Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
I % THM,B ATT ALIGN TOP EDUCATOR WHAT NEXT? OUR UNION jar An A. A M. nan stepped into one of the big- . With work octosilj unde* wnjr*nport the now foci Jobs that can ha given to a teacher last week, dormitories, the thoughts of friends and authorities This big job is president of the Texas State Teach- ol the Colege turn to the next step* in the develop- on Association and will t be fiHed MB' year by ment of the physical plant of the itmtitution. With- Ooorge B. Wilcox of the A. A M. faculty, who was out question additional classro<0a facilities must be elected at A convention at Dallas attend' d by ap- next provided. Close upon the heels *f that need is proximate!? 10,000 teachers from all over the state, th need of a student union building, or some center Mr. Jftac >x is an outstanding Texas educator around which the social life if Me college com- mi Ms advice la sought by many superintendsats munity c * n r * volvt ' Perh *P* » fi ^ t c, *“ ^ “T- ‘ " . „ JL" .7TTT“ *«»M »1w talk m. c«ur K ..d M well w ff Texas ••Ml figure j or i0C j l : ^'« »»« tMlUrt r~r Mrv. ^ u lmporUl>t „ ^ m 1“ vie, nt- ADoth«r member ol ihc mwt , >r , th, irMd for uldiuoiul Ubnry Ucilitlc, A. * N. Wty. W. I* Ba(k«, «*.d M PTUm^, in the field of hooka, and reference president of the saeocistion several rears ago. worka. Additional scientific equipment is badly need- X hi.«, u,^ hi,r«h«. - ^ -> ‘rrrt “3“ ^ rolUir . riirMir .. . , r . r in ln« forC9 * M the present hnge enrollment aad eeMCtj W|| OMnar as a school teacher bega needed, of course, are additional funds to pty MU after atundmg Sam Houston State Teacher* ushers, in order that th* college mar hold its ('college and he later served as superintendent of bast men and hire othsr outstanding men to teach two different high schools. In 1917 be Joined the the sons of Texas. jJ—Tht Texas Aggie WASHINGTON HAPPENINGS **1 *H FIDO! HVCM SPOUT*. HV I H\RI IS r. mWAKT Central Prase CeMmaltt WASHINGTON, D. C Harry T Byrd of has mentioned that he reopen the subject of tion Of the executive government st the next Congress. Senator Byrd dent feorgsmuuonint kind of reorganisation 1 antagonistic by Senator Byrd, already ^ committee'i u ality. The coi natad by Louis jBrow^vt, no ! of the latoT at all, h^t a sb or- ^b* District of pal govern ing I ody. adva- Th* Broendo# coimmssion, back- Ji&Ui lerican f 011x4 and for two year* served ii Nh§ sy during the wwld war, afterwards coming to d| M.. He attended schopj for four aad th. n ST Dr. T. F. Mayo’s Column summers, during which he worked on master of :J \ I ’ ' 1,1 f acts degree at Columbia Univaraity. Though there probably eyght^ to be a law .. Mr. Wixcox will have a big Job. Th# Texas questions like tMs, they nover- school problem* ate so many: i B number aad large their uses if you jC t%ni of yourself in soooe that msnv of us would run from such a occasionally. This column would like to suggest a ». Therejis nedfor reorganixKion of the whole boy to on. a*wct of the answer^ this on. Taxas school system in the interest of effective- Our key Is this: Do you find yourself becom to the meeting of the supervisors of Ing, with each year at A. A M., intelligently inter- held hem last summer. Also <at ested in more and more things T If your answer k was said that 97 states spend more la “yes,” then I should say that you are “getting cates is quite different frvTh Presi- ad by the predidesg, snehpd meat dent Koosevekflm idea of ifhat ro- of th* wind o«| from behind ttw orgsniiation ought to be A Colt- Byrd committid^a amd got gressional r.'o-gmniiAtion rommit- the commisaiotl , » pbn . into th* too, of which the Virgin^n was form of proposed legislation, chairman, was functioning; at the which was fon f|r M Congress time a presidential reorgspixation notably by I Ohator James commission was crested]] jback In Byrnes of Sou i Camliaa. Vac tbs early days of the last session while the eoinmiaaion’s on Capitol Hill. I surmise That the looked like being adopted, took presidential coramisaion was put though finally H into action