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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1907)
i tM :w f — THE BATTALION PwMstini Wc«klv br tta* Stadcnu' A«*oc °* »« A|TK-u, »nd » t. h.r . * Coll«t« at T«sm i'$ ,11, ar;. t m . .T"! \—,tz m T. E. Hoixowa* 'm suit ’ - w. o. M 'o» i |t H SiAMfeu^c C. A. ScHApT J. K, Col 4*« C. W. I *o4«tt t- ci m Hax ► Di C Editor in Cbt*< Awociatr Editor te-Ctiicl Mnugar Ait,>tart Buiueaa MABAfer • !L«Ctf EABo E>cMa(« Editor . - Am4c SAMnc I J • i Alumn, Editor 4- . Y M A. Editor mmtant ctontMts r. Eudclfh C M Evans A RiLCt D B Hskni*. \ . J- 4 Wa«DSN a AMI E. + MCTICE. AU rAMttocr atwak b«ar to4 d> ptoitic Mill »>♦ AC M# •• yBttakSrt. piACAa tf thAr aH i hr HtttAlion «*r- a© non MM-will I r* tAlton o( , ±m PRICE HER ANNUM -tjj wtDNESUJAY, MA St.2S ‘ a: AhDji, AT WACO. The whole corps appreciates the fine work lione bjr our track team at tfce Southwsmern meet. With only three men on the team, they secured ' a place of all but' one event they en- * tered and better still they secured two tecords. The track squad worked hard with little encouragement and every man on it is to be congratulated for enlarging the Held of athletic suc cess at A. and M. We have track materiel, and neat year must have a larger team in order-to win more than one place an event. We must give the tradk the* support it deserves. ' lAPT. ANDREW MOSES. New Conaaedaet of the Agricultural •od Mechanical College ia a Texan. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM. TT Y ?2. =P= KeW WIUI mb Ststea Jacobs el fioesioo te Dctivtr Baccalanreate SerawR. Following is the commencement program: Sunday. Jane Vt k-oo a. sa..! ..OwwM weiwthNi S:30su m.. L ntpOctiou of quarters e. m. .. .Commenreoient sermon He*. William States Jacobs, D. D. 5:00 to 6:00 p.‘ m. ..... i|... mad ooheert S:00 p. m.-.Addren WoseCollege Y. M. \C. A..... i.... .-v. 1 .... i. - .,A.i. Rev. William State* Jacobs, D. II. M oaday , June !•: 1, 8:00 a. m.. i.i. kS <. .t , . .4'iuard nionnting M:30 to 0:)0 a. r.L....| j l Individual competitive drill |YJ0|ai< a*. 10 p. m.i,.. .1...'. .I I I ; taspect ion ot deparintent* 2 36 p. m ] A»-j aual I Maine** meeting Alumni Aw». 4:30 to 6:00 p. m ,. B^talion drill It \SARGEffT A AD A AND M. A» his term of service draWs to a close, we believe it is 4ttiai| jn> call attention jto the lasting worn which Captain fl. H. Sargent, commandant of cedeH/ has done for the college. During his four yean at A and M. he has uRo the admiration and re spect of every i-adet. He has shown !hltnself to he a ready speaker, a terse j jdrriter, true soldier, and a com mander iff men. On ujverf occasions he has been ‘‘the right mbn n thh right phuv,” and. has worbeii unceas ingly for the good of Tekas A. and M. and at the corps. ■ Captain Sargent is regarded by the (corps of Cadets as “an ufljcer and a gemlemaa.' When he l^tye College station, for his new post ot duty, he ■will caipVfWith him the J>es( wishes of home hundreds of A. and M. men. gkizens'' arid future cnjzens of the Lone Star! State. T i , - f; 1 * [j ' jil; hwMHHMH|nennRB« M j i TH$ LAST NUMBER 1 . 