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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1938)
f* f! m THE BATTALION YOUR SCHOOL’S PERS0NAUTY jMd you eyer *fc>p to think thattto and tr«aU his !«tud«ru». you ever atop •Ttiry achoolr ha« *a distinct a per *or*dity tny of the atudent* in ittt Well, itJdeee. The rtranwjlHi of • achoQt 4' Wonted hy many thihea. big; Wnd bttle, by Much-, t •ct^yitiea h th curricular and **- - trafurrieulli ; Virtually every iction atu lent inf hue nee* or con trlratea to in aotne way, dirertly i or indirectl , the personality, ,the apirit, of tie school, and thereby thd impr.H*ot the school makes atauicM . . { ■ «Mt ia> an interesting w ••ry ttudent would just friendships and ac has relations with hia and hia other school he spaaks the viators to the campus and eth er people, all help in norm degr.-. to create either a food or • bu personality for hia school—if each student would just realise and keep in mind these fact*, then surely he should ratnembor to act properly »t all times, .to work always for the betterment of his school, and do those things expected of a good student. In past years A. A M. has always had a good persoaalitp. It has al ways boon noU*d for its groat school spirit. It is to be hoped that we are not falling down In our record this peer. Let’s nil cooperate in all we do to keep the personality of A. A M. as good (hiring this and future years as it has bean in the past. ^ h* stodym* i« hports and o f*"’ WHEREIN WE BLEED AGAIN rnfagn kg** to a very ugly forgot- to meet to Aggies on the cam- bet some upper- sophomores—ere rt the worst effecU poor tcbiK)! spirit it has ever »r 'misfortune to come in A member of the Aggies squad— for obvious across the day when two up te him. Tho soph, mores didn't know him, umicb is smother 'Something to nmrk dhem in your little black book Bat uA top A all off, one of tk,-m crWk-d v>, y w y. Th.vt wn- th,- djr- , St f.Kitball game Sat- ever seen.” Than they preceded U cHtieise this par- WMMr fiikWn paying. ^ AndT agree that A was a _ _ . In the first place; but If ifc had hsen, that is no oc- Aggie spirit to be pteesa. f We wegld lata very much to see .tk*** tvse soph#mores, jest to get fltopse of what the “new kind" » like. We would lAe to of them who are trying the "one per ceet” into la A. A M. THE AGGIES ON THE GRID- 1 RON R£PRESENT THE BEST OF ALL STl DENTS ATHLETI- CALLY. THEY ARE ENTITLED TO ALL JIVE loom. KHOL’LI N0T1VARY WITH TJ1E ^INDtAND LOSSES iMARKED UF BY OUR TEAM’S STICK BEHIND THE WIN OR LOSE. NAME TEAM CHURCHES• THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN BRYAN William Harvey Andrew, Pastor Sunday School—“The Dan Russell A A M Class" \ —9:4* A. M. Morning W rship 10:60 A. M. Baptist Training Union 6:80 P. M. Evening WorahA ' 7:80 P.M. Free busses te the church leave the Y M.C.A. and Project House Areas at fc:20 every SundayMom- ing. Rec ST. THOMAS' CHAPEL ^ (Episcopal) Kev. Roscoe C. Hauser, Jr tor. 8:80 A. M. Holy Communion 11 KM) A. M. Morning Prayer and , short talk by the rector. Thursday night 7:30 p. m.. Choir practice. * Y • Tg *\ m LL THE SUPPORT WE CAN THEM. THIS SUPPORT JU> NO! THH ** Teas# A A M . Cc dal eettege ptiblicati KaterAl aa heoond class matter to Prmtoffice at College Sta Tessa, under | i of MarW 8, weekly newipapvr College and of iblieation. itter at the the Act of Con- 11879 Subscription rate, |1.15 per year Advertising rates upon request Office In Rqom 122. Admin istra th* Harding. Telephone College 8 Office (Open f om 11 a. m. until ( for national adver tising by*- Rational Advertising 8srriceJ,W. 420 Madison Ave„ W'mrvX&Lf. B.LIN1SS EDITOR-IN CHIKF W. H SMITH AI.VKRTISIM, IBMK4MB Masses Criti Editors B. C K ns tsar . J. Wayme Stork Asseriste Editors ! r) Oataa...Spurts Bdlter C mats ... ; Masafer LUTHERAN SERVICES Lutheran Services will not be held Sunday, October 23. but will be held at 7:00 P. M. in the Y Parlor oai|4m»dap night, October 30 Ban HtotMnam, jPaslar I —Title used to IP—Narrow inlet addreas a 20 Half a day European >88—A 'burse gentleman 1 Si—To be in debt t Ind. i 3S—-Custom P—Donktprs 88—A kharm 10— Winged i east Ind t 11— Exclama to-Thick slice, tion of ex of anythuif tremecoo M—Worry teasffl 37—Large <mn- 12— Short for mg vehicle t aatogH-o 30—Any four- 14—Shift « footed am IP—Halt 1 maJ * correspond- 27—Symbol for ing te M • cenura 21— Froasn S8—Small parti water — 22— Dscay 22—Leader of the Israel ites out of ®pyp» l|N-Hoie ptere- mg tool 20-Northeast labbr i 2P—British Co- lurabts lab.) so—rat c«0 Kft.