toft in Y. M. C. A. ment just bt fore n football L —M. L. CASHION • * — ^ CLUBS Bi4.B CLUB The Ex 4-H Club members Aspo- ctotioa will mast Thursday sv*a ing at TKX) p. ra. in room 110 Academic Building, J 1 TRAVIS CO CLUB Important meeting of the TraVia Co. A. 4 M. Club Thursday, Dec >N AND DINNER | COFFEE CLUBS 9 A. IL to 8 P. M. I ' ECHO TEAROOM Highway 6 it College V irginia tha STOP WITH US, AGGIES When In HanrM j ECONOMY CAPE HE ARNE, TEXAS res Only the Begt it the Lowent Prlcet” OUTSTANDING— (C'ontinsed from page I) ail engineering activities of Company, f • | Not only has Mr. Smith been a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers sad active on its technical committes, but be has shown i healthy interest in civic affairs by meeibership fa his city and state rimmbsrs of com merce, ths -University Club, the Rotary Club, and other chic or ganisations. Bom* of Hr. Smith’s classmates have agreed to attend the dinner and will contribute to the pro- gram. J. H.; Belknap. Manager of the Technical Employment of the Westinghouse Company at East Pittsburgh, will be in attendance at the banquet and will speak fa ba- half om Mr, Smtih’s work at the Westinghouse company. This banquet )s open to aH per- friends of 'ML WE HAVE COMPETITORS IN PRICES ONLY Y.M.C.A. BARBERS i. tion stn FUTURE FARMERS All Agricultural mts, old FJJL anyone else Interested Farmer work are requested to together fa th# Ag Eng factors room at 7:30 p. ra. Wednesday, Dac. 7 to organisa a Junior Collegi ate Chapter of Future Farmers of America. l.InnmmH^m We have in Aggie priced at with quality Call and let oar many for e family. Aa4 Ww mry MS «4 S trMewd efcwj V4W Smswi CAUD^ Jewel Bryan,! YOUR i 'f/i: ^ MOST CONVENIENT If . 1 i . f i S CLEANERS CAMPUS CLEANERS l ; ». H J j j Above Exchange Store itronixe Oar Aftnt in Year Orranixation D\ IRS HATTERS ERICANSTEAM ANERS WRYAW — donal Mr. Smith, sto- all college employees and wives, and any other inter parties who care to attend, price of the tickets is asv i cents, and they may ba fro# the following n* of the Arrangement Commit- M C. Hughes, C. W. Craw F. W. Jense, A. B. Stevens, 1 L Jpned T. A. Munson, E. J J. * Binney. i will jlpprociate it If n for tickets art mad* ba* fora aoou on December 8. I 1 _ All MOTHERS - DADS BROTHERS- I I i I AND - j. SWEETHEARTS • i ■ j 1i -Ijf: if | j■ 1 We Have (liristmas Gifts For • X"ii iWi n Come By and Let Ua Show Yoa Oar Line Of SPECIAL AGGIE JEWELRY Watches - Qro*»m - Bracelets - BiHa • Vanities Cifarette Canes, Etc. A small deposit will hold any artide anti aaDed for. C.W. VARNER,. Jewe er • Bryan, Texan ompkdc -r ■I BEFORE YOU APPROPRIATE SEE ODR IM OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS pi*. ■ ■ - 1 AGGIE JEWELRY - LEATHER LtJGGAGE ' 1 SHIRTS - TIES - PAJAMAS - . y T jr- See Our Windows for StiffKestionw When You Trade With Us, You Are Always Assured Of “QUALITY AND SATISFACTION” ■bkhanbe store “An Afgie Institution” ;—^ ti • | i;Lj '4l~*|! *'L