1 j 1 : “If i ffv J 1 j In tssufig thit numbed of the Bat talion. the present staff pdts out its last numbikr.i If a number is issued next week, if w-ill be the work of the idtaff of 19f7-’0b~ to whom u 1 ■pi IHCWOBi . | In j this, our la«t number wt^takg occasion to thank Wtyo have aendeiRd any as pubhcRtion of the paper. -i-4 A dispatch fnom 'Austin says: Tlie new! coroniamlam of cadets | at the Texu j|,Agrict»lturai and Mechanical College i* a native [Texan, CajA Andrew Moses of the Coast Artillery, succeeding Capt. Sargeut of the cavalry, transferred at the end of his term. Capt. , Moses was bom in Burnet county. Musicfl.. a sou of Cot. Norton MoseR, and 6:30 p. in. . 8:00 p. m. v . Celebration 10:00 R. ■ j Tueaday, June tl: 8:00 a. m.. j.. J.. 8:30 to 9:00 •. m , ;■ jhihiti >n drill 10:30 a. m. . • k . PtohaRl* • •• -'-H Prmyw.,.. •H IJrexN parade Austin Literary Soqiety ni banquet Alur HANDSOME PRINTED ami ENGRAVED • VISITING F0K COMMENCEMENT EAGLE PHONE NO. 36 was appointed tn West FoitR Stutk ...~ Mdndolin and Ovitar'ilubl! the then CongTessman Joseph l>. >Vata4iat>ry Walter CJ. Sayers, Since Governor of ‘Texas.-jMuakr..‘ ^lubj Capt. Moses grailuated in 1897 jconlaitin* DeaWi.^ .. J '' ‘T - ^1 4 — LL _ l«-.L.4- - ■ - . M .. ■ raouraine . .. .^1. . j.. .Ex-1 by Rua*' Volunteers Graduating exercise* 1.. ...'..(..College hand f. Rev. George B. Butler J. ,. .1., ,4..Glee £lub Addre** . i 1.-T ... - .j 1.. .. : Ho«. T- N. Jones and has been expert in heavy ar tillery, and recently specialized In electricity ih connection therewith. At present, he is stationed at Fort Moultrie, near ;Charleston. Capt. Moses is related to District Judge Fisher of Galveston, the Rhodes Fisher family of Austin and other Texans. He assumes command upon the opening of the A. and 11. College next fall. The board of managers had a strenuous fight to secure Capt. Moses, as the War Department was'adverse to Madd ing a Captain and one an expert in heavy artillery and electricity. At first the department said it Would s%nd only a Lieutenant, but pres sure was brought to bear and final ly consent for Capt. Moses to come. aU i assistance R” vl «C". -. raised her per- taking a five those j ifining game fr^m “C” by the C | “Q” Company rai , j centage Thursday by EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLQR J. E. GBIOE. Froprietp. HOT AND COLD BATHS fcxx tT POOMt To EXCHAmiK MOTEI HBYAN. TKXA», f _ in I sqore of 5 to o.j ,4 C” Company 1 failed to connect often enough *0 — Ivtlp. Lampert knocked Smith down and out in the third and De ware went in the jpok. Bittle got j three assists and a costly error. I Butts played good at short for "D” and McDaniel got a hit that brought in two scores. Cox piteh- ' ed a pretty game and got out of a 1 bad hole in the second by striking out three with a true-, on third and 1 one on second. ! pull tint : Spa Wing Is' Toot Ball *‘C” iRichenstein, Foekel Cotlfcry and Rui<> Ready-Hide OIG A RKTTKsJ AND CIGARS J , ' I ALLEGRETTl d V . DELldlOCS CHOC’OI.ATR CREAMS AND CANDIES HOT or CO LD »ODA WATER PI KK ICE CRKAM, T We Soli«It Your Pntfoaagq. tk ZZ23EZ2 Lkxfiup. right f. third short stop catcher pitcher center field left field second b first base , Strikeouts by Cox, 8; by Smith *; by DeWaite 5. Errors: C Company[ 4; D Com- pany, r. ;l|P.4i[l rt, x; Strong. 