Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1938)
f IN —- SEE THE TEAM OFF TONIGHT AT 7:30 P. M. -EIGHTH f 1 I .) 4 J NEWS DIGEST WT A W U :S0 A. TUESDAEJi FRIDAY STUDENT SEMIWF KKI1 N EWSPAI’KR OF TEXAS A. * M. COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBEt 4, 1988 rm PHONE COLLEGE 8 NUMBER 6 det Team Leaves at 7:30 P.M. for Frisco i • . .... . • ■ . . . .• . r* ’ U. •lit# .... SJ WACO WILL m adeThis ■ Official Tripe Td\ Wacov Dallas Are OK’d by Colle™ In « meeting of tit >»rd hrW Monday aft** vltataon (jf the WacolC l . Board nvitatkin (ommerrc make an ttip to Waci for the game was accepted - i The watire corps willigo to Waco, .uco’i pan .-ii by the Aggie Band, Saturday, Oct. 22, and all classei on (hat dhy will be suspended. Three special trains wiH carry the corps to W|ro, leaving College Sta tion at gn farly morning hour and arriviagf in'Waco in tinie to have a parade d« wn tiie main section »f that city in the mornipg. The flnsj decision of the Execu tive Boardj gives -the Aggies two official cor^s trips and one unoffi cial corps grip for this year. Ber sides the Waco trip, other corps trips will be made to Dallas op November S for the 8. M. U. game and an unofficial corps trip w’B be made Uxi Austin for the Thanks giving gaipe with Texas Univer sity or Thanksgiving Day. the first time in that the A- A M the trip |e Waco iffieial j one, as the corps trips to Dalas or Fort Worth are usually ‘given official sanction. The Waft) Chamber of Commerco that the Aggies will ►Ithe greatest hospitality Hi Wam.uun they have ever receiv ed in say down at any time «—V BATTALION WOlLISSUE TEAM SPECIAL A special '•dition of The Bajttal ion, printed exdpsively for hers of the Aggie football will be rushed to A*»n toteorrew, H was announced today 'fby R. L. Dosa, editor-in-chief • . Doss said the edition is to be sent ss a token of the body’s appreciation of the R will be stressed the fart the Aggies are behind their learn whether they see the garnet not. he sail Owen (S irk) Rogers, captain of thf Aggfe {grid aqaud, is to wire news of ti e team while it Is in San Fraftc sco to The Battalion, E. C. (J4e i) Oaten, sports editor, announced- Czech Minister WTAWf to Broadcast Ainrie-Broneo Tilt w «i4*i IIMtMpHF.i.' Next $atarday afternoon a i- A* t>i*y description of the football game between the Tk*> i gnd Santa < Isrs 11 CaUforuia will be brogdcmi t over Rtailag' WTAW. The broadcast will be starlet $t 4M (2:» by Pa cific Coant time) and will last uatil about 6;45. The account of the game will be given in one of the popslsr sports on m men talers of the Pacific Coast. The progrnm. which is being sponsored by the Hamble Oil sad Refining Com- pony, will eriginste from n < Aliform* st At ion but will bt r. brosdcaat from College Ste- tion by WTAW. KADET BY JACK PUCKER - KAPERS mH v , PlrUt ini line of busthedl is to ‘ ’ L LITTLE fiENERAL for the erroneous re port bg Isit week’s Kapers which stated tihstj the LITTLE GENERAL wan drilhag nih fish and sophol mores on Kunday afternoon. How- ever, i ALDRICH drills amy day except Su^ci lay, and Tuesdd^jifter- t^jon—one l of hia fish passed out completely during company drill. ‘There tiara, lots of good times had In Tyler the past week-end, | enjoyed life so much as PISH, who stayed oo while the reat of the to Tyldr. It seems t^ey >ut no the BAN >ftM cat hod d mss in Bi ^ Ittf O Chemsdsl Went Point Christ tell HaQ. A / iLLINS, senior in the Warfare, non-military BULL STONE claimed that they only uned half the hotel rodm, in cluding half the bed. therefore they should only pay half the bill But the manager didn’t ague with them. *1 : * BOB ROBINSON took h|s date home in a taxi, and then haft to walk the fhre miles back to Tyler HAROLD DYKE. DAVE HAB- ■ttJul LENDON and SNUFFY SMITH, together with a Jacksonville buddy, between then* rated a date with one of the Tyler maidens. But while the four were guszliif at * honky-tonk the Jack sonville buddy sneaked off with the car and maiden, and the fou r were forced to sit on the steps two hours after the joint closed. P. S. Vladimir Hurban (right), C»ch MiniUter to the United States, la pictured as be wis interviewed by the preea on arrival at the State, department in Washington for a conference with Secretary of State Cordell Hull. This was Hurban*) first visit to State department since! return from Europe. and vsn-c Unified, was aaaa at Tyler wearing c*ptain‘a