Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
ir — i * r>-. fK' frff” » ■ n rrH? h'- i = A. & M. DRAMATIC aUB CLOSES THE i!i £ BATTALION I measure to the unflafrrinit efforts of the talented younft latdies who have ^Kivefei so much of their time to the work. Miss Nova Lovelle, secretary j to Dean Kyle, and Miss Lois Pipkin, CJI? 4 C’/\\T I\T DOV'AW Assistant Retriatrar of the College. al 1 Dfti 1 ial 1 have proved invaluable assets to the . club and an honor to the college, while The Last Appearance of **Kittv” Miss Ninon Collins of the Extension H ik h Point of Efficienc of the Cast. r ! The A. and M. Dramatic Club clos ed its short sprmir season with a per Department, deserves high praise for the >rrareful proficiency with which she took up the part of Aunt Jane on short notice. The Misses Jessie Kata Lyons and Louise Pipkin have also proved of (treat assistance in the less h»+-M-»++4++-»+*'M (-»++♦♦+♦♦+ BOYS! WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN formancc ini Bryan Tuesday night. Although the house was As large a laborious part of Suxette. one as College attractions usually get The rrien c** 1 C. W, Thomas, in Bryan, it was the smallest crowd Mayo^ Paul Cretien, M. Tom to which the cant has played But it Harrington, and P. H. Bimmerman was a lire and appreciative audience, have not only won repeated honors and the cast with their usual spirit ^ th * ir *<■**"*: hut have shown a *6f good sportam.inahip determined loynl^y Hn< l devotion to their i ^ put their very best effort into tlwr ‘* x>r ^ * n ‘l to l he best interests of the ; Acting. The result was a happy College which no aggregation could evening for everybody. The laughter surpads. The untiring efforts and AT THE WHITE FRONT CAFE = WM. B. CLINE. M. D. Eye, Ear, Nooe and Throat Specialist ; 4th Floor City National Bank * | Building, Bryan,j uNM*' . * it M. H. JAMES i The Raaall Drug S*or« TOILET AR T 1C I KS DRUGS AND PER FUMES Mi I t Cadets and Campus rsxdsata are invited to call on us whoa i» thp city. i. i 1 1 0 I M-I 44 »»»»4»4»44»»44»»4»4 and applause of the audience helped the casf and the, acting of tjhe cast helped on the laughter and applause, and there followed a fine derionstra- skill of the Business Manager. Mr. P. j H. Bimmerman, have assured the fi-J aanrial success of The undertaking.! ’Hie work of the producing staff, in- tion of the fact that where | two or eluding in its number Messrs. R. C. three hundred are gathered tpgether, j Clarke. H. G. Bimmerman. C. J. Fin- much merriment may ensae. J Before ! ney, Hranke. and others deservos the the second act was rdache<L : nearly very highest credit, while the College everyone had forgotten himself and Five with their popular music have laughed right out in church! put life into every performance, The For so young an organization, the fact that L. H. Friedlander and W. E. dramatic club has met with unusual 1 Winn are the first aad last men seen f success. This has beten due in large by fhe audience is enough to show i YOU Do not have your picture made but several time* during a Feneration. The folks at home and “others*’ are due a picture of yourself while you are in College. The expense is small and the appreciation large. * ORDER FROM YOUR LONGHORN NEG ATIVE T(H) AY AT >< T XX El CD O Is Xj GF JED Cft T TJ I O PSaoeossraagskam o t XDlmeiaaoSlon. i \ M HOLMES BROS. THE HOME OF THE BEST MALTED MILK ON EARTH . Candies, Cigars, Fountain Drinks. We invite Cadets to make our place headquarters while in Br?4n ♦♦♦♦4 4 »»4444 I ♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦• »♦♦♦♦♦« no I »M MEM Ml ihtifMl HaswelPs BookStore EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Official Distributors Stall <& Dean’s Athletic Goods and Victor Talking Machines and Records. ■4.+» ( n,» (e»44.e.»»e.4.e..M m ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«■ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 * ♦♦♦ i (.♦ i - ■».» I ♦♦♦♦♦ II I M I 4 4 WHEN BETTER CARS ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM OLIVER-BUICK COMPANY W. a CANNON, Mgr. | Bryan —* '.♦♦♦♦♦ I- H 14 I 4444444 l^♦l■♦♦♦♦ l I I♦♦■M ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I 4 MI>|| JEWELRY Silver Novelties. See us ;; + for watch repairing. A. M’KENZIE !; ♦♦♦♦ I I I ♦ M I I { I ♦♦♦ I (' M | | | | • ► d ♦♦♦H-: ♦♦♦♦♦♦•»44-»4-i'♦♦♦ »■♦♦< ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦4 »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»»< » »L. (Thc^'mithllrmiCo. ||| J. A McQLEEN. M.n^. Prescription Druggists J - Bryan, Texas WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS % ♦iiiim♦♦♦♦♦e ! ti T N^A. STEW A K I DRUGGIST EASTMAN KODAKS AND I FILM*'! \ ' . W« Do First Clam DavaUp Bring U. Your Film* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ r vNj : » F ' 1 f .LT w 2 I X j f 1 ’ji /*> jf> t