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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1930)
2 THE BATTALION Mrs. ParkhilPs Across from Aggieland Pharmacy Good Coffee And Sandwiches anytime— Day or Nig-ht Pure Wool Sweaters $5*90 J. C. PENNEY CO. 42 out of 54 colleges choose this FAVORITE pipe tobacco and Yale agrees TOOK UP at the windows of J j ITarkness to find out what the Yale man smokes. In the spring time you’ll see him sitting in his window seat with a pipeful of Edgeworth between his teeth. On Chapel Street. .. out at the Bowl. .. everywhere the Yale man goes, his pipe and Edgeworth go with him. And at 42 out of 54 of the leading colleges and universities Edgeworth is the favorite tobacco. A tobacco must be good to win the vote of so many discriminating smokers. And Edgeworth is good. T o convince y ourselftry Edgeworth. You can get it wherever tobacco is sold... ijf! a tin. Or, for a generous free sample, write to Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 2ad St., Richmond, Virginia. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old hurleys, with its natural savor enhanced by Edge worth’s distinctive eleventh process Buy Edgeworth any where i n two forms — “ Ready-Rubbed ” and “Plug Slice.” All sizes, 15^ pocket package to pound humidor tin. HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS By F. E. Gieseke, College Architect The Estimated Cost Of Heating Hart Hall To determine the cost of heating a building for a given period of time it is necessary to know the quantity of heat lost by the building during that period and the cost of producing heat and of delivering it to the building. In determining the heat lost by a given building, Hart Hall, for ex ample, it is customary to assume that the indoor temperature should be maintained at 70 degrees, and that the heat lost by the building is propor tional to the differences of the indoor and outdoor temperatures. For ex ample, for indoor and outdoor tem peratures of 70 degrees and 25 de grees, and of 70 degrees and 55 de grees, the respective temperature differences are 45 degrees and 15 de grees and it is assumed that the heat loss of the building is three times as large in the former as in the latter case. It is known from experiment and from experience how much heat will flow through various types of build ing materials and it is therefore com paratively easy to calculate the heat losses of buildings under given condi tions. For example, Hart Hall will lose about 850,000 B. t. u. per hour when the outdoor temperature is 25 degrees, the hall temperature 55 de grees and the room temperature 70 degrees. In addition to the heat lost by a building through the walls, floors and roof, heat is also lost with the air which is used for ventilation, and which flows through the building, en tering at the outdoor temperature and leaving at the indoor temperature. At 70 degrees one B. t. u. will heat about 55 cubic feet of air one degree. If we assume for Hart Hall that ev ery occupant should be provided with 1400 cubic feet of outdoor air per hour, the heat loss for ventilation will be about 350,000 B. t. u. per hour when the outdoor temperature is 25 degrees; the total heat loss for the building will, therefore, be about 1,200,000 B. t. u. per hour. The most efficient method of se curing the ventilation referred to is to lower the upper sash and to raise the lower sash. When that is done outdoor air will flow ’ .0 the room through the lowf" c of the window and indoor air win flow out through the upper j'art of the window, and the outdoor atmospheric pressure will be equal to the indoor atmospheric pressure at an elevation at or near the center of the height of the win dow. The zone in which the two at mospheric pressures are equal is the neutral zone. The flow of the air through the windows can be demon strated by a simple calculation. Let us assume that the windows are six feet high, that the neutral zone is at the center of the height of the win dows, that 70 degrees air weighs 75 pounds and 25 degrees air 82 pounds per 1,000 cubic feet. If the atmos pheric pressure at the neutral zone is W pounds per square foot, the out door pressure three feet above the neutral zone will be W—3 x .082 and the indoor pressure will be W—3 x .075. The indoor pressure is there fore 0.007 pounds per square foot greater than the outdoor pressure; this excess pressure causes the air to flow outward through the upper part of the window. A similar calculation will show that at the bottom of the window the outdoor pressure is aboul 0.007 pounds per square foot greater than the indoor pressure and will cause the air to flow inward at the bottom of the window. Knowing that the heat loss of Hart Hall under normal conditions is 1,200,000 B. t. u. when the outdoor temperature is 25 degrees, the heat loss for any other outdoor tempera ture can be determined by proportion. For example, when the outdoor tem perature is 55 degrees, the heat loss will be 400,000 B. t. u. per hour. The next step in the calculation is to determine the probable total heat requirement for the heating season. The period during which heating may be required varies with the latitude. For College Station we may assume it to extend from October 1 to May 1, a period of seven months. The