buttons and sev eral atedafs and ribbons. Incident ally, MAJOR ST1CKNEY also saw him. -TRAP** TRAPOUND drove bis jitney *o the Rose Festival and hud ‘PANCHO” WHALL, MAJOR CHEER HUB ASTOfef, LIEUT YtEU- CHARLIE TRAIL, and TBit ATE SHOUT iBODIB PIERC*:. Although they made e*- cellent tinie through the dry coun ties the kverage velocity wasn’t \ war* M**i - ' I.J.j i. ■ A aanut made a trip up-state date with Miss Mary During the course she told him that yhe bad a date with iColonel of A A M . Mr. HYLA. He was very d had afiskgn.ficent build, she| said, and his one dia- symbol for the Cadet Colonel) Really set him off. night HENRY KEEL- CHARD JEPPERSEN to Jay any hotel bill, sl+pt o* bunks whkh were jd free to them by tge Pd ice Dopartamnt. Aid Cip-:STEH MOUDY, KEN MAR SHALL, FROG ) HOLMES, and A. & M. Men go to AIME Meet in San • 1 | ’ • *4 . AntonioWednesday Stevenn and Grom Will Prcaent Papers at Fall Mjeetinx of the Institute The Texas A. A M. Petroleum Department, world’s largest petro leum engineering school, will be well represented at the fall meet ing if the petroleum division of thd A. I. M. E. to be held in San Antobio Oct. 5, 6, and 7 in the form of papers to be rpepreoented at the gathering. A. |B- Stevens and H. E. Gross, instructors bt the petroleum de partment, will bt among the prin cipal Speakers The paper to be pre sented by Stevens deals with an sppanstus made by Stevens for determining!poroaity of a sand by the gas expansion method. This tame paper will be contained in the next, issue of The Scientic Re- rigw. : ., i Gross will give a paper on ‘The Development of Decline Curve Analysts.” This paper was in Oil and Gas Journal distributed in fcptetebbr. c Harold Vance, head of the petro leum department, will be chairman #f the Friday meeting. The two papers that will be pre sented by Steveas and rGdss will help to give nationyide recognition to the A A M. petroleum school in the oil industry, i Besides having the largest petro- leuna school in the world, the de partment is in hopes of having the largest enrollment in the student I. M. E before Scholars To if . : i • ] 4 . Re-elected For Orford Rhodes Candidates Get Information From Dr. T. F. Mayo Annual competition tor the Rhodes Scholarships have begun and anyone from Texas A. A M College who desires to apply should ■sake a prompt request to T. F. Mayo, college librarian and local representative of the Rhodes Trust, for application blanks and full, in formation as to procedure. According to the will of Cecil John Rhodes, which specifies the basis of aelaction, a candidate to be eligible should have a remarkably good scholastic record in at least two years of college work. He should also be a man who has dis tinguished himself in other fields of student activity, exhibiting moral fore# of character and of instincts to lead and to take an in terest in his schoolmates, Dr. Mayo poiats out In addition, he should have some real knowledge of what sort of work he would like to do if he were selected as one of the Rhodes scholars. Some definite quality of distinction, whether in intellect, character er personality, or in any combination of them, if the most important requirement for a Rhodes Scholarship. Finan mki need does not constitute spec is 1 claim for Consideration Italian Artillery'On Move — :■ r r: 3 i The car returned but not the girl PF.E-WEE PAGGI went dear to branch of the A UM.rjretown to g«t his girl for the the >mr is over. gpm*. On rctaewiag liipiiw, night blanket out of the cashrdlnTsahrd OFFICIAL J ;••• • 4 . Arrive At pvf J- Golden j Gate OnFrii National Would Ji Victory Coach Homer tain Owens (81ic head the party of and spec talon night for San Cadets will ptey urday afternoon. The party will Missouri Pacific tion, Texas where to the Santa Fe them to San mantes. All 6f the pi the Tulsa tussle the exception e Crowell Cyclone in the first Italian soldiers haul on the rones to saw down a hiU. Scenes snob as this again goss on a war footing. Mussolini baa placed tbs Italian of Germany in the present European i taw tractor, country that Moore Is Promoted to Rank of Full Colonel; Will Continue A. & HI Duties LL Col. George F. Moore, profee ■or of MBitary Science and Tactics s and Commandant of A. A M Coll- ege was pn moted to the rank of The Rhodes Trust gives to each colonel Saturday, it was learned appointed Rhodes Scholar about todai. 