1; Bittle 1 Robson Whitney Cox I Lempert lltlip^iig Strong 1 Van Zandt McDaniel Jones Butts Blake Smith Smith Stewart Rutldege Cobolini Postlude .. .1.. iu-7. .. . Cpllege $«nd 4:15 to 6 00 p. ,i».. .Jr.j. Compe titive company drill for Hoe'eM At|^j 6:30 p.m,. ....Graduating <bes' p*f«d« 10 00 p m. .Final beR i fionai 0ank OF BRYAN, TEXAS. PlU ;j JJ][U j 'I , Y Designated United States Depositary. Capital • L| iSI00 v 000.00 Surolus and Profits 45,000.00 ! \ | , We doafee to aeaure our patrona of prompt at ben- tl<>n and palnataklng endeavor la the porfoWnaoce of any and a|l •ervlces desired at oar hand*. mKmmm ••A” COMPANY S; “C” COMPANY 2.: The “sky scrapers’’ wtid Jthe “runts’ 1 had it out for seven rounds last Saturday and the final score was 5 to 2 in favor of *he “big ones." Kversberg pu down one that looked like a and Strong was the star: for ' company. I U. Cornell won the game with a I timely three-bagger with two =• ) on boaes. The game wap several j times interrupted by a loud aryl | J. W. HOWELL H. O. BOATWRIGHT GUY M. BRYAN, |JR. L. L. MclNNIS | . f. m. law! 1 fliliU A' 1 . President Vice Preuldent j Vice President L ' Cashier Assistant Cashier •rri— continuous gush of hof air Casine Wallace. ? ; T » LINKUP 1 » * “A” “C’l Carlin left field McCk-e McElroy pitcher Bittle Cornell catcher| Whitfiey Sherrord right field Stimpnon Clemonts 2nd base Strong Martin 3r4 base Cox Byars center field Stripling Beall 1 st base Van Zant Eversberg short stpp^ Roi>son “il.” Compaay—7 hits: 1 x-b^ae hit. | Errors—“A” Company, 4: “p'’ Company, 6. “OF Company—2 h Strike outs—McElroy Base on balls—McKln tie 3. Runs—“A” Company, Company, 2. Umpire—Huff. Bittle 7. 1: Bit* 5; <r K Lampe Ige, 1*;, M McDaniel, 1; De* Hits Rutledge Ware, 1. Umpire, Huff. Time of gapne: 1 hour. P W L t. c. A Company6 2 750 D ■■ • i4i y* 5 3 625 B ....10 4 6 400 C - 9: l U 7 922 ♦ Tie games ti 'n- H. H. V. BROO0ON •OH f 1 fi i L. naooisix HENRY & BROGDON BROS I WHOLESALE aA 1 * CRAIN DE( ~rth— AND' Beta ir. iLERS ♦-I*' r ■ T7 l.iv rrV HUBiUt^sa exclusiv cl| for wh^te trade r -DRALKRSfIN Rawlings BaselBall Goods Huyler’s ckndies ore Cigars and R mey Tobaccos CAVITT k4y ••A” COMPANY ^ ANNOUNCEMENT of FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. The following is a provisional announcement of the football schedule for next year. It will be seen that the management has cut out some serious work for the team, October 21, L . S. A., at College. October 28, Haskell Indians, gt College. November 12, Oklahoma, College November t6| Tulane, at New Orleans. November 28, Texas, at Austin. December 9, Tulane, at College. Games will probably be arranged with Mississippi and the >A- and M. of Mississippi; also a certain very interesting game at Dali I; j“B" COMPANY #, betwttki “A’t And during the fair. The game “B” Tuesday resnltodjin a score of 1 too in fatvor/of‘l/T* company. "B’' company was hahdicapped on accouni of the sickness of their catcher. Billy Hellerl the [former captain of the SbiaU ’ volunteers, was there with the goods on second. ,ii Pilgo and Martin were there with the “big stick” each getting a two bag,-qr. «' UNSUP “A” Carlin, McElroy Cornell Sherrord Clemonts Martin Beall Hamilton Heller left fiel pitcher | catcher right fid short st 3rd : -t ba ■st- ren let f. 2nd base . -b*» McConn Abney Culver !iarr:s Jennings Filgo Marell Ea*;tcrwoo<f D»> B' met ^iWaloney Solicit yo«r patronage Drucjsij orfumos Stationeru etc. _ paldino’s A-ttietic I Goods u, ^ownov ooola ! * 19 c >09 j 4 Hen Safe! :ket Ki 'yens Razors p Etc. [f ; ! ’