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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1938)
NOTICES NoUcm to NOTICK " STCDENf fie*. 126 ir Pi MjU to “OFFICIA1 ■to to ooBt to tto PUBLICATIONS of- \dminiatrotioa BviMiag II. Mooday for tk* To**- of tto Bkttaltoi and to P. 14. Tkantoay aftornoon for "< The Battalion. 8<t«enc* Sons- loom—7 :S0 » OFF CaiKild ttoa for <leape*> and c*rti| fieatos | B well an advanced do-" jbe conferred ia F'ebruary plication (to tto n y ; ’ ii ahoild nova^makv formal ap- tolTtetrar’a Office. Hokrell, Reviatrar '^riri "*—p CIKCULAR NO 13: , I. Tto Corpo artoee to Waco. Saturday mor ning, i'Ottotor *2. 19 ^ for tto purpose oi parading •»d attending thp.|Ai.A.M.-Baylor faalfcall Th^ new kere sorti sd new two- tiona with Bujf A Catalina Sweater This Year Catalina^ are .. in a splendid as t of j new Wearves and Models . , t .. uutrl le cofnbina- «lan sleeves ... zihper or button front with Will find a fine of -kaevele-vs or slipofto with sleeves. aldron^/? •‘Two Convenient Stores’* ( ollejfe Station 2. Calla will be .iounded aa fol- nd. Corps Staff, lafaa- »t. Field Artillery Ro- lat Call, Rovaillo (no fonnatlon) « 00 a. m. tooaa Oajl. Breakfast. (:10 a. m. Asaombly (cotapolsory forma tk>n) C:1S a. m. S. Tto units will march to tto Miaaoari Pacific depot in tto order given below which will to allowed in os training. Tactical Officers will accompany their units a. First Sectoa. Tactical Officers: Major Inrin, Major Orr, Major Wilton. Captain Garrison. Captaia Etaaldw. Troops Band, try Regimen giment. Time of departure: 7:1| a. b. Second Section. Tactical Officers: Major Hill, Major Stiekngy, Captain Shute Troops:* Regiment, Chvalry Regiment, Engineer Regi meni. Coast Artillery Regiment. Time of departure 7 :|0 a. m. 4. Troops will march from their respective assembly points at 7*0 a. m. 5. Railroad tickets are on sale at tto Missouri Pacific depot In formation cor . rninf return trips and train schedules has bsen pub lished in the Battalion. Tickets will be purchased prior to 1*0 p. m. Friday. October 21, 1028. i ‘ 6. Regimental Commanders will report to their respective Tactical Otthimu ea route to familiarise themselves with the details of the parade before detraining. t. Senior cadet officers will to stationed in each end of tto ooaches to see that students do net get off the train when stop* are made efi route. GEO. F. MOORE Colonel, U., S. Altny Commandant 'c i THE BATTALION Film Based on Dewey’s Work as D. A. Slated; “T Cards Good Friday for*! Happy Landing” j CIRCULAR NO. IS: 1. Tto following instructions re garding the parade in Waco, Octo ber 22, 1938, are published for the information and guidance of all concerned. 2. DETRAINING The first section will arrive at 10:11 A. M.. second toctxta will ar rive at 10:30 a. m. Organisations will detrain promptly upon arrival and will march in column of twos. BT PAUL KBTElAON Tto corps is to be corapti* 0 *®*** on tto action taken dver an ‘* <liu ’ ,r ' tal n few weeks ajgo abo at ^ routiin.-** which toofc place during n Saturday night preview. There axe some who do take pride to the fact that they can Am) will attend n picture show without all tto noise and ruff-stuff that happened that Saturday night It i* very 8°°^ *° know that these boys have done something about the ‘bleed” and aa a consequence the theatre ia a better place to sp^nd one’* time. After a very heated race for tto possession of the Arthur Caesar original Women Without A Coun try, hosed on the iRe of Barbara Hutton, Universal studios was the winner. John Btal trill direct the picture and Irena Dunn will play the lead. Palace—Saturday Preview “Racket Busters”—es picture baa ed on the prosecutions of the fa mous New York District Attorney, Thomas Dewey. There is nothing new to tto plot of jhis picture, it runs along the same, lines of every other gangster pictuiti and for some reason has a great pmount of in terest. The acting iai good, because •t ia not seldom that Humphrey Bogart does net turn in a performance. Walter Ahlt* as the “racket-buster” does very well alaa The plot ia old, tto gangsters get ting ahead of the toWr taking over control, then tto hero jumping In and running them all out of bus iness. Tto picture is thoroughly enjoyable from the stand point of entertainment but l)as such little variety from proceeding shows tto same type that you wRl wonder If you haven’t seen it. j “Y" cards will be good for tto show Friday night, du.