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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1919)
- - • '4*' K I " | i I 1 R b Hi& - m ■- I h • ■ l' 1 • L ■ ( im t llcii *• ""V '7— * ■ -.*1 '-rl i'. k • .i>«■ V It- ' ; - • -1 Jf * f 4 i - . / ; . Ij,*; *:* •<• :. r » -r, v ■ • 1/?-v-: I: Xw - 1 V—' \ V. *: SUBSCRIBE FOR THAT M M -U- Publithrd Weakly by tha Studant*’ A VOL. XXVI. k.aociation of tka Agricultural and Mechanical Collaga of COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS. APRIL 2. 1910. D. X. BIBLE COPUNG BONE FROM FRANCE TRYING OUT FRESHMEN FINAL ARRANGEMENTS TRACK MATERIAL MADE FOR R. V.: HOP *9 '“i ~ ■ I r/ Coach's Return Contest for Youngblood Trophy Three Evenings of Rare Pleas- U Causes Renewal of Foot- | One of Season's Red h| u re at This K Delig htfJT News of Aggie < S Rene> ball Gossip. Hot Events. A. AND HAS New Re Art! lAMngaa | ■ NUMBER y. CADET CORPS REORGANIZED 9stur- Edmonson The recent new* thst D. X. Bible has returned to the U. S. from France will cause no littk* perturba tion in the rival football camps of the Southwest. CserHl Bible is one the most popular men who ever handled an A. and M., mpsad and Farmer supporters and students are earnestly hoping for him. early ar- *iMi m . I j Next year will see several new faces when the football season drifts id. 3|ews come* that “Woodrow ' Wilson. Captain elect of the ’lb squad and an all-Southwestcrn guard wilLbe back with his 220 pounds of ceded that in the average school as J 1 J r eating, the wiuniag bat9s|iam hav ing its name inscribed upon the ti**|i.>. T7x^ ««rr;ta have 1 terCd over the three afternoonB in, order that one man may enter as many events as possible and that Coach Edmonson may h» v e ’ more chande to look the scaly aspirants On Thursday, Friday and day of this week Coach Ed announce, that the FVeshman meet panned, arrangements Tor th..’’b^ for the Youngblood Trophy will be ... — Mid-term Featival. With the orchestra chosen and the musical numbers for esch 1 daarr Includes Units of Signal Corps d Infantry. ! occasion draws to a close. The stage Th * contest ohll be inter- i, Al| ^ now for ^ oicaaion but the number of performers depend* entirely on .each individual here "wBmhcr uv iuw a tMM «4 uui. rryau haven’t- made a date' don’t wait another day to do the good deed — you can’t afford to miss these events. On Thursday night. April 24th. the curtain rises for the first act— track experience or who thinks he over. It is hoped thst every Fresh- ^ ^ m.n I. colleK. who h.< over h^l .„vl th * QU ~" ‘ ^ th "' »« dance, GOODTIME. For the bene- Monday Morning found the can pus refemfaiitg an ant hill From I: every quajltor cadets (genera, ly Ftiiih—11 cBd«U) could be sees com. ing laden With trunks snd blankets, ‘ pennants and pictures, books snd desks, and all th*- ,>tber miseellan- . ••**4 sei* ark an ■ r har t| —ia form the A. «nd Myfbarracks from A bare white rooms to really comfort able places of abode. Everybody moved. No exemptions were grant- ; ed for' none plead exemption. As the old song ha* it, “It Was Moving Day and the, Weren’t Pack ed.” o. Si was the on- « ; c.„ m.k,. Kt>od .,11 b. out .nd h.lp .f*°' th ' ">«• »"** „ ku battalion. It ton.rally con. *“* d *" c J < '* ra ' ,n “ "T "? 