Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1919)
• f'l i* fit; JJ-j •3 _ • t i * r- » r.lH” ' ; *» i *' j* » 'i. •>• IT I '* .1 \ x r^ , \:X r - •-» V ' - V ;> *. • v < • ■ V » >5)1 Lj-r-.i*- *- tr r r iiv M f. 4\ ■ m i SUBSCRIBE FOR THAT $ BATTALION ' r ♦ >fa«= 111 v»;r Puhll.bW by tk* S*ud«nt» A *»oc w t ion of Ik* ▲•ricultural and M*ckanical Collrfp XXVI COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS. APRIL lO, iTTERY “A” ms n SDBSCRIPTION tONTEST If . -j/A 'Mi ‘ •, Veritabl* Subscription Barrage j Laid by Various A. and M. College Units. The Battery is beginning Kvery canaaner prepared for a S id, laid on* of the most intense st)b- ription barrages every recor<lod with « percentage of 228. Th«) Band came next with 125 •fat. The Band always comes ‘giroag oa everything. Very few 11*^ cent mark. . The management well pleased with the interest mar tested In the companies and the re sults. The main objsct of the Um- psniea was the support of the Pub lication. Now follows let's all get together on the Longhorn and put the ifabst oae out that was ever put eui to .show to the boys coming home from ft*nce. ■ - ..I. — ALLEN ACADEMY TO ENTER SATURDAYS MEET. Aa element of uncertainty krill be injected Into the Fish v*. 014 "Men track meet Saturday, with A Den Academy booked for the surprise. This will make the meet s triangular one and will doubtless increase the ittlenast a great deal. Wmmmi 1ST BATTALION WDB YOUNGBLOOD TROPHY 1 . Flbet Footed Fish of JFiKhtu First Pile Up 65 Points A j • in Contest. — ttj BAYLOR BELTON GIRLS 1 TO SING FOR CADETS fwo have noticed a tendency of mark on Texas tracks thla year.. scene cadets to make various remark* Ak! would be better unsaid when talking to passengers on the train* stopping at College Station. Every man should remember when ht she Coming to A. and M. Friday Night Under Auspices Long < Horn Management. r; i r#tr! I i The Long Horn has announced that they have secured an engage ment with the Baylor Belton Choral C1\A to show here next Friday night at $:30 p. m u in the new Auditorium. Thy concert promieea to be the best one heard here in the las* five yeaer They say it will compare favorably fast £«* so oatIV in th«; ^-Mllsh Oo*d«e*a's Big Notoe ^ Ministrel. if that is possible. The program contains some very popolar music and is bound to please.- The personnel is composed of the follow ing young laides: Misses (not s Mrs. in the crow.:» . ] Pbst 3*pws Key Burleson. Anita Court, Edith Hanna. All one Jones. Gladys Lusk, Dorothy Nethery, Luselle Smith, \ - n <• Taylor, Marie White. Second Eunice Corder. Lucile Garrison, Ethel Hamill, Ruth Johnson, JetfV Mason, Lucille Royal, Lillian Scott, Rutii Upchurch, Oto Whittaker. First Alto Lueile Dowdy, Beth Ellington, Net tie Massey. Velma Taylor. ,/ Second Alto Ada Cates, Larue Dn^s, Artie Bell Mims, Mary Caling, Soloists Mis* Ethelyne Morgan. Soprano Miss Laverna Askin, Contralto . Miss Jack RoutV]Piolinist Miss Mary Saling, Pianist Miss Lem Thsckery. Accompanist. FARMERS WIN OPENER I FALL’ DOWN IN SCOND Opmied With Serisis With T. * Si U. Frogs. y In the three days track meet for the Youhgblood Trophy between PlMMftgtSUi' ef the three Battalions, the final score showed the first Bat- with $5 porirtu, Second Bat 55 and third Battalion 6 infes. For the most part the meet r** season and quite a few of the par ticipants looked like promjstog mi*** Coach Edmonson stated that he Was well pleased with the work , of his cinder p«th fish and that be had all the confidence in the world In their ability to win point* this year. * Several of the records made were worthy of College time and ia spite of the lack of veteran material this same squad 'should causa lots of trouble on Texas tracks this year. With 36 points tx> his credit, O. Frazier easily led the fit Ids in in dividual scoring and his all-arvurd