Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1932)
4 THE BATTALION Have Your Shoes Looking Respectable for Mothers’ Day Campus Shoe Shop r SheWonted^\ H k isSSaMMMRMm ' with « k BE Bears Defeat Aggie Tennis Teams For Fourth Season Loss wilh JOAN SPENCER BENNETT TRACY FOX PICTURE She Wanted a Millionaire Saturday, May 7, 6:30 & 8:30 Admission 25ff ONE HOUR WITH YOU Maurice Chevalier Janette McDonald Wednesday, May 11, 6:30 Admission 25fi The Baylor Bear’s first tennis victory in several years was the fourth defeat for Coach Thomas’ racquet wielders in as many starts this season when the Aggies met defeat last Saturday afternoon in Waco, the Bears winning three out of four matches. Rain halted the doubles matches, but Baylor was leading. John Hill of Baylor downed Cun ningham, Aggies, 6-1, 8-6. Mc- Cleary defeated Pete Roberson, Aggies, 7-5, 6-1, while Drake, Bay lor, beat Bud Emery, Aggies, 6-1, 6- 4. George Williams, Aggies, won the only match for the cadets in defeating Bradley of Baylor 7-5, 7- 5. Saturday the team goes to Aus tin to play the champion Longhorn netters, who last Saturday lost their first conference match in many years to Rice. The Owls boast the strongest team in their history, and are favories to win the conference tennis title this year. DR. A. BENBOW Dentist Phone: 275 or 635 Bryan j Office over First State Bank | See Our Many New And Appropriate GIFTS For MOTHERS’ DAY You will find our prices right and many new pieces to select from— Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Sport Sidelights By W. J. Faulk Aggie track hopes took another turn for the better Saturday af ternoon when “Honk” Irwin, tnighty weight man from Kosse and probable future shot-put champion of the conference, sent the 16-lb. sphere for a ride which measured fifty feet, after he had just pre viously put it 47 feet 7 inches. The fifty foot put gives “Honk” six puts which better the conference record of 48 feet 1/8 inch, held by Percy Burke of Rice. And the lat est put gives evidence that just because he has improved in every meet save one, in six year’s com petition he still is trying to better his marks in each succeeding meet. eventually sent the latter to the showers and resulted in a championship for the Aggies. “Squawk” is not only a con sistent but also a powerful hit ter and should never be neg lected by those scouts in search of major league talent. j the baseball race, they themselves being already out of the running. It is hardly questionable as to whether “Honk” will set a new record in the shot-put, but just what the distance will be is dangerous to predict. Pro gressing as he has to date it would not be surprising should he approach very closely the world’s record in that event, which is slightly more than 52 feet. • While speaking of professional baseball prospects last week, Jinx Tucker, Waco sport scribe, stared that Paul Donovan of the T C U Horned Frogs was easily the best of the lot in the Southwest confer ence. Several others were mention ed in this resume but it seems to us that a grave injustice has been done to at least two Aggie ball players by our friend Mr. Tucker. The reference is made re garding Capt. Lester “Squawk” Veltman and W. E. “Sweetie” Davis. Veltman is the leading hitter of the loop, a splendid fielder, and a wonderful man on the paths. It was none oth er than “Squawk” that dealt a telling blow to the pitching of De La Fuente, Texas Long horn ace last season, which “Sweetie” Davis proved his aoil- ity as a second sacker in that me morable game with Texas Univer sity last year when he repeatedly made sensational plays and batted near .350 for the season. Although he is now on a losing club his aver age with the stick is better than .400 and his fielding average very nearly perfect. He is second best hitter on the Aggie ball club, be ing bested only by Veltman, and one of the best in the loop. He is probably the smoothest second baseman in the circuit and has a dependable arm under the most adverse conditions. Certainly no professional team of class A rating could do itself an injustice by giv ing “Sweetie” a chance, and the same may be said for “Squawk.” The next conference track champion will probably be de cided Saturday afternoon when the Aggies, Texas Longhorns and Rice Owls tie-up in a tri angular meet at the Longhorn stadium. The Longhorns re cently defeated the Owls by a score of 70 to 52 in a dual meet at Rice, upsetting the dope and handing the Institute men their first set back since the start of last season. The Steers are as yet undefeated this season. Both Rice and Texas are ex ceptionally strong in the sprints and middle distances, Baldry and Burke are due to gain some points in the weights and field events, while Texas should take a first in the javelin. While the cinder-men will be competing with the Owls and the Steers in Austin, the diamond men will put forth their best .efforts to eliminate their age old rivals from Why is this vital question so much avoided by other cigarettes? VER since Lucky Strike created that special process for purify ing fine tobacco and told the full facts about cigarette smoking— the industry has been in an uproar. For Lucky Strike has dared to mention things that were con sidered "taboo” in the cigarette trade. You may have noticed a striking avoidance generally of the word "inhale” in cigarette advertising. Why? Goodness only knows! For everybody inhales—knowdngly or unknowingly! Every smoker breathes in some part of the smoke he or she draws out of a cigarette. That’s why it’s all-important to be certain that your cigarette smoke is pure and clean—to be sure you don’t inhale certain impurities. Do you inhale? Lucky Strike has dared to raise this vital question —for it gives you the