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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
1 . i Only A Few More Weeks And Morsels Will Be Served At Bowl (iames BY TOM OAtBOW A«t SmtU Editor ( L* I ft'O »koot Ubm If r«t out UmU Mf h>oqo • V ain, ud start polish* for it wtfl bo only a Htottor of wWks until it will ha ■••dad to dish up tha football nor- nls that art gptof to b« served in the manor bowls all over the coun try ^ New fftodjr. This date M fast bt-cominf the most import ant sporting day of *• foar with the Rose Bowl, Cotton, Sugar, Oraapf*. and Bun Bowls holding sway. These bowl gassea are get ting aa thick as T. C. U. rooters in the suu> of Tana, and toereas- uvg Jest as fast. Bros now there is telk ofl stagtog a big Eastern Bowl game, but a* yet the annual Boat Bowl la California heads list to spite of the fact that rather inferior teams bars met there *n £ lew pears. •umber of outstendisg in the nation this fall la ea of the ostial crop, and for this reteon there Us bean aa onusutl atnmat of bickctmg- badt and forth betweeh the rarioos ichocls MB the bowl off.- daU. At tbie time all gamee I dbYl UTTLE OF EVERY 6d except r«t tSe teams they want- tbe Dallas Colton Bowl CAFE folks, wbe bad to taka what waa toft over after all the reet had made their pick. Uneaten, untied and unacor*4 on Duke Unhrersity will meet the twice defeated Southern California Trojans in the Rose Bewl in a games which haa suddenly taken on a new aspect since the Troians toppled the mighty men from Notre Dates, Saturday, 14 to noth ing. California waa beaten by Ala bama and Washington. Eren at this, the Rose Bowl won't have the game the Sugar Bowl or Orange Bowl will have, and the Duke "Blue Devils" should remain un defeated. Over at ^aw Orleans, in the Sugar Bowl, the Southwest Chaape, tki»ndefeatrd and un tied Texas Christian Horn Toads will taagke with the powerful Car negie Tech machine from Pitts burg. Tech has lest oaly one game, and that oa a doubtful decision to tha Ramblers from South Bead. T. C. U.’s powerful framed game sad dazzling aerial stuck should ba seers than a match for Tech, but this game in tbs Crescent City will offer many more thrills to thi 'P» i utors than say othet, unW- ifs tha Orange Bowl. The Cotton Bowl's double feature program and tyg blow out, that was going to make folks forget that there ever waa a Bose Bowl, bdkst the other day—la case you I hadn’t heard—end nearly drowru-d Dallas. Whose fault it was is be side the point—the fact is that they Just waited too long, end were a little toe confident of their ability to attract toe nation * best teams. Sutoly, T. C. U. is not to blame, but anyway it happens that the unbeaten, untied 1 Tech Bed Raiders will meet the COLLEK STATION DECEMBER 6.1S38 : "l i ‘ ,: PABE3 Sports Writer Makes Crack That Sits Several Persons On Their Ear BY EL C. -JiKl " OATES "My GoodmsaT I mentioned the fact that the Aggie stock judging team finished seventeenth place Directly following that, I said ■'l^t * fire th.j coach.'* Many mot. took pxc. ptioag; to this "crack". I am sorry that some of the men. took & the way they did. It was foolishness on the' face of it To anyonpjwho knows, they know that the teaki did a vury good job niey finished only 91 points under the winding team. There have only been about three other Aggie teama e*er to do aa well. As t# firing the coach, I am agaiadtm and oaly used the ex presimn because that is what tv eryooe erogad here and schools hollers when a tes not win. t ,1 Let*b think of the sUurdity of stateesrat before we atart rale- lag thunder about It u| _ , BOB DALTON # Southwest Conference Representative I for Hamilton Tailoring Company Now At Aggieland Inn for Lmgt Time This Season Makes This Special Offar: AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS WITH ANY SUIT For ONLY $3 ADDITIONAL m m,m*>*—**0immm**m m ■ immimmm ■ ■■■pi-ill. . p ■ » IT ■' i' It looks Hke t telephone ^it. hbosrH — actually tf* a Teletyf>ewriter exihunge switchboard. Through such boards-located in 160 ritiea emd towns - already mom than 11,000 subsenbdrs to ^ * - aerrice are being imcr-ronncctrd. Sukeenhere carry on 2*way typewrittea i across the street or across the continent. Whatever is typed cm the sending machine is rep rodeoed exactly, in stantly, at the other end of the wire. { « .. Whca yon join the huaincae world, you'll find m*nv progressive companies use Teletypewriter service. Speed ing the written word - a» the telephone speeds the s/x>Acn word—it is one more Bell System contribu tion to bu»inrs* efficiency. O again. Tddd