average mean temperature for this period at College Station for the past 29 years was 59 degrees, according to the U. S. Weather Bureau records. Assuming that the heat is to be supplied to buildings only when the outdoor temperature is 65 degrees or lower, the mean indoor and outdoor temperature difference is 65 - 59 or 6 degrees for the seven-month heating period. If we apply the name “de gree-day” to the quantity of heat which must be supplied to a building during a period of 24 hours when the outdoor temperature is one degree below 65 degrees the total quantity of heat to be supplied to the building at College Station will be 212 x 6, or 1272 degree-days. The concept “degree-day” just de scribed was first proposed by the American Gas Association. It is now in general use for calculating the heat requirements for different localities. According to a diagram published in Heating and Ventilating, February, 1930, the number of degree-days along the 98th meridian varies about as follows: South Texas, 1,000, North Texas, 2,500, Oklahoma, 3,000, Kan sas, 5,000, Nebi’aska, 6,500, South Da kota 7,500, North Dakota, 9,500. I believe that the heating load, 1272 degree-days calculated above for Col lege Station, is too small for two rea sons. First, because I believe we should reckon our degree-days with 70 degrees as the basis instead of with 65 degrees, and second, because the mean temperature cited above is the mean of the daily maxima and daily minima and this does not rep resent the mean temperature for which heat must be supplied. On many days from October 1 to May 1 the maximum temperature at Col lege Station is above 70 degrees. I believe these high temperatures should be replaced by 70 degrees be fore the mean temperature for heat ing purposes is calculated. For ex ample, if we consider the heating sea son October 1, 1928, to May 1, 1929, and campare the actual mean tem peratures with those found by sub stituting 70 degrees for all maximum temperatures higher than 70 degrees, we secure the following monthly and seasonal mean temperatures: Oct. 73.8 56.5 Nov. 57.4 55.0 Dec. 49.8 49.1. Jan. 50.7 49.8. Feb. 44.8 44.4. Mar. 63.3 57.4. Apr. 71.0 60.0. Season 59.7 53 And we find that the mean tempera ture for heating purposes is 53.2 di- Next to Blue Moon Filling Station WE SERVE THE BEST EATS AND DRINKS The Root Beer Stand Wm. B. Cline, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Refraction and Glasses Phone 606 Res. 1 Office over Jenkins Drug Store Bryan, Texas vided by 59.7, or 0.888 of the actual mean temperature for this particular period. If the same percentage may be ap plied to the 29-year period referred to above, the desired mean tempera ture is 0.888 x 59, or 52.4. The number of degree-days which should then be used for heat calcula tions at College Station will be 212 times 65 minus 52.4, or 2671, instead of 1272 as calculated above. However, if the number of degree-days are cal culated with 70 degrees instead of 65 degrees as the basis, the number will be 212 times 70 minus 52.4, or 3731 in stead of 2671. It was shown above that the heat loss of Hart Hall is 1,200,000 B. t. u. per hour when the outdoor tempera ture is 25 degrees. If the outdoor temperature were to remain con stant at 25 degrees for an entire day (Continued on page 3) AGGIELAND TAILOR SHOP TAILOR MADE Shirts and Breeches Blouses and Slacks Cleaning Pressing and Alterations a Specialty WIN OR LOSE — THE AGGIES FOR US. FRANK ZUBIK, Prop. The Ideal Gift For Christmas YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Kodak Finishing Picture Frames Aggieland Studio JOE SOSOLIK, PROP. SEVENTY NNIVERSARY pi% of the energy we use demands VALVES “ Eighty-seven per cent of the energy zve use in our daily life . .. heat energy as well as mechan ical energy, exclusive of that produced in our own bodies and brains... is derived from the hy drocarbon chain, coal, oil, and gas. Waterpower yields 4.°/ 0 , firewood 6%, work animals J}%.” George Otis Smith, U. S. Geological Survey Take away the 87% of energy now ex tracted from coal, oil, and gas . . . and we would be back in the year 1855... the year Crane Co. was founded. Take valves and fittings away, and we would be deprived not of 87 but of 91%. For from water power as well as from coal, gas, and oil, energy is almost never extracted in the modern world but valves and fittings enter into the process. It is significant that the history of Crane Co. and the history of modern utilization of natural energy, cover almost exactly the same period. Many years ago. Crane metallurgists and engineers began the de velopment of piping materials for each new need as it appeared. The years since have seen every Crane resource . . . re search, engineering, production . . . de voted to supplying materials that would keep the road to progress open. What Crane has learned and the materials that it has developed will be of vital in terest to you after you leave school. Let us send you the story of research in piping metals, “Pioneering in Science.” l C RAN E PIPING MATERIALS TO CONVEY AND CONTROL STEAM. LIQUIDS. OIL, GAS, CHEMICALS CRANE CO., GENERAL OFFICES: 836 S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO NEW YORK OFFICES: 23 W. 44TH STREET Branches and Sales Offices in One Hundred and Ninety-six Cities