Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
‘ T T yhi '4 ^arJ 2L1 FESTiV ITIES TH B ATT PASS WITH ENJOYMENT AND SATISFACTION RESOLI TIONS OF BATTBBY “A" F. A., UPON THE DEATH OF MRS. A. E. KENNEDY. . i “A mother’s love, its meaning who can measure; j Or would such deaths of^fc^DaWM mystery sound? . ’ , V Outside the heart of God aq rich a treasurer has never yet been f-L.t Dances for which A. and M. ii. On Monday, April 19, 1930, Mrs. A. noted gained another step in their E. Kennedy, the mother of our re- progrees toward fame with the pass- spected classmate, Llloyd R. Kennedy, ing of the past week end festivities, was called to her reward. Although underestimating the crowd Therefore, be it resolved, that the just a bit, the Roes Volunteers are to heartfelt sympathy of the officers and be congratulated for the splendid men / of Battery “A" be extended to J ► showing made in their most recent u R Kennedy and relatives; that we I attempt at presenting three days of 4^^ mi8 fortune that has taken (good times and dancing to the stu hig mother fr „ m thi . world . an d that dent body. Never has there htcA we » c knowled|t‘ a distinct feeling of seen a prettie. , more attractive, em rt ^ Tf>t for ha , and herewith offer tertaimng and del^htful group of our 9inemtm } m f doXen ^ to hi, f^nUy g,n. at this institution and the in- ^ that ^ , nd wookl have vitation has been extended to each ^ rmm)|er th|lt _ and everyone of them for a return ’ v visit to our midst.. | The Queen’s Ball on Thursday night opened with the grand march being led by King Komus III or Pinckned Price and her majesty Miss Babe Rasburry of Dallas town. For< the first time in history the at- j tepipt was made with success to com plete a program Wm. StewuH’s^or- t t‘ chestra. consisting} oft tight pieces Resofvod, that a copy of these res- furnUhed the music and* scored ,ev-1 olutions be Iggnished «tfce Ft. >\orth eral hiU with the Beale Street Star Telegram, and the A. and M. Shimmie". “Beale Street Blues.’ Battalion for publication, and that a “Memphis Blues,’’ ••Taxi”, etc. Neat copy be sent hia immediate family, programs were pre-ented whVh l*orc Mr. A. E. Kennedy and children. We Wish toThank You All r*-W found. Mr the significant expression after the . last dance “Yea, verily, the best Is * yet to come.*-' Fpr SUch was the case. I. Friday night witnessed every'®"** ' 4- ia white uniform, the grand marrh . % starting promptly at 9 o’clock, being •» ' 1 11 led by Capt. W. T. Burns of the Ross COMPANY Volunteers snd Miss Hallavd also of ^ . iBipMI-liiML. • V i £ a, 4 At the eleventh hour Capt. Burps * was presented with a watch as a to ken of appreciation by the company, the presentation being made by Robert Blair Goodman of Corsicana. The affair cfoaed at ’S a. m. As ever the Saturday night dance proved to be the boat of the three be cause of its informality, coupled (Signed) A. A. ftasnsusseU, E. M Walker, L. A. Smith, L. L. Feemdtur. A MEN FICtfT HARD Company A leads the first battal ion to mess three times s day and two of her men. Walters and Hum phrey, helped show Texas U. Some of the ole’ Aggie fight Monday nigh*. “Hunlp’* *ras the first man to par ticipate ^n the firtR intercollegia to wrestling and boxing match ever held at A. and M. Did’' he throw him? Ask someone who saV the match- He with the realisation that this'Was the proved superior in every way; he last round of the festivities. Stew-; out-maneuvered his Texaq opponent art’s' Band displayed a brand of and soon had his shoulders resting music never before seen in these j peacefully on tHe mat. I ' . 1 J ll a 111 f'-ter your past patron- age and want you to know that it is greatly appreciated* Tell us your wants, and if possible we will All them. Cigars j Cigarettes Candy and Cakes •tU —all fresh. They don stay here long enough to get old. A lot of other things to eat. Call and see. Boyett’s Store.. , r ’ ~fl‘' i 1* rM *1 GUY F.BOYETT Proprietor K ztitittintn t iztzmuu u i ituixittuu txnxii parts and simply carried out the aa- tives. All’s well that ends well, and so with the week end which wag brought to a close with this dsnce.4 Walters followed Humphrey and hras unlucky in getting ji man to fight. He naturally looked hpd to the Texas coach and had toj he Congratulations are in order to> weighed. It was the first time the everyone for helping to make the af- | little fighter had been weighed in a fair one grand success by their stock "Judging pavilion and he 4*dn*' and general The R - V.s their efforts seldom know when to halt the scales. , As a result he got a man heavier, but it pleased him -veryi much. “Little Wally” gave him several of. thow left handed punches and soon hai the bout going his way. Both ««;•> fought hard and for a while it looked to be a tie but the A. and M. rep- NEXT TUESDAY EVENING resentative had more of the.“stuff” i than It takes to win. YOU KNOW'! presence and attitude conduct and behaviot. sincerely hope that have met/ with a success equalled in past years. ' , — 1: THE LAST MEETING OF THE ANIMAL INDUSTRY COUNCIL ^kk COX 6l WORLEY C LO S E D and O P E N CARS > ’ 1 WHEN YOU WANT WITH OR WITWOtr D It I v a R H Residence 666 PHONES N. Y. Cafe 303 V The last meeting of the Animal Industry Council to be held this school year will be on Tuesday eve ning. May 11th. at 7:46 in j Room 301 E. E. Building. An illpstrated lecture on the “Ev olution ef the Horse.” will be given by Dr. Mark Francis. -it is hoped that all agricultural students Will hear this interesting and instructive lecture. An election of officers will fol low the Ivctura. So at the close of the third round the tvferee held a bloody glove; high In the air and *ye!lrd, “Walier* A. and M.—•—the win- f IRI- A STUDENT WANTED TO WRITE CROP INSURANCE r ; K. J. Kyle, Dean of the School o^ Agriculture, has been asked to rec ommend either a Junior or Senior student in agriculture to write crop insurance for the Hartford Fire In surance Co. during the summer months. Anyone interested in this p -itioR should sec him at once. ^ ' T 7 • . 'Ci : AT * ! r ‘ MAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF LIVESTOCK AND CROPS ON FARM E. J. Kyle, Dean of the School of Agriculture has been asked to re^K ommend a young man to take change of the live stock and feed crops on a large plantation near Shreveport, La. Anyone i interested in this po sition rhould call at my office at iMMfc ■ i * >/ l, . I EAST TEXAS CLUB BANQUET Th4 East Texas Club will meet immediately after dinner today. All men who are goi quet must see mittee at this f TK }]/\ the club banc arrangement com- taday. HAVE YOU BEEN DOWN TO SEE i> >1 : H College Tailor; By Boyctt’s Store First-Class Tailoriaig and Repairing WILL MAKE YOU, ANYTHING I Phone No.,93 : V I , , l< I l»l I M ^ I The New York Cafe ALEXANDER PAPPASPIRON, Proprietor OYSTERS ALL STYLES, SHORT ORDER MEALS CHOICE LUNCHES Come in When You Are in Town, You Are Always Welcome \ I ; 1 • ii * ' L i-riyta . 1 l_ ■ t ■ f' 1 / yf i-1