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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
- I i Rffli I t-’ t tel. rr . \ i-' i>i • LITERARY WORKS ON GREAT THEME j OF MOTHERS DAY Profrwior Mayo Han Prepared i Speeial Shelf af Stories and IWm» in the Library. THE BATTALION I h mt i In honor <|f Mother's Day, tor ithe celebration cif which Sunday, May 9, ] haa been designated, a Special, Shelf will be selected in the Library, ton- «■ aistinic of at^Mriea and poenta on this rreateat ef the a^a. WhistUr'S dele- ] brated “Portrait I of Hid MpU^er'*, kindly loaned by a resident of the 1 1 * Campus, wit^i copies of short poems 1 • which are interesting: in this connec- j j tion. will be «m view, and student* are ptirited in to see this impensh* ■ able moaument which a (treat man has ! left to His best friend. The books ' and the fdeture will be available fronts Tburs<la> to Sundak. A list of the * stories on the special shelf includes | -Phe folkrp-inp: <11 “Mother”, by Maxim Gorky; this Is a story of Revolutionary Rus* sia. dealing; with a little old woman whose irrepressible instinct to moth er everybody softened the harshness and turbulfnce in the midst of which she is thrown. - - « <21 “Mother”, by Kathleen Nor- 1 ris; a story of simple Amercian home life, with the Mother as the heroine. <31 “Mapraret Oyilvy”, f>y her son. J. M. Barrie; this little ^>ook is the true story of Barrie’s Scotch mother, told with that author’s in imitable mixture of humor and ten-1 demess. . ' ! | ■ • r I ■ (4) “Echoes of the War”, by J. Barrief especially the sketches "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals,” "Thia! Mew Word,” and “J| Well-Remem- bered Voice • > ' ' <5> “The Awakejtiniir of Helenap Richie,” by Mprpard^ Deland; the y atory of a woman w^b was redeemed by her love for her (M. (61 ^Mothef”, by^Lawrence Perry | (Century Ma^szine). * THE AGGIES GOT TWO MORE GAMES FROM RICE OWLS (Continued from Paje 1) in iT.-.- r „ .v .a: THOMAS H. INCE j Presents fT MARYS ANKLE • i } ■ * v I i | ' i jdg>ammou;i?SrtcniftQ>ictun: » \ \ r* •«eeea< QUEEN- —Tomorrow f and Saturday -Wjth a 2-reel Sunshine Comedy Scream: vat e Husb and brought in frbm rigrht held to stop the ninth -Inniinr rally that the .Owls I started by senldinp in Williams to bat ! •I—I—W—I**;—!—;—M—{— A l>oubl« k -H« Knockout only 3Qc AdmiNNion for Thomas i^t the opening: of that session. He Jamm’ed the first ball for a t'wo-sackei. followed by a sac rifice from liuRhes, and singles by Nash and O. ^HeywMod. Henderson fanned M. Hfywo<Ml[ Dwyer ground ed to short Pnd .went out at first, leaving the game with the visitors. tion, some capable members of the j Senior Class have worked out the following rotation for a Bryan girl to follow during the College year. ( This practice has been carried out during the presitnt year quite suc cessfully by certain 'members of the I fair sex in our neighboring metrop- P i “With the exception of a lapse in i 0 |^ ; Ifie eighth the fielding on both sides ;*• Suggested Order of Rot.t.on For a Bryan Girl was exceptional for collegiate ba«L but the Farmers slipped up thlMs, straights and the Owls tallied on their errors in this period. The remainder of the game was snappy ball on both sides.” The score by innings: -- R. H. E. A. and M..«.001 024 011 9—lf-^-2 Rice . OOl 000 031 5— 9—l The Aggies will enjoy a lapse of! ^ Hj hostilities now until May 13. wh^n4 {hat •‘-p*ciaii Ee d , L Tanning they start oii the trip that winds up wi u |> F followed.) the season, consist ing.. af one ganm with Southwestern oa May 13 at GVbrgetownCand two ^eith State at Austin May 14 and 15. 11. Major Ashburn. \'2k Clay Nickals. 3. “Chicken’ Harrison. 4. “Rat” Harris. "* Catch crops arid green nitrogen- supplying crops are recommended to be exemplified in Ray Manning and Carl Scudder. (Note:—Alec says that in the fu ture there will be no “rotation” and alone + DIVERSIFICATION I DR. A B F N BOW DENTIST PkoBM—Offle. *7». . Rcsidanr* MS Sad Floor City N.t'l Rank Buildma BRYAN. TEXAS i :: Stetson Hats Beautiful line in all the new shapes and V colors •• WEBB BROS. HAT DKPARTMKNT ta