Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1938)
Abo THE BATTALION BAD ENGLISH USAGE HERE rroRiAi A GOOD TRADITION kiOne of A. A M.’s botUr trodi- . one w<ik^ ia of rolue—not o ly throof h tiv foor yeori • »to- d nt aperxk ken but nloo thn>u(th the redt of h a life, ia being tor- «t tu,n thia aeu »n. We refer toil he tradition of all imen mfcet ng upperclassmen a id fish wh|enc rer the fiah come ii contact with cadets they do not Wwv. Insofar as,usefulness to students i i later life is oneemed, this tM> <ftion probably' outranks all oth It destroys the timidity which r haee socorkpanied a fteshman tfc college | it ciieatea ability to r*t I long q e^er with everyone But thia year it is being neglect ed. Freshmen are not taking ad vantage of the opportunity for personality development which is, afforded by suck action. Particularly ia this truo of the. Bryan freshmen and of many who are frequent Bryan visitors. On the buses; the taxis and just “on the comer* this “rule of etiquette” for A^gis flab is' siiffcrinfj • Freshmen should ponder for sotne tisne the benefits they will derive from abiding by the tradition. If they will do this, we feel sure few oases of failure to meet upperclassmen and freshmen whom they are not acquainted M be|>i. ' 1 ’ i' •] i i ri re 1: h i IE ■ ■ mum r The Knrlish being ubed by the A. A M. is getting ao I sulty that it ;. noticeable by the 1 eculty, outside ra, and even among students themselves. It ia a i ommon occurrence to hear bad iseg* in classed, in the mess hall, it the gym, am f at any other place rhere students! are gathered. It is not wholly the freshmen who re making bid usage of their Tammar; in f wt, it is practically [together the i pperdassmen. Sure- y the atmosphere prevailing iround and on the campus is not ntended to ci use bad grammar. Sut all our misbsed words are prob ably done unconsciously, but not ad jnconacictasly hat wy cannot cor- V" ^6 M OFFICIAL rect our fablti. , The feet tha; students are using employment bad Bngliab, not only in their qc venations, but in their class pspci sed reports has been brought to the attention of the faculty, which ia working to correcf our blunders. It ■ not the slang and Aggie NMAif” which ia bringing so much attention. A letter written recently to an employer by an A. A M. student dismayed the em ployer to such an extent that he *tnt a letter to the faculty concern, ing the form in which the letter was written. Just being a graduate of A. A M will not get the graduate a job. The Knglish used when he is trying to convince the empbyer of his cgpa- kmHg-will be ond of the deciding factors hi the graduate's getting it'- of Ilhone Cited Junior ties By .Band ED'S NOT*: kmt omtiarnkm lot maHrknw or Ntefew iae which h W>M 1 <m facts. The owiaiou rsfriiiif hcrain. however, are aot to W u ^ ro THE BATTALION: , I should like to call the serious attention of the authorities, facul ty, and student body of A. A M. to the urgent need for telephones telephones in our dovmiiories. Stop to eon-|** a “P** : aider tha moat of yog It is A are on this lei throe more than V if ! | AC KOSS 1-vA gent 27—American 5—A variety Of 'scout, Indian coffee fighter and 10— A largo ro! showman lection SO—A small cord (ccUoq.) M—An Indian of 11— A means of 11—Hall! 14— Scatter seed U—To steal from 16 Scarcely 15— Upon IS—Shoe forms 21 — Encounter W tribe * -Watch ae- Ib-S^iound mado by a dove 38—Observed 24-Web-footed birds DOWN 40-Righteous S—Own 3-Southwest 6—Officer day (h of the (abbr.) (myth.) 4—Neuter cry of IT—A poem of of lamentation M—Torture IS—Any of aov- 28 Aurtcaigr . sm SmsH IS—Half (prefix) flan dog- . SI—Frosted woods 33—a Christinas 20 -Savory enrol 23 Runs before 37-Thua a gale 38 -South 25—Catch sight iabbr.) sinpnnra uaHHi naa cuiQQEiaai naan an □a eras nnsfl naa nnaa aa Bsu nana ana aara aiaarjan □aaaiila ana a^iiaa airaaran for free use by about S,S00 dorati THE . Student semi-weekly newtpsper of Texas A. < ( M. College and of ficial college publication. Entered as second class matter at the Postoffice at College Sta tion, Texas, u nder the Act of Con gram of Mar rh S. 1879.' Subscriptioi i rate, $1.71 per year. Advertising (rates upoa request. ip Rbom 122, Administra- eut Represente l for national adver- definite, progressive action in re using / tory students, not to< mention al most that same number of day students who likewise often seed to make telephone calls while on the campus. In the “Y” are