because the admin is tra- ed faa the Housi of i tion didn’t like th* dmectirn that mainly by Chairman John O'Coa- the Byrd committee seemed to be nor of the rule* committee, sines taking. Aprway, the two outfits purged out of.A Democrats ro- wore entirely distinct from one an- 'nomination in the 19th Near York Other. They also were mutually Congressional district’’ PREVIEWS and REVIEWS COLLEGIATE REVIEW money par child than Texas doe*. At least on educated”—on th* right road, ssyhov tort Of educational expenditures, Texas still P0« mast say “no,” I'm afraid that of the relatively backward states in skillful you are becoming in ktkm. Those and other problems will have nique, you are not moving with to improve our educational system education. t c w® probably be the busiest of all Taxas The human mind seems •fcneaters. We hope he has a good year and w* be- round nouse, with dozens of Ufve he win. ; I, .1 ’ | Unfortunately, these window^ are, '1 1 » { l 1 .^ ,l, 1 1 opaque, requiring a lot of honesty liter how 1 table tech- Mi satisfactory Warner John In a sort of kkoff*. on ovary aide. 1 Th* cast itself is quite enough B¥ J. A. 8TANSE1 I A University of voy indicates that coll Brother Rat” At th* Palace. STOCKHOLM. SWEDEN. IS een play by Richard Macaalay on* of the few cHise In th* world from the play by of the wealthy class exceed Mat of And Prod P. Pink- the poof. CosEd Protective , k formed by the Oklahoma women from being stood np on a] date. The League has University to insure mefcbors _ . j.,. eight years after Seniors can begin to to graduation now CON. ^ W.PA. or the way. , . ,1 ^ a ^ z . THE UNITED STATES begin with. r »‘ , * on ^ pictar*. It is rom€r ^ , 9 60 720,397 J9 out of . _ P to enable the *" * r ™ y of youn * Ul#nt th * t hU pocket in precasting taxas on r*rnr*~in . jn,Lrnn \lTS\r>C> v mind to out oi *•«. Th# courses,that you taka. "O-W h,ird to beat The pranks agricultural products, including FIRECRACKER- WOES N ^ b00k * *** artid< * that you read, Ms paoplo ® f Wa y ne Morr i* Ml Eddie Albert wh^t, corn, rye, rice, hogs, i^gar, ^ Dn^srsity of S • , , Mtat you meet, ought each to ieontribut* a certain lhrtn the picture conxidrrably, at pe^ut,, tobacco and cotton for the fornia ^ Rick is the dear old days when the present stu- amount of window-cleaning, ho that one window enough to keep the picture period beginning jjnly, 1 Qty W ta*ch women Meir dnta of A. A M. Were in grammar school and rode after another may be changed ffom a blank segment wo^ng. Thor* are no slow spots through th* complete calendar year under **»• Uw * of < Mhydes and had nihber-gun battles it was * natural 0 f wall te'the view of an inttipsting and stimulat- * I,d thls ** something. Priscilla 1Me| Myi ^ feder4] g0VtTnra ^ L Exactly 3.269 organised M ere held in the Univaraity Wisconsin M< ing last yaar of Uaioa build Cali- NeW Records tenden y for the T "t>> keeps up th* feminine load good stylo. Her acting Is shoot firecrackers at Christmas Urns ing scene outside jrvrat .1 h.,in, . loud «■ A, . nutUr of I«t. thm 'U . »M. world to "f • plooion. Bi* M tte of tho oppooiU oo. ^ , iew- f , om Mch , lndow j tafrovtog with rod. picture end boon be wer thdr drooon below their knee, .nd , UMrfwl ,i cour „ ln ,„ ton ,„|„ Ks . ln[0 whk , , before loo, oh. will bo to ~o • litU. llpoUdr the pleaoureo of . m.)ortt, of lUlnbM ta „ y h , pl „ Mrd un d.rrr^o.u dtp. (It , * mou, of “• th~o U~ •liter, “ bvlt*" hr t»ko on . more d,reified .tmo.phere „ ppowd w , crip tour.e. « . miner of ^ U l*id op tk. TiU. ud our mdivity .ion, the tinenekor line wu .