< 80—To stripe 30—Large body of salt 26- Do fvar I I defeat ! meter r 41—Boxes DOWN 1- Medieval 7 -Diminutive stone* of Samuel 2—Brisk; 8—Shaved 2—A seraglio 9—Purloin ♦ Japanese statesman 12—The people of Great aaaaodtaai- Britain ad in 1909 ift—By stay of 5—Exist ’ 17—After date •—Away from tabbri (preftg) t 18—Greek letter ranan HDHr? aHRnsn n mriiiim orarsia ii ranHcaonrQ radsraan ithre Maas Hnsiaa raaaE anrasissa PRESBYTERIAN NOTICE Sunday School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00. Sermon .Topic: “How Sure Can We Be?” Hbung People’s League i:00 Services in the Y Chapel. A cor dial welcora* to all. u . . Norman Anderson, Pastor KOIIKKT M. ADAMS, PRBS1- dent of the senior class, was elect ed Junior Vice-President of Braxos County Copter, Reserve Officers Associstion, Tuesday evening at the regular Chapter meeting. Adams eras elected by the seniors present at this meeting to work with other chapter officers, repre senting the seniors who are junior members of the Brazos County Chapter. The Brazos County Chapter .meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at T p. s' 1 ■■ ■» 1 i’ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station. Texas, R L. Brown. Pastor 9:46 a. m. Sunday School, C. H. Bates, General Supt. 10:60 a. m. Morning W'orship, sermon by Pas- . tor. Special Musk, Walter Johnson end J. H. Stockton. , §»• >pt m. Baptist Training Union, RT. T. Parmer General Di- cector; 7:40 p. m. Evening wor ship. Sermon by the Pastor, Special Music, Walter Johnson. • 7:20 p. m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting and 8:16 p. ra. Wednesday, Choir Practice. Meats Judgers Win 3rd in Kansas Contest A telegram from C. E. Murphey, coach of the A A M Meats Judg ing Team states that A. A M. placed third under Nebraska and South Dakota In a judgin contest held at Kansas City. Members of the team were Bob Batch of San Angelo. B. F. lUchner of Elm Mott, S. C. Stribling of . C. C. Watu-rson of Bastrop. One Tradition Of School Is Sorry, Junior Opines TO THE WtTAUOM: For the past three years and more than likely years before that, l be re has been, an the Aggie cam pus a practice that b not only rude, but not done in the boot of circle*. Thu campus is not th* “gas hdkme gang" hangout and will never be such, although there are some who nr* trying hard to make it such. 1 am speaking of th* practice of some of the more uneducated mem bers at th* student body who insist upon whistling, shouting and other wise making ‘nuisances of them- sclves to the girb who happen to be unfortunate enough to have to walk on this campas. And that b a true statement, for the girls themselves do believe the twelves very unfortunate to have to pass this campus. It u prevelamt at meal time and alter dinner. Such things are to say the least very embarrassing te th* girls and give the *, hool a black mark. There .nr* some rules that haw to be observed in the rudest ef ebMMk lad to thb class, which eo proudly hsils itself at every op portunity goes the blue ribbon for nfMadn Th* practice of upper-classmen sending the ‘fish’ to meet some girl or girls bubo very uncommend able. For what reason this ides was bom, I have no answer. Maybe there are somd who have gained by this method of 'meeting girls but H b safe to say that these few would never admit the fact. There are no “per-cents" involved within this articb for there are no figures pow enough to give credit to them, but they themselves be lieve they are the best of Aggies— so do ^.lort of “percenters”. PAUL KETELSEN Series of Lectures in Marriag* And Relations Course Started Last Thursday a new aeries of itional lee tut** on s«x, mar- rbgc. and family relations wm In augurated It b required: that all student* registered for the now “Marriage and Family fUlatious Qmrso" attend these lectarea, and *B juniors and n.