work was a pretty thing to watch. He seemed at home in both track and field events altho hia beid perform ances were on the hurdle*. Frazier i* one of the most versatile athletes in school and ought to make a high error, seo"f*d “Heinie" Weir, with 16 points came second in individual work and incidentally stepped off; ; the 10$ yards in the fast time of 10 1-6 sec. The mil* was probably the fastest ’Tjfc i depot that there are people on eTen t ©f the meet sad the time c5p- tmin iwho are judging the college in | off Iby Young Patterson aE its phases by the brief observation from Sthe station. Conduct netf U a cadet or student of 3th 3 greatest institution of the state in the Union when under the obsetva tion of strangers and especially, the Thxans who pass our school, on the trains no cause to think then Mhe very highest of our student body ka*i college Bug-hunter* may b.* interested to know we have a very varied supply of hugs of the “bed” type which w* can dispense with on very moderate terms. \ S j 1 1 „.Li ' % U 4 -L | ! something around 4di4. Patterson beat Reynolds out m Thursday hut Little Red” came- heck in grand style Friday aad walked away with the gruelling two*-mile struggle. There seems to be a superfluity of Smiths on the track squad and all have red hair hut whoever this “fish” Smith may be, he Certainly is no slouch of a high-jumper as his mark of i feet $ inches will t.»tify. , Next Saturday afternoon the Freshmen ere slated to meet the “Old Boys”. All the odd* seem to rest with the fleet fish but they can look forward to some stiff oposition. -' Mtf i. “PARSON” SMITH ELECTED AS CAPTAIN OF 1»1$ BASE- { BALL TF. AM. " J The Aggftes baseball tory over C. U Mon and altho nesaed the Siam »e rim time pep it whole the gn team* 4f fh* runs out*t«sding of Cape Sm ing of thin The in the /n men up' res bothsih's ond and right field, l a. far .. concerneu sad the game Si of his hand, si long in eu and In - their two men gon ed his- midb triple to a slant in to catch stealing scored. Yo er on the hall offered box so hard in getting o scored easil again in left strande* sixth frame fireworks u*h. red in tha 1919 s with a clean cut vic- Korncd Frogs frorg T. The weather was idoal ve^y small crowd wit- imin there ware enough ca to put.the old >tb teama. •]; An- * e!l pleyoeh iRHhri- irjy wnO M most weH earned. .The ire was th* hitting id ‘he superb twirl- Wx. raw M • i ! ^ I v* I hCH J. ‘ ■ i lit * J At a meeting before the game . ^ . Monday “Parson” Smith, the pride ***** T* of Blanco, Texas, was chosen to pilot the 1919 squad. “Whiskey” bps been one of the moat consistent j heaver* the Aggies have possessed in recent years. He made his letter in ’17 and is a man eminently fitted for nc* who we sacrifice an overthrew PowdM the weak hi base fly to the birth of Captain. Mathews hails from H. A- Burnette. “C” Company, ia first game one of the “New Lieutenants” in the driving out cadet eorpe even if he hasn't gotten •‘hard boiled” and staged to wearing leather “puts”. il • drew ike first blood ing when the first | on Hlggto- .. sacrificed to sec- ' a two base blow to ended the scoring. Worth boy* were r the remainder bf them feeding out Farmer* were not down thin handicap of the inning with n hot ham redeem- j slamming out a nter. ‘ Lackey took £/i>* and on an attempt Hi fcMfUi 1 Irish ninr, the feet 'Biggie” Guynes, a new-corn- lot, rapped the first j. tin thru th* pitcher* •it Meyer had difficulty f the way and Lackey The locals threatened - ond frame, but Cat*. second. When the lied around then the storied again, with a - bitious Mr. Guy- - Ho second eg Rhode's ored when Douglas on Powell’s bunt, minute later when f Smith polled a two- , left garden. ’ l_ 1 who Lake celebrated hia ' a College team by first home run of the over the right thk same inning on second and Mi I\ 1 1 TK j M > \t H I A*