Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1930)
8 THE BATTALION SHOW TALK By Fred L. Porter Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Palace, “LightninV’ Friday night—Assembly Hall, “The Unholy Three.” Saturday afternoon—Assembly Hall, “Happy Days.’” Saturday night—Assembly Hall, “See America Thirst.” Preview, Pal ace, “Let’s Go Native.” Sunday, Monday and Tuesday— Pal ace, “Amos ’n Andy.” Wednesday—Palace, “Let’s Go Na tive.” * * * * “Lightnin’,” featuring Will Rogers, America’s supreme humorist, opens at the Palace Thursday for a three day run. All the whimsical charm that Frank Bacon gave the stage show has been preserved and added to by Will Rog ers. He makes you laugh and weep ^t the story of the ne’er-do-well, Lightnin’ Bill, the lazy, lovable land lord of a divorce hotel in the far west. * * * * The use of five separate voices in the most ambitious first talkie ever attempted by a star marks “The Un holy Three,” Lon Chaney’s initial dia logue production which will be shown at the Assembly Hall Friday night. The story is one of a side-show ven triloquist, giant and midget joined in a strange crime plot. Chaney as the ventriloquist hides from the police in the disguise of an old woman op erating a pet store and sells worth less parrots that he makes talk through his own trickery. Lila Lee is the heroine of the story, Harry Eayles the midget, Ivan Linow the giant and Elliot Nugent the ju venile male lead. * * * * Baby-Faced Harry Langdon and Sad-Faced Slim Summerville put on Itheir best burlesque manner and make fun of the Chicago racketeers and their gang wars in ‘‘See America Thirst,” poming to the Assembly Hall Sat urday night. The picture is without an ounce of reason, but it is funny. New gags— wise-cracks—all a bit crazy, but quite hilarious. Bessie Love, Mitchell Lewis, Stanley Fields, make up an excellent supporting cast. * * * * The Palace preview Saturday night offers “Let’s Go Native,” a Para mount talkie-singie. Jack Oakie, Kay Francis, Jeanette MacDonald, Skeets Gallagher and James Hall. What a cast! South Sea setting. Laughs galore although it’s all silly. Love Letters— (Continued from page 7) college rules but Jake laughed at him so he finally said he’d like to join. We told him we’d see about it and then later on we told hem it was all o. k. and that we’d initiate him soon. Last night we initiated him. We ,took him out about four miles in the country. Way out in the sticks. When we got him out there we told him to take off his shoes so he wouldn’t make any noise at all. Me and Jake fum bled with our shoes like we was takin’ ’em off and so let him get his off first. I was sittin’ on one side of him and Jake on the other. Jake hollered something about “Look out, there comes a bull! I grabbed one of this fellows shoes and Jake got the other. We lit out. Me and Jake met down at a little creek and come on back to college. Only Jake fell in the creek tryin’ to cross a log bridge. About four o’clock the next morn- in’ this Junior comes limpin’ in. Gosh his feet were a sight. They was so full of thorns and bruises it was pit iful. All the company laughed at him the next morning. I think he would have jumped on me and Jake but he couldn’t on account of his feet. He don’t cuss so there wasn’t anything he could say. I think he whispered Damn though. That scheme kinda backfired on us too. This Junior’s feet swelled up on him so he don’t have to drill until they go down enough to get a shoe on his foot. I think I’ll go out and walk in some briars too ’cause I sure hate to drill in cold weather. I hope this kid don’t stay mad after his feet get well, you hope so too for my sake cause, I love you ALBERT * * * Friday Morn Gee Honey, Ain’t it gettin’ cold. Gosh but I’m freezin.’ I believe we could freeze ice water in this room. You know me and Jake room together and the other day we was sittin’ here shiverin’ when some man, I think he’s got something to do with the heat someway or other. I' know he’s got the heat. Any way he came in the hall and looked around the rooms. Me and Jake told him we was freezin.’ He said that wasn’t pos sible ’cause we had eighty degrees of temperature here. Thirty in our room and thirty in the next room and twen ty outside! That was his idea of a joke. I laughed alright but I didn’t think it was funny. Maybe when I warm up I will. There isn’t much to tell you in this letter. Me and Jake have been kinda ,,quiet lately. The Captain of the com pany is kinda down on us now and we have to be careful. You see, the other afternoon we was drillin’ and it was cold' as the dickens. Gosh but it was we was havin’ a rest period we got cold. Jake got a hot idea and put four or five freshmen in a row and made ’em show us their tongues. We looked their tongues over and decid ed they had eatitis. Jake told them he could tell quick whether they did n’t or not. He says, “Now you fresh men, when I count three, you stick your tongue to your rifle barrel. Now hold your rifle right up in front of your face. Now, one, two, three!” Three of those freshmen stuck their tongues to their rifle barrels and two 6f ’em couldn’t get ’em away. That -goes to show you how dumb fresh men are. Those two that got stuck tore off a piece of their tongues and had to go to the hospital right during drill. One of the dirty little tell-tales went up to the Captain spittin’ blood and asked if he could go to the hos pital and of course the captain came right over and jumped on us. I sure am going to paddle that fresh man. I got to quit now ’cause lights have to be out a eleven and if me and Jake keep ours on a minute after taps now the captain’ll jump all over us. See you soon, ALBERT Sunday Afternoon Say Honey, Me and Jake are heroes. Yes sir, real heroes. One of the Proffs here has a couple of good lookin’ daugh ters an’ me and Jake was out walkin’ around the campus the other day and passed their house. One of the daugh ters was out in the yard tryin’ to get her cat to come down out of a tree. Jake was all for helpin’ her and I trailed along. Jake climbed up the tree and got the fool kitty all right and gee how many scratches! In the rassle with the cat Jake fell and broke his arm. Now he’s in the hos pital all because of being big hearted. I always told him he was too big hearted. Maybe he’ll get a croix de cat, or something or other. But he’s already got a awful lot of scratches and more bruises than he kin count. You remember the time I went up in that tile drain to get your cat and got stuck there and had to be dug out. But I didn’t get hurt any, cept when they broke the tile a piece of it fell on my head and made a little knot. The company captain is stil down on me and Jake so we haven’t done anything lately. Love, ALBERT. 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SATURDAY JACK OAKIE in “LET’S GO NATIVE” Also To Be Shown WEDNESDAY