two free phenes for student use. However, there is always too much noise there in terfering with one’s phoning, and frequently people are forced to wait ir hoe fer a chance to use phoae. As a proof of our real need of the following tragic mtly an Aggie’s and I believe !mother was dying. The phone me*. sage sent to notify him that night did not reach him until the follow ing morning, by which time the boy s mother had died. There have ix-cnj-miaerou* other instanoes— though not all ao unfortunate -of our sad lack of communication fheilities. If people want to get in touch with Aggies, it is ae*t to impossible to do so by phoneJ A Almost; Svery other college of importance has adequate telephone MTOttar'i fee its students. Why shouldn’t A- A M. also? The minimum here should be one The Americas Banker* Assoc ia- NOTICE tion for Education in Economics has allocated to this mstitutien one loan scholarship in Aw amount of $260 for the yem 1988-33: Students who are majoring ia economics or in *ubjecU^ related to banking, and are candatee for the bachelor's degree in 1939 and are dependent in whole or in part on their own labor jlhr their ey penses in college are, eligible as applicaats. Students, interned should see me for the necessary forms. T. D. Brooks, Dead. Schtol of Arts and Sciences! • MW- f Economics Prof To j Write Magazine Series Robert M. Denhardt, Instruc tor ir Agricultural Economics has been ssked by two Tepcas livestock magastafa—Tge Cfitftsmsu, pub lished at Fort Wortiv Texas, and The Sheep andHtaU Raiser, pub lished at San Angelo, Texas—to furnish $ aeries of tain aspects of the livestock industry in The articles in The deal with the histo bond in the Southwest, while his first article in the Sheep and Goat Raiser will be on the rodeo in MdsAj i I .‘K 1/ Mr. Denhardt came to the college this year from the pniversity of California to teach the Economic Histoi ture. Me is the au popular and tedhn the history of the try in the Southwest, There will be a very important meeting of all boys fr|s4'.Dsllas and Dallas county immefately af Ur supper, Thursday, October 4, IMS —Club president \ .I,,..;—JJ/ j • AGRICULTI RAL tWlNEEK-S The student branch? of the A. 8. A. E. will meet Tueeday night at 7:30 i* the lectur? room of the agricultural engineering building. A11 agricultural engineers be there for the special pregram gnd FREE Ice cream and cajha. t NOTICES BUS DE I QEMERA 8 dMUl < Br, fund « NOTICE TO HOLD1 STATE OF TEXAS FUND WARRANTS Effective today and pntt) further notice the baidu of 1 Bryan will handle sUte getwral fund warrants for regnkr deposittaA x ghatovwrs at a discount of o«w peromt (lik) and for non ('ustomef* at a dis count of one and oge half per cent (Itt); The First NatiomSl Bank Nations l Tha City The First State Baals A Trust on cer- ry of the Southwest tlemen will of the stock PLANT 8C1ENC11 8 The first meeting SciAwe Seminar for MiaMrIl be held ia the Room, Experiment Sts ing, at 7:30 p. m., Thi ober 6. I Dr. A. A. Dunlap, Chief, Divis ion df Plant Pathology .nnd Phy siology, will speak on “Pthological and Physiological Features df Seedling Production by Band Cul ture* (illustrated^” ‘ j . ’j f BIOLOGt club The Biology Club wil) have an important meetmK in tjke lecture room of the Science hsll'on Thurs day evening, October fitA. At 8:09 o’clock. Officers will be GCM1B POULTRY A EGG The A. A M. Poultry and Egg Club meets this Tun jay Sight ia room 115 of the (i A Building at 7:80. All students interested in poultry are invited tg $4 present. Course In Family Relations Has (' it) - Free Discussion of Vital Problems agree. fact that there entire campus not or four telephones BY EARLE SHIELDS Aggiea are learning—in a class room—bow to become husbands. Last year the class of *39, the Biology Club, and The Battalion were responxible for the institution of a course in marriage relations in the Rural Semiology Department. This year the course ia a reality, coming under the bead of Rural BATTALION on in the year many of these will lecture to the claasssi! They wUl consist of fhculty members,’bus iness men. doctor*, nunaea, and va rious others who will lecture on dif ferent questions the students turn in. Moat of the year will be taken up with class discussion of ques tions turned in thia way. Each stu- Sociology $18. There are three se^- k*™ •*»«* he is tions of the course totaling over particularly interested in. 136 students. Prof. Dan Russell conducts the