- to tto fact that most of the Aggies will be at Waco Saturday. Tto picture to “Happy Landing,” a show in which Sonja Heinie does Her stuff again to the utmost of perfection, ice- skating her way to glory as sto has done in most of b«r pictures so tar. It to not with malice that this column picks on t T. picture but via Second street to the assembly area. (City Hall Square-See map), because the type S^nja has been Students who do not go by train' will join their organisations at the City Hall Square not later than 10 30 a. m. 3. BAGGAGE la. Immediately after halting m | position at the parade assembly area, each squad will make up a squad roll containing all ovenAata and raincoats, securely tied to one bundle and tagged with twq tags fee each rool. Tags will be distribut ed by Company Supply Sergeants. Hand baggage will be marked with chalky the name of the owner or- ganI ration, and branehj example, Joe Smith, Troop C Cavalry, Rolls and baggage will to assembled to ■tacks adjacent to City Hall under supervision of Regimental Supply Sergeants. Four men will be detail ed from each regiment aa guards to remain with property and safe guard same during th.- parad. b. Point of dismissal will original assembly area and will be secured. . c. On detraining members of the Band will secure instrument* from tto baggage roach and pro ceed to a moving van provided for the purpose, add leave baggage and instrument cases in tto mov ing van. tnd aaie- irade. , rill be at luggdge LOOK YOUR BEST L - —J - 1 For TImbr 1 Games and Girls CLEANERS JOEL ENGLISH r Over Exchange Store « NFIDENCE mean AinnrHiNG TO YOU? Y DOES TO US, TOO! are oar best friends. We insist friends only the bent the finest ly known goods nt the very bast establish your confidence. is never marked with ait eye te the fntnrn. CONFIDENCE— • AY OUT OF YOUR INCOME VARNER, JEWELER playing in is getting very tiresome, so tiresome that k is doubtfal whether many more of these no plot pictures will to enjoyed. Sto is a very likable young lady, and, while not good looking sto will get along. If you like skating you will — 4. PARADE a. Time: 11*0 to m. b. Assembly Organisations will assembly in the area designated in column of platoons, with closed distances. (See Msp)^ c. Order of Match: Corps Commander and Staff Band •. Infantry Regiment Field Artillery Regiment Composite R*Kim« i.t Cavalry Regiment Engineer BwtoMht * Coast Artillery Rerinx nt d. Formation* Column of!n|g||m** (12 front). e. Route. Austin Avenue tf Eleventh St., left on Eleventh to Franklin, left on Franklin te Seepnd St., left on Second St. to City Hall Square, ori gimal assembly area. t. Dtomtoanh 1 j City HaO Styaaxw 6. REVIEWING STAND: Tto Reviewing Stand will be lo cated at Eighth Street near the Raleigh Hotel faciag Austin A vs. 8. COLORS, STANDARDS AND GUIDONS: Colors, Standard*, and Guidons will be carried.* Regimental Colors and Standards will salute. After the parade tto Colors, Standards, and Guidons will to placed to the truck marked f'CoJors and Stan dards” under tto supervision of one Color Sergeant designated by the Corps Commander. Tto truck will to located at the original as sembly area adjacent to City Ball. 7. Company Supply Sergeants will report te the Commandant’s Office not later than 2*0 p. m. Friday, October 81, and receive twine, tags, and chalk for marking squad rolls and bdggnge. «. UNIFORM: , No. 1 with white shirts will to worn. GEO. f. ‘Moore Colonel. U. 8. Army Commandant Tto College News Stand is open tto following hours T:00 to m. -H:80 p. m. 12*0 noon-—,—1*0 p. b. 2:10 p. m.- 6 00 p. a*. •*0 p. m 7*0 p. m. enjoy the picture, but tf you crave acting, you will have to aaa an other shew. Delincascope Added To I>ab Equipment During the summer the Agricul tural. Engineering Department add ed to Its equipment on n “delinea- ■eope”, a machine that projects pictures either from previously prepared glass slides sr from any desired page of pietHMi or print to a book or magazine. According to Professor Christy this machine adds materially in class lectures and to other talks because tto eye gathers and retains information more readily than the ear. Already in use before tto still projector was purchased was a 18 mm. movie projector but tto expense and dif ficulty involved to obtaining suit able Dima acted as a serious handi cap which is now relieved by tto new all-purpoee still projector. —^ CHARLES F. THOMPSON. Pre- veterinary student from Pear sall, Texas, won a trip to tto Amer ican Royal Livestock Exposition in Kansas City, which is now going on through the Future Farmers of American competition, it was learn ed today. N| MP MRfM.W WpadB WILCOX TALKS AT SCIENCE MEETING ! Prof. George B. Wilcox^ a mem ber of tto Education Department, will lead a r dtosusik>n on the sub ject of “Neftor Development* in Higher Education," at tto Social Science Seminar to be told to th* F’hVKir* '.