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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
0 h !- -sc £4 Pi BAT TALION showed sijrns of fatigue in tkis roun ) The third round siv-wed Pason de cidedly the superior. H« stunned ! Hutcheson several times but never ' hit him wh4n he was down or landed i a blow when Hutcheson was help- ! Sained a fall with a scissor hold and half-nelson. Nash was “all in” when „ he left the ^ mht, bub x Humphrey showed no signs of fatigne. The 125 pound boxing match be tween J. T. Walters of A. and M. and Bert Easeley of State Was the * ea * ^icninsi the ropes. Hutcheson ! second event.* Walters forced fight- P ut *, game fight, bot could aot ing in the first remind, backing \Jhir t ^ le »tvain of two bouts the | opponent into 'th« ropes seveit^l f*n»e evening and Pasoa^whs award times. In the second round botfiv the decision after 8 minutes men began to weaken. Easel*y ^’f c tohl. boxing. knocked Watters tb the mat severgl The last bout of the evening was times, and forced him into the ropes between ^ Hill of State and F. iK. | repeatedly. In the flinches Easeley Buckner of A. ind M., in the U58 was s|bw to let go and allowed hti* poumf\class. Although outweighe.j j weight, to rest on Walters at every by nine pounds, Buckner took the opportunity. The round ended, bo- offensive but was overcome by th ing decidedly in j Easeley's favor. , raperior strength of Hill, the latter j The third round was !•' a different working on top for two minufie*. ’ story. Although Walters was very Hill then took a full nelson changing much exhausted, Easeley showed ' it to a half nelson and forred Buck- j aigns of weakening and over and ner off the mat, holding Buckner*', over U>ok straight arm jghe and feet in the ait against the ropes, wicked uppercuts from Walters*. At They were brought back oh jju* mat. the >nd neither man was forcing the ami Hill was given a hhlf nelson ordi fighting, but Walters staged a come- j Buckner.' said hold befog the one! back just beforo the gong aounded. held when che men lefv s the mfs . by a remarkable control of pis Buckner worked out of khik'grip and • strength. The decision was given l> jumped to his feet. As Hill reached Walters as the- State coach would pot him. Buckner executed ' a typical t allow Easeley to go on an extra football tackle, dinging Hill"to dhe ! befoul for a decisive finish. mat. Hill gut uj. Buckner repeated In the 125 pound wrestling match tackle. At the end of .four man-' M_ B. Gardner got the drop on Nel- Buc *tner took a half nelson son Scurlock, going to the mat o*. wh ich he changed to a head chancery top. After 8 rainutee of fast work fo.‘* nd -“ rm ,ia * tried to turn but which Garriher held the offensh-j on ^ y went forther Into the hold and Scurl«« k obtained art ankle and tot w * s throwti. B< ut went fit Buckaer held in Gardner, and succeeded |r. I fall- 'Time 4.50 minutes, aulministering eome painful pupiah- the arrangement for the me?t|n meat.-! Gardner worked out of the for all weight* to be repre- toe-hold and emerged on typ of Scur- rented, the following weights Wer e lorki holding him to the mat till tta forfeited: A. and M. to 8tate. 115 termination, of the buut. Gardn.*r P 000 * 1 class in boxing. State to A. was ataflMed the decision. Time 12 ’ * nt * M., 175 pound clas* in both bpx- manutes. 'SO secoads. , ing and wrestling, unlimited class in The next maU-h arya boxing in 145 hoxing andvrrt stling. 159 pound pound class between G. M. Luhn, r L ,a ' s * hexing Sute and E. W.