-mors who are not registered for the course Are being tafvited to be present. T A lecture wflh be given each Thursday night from now on. Th# time will be from 7:80 to about 8:30, and the place the Agyicultnml Engineering lecture roond The first lector* of the ssrbe, presented last Thursday,, was on* <>n “Sexual Vlceo and Abnormali- tme", given by Dr. Danidl Russell, head of the Rpral Sociology De partment which b spon.Honng the ■krks. The other lectures on the first half of th* serba include the fol lowing su bjectgf |pre se n ted by well- known spehkers: » Oct. 27—Dr. T. O. Walton—“The port*nee of Marriage ia Business d Professional Lifa”. Nov. 3—Rev. R. L.Bor»-n- "Mor- Hty and Marriage”. Nov. 10—Dr, Charles La Motte Physiology and Anatomy of of the Health)— Nov. 17—Dr. Con Department ef •’Venereal Disease*". I About thb many more programs era planned for after Nov. 17. Complete details for thssc, how ever,-hive not yet beoa arranged; but thro* of them will foatnr* women speakers. Thb b quite aa unnaual departure for A. A M., aa it will be the first tame ia hbtory that the college hag had women teachers or lecturer a. They will speak oa the follow ing subjects: ; “Family Relation- (relationships among members of the family, the importance of and proper way to impart to the child nen knowledge of tin fact of life, etc); “Family Budgeting”; and “Family Buying" (values of foods furniture, furnishings, ate, for th.- home and family, ar>4 how to aatm ombe ia the purchase of tbsee Rama). L President Roosevelt b going on the sir twice within the next two week, on October 26 and again Nov ember 4, both via NBC and CBS. '1 '-,01 ■»» MU l ATTENTION CADETS ! MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES SPECIAL TRAIN Will stop at Bryaa for stndents going to First Special stops at Bryan 7:»0 a. m Second Special at 7:35 a. m. . i ’i•L r n— thT 1 r -f-r- 1 r " ■ ——i THE STRONG AUSTIN COL- legians won over the Aggie polo team by an 8 to 2 score last Sun day at the Aggie Polo Field. Charles Hall, national two goal man, was the outstanding man on the field an dreeeived much help from John Armstrong and John Voorhces. The outstanding men for Rotan. R O. Dittmar of Does, and the Aggies were Rech Culbertson, Fairfax Bennet sad Forrest Jordan. i OUR SERVICE 1 la Always j Courteous and Obliging t ome In and See Us mam mm shop , 1 R. W. IVY, Prep. % Across from Pont Office North Gate a c. G. Howard __ • Asa C. F. DeVUUes. TUESDAY STAFF Jack Puckett Junior Editor A. oJiftevJt. Jenbr fdNur W. H. ’Marray Jaaier Editor C. imUahm Jaaier Editor W. B, iWarry* Juumr Mitor B. F. Roger*. T. N. Stader. A. J. Carralt, N. A. Moor*. M. G. Faer- teente’P, ii, Talbert. W. J. Ban didgq, M, F. Perkin*. Brice Died- R. Brett. Lewie CheralUbr. yfPWTJ® fv teeWhmUFr, XSs. , B Btraach. Carter B*am» J. Ai BtaaaelL R. H. Ingle- H Rhode. A. K. vbiport. J. W L. J. Wehrl* Advertbtiag Assiatsats J IfhIday STAFF W. F. (Chick) Deany Sparta Ao> A.' €L [wprsea. Jaaier Editor CL. W. WllMaaos Jaaier Bdlter Ray TresdWelLj,—-.^Junior Editor L. E. Thompson Junior Rditor _lbs4 Phdlaa. J. F. Henderson. Billy OarkaMu L. A. Scholl. Maa*a Jasaua G. W. DeArmoad Jr. Jack Reatt. L. A. Newman, R. W. Barch field. R. W Li W. C. Ragan, (i CLUBS TRAVIS COUNTY CLUB A.l boys interested in forming Trav\s County Club meet in room 212 Academic Bldg, immedi ately after Yell Practice. Monday night. Pleas be there for thb b sn important meeting. LOST i LOiTi one pair brown leather moccaain’z about one block east of north gate. If found please re turn te E-7 Walton. LOST: A billfold by Tom B Darst of Richmond. Texas, at the A. A M.-T, C. U. ame. Information concerning same, which included a **T” card and identification card, should be forwarded to Mr. Dnjnt at Richmond. THH HIM Fl. CLUB HELD their regular meeting Sunday ev ening, October 16, in the As bury room of the library. Included on the program was V. K. Sugmrsff who spoke on the subject, “The Probable Results of the Munich lAcfcqcmait.” Mr. Sagmreff point ed otft that the only thing the Munich Agreement provided for was tbs partition of Csochotlo- *akia. He also stated that the world was spending four times a* much for armaments at the Present than was spent in 1918. At Um conclusion a general db- *a«nion of Mr. Sugareff’s addreas fallowed. THB MEMBERS OF THB *‘h*nustry department gave a pk- for their wives dad families i ♦^naaday afternoon at 6:90. Mbs <l!7**“* Ommh, secretary of the TTf^fownt, was in charge of the ***** ,ur the picnic. J',' Vou Want Your Picture In . , Mk j, , * [ [ j * . y The Glass Section Of T1}e Longhorn, Remember y j *, [ i • Deadline Is WEDNESDAY —L —- N