that is not for him If e foot ball player is within hearing dis tance. One little fellow had seem- thlng to say the otoer day. "Kar- ky” Steffens heard him and called his hand. Eruia Lain and Gordin got berk in the Rice lineup Saturday and -nade 8. M. D. look like a couple <rf petmiea. Lain can't do anything but tees passes, but ha waa really hitting them In the old "box" Watoiiaj. . |T. C. U. has decided to step oat la aew sniforma. The Frogs have always been one of the worst- loekiag teams la toe eaaatry. eo far as their drees Is eeaceraed, ■re eomiag out Wtth aew «Mrts in tha Segar Bowl White stars aad miaiatun Heraed Frags will dscorate tha par pie-shouldered white Jerseys. BROTHERS ARB WAGING BAme PISTOL RANGE S AU of the AU-Ceufereuce teams ^ ^ U ***" ••tia. that enaa eaything are out saw aad we r.nd that Dick Todd sad f>oya Joe Boyd are oa these, although Lloyd.Gregory will etill he ha fits after heife in his hard - Lrefory «ss seat CSSCpIete tics 41 the few hacks that he named for hie eeleettea. Aka a pel of etmttdlae'L Todd were seat to him. What did Lloyd do? Be the letter aad tw.strd it up. lu dki set print the statistics lu ether ».»rd N to ke, 9 himself from look- tog Nkp • he changed the wlmle thlag,ap aad wouldn t prim the dope ihatiWOuM *ho* he didn't knew what he waa telkiiiR about Hero to • nttie information that •OUM ot the tocond-guesmn* quar- U-Ibacka might profit by V they will take the trouble to r*nu*mb, r it Don't ever say anything shoot That bi-district game John Reagan of Houston and Pott Arthur must have been a thriller Ptfct Arthur led 14 to 0 at the half Reagan came back and scored l* points in the tost period. The next game in the south part the state will be n Corpus Christi and Reagan this week. (ft think Norton is out watching theao championship gomes. He trying to pick up some good foot ball players for coming yours. Rice's win over (he Ponies plac ed them ahead of the Cadets. That tegveo the Aggiee to fifth pUce aad moves Rice, a team toe Aggiee beet 17 to I in (I; to this conference. from California, ' tha two wonder teams promisen St Mary Gads instead of that were premised. Tech has not played any real outstanding teams, but nevertheless they have a fine m and should give the eon querors of Sente Clara a real ifca for thety. money. This Just about finishes BMP the bowl games with the uxc. pt ion of the Sen Bowl game out to suaay El Paso. The University of New Mexico gridd^rs will fees the foot ballers from the University ef Utah in this-struggls. Then there is the Pmn. B. wl out to the quack country^ (California), but that another • itory. in i i. n.i.iiriioM: msi i:m £ you can league as fourth place. Nate tes- By cMapurative figure any team to the eecead etace The Aggie tha Exes of aadaat party last night in Houa- mitt aa freshmaa coach. tea. Those parties are the anywhere. What foas on caanet he put in print to looking ipertment about all| jto a bunch of Wf.fvMtfthing. That bog* this year. They are ei scheduling matches on Sunday tiama.* i ago Gene was the Boh aad Goat Shida, junior ai)d sophomore respectively, are wag ing a battle oa the pistol ' with Bob having the beet of the feud at this time due to cord he set recently. Last yew Ja toe nationals, Gone •hot the high gun for i and teh 'twbb the •corer. Gone shot a 979 and $eb trailed with a r« The high ef the mast slmt ttt fourth man to the Boh was taken back when )4» kid brother outpointed him Jglj he has beau gunning ever stooa. Now ha cornea .op with a tS9, score that surpasses any that haa ever been done at •hooting that they have ever seep. Cel Boexley takes his pipe out of hie mouth and looks vury pleased whan he thinks of his boy’* fine tiag. Capt “Dapper-Dan" Garrison is vury pUasud shewing. He wants his tion to rank at the top aaft be It gotog to have It there if it la possible. Our old friend Benny "1 pay 'am Heieer” haa svuu to notified of the score. lMh shot a 99 in the time fire in which he was allowed EO sec onds to get off his shots, M on inpid with a time limit of 10 sec onds. His sooro on the stew was 96 which ties the record for that kind of .hooting. at The playoffs to both cleat A and B water polo aad alto tomketbell tote taking place al this them. Wia- will he arneunend ua seen at tie. Some of thoee basketball ns are plenty good. W< i to see the w inner go to * jl, up*** play the winter of their ™ * € ?r % They did this a couple ef We would X yean The n to h^to A and B foot- and tha clast B hoys are now the cl kmpionship off. A will star, theirs to a few riH^ says OKLAHOMANS DEFEAT AGGIE