„ d whl( . h h,, ra , [ar g,, ^ 0< my ampu.. Oat i. wh«n tk. UU. to e*moull«K«d by toriruetin, tbo little tot. on th. u(< „ oUct wjth cur , 0 , ltv , nd Be . dented Contr.ry to opinio, th.t V.OO propw moRtodo of pneoduro. , m a,,, we „ to n<r , ly t|l , w u ^ thto to . What’s Showing 4 new kind bf nut cracker is ths Istest research development of r]T**** * University of California j PALACE — Thursday, Friday and Saturday. “Brother Rat" with Morr list It explodes th* shell from Me . inside ' J * nove ’MINUET IN JAlT hnd 'WAK DANCE POE WOODEN IND IAN* by Richard Him her snd Ms Rhythmic Pyramid* Orchestra am in dance music, orchestra li-nds a to both of new Richard Hunt ir of procedure. . .. : ; fore that, they afere to „ „ era era a great many youag men her# slapped or squashed My biological window is atfll. of engaged in th# process of obtaining I am sorry to stiy, pretty thickly intrusted wiM **• *>*PP«Mn9« to three collet* ition, still get the “IRtl# boy” thrill ignorance and indifference. But even> at Mat it af- boys *** »*ny acenes that and Wednesday. Of produeiig a loud explosion. As Me diversions fords me enough glimpses of ite ptefticulsr world: ** r * ry interesting to Ms ca- “ C! — v *“ a; around A. A M. nre so few, we certainly do not (1) to give me some notion of tihat the life proce** dt ‘ u ' of A A M. due to Me tact object to boys hairing fun. But for the benefit of is all about; (2) to keep off s good; deal of boro- those whosp conduct has Improved along wiM Meir dom; (9) to iwMe me respect biolegista. I may education W* woald like to ask the firecracker add, by the way, Mat if I had, during my college shooters to confine Meir activity to daylight hours days, seen Thomason’s “Outline ofj| Igtenee” I and to diatharge Meir miaaOes outside the dormi* would have lapped it up and would no doubt haw tones today a much clearer biological outlook But firecracker-shooting has possibilities. Be- Since MU communication has already become cause of the large number of participants s club personal, I may as well record th, beginning of the could be organized wiM ease and perhaps some intense interest with which fair twenty-odd yesrs time could be set aside before th* holidays when I have followed . con.imic, politickl. and social trends, all practitionei s of MU art could gather on th* la 1917, I b< heve it was, I v« ad a small book by drill field for contents of some aort The contests Bertrand Ruasell,; called “Political Meals,” whieh are unlimited in number; there could be accurate immediately dearOd a pane of Aiy sociological win- throwing contests, tin-can blowing contests, and dow. and at least showed me enough of that world contests. But until thst time, let to keep me scrubbing sway at it for dear life ever us urge thfc fan lover* to confine their plsy to the since. M*ny of my best friends insist, somewhat open aad faring daylight. rudely, that my viow of this particular window (Lm, ' ' - my economic, aodal, and political opiniona) U ho pe rt i rpp s I |/\\T | tody dim *1 d distorted. But I must say first, that BA 1 1 ALIUIN H 1 <k>nt #d,nit thi8, ftnd •• cood - ^ in “y way I enjoy ray view, right or wrong. as aasoad class matter at Me pool office I’ve noted that a good many Aggies have found Taxas, under Me Act ti Coagrea* Stuart Chase a useful window-serdbber on this i social side of their minds and l> C. Coyle, and iptioa rates, 99A9 per yaar \ \ Walter Lippman (I abhor hi^ views, but that’a ra>» upon requeat- neither here nor Mere), and Hi G.| Moulton s “In Office in Room 122. Adminiatratkm’^Building come and Economic Progress.” Tbtaphon* Colle* 9. Office open from 11 A* ta Vm tti „ TOnfeMingi j ^ mit 4 9 L national adTarttetow ha Ne- 0 " ^ me€htnictl * ^emkal, and ! technical sides ' uonel Advert ism# Servica InC. 410 lUdwo^AvT r#aer,<ll3r * " y mind U ,hut iB d * rken ^ »>y *hat mtmm, ^ Madiao Ava, ^ apparently an impenetrable blank wall. So much ” l *l• V'. ! I 1 ^ •’Of** “y education. But history has cleared R. L | -i-j- EDITOR IN (THEf “P ^ windows, and aom# raadihg about music H. 8M Bill Payee, these tune ,1 ‘FROM Wr OUT OF * excellent sami 140 swing and tunes were for Mo new< Sing You Sinners” wiM Bing Storage ahd warehousing is a Me” which Is Crosby, Prod McMwrray, Donald new course being offered “hi the in New York orris, Johnny “Scat" Texas Christian Univei gangster picture, because H*™. Ml Priscilla Lane. Feature tistteians have figured out title, the picture deals wiM ^ffins at 1:90. Horned Frogs’ game a ppenings to thra* j college ASSEMBLY HAU — Tuesday P**y» ^ .1, Mat V. M. I. is also a military O’Conner and Risen