•< t ure roetn Monday mght at 7:80. Some of,.th£ things being done in revising do lege curricula in tto light of guiding individual students to more effective work will b< die- l'U*!M*d Changes in methods being by colleges Jg the abolishment tto Carnegie standard of ing students and giving tto individ ual schools this power. Another ex periment being made is the a- bondoning of semester exams and half ysnr courses. This would en able students to cover their sub ject* more thoroughly and become more familiar with them. A tutor- advisor systeas' 1 is bccorrung more and more esmmon. This gives clos er contact with tto teachers. Provision for more independent work on tto part of student* and limiting the number of courses to be taken in a year is a step being taken to make courses more effec tive. Definite plans for extra-curri cular work, to addition to scholastic training ia supposed to give *tu dents a more well-rounded educa . 4 All students and other person.* interested in these subjects are in vited to attend the lecture Stoi discussion. * CADETS IN 8HAPB— (Continued from Page 1) ; that as Ins kind of a crowd on tto saaso yield that tto Aggies best them before Thera has beon a change in th^ Aggie lineup and those two boys will be fighting every minute to show th* t there has boon no mis take in putting them in. Th* changes art for Herb Smith to ■tart at end in place of Schroedfr and for Tommie Vaughn to itaft nt contgr in place of Coe ton. j “Jinx" Tucker of tto Waco TA- bune has written that it takes throe of tto Aggie backs to to as go^d as Pattoreon. He says that can throw tto ball hard, the only trouble is that know where it ia going throws it. He saye that can hit the lino hard, but that somn- timee to forgets to carry tto with khn. “Jinx” to a friend of tto and no doubt ho to attempting |o build up soma confidence for home team. They will need tto Aggies are the moat detoi ed team this writer has They have worked some puss plays out that should ba things against the Bears’ defi Don’t be surprised if John brough to the star of the Ba; fracas. Ha may be stumblin’ 1 but he stumbles for many yards be fore to is downed. He to a pass re ceiver that can catch Bbpft 'from a ^F <l, r< v j Tid For all ‘time games the Agfies ha\ • vored a total of 463 point* to 210 for Baylor. Tto Aggiaa h*ve won 23 games, lost sight and tied five. Tto second worst licking the Aggies ever took was from Bvylor ia 19*1 with a score of 4**. . | It to toped that tto cadet corps* win to fal large i.jTnbesg.dt Ware. IS THERE A STRAIN ON YOUR FAMILY TIES? show mi au irmi I I F ■ ! j SEf THtS Pint Story of400New Dealers UyRun theOS. • Backbone and nervous system of to day’s New Deal to a group of 400 men, few of whom hold elective office. Yet they run Ammca Detected by leading Democratic politicians, they formulate New Dead programs; write its species, spend its billions. Who are they? HOW did they get their power? Here * th«A first complete story cf this cunous f ov- ernment-withto-a government, Ing how the Brain Trust bccam *L5^® 400 now busy remaking An.rnca.lVst ^ of three important articles. Read it this week’s Saturday -Mvcmns. Po*. by JOSEPH ALSOPOIkf kintner —'•* »*»»«* WlUAM CMAm, .a gtiTtiW* tti** 1 * rWAVSMOOV** • T *» ••an.q ■rUA c * *'*«*» 1 a/oofial/argument ...auJ-ohyes/- BRIDCB CHAMP RHAL8IMS! Meet P. Hal Sima, master technician of the fine art of winning. Bridge or bil- harda, golf or tennis, berae-racing or fitfmir d* for—Sims to expert at them •1L Read in your Post this week stories of his coups, how his frenk mem ory cost him a bridge championship, •nd what he ton learned about poker. Name Your Gome h PARKER M0RELL ' STthf somcbody ** t today is downright .off compared the game In the 90’s. You’ll h.v, “Pudm^Hcffcifioc^ _ iMl Arneriuan guard, to tock you up on jg of this sack's Barrrd .t Ml) Iran pi,yin, MriaK Yale ^... , <to#«my, and what modern star* rank with football's gvmtT * ^ ,UST * ,QHT HU8KIHO FOR YOti!- I I : L4ie»* hsd it Ml planned out. But Agnea Burke Hale shows •.‘I ,* GOT Ft0 •F WITH MURDER.” ^rthur Train speaktag. as he concludes Jlfy limy in Court, the oolorful accoimt of hW rx;*-r .^ccs in Now York* old Cr.mmal Courts Bu.ldmg. Here's hw owwatoryrftow tojmt from prosecuting crimin^a to wrking .bout ttomAToUEER NURSEMAIDS hese South Africans tonrefTamebabocnsUn Thm Hw m + n Taint, you 11 learn what happened when wild and » mrt-wkhayuuBg child’s life at stake. By WmtonJ.NWdig... Squ*** Rovat, aa Unusual story of the ma. by ttorlea «StorisU. Port! fl I j •