POLOIBTS The OkldlU 1,010 Team out the Atifie squad Sunday at Jackson field by a •core of 44. U. was the second straight leas far the Aggies* to tore days, the score Saturday butog 11-4. The gham was matured by the 1 hard riding of Galbraith and Hea ter fat end Jones for the Aggiee. Captain Xv. Carroll, coacfcletf an officer oa duty to lf*i It was through h.. efforts that the present polo field was built I 1 The lincdj) #0f the teems are as follows: Oklahoma: Hester, Ay- eoek, GslbiWth, Hill; A. A M.: Brown, B. nrett, Joaea, Jordan^|^ ~ McCULUKH-DANSBY CO. of will be run 8a< Sunday these swimming great thinga. *smc» to start FISH BASKETBAU SEASON OPENS] The freshman iflftlfll Meson was offktolly opened last week with an organisation meeting with eighty-five fish attending. With a large number of boys, gfeat ex p^ctations an held by Coach Man- feotbufj „ w _ y _ r Houston had thair ding Smith, who replaced Lil Dim i j |if»A n GANTNER r ssatotja: fastener! Fish* sturdy ss soft as selection ot sweaters— to$a.95 a Jackets and Coats ■ I m i - to $7.50 Xj.17 CLOCMERS "Dutch” Meyer certainly has a reotrd for his five years ef ceech- tog at T. C U. la 'M hs woa the Sagar Bowl elaasic I to 9 from L. B. u. la *f7 he Von the Get toe Ifowl gems from Marquette II to A Now to '99 he is meeting Carne- gto Tech la the Sagar Bowl which wil ha the best bowl K ame aay- where The pistol team is really stop ping eat and shooting the feoi out Ike "Bun's EyuT. First W. A. Becker ef C Field Artillery etepe eu4 and tiee the slew fire record the cellsge with a N. He had enc ahet to the six riag, oae ia the e, aad the roet ia the "BulP. Vuw Boh Bhiels comes along and again ties this record, but w satisfied with that Hs gees •u sad shoots a HI to the alow, rapid and time. Captain Phi. Eas- iow says that to the best shooting he has ever seen. Boh and his brother, Gene, art kaving a feud. Last year Ccme shot *79. Many leading players are com peting with each other for regu lar berths. Outstanding among eighty-five ia AU State High School center, Bill Henderson from John Reagan, Houston. Hen- deraon stands six foot three inches and weighs 180 pounds. He Keen showing great work sr.ould baj hardtj 'to close out his berth. Also showing goedework are Manule Cole and Charles Su-v. enson. Cote is from North Bold) and helped to carry bis team the regional championship Both stand six feet tal. t Some of the fish traded their football shoes two weeks ago Austin for basketball shoes for short time to show their ability at bouncing instead of kicking the ball around. Some of there are "Boots” Simmons, McPhail, Moaer, Rogers, Clark, and “Pappa" Wes- •on. If Wesson is as greaf a b.'i-- ketbaU player as be is a gridaman, he should blip to land the team right along toward the top. Clark ia a brother to E.‘(X Clark who stood out on the vanity team last year bring high point maa for the Aggiee. for at aad toe finals ether years have been far th< he area ad 2 There will he aa tog af toiramaral day eveuiaf at 4)44 Peaay important meet- agers, both claee 4 end B, be pree- oat \ The amount of to he used by World's Pair 1919 (luring its opera tion will he equal to that required by a eity of 350,0DO population all gym. i' 1 «■ trie current the New Ybrk THE FIRST SR API ANE WAi made by Glenn Cigia, In 1908. The pontoon attachment, howepuT, was not perfected until 1911. A ± JONES BARKER SHOP 9 Con^cnirnt Shops *14 Bryan Street and College Station North Gate 5 -4- P&Mims AKNILVVBLY NJklij - Wed 6-7 Lr THE AGGIES* MEETINQ PLACE t! YES, THE FOOD IS That's Why So Many Aggies ( oa»e te to Itot, or i Ddidovs MmU . ; DELUXE CAFE! Bryan, Texas ; Waiit a Bite to Eat, or h When They plete - ■ r PALACE LAST DAY, WED. “Say It in French” THURS. - FRI. - SAT. T. W. Ulan i, Head of the Ac counting Dept., addressed the t S. Student Forum to Houston Dec. 1. VISIT US AT OUR NORTH GATE ‘r jTTX ^^i|] LOCATION 1 ^•11 AGGIELAND [ SHOP -h Dean Gibb GUchrist, Head of the School of Engineering, returned today from Dallas, whenjha has bt'cniktlaadtog the convention ef the American Association of State Highway Officials, meeting Dee. 14. J i -n h-r NEW DIXIE ■ * WED. - THURS. If ifYTtf orphan R R R. II ] CORONA e*e B R a’t Let Winter Ckteh You UNPREPARED Lai Vh Prepare Yoor Car for the Bad Weather FLOP COLSO. North pale • 2 Blocks West of Phone ( oltege 246 m^rm Office - —— — 1 * ■ ^ ■ '‘t THE STUDENT CO-OP CHRISTMAS That Will Imprint Your Name In Their for North Gat > Bracelets • Bracelet Rhkgs - Lockets -| VaatUea anity Cembinatiom - iKhffmvtng - Diamond jf;P. Dobyne JEWELBB Jui.