protection you want . . . because certain im purities concealed in even the finest, mildest tobacco leaves are removed by Luckies’ famous purifying process. Luckies created that process. Only Luckies have it! “It’s toasted” Your Throat Protection against irritation — against cough The Aggie freshman relay team, of approaching fame we hope, continues to show the varsity how, and “up.” The freshmen beat both the var sity and Conroe high school de cisively in an informal meet Saturday afternoon. The first year boys have covered the 440 yards in 43.3 seconds on the A & M track, which is not con sidered to be slow. M; — NOTICE All Crew Managers, Supervisors, Team Captains and Student Subscription Salespeople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity for free scholar ship made possible through the courtesy of the Lead ing Magazine Publishers again this year are request ed to apply to the national organizer, M. Anthony Jr., Box 244, San Juan, P. R., stating qualifications fully. Models Will Replace Drawings In Beaux Arts Competitions Because of too much emphasis being placed on clever presenta tions of problems, the directors of the Beaux Arts Institute of Design have announced that architectural students will submit models of their designs instead of drawings next year. This announcement was made at the first annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, according to Ernest Langford, head of the de partment of architecture, who at tended the meeting in Washing ton, D. C., last week. Dr. LAMAR JONES Dentist X-Ray ! Second Floor City National ( Bank Building [ Bryan, Texas | Engineering Summer School of the Rockies Students of Engineering who wish to make up work or secure additional credit during the summer are offered an unusual oppor tunity to combine work and recreation in Golden, the Gateway of the Rockies. July 11 to August 26, 1932 For detailed announcement of courses, write to the Registrar for Bulletin S-2. Colorado School gf Mines Golden, Colorado WEIL GIVE $ 25,000 to settle this argument! Write a “blurb” —464 prizes this month! HERE PHIL— I WANT TO GIVE YOU A LESSON IN SHAVINQ ! JUST TRY THIS PALMOLIVE ON YOUR WHISKERS THANKS, MAC- l'VE QRADUATED —LEARNED ALL THERE WAS TO KNOW ABOUT SHAVINq CREAM WHEN I DISCOVERED COLGATE'S wm. YEAH? —WELL WAIT TILL YOU SEE THE QUICK LAST/NQ LATHER I GET. AND ANOTHER THING, PHIL, MV FACE IS GOING TO FEEL LIKE A MILLION dollars/ AAEBBE so, mac, BUT GIVE ME COLGATE’S FOR A CLEAN , CLOSE, LASTING SHAVE. MY FACE WILL BE AS CLEAN TONIGHT AS IT IS RIGHT NOW* THINK THAT OVER,OLD TOPPER Hi wmm ■ ^y^HOSE are "blurbs” men-those words com- JL ing out of Phil’s and Mac’s mouths. Read ’em over. Who do you side with—Phil or Mac? What’s your choice—Palmolive or Colgate’s? Write a "blurb” of your own—in your own words. Help Phil out-or help Mac out. Send in your boost for Colgates or Palmolive. We’re putting up big money for the best "blurbs” sent to us. Get yours in! All over the country you’ll find men like Phil and Mac. Millions boosting for Palmolive. Millions pulling for Colgates. In fact—more men use these famous shaving creams than any other. They lead a field of 176 competing brands. Think of it! Which side are you on? In one of the empty "blurb” spaces to the right (or on a separate sheet of paper) write your "blurb” in favor of Colgate’s or in favor of Palmolive — both. Write it now! CONTEST RULES Come on you shavers—get in on this $25,000 ARGUMENT Mac wants you Palmolive users to say your say. Phil says “Stick with me you Colgate users.” If you don’t ir' -ither, start now and take a shot at this re.. ...oney. Palmolive Users Colgate Users Tobacco. 0. K. AMERICA TUNE IN ON LUCKY STRIKE—60 modem minutes with the world's finest dance orchestras and famous Lucky Strike news features, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening over N. B. C networks. Here are the prizes for each month—464 in all! IV yf'AILyour"blurb”withname XVJLand address to Contest Editors, Dept. CN-6, P. O. Box 1133, Chicago. Piir.o s. The prize money (totaling $25,000) is divided into six sets of monthly prizes (each set total ing $4200). At the end of each month prizes are awarded (see list at right) for the best "blurbs” received during that month, as follows: Feb. 29, $4200 Mar.31,$4200 April 30, $4200 May 31, $4200 June 30, $4200 July 31, $4200 {Contest doses July 31, 1932J Contest is open only to resi dents of the United States and Canada. Employes of the manu facturers and their families are not eligible to compete. In event of a tie, each tying contestant will be awarded full amount of the prize tied for. De cision of the judges shall be final. All contributions shall become theproperty ofthe manufacturers, to be used in any way desired. Some hints to help you win Here are some facts about the world’s two largest selling shaving creams—Colgate’s and Palmolive. Here are some of the reasons why men prefer these famous shaving creams. PALMOLIVE 1. Multiplies itself in lather 250 times. 2. Softens the beard in one minute. 3. Maintains its creamy fullness for 10 minutes. 4. Fine after - effects due to olive oil content. COLGATE’S 1. Breaks up oil him that covets each hair. For Best Colgate “blurbs” For Best Palmolive “blurbs” 1st ... . $500 1st . . $500 2nd .... 125 2nd. . 125 3rd ... . 50 3rd . . 50 9 next . . . 25 9 next . 25 20 next . . 10 20 next 10 200 next . . 5 200 next 5 line s the razor works. 3. Gives a close, skin-line shave due to small bubble action. 4. Gives a lasting, 24-hour shave. Free Samples Men! A beautiful gift box containinggenetous sample tubes of both Colgate’s and Palmolive Shaving Creams as well as other useful toilet products, is being distrib- uted.If you foil to get yours, ask the business manager of this paper why.