12.000 a year for three years so Col. Moore aril! continue his dut- fere the war. Col. 1 toare graduated from the Comma id and S' School in 192R. and from the Ai War College in H 84. At the pra- aint time he is on tjte General Staff | eligible list. ; Col. Moon- n pnly directs the Jth . Broncs JW | ,,; f Iorton and CAp- Ragers Mil iriMte/ will leave <o isco where thr its Clara Set m ] uj I travel over the D Millana Jonc- I «ri> will rlaeo Friday came out of good shape with Todd, ’‘the t wan injured of the ifay. Todd’s injuries ary not serious but painful. He will be ready to go arm -’ thr Sunt* Clara Brone*. The Empire HLtel will bn [tbe stopping place of (the Aggies they are in. the C olden Gate The players wou d appr<*< is|j[l ociving telegram^ from the ntu- dent body Pridgy and Satunday morning They Will entrain for hoipt SateuMay atebt) after the game, and drill return by the same route aa that takqn on the outward : 10 \\ \[ «! Santa Clara stirted their off with a hang b j defeating ford, who la ra ed to have strongest team it years, 22-0- the Aggies win their ball their stock wiU jump high in na tional rating. that ha may study in Oxford U*i-|tel A. A M. College. He Is a military affairs o| the college aa versity, where he may do his work gmdnate of A. A M.. having re- Professor Of Mihtery Rtetete * n ^ in any on# of a sride variaty of <fiv,«cl his bachelor of science de- Tactics but also if responsible for fields, including chemistry, mathc* in civil engineering in 1908 the mainUinOe of 4»<'ip>ne through mattes, physics, biology, economics, While he was here, he lettered at his portion aa Commaridant philosophy, English literature and tackle and guard on the Aggie 7 f "f 'j — Materf-. | football teams <rf 19041 and 1907. nnill)/11] l 4 our Rhodes Scholars will be Immediately after his graduation, \j||y||v|l sent to Oxford University this Coload M<x>re entered the U. 8. __ year from tbe Southwestern Dis-' Army as a second lieutenant of th * |ftR|||(l Moore has week is jcampua Church Week. It is being observed by every ri-H - • n trict. which includes Texas, Okla homa, Arkansas. b>uiiiana, Missis sippi. and Alabama EUch of these states will select tyro candidates and send them to New Orleans, where the District Selection Com mittee -wfl Ahooae from these twelve men the four Rhodes Schol ars to be tent to England. IftMtep- Since that time. Col Moore has steadily ripen on the ladder of pro motion untH he now occupies th« ferred to the Const Artillery im mediately upon its organisation be- l PEE WEE was sean lifting s Man- Schunior (t^ts ket out of the car, which he said, a : .. , A wn* necessary to keep the boy* StatisticilUl Job At Hou8ton Bit Company chritode teat CHARLES W. ZAHN George E. Rehuniar, data of ’St, . *1 tea A. A JL game aiM j recorder m the Regis- sad ahAbe corps dance that night was not his O and O, but hit sister- tn «"'>«•. has left to accept in-law.‘Your brothel seems to have th « position of •tatistician in tea bettteF luck than you do, CHAR- Salee Department of the Reed Roll- BMurday ING and * didn’t LES. And' WOODY VARNER seemed to ha doing all tie good with throe car-loa{U of school teachers last Saturday. Aggie Band Seniors jW AD- KISSON and DULEY BELL cer tainly have a way with the women -—to judge by the quick way they struck up acquaintance* with taro pretty nu ids-of-ho nor L|-. the queen’s float in the TyttriRoae Fateh*! Parade, and the beau tiful. long-gowned “ladies in red” allowed themselves to be lifted and carried by JIM and DULEY from the float to the sidenralk and (lat er) back a|afn. Numerous steer willing Bandsmen had their kind offers of similar assistance reject er Bit Company located in Hous ton. Schunior was graduated from the Electrical Engineering school in 1932 and was awarded his Mas ters Degree in tbe spring of 1987. He sms a member of tbe Brasoa County Chapter of tee R. O, A.) serving as vice president and sec retary during bit membership He was a first Lieutenant in the In fantry of R. 0. C. “His leaving arill be a loss to the Institution a* a whole and par ticularly to my dspartment,” said Mr. £. J. Howell, “but I feel that it is a wonderful opportunity for him.” j t BARTON NAMES ASSISTANTS OH LONGHORN STAFF The editorial and business staff of the 1939 Longhorn has been an- nounoed by Editor-In-Chief W. D. Barton. Aaaeciate editors will be J. P. Hollingsworth and O. D. But- leh; sports editor is H. F. Bock- horn. and business manager