Drew. Fas tare University of Texas school Af boat- and Charlie #<ho01 , I f begins at 9:45 p. m. neas administration. touch. Ojf and ‘GIT sre two mors i of Sammy Kayo’s iy fythm. Thao* by Cole Fortar ’ PLfcy* It 1b a groat bit Tommy Ryan give Me vocal at Callage ew March 1879 EDITOR-IN (TilBF U P » Iew wmaowi, ana some reaaing SDout music ADVKRnsiNO MANAGER ^ • #m * emrefuI Btienlwg to it hay* disclosed a AOrld which * hatH to: miss. And Men Maaagiag Editors George Faltoa. E C. Kaotaar Aetiataat Advertising Manager* H..0 Oliver, Wayne Htasgi . EC Jtaff Den ■fUManey Orrelalion C F. PeYfMti ! , t J.C Dtets Circa la tion Manager H G. Reward TV ESIIAT STAFF JnM A. J. CnrraR, N. A. M< H. 0. Thibet. W. J. Baadi iCbgrallller, W. T. Gay, Cserge Nao- jMMAh Carter Beam. J. A. BtanaaR R. R. tagMWM. C A. Rbada, A. K. Adams. Faster Wlea, Rill Whall M. H. ReMnaan. R. E Sparks. A P. Davaapwrt, J. W. Jenkian, L, J. Webrla FRIDAY BTAJFF there is psychology, s window, only very partially ttwnspnrant, which opens on a tangled and terrify ing bat highly impressive jungle—human nature. James Truslow Adams’ Mstoncn! books, if you are interested, wtt open you up to history, Sigmund Spaeth’s to music, and H. A. Ovirytreet's and Al fred Adler’s to psychology. Obviously, according to Mil conception the per fectly educated mind would be intelligently r t. r. t ed in Just about everyMing. Whatever may be said ef a man with sueh a mind, you moki admit that he iL|k would 004 •m! » dpll life. Furthermore, t Mink, he eould be trusted to plan his li^ bhtter than most ’ people, and to be more tolerant and understanding dataat It might be an interettinR flpeertise for my Ag- INjMlj p* readme (If any) to do a little figuring ou Just Rdlter how many Mings Mey hrs Intelligently interested ■•Mr in. If, as I hope, you find that the nambmr and Me M. G. intensity of your interests are incr J. A giving you your Mat you are in truth “getting NOTICE ! : j J TO GENERAL PUBLIC The Aggie Cleaners 1 . 1 I ill L-- 'i i' I . , ! h' i t-i i •*» p ojM : 1 l'*| ‘ Wish to Announce to Our Customers and Friends 1ALL FOR & DELIVERY SERVICE •j* Ladies Clean & Press Press Dresses (Absolutely plain) 60l 30? Dresses (Others) 80? Up 40? Up SMrtp L.t 30? Up 15? Up Waists 30? Up 15? Up Liffht Coats ..I -..SO? Up 15? Up Heavy ( oats ...60? Up 30? Up Gloves ( leaned & Dressed 25? to 50? Bpits—Cleaned & Blocked 50? 1 Fur Coats—Cleaned and Glazed $2*50 to $5.00 ; All other prices reduced accordingly. y i ur New Prices CASH & CARRY | <*#.* [ [j n Ladies ’ Clean & Press , • Dresses ......i . 60^ Up Skirts | i 30? Up Waists 1.|.u.4«;...30? Up L Coats 1 30? Up H. Coats 30? Up All other prices reduced t- Men wiM each ro increasing year at A. A M., you may conclude, I think. Mat Me college is giving you your & worth, and a. J. F. He laasu Jaaai H. W. , (Bar lira, V.C . tTl ' " . Well, at least Mat’s not at b«d v this one, over heard at Gustavus Adolphus Collegd: “Is It hard io sip soup with your new mustache?" “Yea. it is rather a strain." A Wheaton collegian wanted t* check out Mo ton-niiKd dictionary overnight, but^tH* librarian said, wo don’t lot magaxines go ant overnight" "But," ponistod Me student "thU is Just a pamph let" W# don't know wheMer he won Me argu ment so well leave you until next:week wiM MU AL. a Stone How maay bricks 2" by 9* by 9~ needed to make ona wall F by S' by 90’7 * \ i ii' -rLAM mm Gean A Jhrtm ITess Suits 60? 30? Pants 30? ( W Overcoats 60? 30? ( loth Jackets 30?” 15? Leather Jackets—Cleaned and Dressed $1.00 All other prices reduced accordingly. .4; N! . 1 Suita Pants Jl Overcoats „..j - 50? Men Clean A Prcua 50? ...r 25? C. Jackets Leather Jack< Dressed All other pi 25? reduced accoi finishing and dy checking We will maintain our same high quality of cleaning service. The prices are made possible only by and cutting our profits. May we take this opportunity to thank our customer* and friends f patronage and many favors. We hope to see them more in the future, # , [ R. C. RAPP, AND SILKS OUR SPECIALTY Recognized for Quality Location over- DR] i rop^ Phone College 308 TT North Gate