^Hanley. A. and M. Luhn forced the fighting throughout the contest, gaining a decision on points after three 3-minute periods. YOUR SPRING SUIT ; lbs. IS dBRB WAITING FOR YOU ill V ... ||^ | ^ - Our collection of new | spring suite include the smartest models and most pleasing patterns we have ever shown by HART SCHAFFNER & MARX and SOCIETY BRAND Double and singte breast ed styles in new spring shades of broWn, tan, green, grey and blue— beautifully tailored and priced much lower than in the city stores. Come in look them over. v \JNew hats, shoes, shirts and fumishingsJ - /J Vn i 't O. B. Haney. 175 R. H, Ramsey heavyweight. Bob l^ittimore 158 lbs. and Ja-k Mahan 175 Ihe., and Brown heavy weight. were in their trunk* and ‘ M <i Snell mo, A. H. Hutchos,,., »® •» £ h * d in pound .1... Snell won,! " tn ,h» m.t undome,,h, but .fte, . „ . ” o " :'' aV '' ■ 1 minute and . hrff worked h‘. wav '? ok . p ‘* c *' nu, and ombhed hi. ..|.,m„ea,-. f 17 '*” “ l bta ' k L h ”l—• Th ''' ,: <4 holSina him the mat f»r !***“ £ r * ** dollar.. ; •i« minute.. Ilutehemn h.d 4 Ian- ’h ' ■"*•* I taliainu wav of ,mn, his led- K, K , ^ 1 • boo, hi. opponent*, body in an L.J ,* ?.^' k f. r ] f’ ' for, l„ yo, op. but in o.erv ca - , ha e"” »" 1 : Saell hold :hi- hold! Aflor twolT. '' * 'f ' . ’V, W'l*»n "*.,- . minoto. and a half, a o J, a ^ ! fully Itryina to turn Hu,chow,„ over , w , T h, ' ,r T* 1 " * n ' 1 ! with a nolaon, tho aona rounded ^.n I r, ' 7“*?." “ mforoo. ♦ u u A* 1 g, lg s ^ 8c*vc»ral ladies were present at this • the Hocrl wan awarded to Sreir on i ^ ^ ^ X dgcisk>n. ^ U T an f w,rre 1,01 •"'y ***** * 1 fa,,8 " ut pronounced the contest a T "‘ 4r ’ Pounl wrestling b«,ut fol ~ t h-an." “sportsmanlike” and “ex-l« low * d next - between G A. Bassey cn citing” throughout. Director Driv. r j! State and W\ Roland «.f A. am! and Coacb Jones were highly plead- j' (’'Oprniyt IPty. Hares* lu.iritt-r a Marx, A. M. WALDROP & CO. The Store for Value in Mena Wear :T7 ■ -Ms 3b . : Chas. Nitch ^ IP ■ liTk ' k* TIT .I THE CONVENIENT j CAMPUS TAILOR SEE OUR LINE OF M. <This MEETING Qf THE M E. SOCIETY NEXT TUESDAY I Hutcheson, State, against "Tt. .E. Fasnn. A. and M. This was the most exciting bout. Fason s tarty I right out With fast work, forcing his op ponent to the ro^es and hifiii^ig hipi at will, la the second round Hutch eson “came back” gaining a slight advantage over-Fason. Botl *mcn was a closely contested - *d with Vie showing of the teams. ' - Bas-■ bowed more skill 1.1 ' holding his opponent to the mat. blit four Times Roland broke away from clnse^grips. .After six minuftes Rol and showed 4igns of second wind ami almoft caaght Basses with a chan cery hold. Bassey practiced rather rough tactics throughout the bout, and Seemed to have an unendbv' repertoire of new holds. It must be mid to Roland's credit th*t he took all the punishment Ba>sey couJti give and wrestled in godlf form through out. Bassey was awarde*! the decis ion. Time 12.5 minutef. 1315 pound class boxing. S. il. SPRING SUITS THEY INCLUDE THE SEASON’S LATEST COLORS AND ‘ DESIGNS. Place Your Order Now With a few more concerts we should be able to compete with any second grade pupil in the art of sailing “air ships.” |The last meeting at the M. E. Ss- | 44♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ eiety will be held next Tuesday night ' in the M.E. building at 7:30 o’clock. . Professor Fermier will give an | illustrated lecture on 4 Big Gum” showing a ,number of lantern slide pictures of the big guns that shelled 1 Paris during the World W aj*. and ex- : plaining their structure and opera- '* .» 4J V • i • -1* All Freshman engineers, are invitr-j eil to attemr this meeting and all members of the Society are urged to attend this the last meeting. : I f ‘ ! II *1 I* , r-' , : ¥f\\ » i V ' U -p 1 fiig Shoe Store / 1 1 r S) i Shoes, Hosiery, and Cents' humishings i/ of the belief quality. Special attention to the College trade. \Y : \ Gibbs & Hare — A i " - i' i