Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1928)
THB BATTALION Happy YTlomenfejS When you have a date for a hop, after working so hard at the office your feet beg you to stay at home. And for the first time you slip on that STUNNING pair ofFlor- sheims you’ve been saving for the occasion. And after dancing for hours straight your Florsheims still feel cool and comfortable— man—! your whole evening is just one long happy moment! A. shoe must liave the trim style to please a fellow’s taste—hut no man wants to sacrifice comfort, either! Solid comfort counts for so much in. Florsheim shoes that for the man who has learned to insist on Florsheims, their great good looks and extra mileage is just so much velvet! T. K. LAWRENCE INC. Basset coached line that A. & M. saw and they are devoting especial attention to the line prospects. With the squad cut down to its present size, the coaches can give more at tention to the individual needs of the aspirants. The Freshmen play ers are given fine opportunity to demonstrate their prowess in work outs against the Varsity team. While one squad of fish players scrimmage the Varsity, the other is learning the formations of the next foe in line to clash with the Varsity. Many of the Freshmen players are giving indications of becoming good material for the Varsity squad and there is every good reason to believe that this team will benefit •M* •f** S”** **■ .>1=4. '£*!• ojoija 4»S. 4 1 2* 44* 44° 44. 44* 4..J. 4-:* 44» * 4- 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. ■S-4* 4.4. t || TT tv TT Ji OH! BOY! CHILLI Now Being Served the Casey way. CASEY’S IN THE the Varsity more than the great Fish teams of 1626 and ’27. The Fish squad is exceedingly strong in line material, and that is the sweet est thing Bassett can think of. Coach Bible will not find many stars for the backfield when they graduate to the red jersies, although he will have two fairly strong men. The outstanding backs on the. team at the present time are: Clark, All state from Marshall and ’31 num eral man; Dansby of Bryan; Van- derlain, Farrier, Snyder, Davis, Se- besta, Harling, Reece, and Tipton. The coaches have not been able to locate a field general but are do ing their best to uncover one. The line material is more impos ing and will give more strength to the Championship hopes of the Ag gies next year. The following lines men have been showing to advan tage: Ends: Hill, All-state end from Waco; Mosher, Bell, Foster, and Corneilson. Tackles: Fisher, Dawson, Walker, All-city man from Dallas; and Molden. Guards: McGrill, All state from Marshall, Golisinski, All- city Houston linesman, Christian, All-state, and Lego. Centers: Ab bey, Jones, and Braswell. The line is weaker at the pivot point, but exceptionally strong every place else. Mr. Sullivan treated the Fish to a trip to the Texas-Rice football game in Houston Saturday. The fish not only received the needed rest, but actually saw the plays they are to run against the Varsity in pra- paring for their next important tilts. The annual game between the Fish and Allen team may be put on the shelf this year and the strong Blinn Junior College team substi tuted. TOOTH AND BRUSH. (Continued from Page 9) an aid to humanity. Apparently it is a duty that we owe the child of preschool age to give him a future show for his white enamel at a time when it will cost the child and par ent least.—Dallas News. Prudence: Jack Dear, I do wish you would stop drinking. Haven’t you and character at all ? Jack: Yes, lots of it, but it’s all weak. ❖ * ❖ Hortense: What happened to you? Were you in a wreck? Harry: No, I was being shaved by a lady barber and a mouse ran across the floor. One reason we are glad election day comes before Thanksgiving is because we will have more to be thankful for. H* * ❖ “Pardon me, ish your house on this bus line?” “Why, yes—” “Better move it then, there is bus coming.”—Rollinc Sandspur. What Shakespeare says about Coca-Cola The hand that hath made yon fair hath made yon good^ ■— Obviously, the Duke meant the lady—not Coca-Cola. But why bring that up? Translate it into plain United States, and you get: IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT IS 8 million a day The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga. 10-CN