course. ‘ The course has been divided into several divisions so as to facilitate better teghidtation of the course. The main divisions are the family as ah institution, conditions of di vorce, desqrtion, separation and the cause of their occurrence, factors influencing success in marriage— such as the ages of the husband and wife, their health, education. course in of Agrieul- of numerous 1 articles on k indus- telephone in each hall. The coat of social standing, andthe money prob- one phone per month ia small— lem of marriage—courtship prob- Telephone College 8. until 4 nsdah I hi with this small tional convenience for which wi hate so much need. I urge some or four dollars. Surely Ikes', the college could iff National Advertising pkv 420 Hadinon Ave. New York Cfty. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H. BMItH ADVERTISING IIANAGER Bill Pa ae. James Crits ■aijaging Editors George Fulton, B. C. Kaetear J|Mt. Advertising Mgr*. Boh Olivhr, J. Wayne Stark Asa iciate Editors R. C. CJaep) Oates Sports Editor ijam Harrow it Sports Editor -(Clmtlstion Manager Don iUcCljesney, H. G. Hward i ation AsMsUnts a F. BeVII tan. - proof reader tUiSDAY STAFF Kjwador Editor ly ♦ Junior Editor ■■Jgaiir Editor Junior Editor Junior Editor R f. Rogers, T. N. Stader, A. J. Carroll. IL A- Moore, M. G. Faer- H. (1. Tolbert. W. J. Sea didge, M. I'. Perkins, Brice Died- rich. J- R. Scott Lewis ChevailHer W. TJtGey George Neseaeer. B. F. Shtels. C. R Strsech. ( srter Beam. A 4 8Un * el1 ’ B H field. C. A Rhode. A. K. gard to this by the college authori ties. -Wm. H. MURRAY, Band Jpnior. (AY STAFF Junior Editor Jaaior Editor Janlor Editor Junior Editor Frank Phataa. J. F. Billy Oarhaea, W. F. H. W. Camming. L. H. Graaaboff, U _ -west Schott Maaaa W. DeArmond.* Jr, K. Ci Hubert Stone, L. A. Newmaa. * DK. M AYO’S COLUMN . j (Note: The sketches of eleven medsni Writers will ke resumed next week.) A creation that the Aggies ought to be proud of” is the des cription that 1 heard the other day >f the Entertainment Series. And I heartily agree. Five years ago ai Aggie Sgaior,.named Jack Fergu wm, from El Paso, decided that this ampus like other campuses ought to be visited every year by good political speakers, orchestras; sing ers, and stage plays So be set to work and, without taking a penny for his heart-breaking labor, crest-' ed the Ekitertainment Series. Ill the four years of its existence the Series has brought to the Ag- gtas, for $1.50 a year; fix or seven features a season Such spankers as Stuart Chase and Bsn- ator *|fchting Bob” U Fellette; such music, serious and popular, as the Manhattan String Quartet and Duke Ellington’s Orchestra^ such plays as ‘The G$d Maid.” straight from Broadway. This year Beal Hargrove, elected by the senior class as manager of the series, offers by far the big- geat season in its history. For $1.50 the Aggie man-about-town can hear U. 8. Senator Champ Clark dis cuss national questions, .ahd Cor nelius Vanderbilt, Jr. tall bis im pressions of all of the bigwigs of Europe, whom he hai talked urtth personally MNtoj Aggie for his measly $1.50, music of a symphonic string trio (from big-time swing band hour's coneert He can On the whole the questions are very sensible and the discussion of them should prove very beneficial to every member of the da sees.' A few of the question picked at random run like this: Who should be boss, man or wife? Bow to ban dl« In-lawa? Why marry? Do pros titutes make good wives? How can a husband put more spark into marriage when the morale is run ning low? What ia expected from each person on the honeymoon? What should be discussed at thai' |dinner table? Should a farm marry a rich girl? What points to consider in choosing i wife ?,'What I harm is there in unmarried couplet romancing to a healthful degree? . , , . . ... Should husband help wife • with .1 « ta hniI ' >0[k1 mUTim ^ ^ thout love successful? How can one be young at 50 What can be done about jealaMyf . . . Anyone Avbo is not taking the course but who would like to listen to sotaraff the lectures can secure a visitor's card tq the classes. Houston Club Talks Dance Plans Moliday The Houston A. A M. Club baa begun its functioning for the year by holding a smoker for thijllni meeting, and a general) business meeting last night Some enf hundred and twenty five boys have joined the club « far, however, an extensive mem bership drive is b<mir plsnned. A definite club program Has' been planned for the coming year with • Christmas dance as one of the first activities. This dance is to t be held at the Houston Club in Houston some time during the week following dismissal for the Christ- vseation. h* /, BED BOOM -f $M$, Private home. Two blocks ffonU boarding house. ’ itfiM ffh» tan iApfc ■ 202 W. 24th «, Bry*>. Te 1325. Brfto* 1 fexas Tel. -tL room FOR RENT—Four room Duplex Apt Completely furSisbed. 