1“ A. and M. CamivaL At this dant-e ‘ r,B1 the excitement. A new pro from the girl* present * Queen for ™*d>on or appointment list was pub- the Carnival is chosen. Let’s have '»hed; Many high and mighty ofl- eVery club have its representatives, * rwperiawced the sensation of be- ;j/ which in short means every boy have “btsatawr. Others felt the glory ^ a date with the best looking girl he v1 promotion. The Artillery budded / can find. 1 'Oft m-nmanaMriag, robjaudja WBrSmI Then Friday night. Apnl 25th. the ( w * th wd tatco*rds. The Signal Corps Annual Ross Volunteer Ball will be w< * r * strutting proudly under their L given by the members of that organ- i^ldte and scarlet crown*. The Corps ixation. This is an invitation dance w * 8 once undergoing the pro- 4^.' . fK . r ^ ' iwith all the men in the cornu who c<,> * reoigaaisation. A condition -jrtrUTbV. ™b.' ^Xn , h “;1r• *«•««««. ---s ^i^•7b?5S^*srHr -a * ki 1017 tinmeAeor) L , , ^ evenl you have attended one of - these •* tb « hegidnipg ef the second sem- uDoi CblmDron. Wdh M. B.blc con,r,bu.,n« f.rtor ,d th. .». d .„^, yo . know . >h>t n b.t . nboh mor* .p..dy .od upon Champions. With Mr. Hiblc| cei „ of a mmn ln ^ event b wnn ^ miM fKia „„„ k<>» ;c w-. efficient plan Was followed this time ’ Aggie pep. Horse* and many of them couldn't keep “Eddae” Mahan, *tar full-back away, and there is some rumor of the return of Mc- ' Murry and Greisenbeck. Enough of f this years team is slated to return to give the Farmer* a top-noten eleven, and if there is sny staff of • Coaches in the country “D. X.’’ is much athletic talent remains ancov- ered as comes out far the various teams. A man w either a player o* a footer and the latter always pav for the former. The student who pOmenses athletic ability and never usee it is not even a rooter: His classification is somewhat similar to that of the “conacientious objector”. 1 especially remember* ,I as having pro- prov ided he has no good exeuse. IV to tutor the backf.eld and Couch naUjra | talent. Any good-sixed. Graves to produce hi* usual impree husky man sh ould be able to hurl the nsble line the next ^Sam i tgam will *pear snd until he tries no one know* net foil through arvy lack of < oaoh- whether he can or not. ^ Friday . afternoon come the 120 yard hur- Both football and basketball pro i- dies, 100 yard dash, mile, 1-2 mile, peets for next year appear to be the pole vault and shot put. The meet very best. ‘j'The only thing to *ay ( will be finished up on Saturday slvuut the latter is tihat all of this years team, with one exception,-will be hack next year. If there is a man who can handle material better than Bible. Graves and Edmonson* i the Battalion has not y«t been notified of its existence. . j j I. . J afternoon, no relays being eater^vd except in case of a tie. This is an unparalleled opportunity for any Frdshman to step into the vtsien of Coach Edmonson and it is hoped that h large number of men will seite the chance. - won’t miss this one, but if you hdve not ask some om* that has—and In m ' d * t °Y R nil, with first you’ll see why you can’t afford to c ^*** e * after the mid-term holidays hang on the window. Boy—girls ,n fuH * W '»UR. the corps was assemb!- come from far and near to th.**, in ten ™«*utes and marched to the j dances. Rfhy the Military Walk ch *P«L s «c h waa the c.r<l«r and lack even changes to—Peacock Alley!!!!! ronDwlon. And for a final climatic act, we f 1 first Battalion ef Infantry is stage the Carnival Dance on Satur- now duartmtpd in MSlner Hall with day night. April 26th. The name of M *i° r ' CatBah'’ Goodman in charge, this festivity comes from the loca- Second Battalion resides in Leg- tion of joy. At 12 o’clock on that under command of Major S. N. eventful night we’lf aft shake hands ! * >ow *^* BiiMeH and G«-'iCwin Halls and agree—that a good time was had | the Third' Battalion under I (Continued on Page 8) M|ijor C. H.l Clark. Colonel “Doug” Howell with Captain “Fritz” Murmli TO WIN THAT SPECIAL EDITION OF BAT. IS ONE OF THE MOST ENVIABkE HONORS THAT CAN COME TO A COMPANY I 50 CENTS PER SUBSCRIPTION