is A- G. Beckman. Other seniors on the staff editing sections in the annual are P. W. Anderson, vanity fair; O. L. Patrick, classes; C. H. Hud son, military; Willard Thomas, fea turea; and J. W. Stark, clubs. A. R. Trimble m the staff photograph er. and Hi M Moseley, art editor. - Junmi editors appointed by tbe Editor-in-chief for experience and aptitude In I Eds work are S. H Gottlieb, J. F. Fouta, and G. W Smith From these men tee head at next year's annual will be choaen by election at the eloae of this school year. T\ Sophomore assistants are W. A. Becker. Wmifred Eakin, and Ran dall Henderson. General plans will be discussed before the entire staff at a meeting in the near future. An increase of anaual salts amounting to 3,800 copies, 1J times that of last year, shows vast improvement in the eir culation. . DAM JUDCIIIG TEAM AT HA1ML CONTEST IK OHIO. vices at tee each night of the The services erf era! of hym-sinf IV* churches reek at 7:30. comist in gen- ig, i aspirations I study, and short tplks by the min isters. Any student of any class may be emixed from other duties in order to go to these religious sx erciaes. J < i\il Kinrulcers'- Make Inspection Trip to Houston \ f X Fifty junior ctvfl engineering -to dents, arrompaniW by Dr. Al A Jakkula sad Dr. £. M. Legatski of the Civil Engiaeeging Depar made an irispectfbn trip to ton today in order to study tural drafting as It is done in mercial practice. The students left at 10 o’< this morning m .tee dvil inf truck and twu station of the petroleum d( pa-tn , r - \, riving i* Houston ai noon, the Mate) fay the) Company. The met of group was Moeer Steel the day was Moser Steel emphasis was placed oa the ing rooms and the methods of 1 spent in study plant dnVKich coedure in the 4 •• and Francis Potts Went Friday morning the Dairy Cattle Judging team left fbr Columbus, Ohio where it will participate the National Dairy Contest on thr eighth of October The team is ’composed of N. H. Nance, Shannon Carpenter, A. D. Hilburn, E. J. Boterd, sad A. L. Darnell aa coach. y ' When the team arrives in Colum bus, three of the boy* will be picked for th# team and one will act a* alternate. Th# trip will serve as Foster T® Tyl er ’ an d a Good Time Was Had By All - Including Molly O’Daniel BY FOSTER WISE Many of the Angies are wonder ing about the unofficial corps trip to Tyler this past weelnend. Many incidents happenfd which would make Puckett mb kh hands with an inspection trip and the team will ff i M for his Kepei-s column, but compete bi several other dairy 11 shall leave tha| to him to find shows. October 15 is the teh4|tete <i*to of the team’s return. Last year's team won the highest honors ever achieved in the twenty- five years history of the National Daily Cattle Judging Contest and there is expectations in the Kresm and Kow Klub that this year’s team will repeat in the contest At tbe initial meeting sf the Kream ami Kow Klub tbe members of the following teams were intro- doead by their respective coaches: livestock Judging Team, Poultry Judging Team andn tee Dairy Cat- tie Judging Dam*, j out for himself and get on with tbe story which the gossip-mongers art haroing on ixArJ | Francis Potts bad I arrived ia Tyler Friday afternoon and piU4 ceeded to get loca|ed for the week end. What ire did that night is not for publication However, the foil owing morning we .popped up bright and early at the bank where we were to meet SaM Greer for in structions. From ? there ere went to where the parade was forming to take our place Sr tbe float with Molly O'DateaL I ! Molly appeared Shortly after fare arrived there add introductions made by »U Giaar, the pru dent of the bank o* whoee float we were riding. She was wearing a beautiful evettihe dress of the hoop-skirt typ* Mi colors of Tens- University. We had to gait about thirty minutes before the parade started, which we devoted to getting ac quainted. Molly is going to high school ia Pt. Wcptfa and wiill grad : unto in February, when she plans to enter Texas University. We found her very friendly and not a bit spoiled, as many have be come under simitar haloes of fame and popularity. The float which we rode was de corated in fringed orange aad white crepe psper. Texas eaters b- gain! Everyone brobnhly w«>nd.<rsdf bow a couple of Aggies slipped in among all at those Texas Uahner- sitY r. pr. senutsvts and so *9» wu, to toll tee trute.1 ' j (Continued on page 4) |