509 S. Has well. Drive, Bry^g Tpias Phone after 7>tojp. to. Bryan 262 7 JO We have receive in U>e Presi dent’s Office, a shipment of gas stove radiance* from The Quad Stove Mfg. Co. Will the Depart ment or ‘peraon ordering these please call for them’\ ; • •' j-|*i i j;. my The principal business ducted by the*Seminat’ election of officers for year. This is an important meeting considering both the speaker to he heard sad the business to be con dupted. AU of those who am in terested in thfi various phases of plant science are urged to attend FOR RBNT-^Twd extra large bed rooms with connecting bath. Also extra lavatorV nnd toilet. Oaragehvailabte. $21.90 per month. Phone Bryan 252 afar 7:00 p. m. ' - - 11 j * jj 1. AGRONOMY SOaiTf; . There will be a I leeting sf Jm Agronomy Society 1 l ue.««iay night. Oct. 4, in Room 312 Agriculture 'Building. All new aifi pld stodente taking any Agronor ly Course am urged to be presen ^ Cigars will h^ served. j [ ' ' Hi with name HAMM )NS on Return to P. G. 9 for liberal re- ward. , —- Bank .1 CASH AND CARRY Save on Our Low Prices And Convenient Location . H-V [r<!. / it S CLEANERS Exchaagc Store lems, and relations of the man and woman during engagements. The adjustments of early mar riage, and the adjustment of later marriages will be discussed, as will FLOP COLSON . HUMBtE service STATION Humble Products Washing • I nbriratio* General Repairing We Call far ind Deliver ' Phone Collego 244 r~ mk fni ters sod the family bud get, child-bearing, and the prob lems facing modern men and wom en of these conditions. However, Dr. Russell said that h« is trying to make the course as much like the students want it as possible. He is having each student turn in a list of questions fog class discussion. Along with these ques tions the students turn in several names of persons they would like to hear lecture on the course, later. F \ RIGHT OBLIQUE j* iTk’ Prom ill* I’ost Office. Agfiet, and Try OUR BARBERS ■ 1.1 i A i Fh H f AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP North Gate Across from Pent Office T> -VP brute) thrill to the- singing and personality of MArfc*ret Speaks, who- has heretofore been merely a radio voice to him. He can follow the drama «f “Both Your Houses”, IP , a tucestaM|iajr by one of our two P^ident of the group. Other <»f- Grad Students Meet A meeting of graduate students will be held tonight at 7 o’clock in the biology lecture 1 Voom. Dean T. D. Brooks will speak and plans for a picnic, will be made. Officers of the graduate dub were elected at -* meeting last week. J..C, McWhortta was elected oc threy most sdeceaafhij. drama tists, Maxwell Anderson He can btor a fine young baritone singer, I retary-treasUrev Jmb nTOriah, -fmd a negro male quintet singing as only negroes can sing. Incidentally, by buying a season ticket flir $1.50, you can give your support to tine of the most credit able institutions that the Aggies themselves have ever built up. And perhaps the moat decent fact of the whole affair It thia: If a great many Aggies buy tickets, there will be.erisn mor* Httmctions. Nobody is making any profit. \ ficer* am Ralph Dodson, vice- president, and Raymond Hines, sec- nuiita rata 4v wv.rHur scHoa- HOUSS CERTMte Must ec If you are particular with yonr clothe*, let Bea do them at HoUek Cleaners. We are equipped to handle all year gaflBMfe. Special attention te ice cream breeches, sweaters, saede jackets. Jaaior slack', and Mouses. Don't be afraid to aedd it to Hsl icks. Agents ia all kails. Special cash and carry prices ea uniforms. North Gale. Look fer the Green Ne-ea alga. J- SAM KAPLAN I \ i # < I ’I V 1 : For ALL AGGIE NEEDS ———.MM*.. I Aik RIGHT, SMARTY, UfriS HEAR vouwem WMATSOM THtbACK OF YOUR TOBACCO TIN -^T PRINCI AIBEUT TOBACCO IS PREPARED FOR i UNt* R THg PROCESS OCCCM S£ 0 i makino ExPtRi m£n’S to paooua THE MOST DtlKSHTRJl And WKXESOME TOBACCO fOR ClSARETTE WHY YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RK3Mr, DAOOV _ .• plpdeh of fvngeaot tokscc* ia eeeey X-em tta of Friaee Afcart J ,