Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1907)
| ! JP ■ I i H M r Hi 1 1 - ^ J, ■ Published Weekly by the Students’ Association of the Afficultaral and Mu ham al .UME XIV COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, MAY 22, 1907. This is the » | | ^ * allege Store _T 3^ — Li i m You wi1l*find that no other stor«j in town]can show you the college styles We do. We've had many years experience selling college men- we know just what they want andj we cater to their every whim. li i T \T-. \ H<-r Lb • Our New Spring Suits for Young Men ' i 4 j f i n I : <* ij Embody every kink and turn of fash ion ; those little things, so dear to the heart of every college boy, can only be found in these handsome suits. We show them in an immense variety df new f^pring patterns, club checks, shado^r plaids, plain and fancy blue serges* cut in the height of fashion, eit^ef single or double breasted, at ! "ij : $16.50. $18.00. $20.00 ; I * j H |’R| CUOTHEsfo WD TOOK 25 POINtS. mi[ mORDS lIDE Baoe of State taivorshy, Koas and Spivey of A. and M. Make Mew Records. The track meet of th« S. W. I. , Compree, Bay Ion Ayr imck tin [ , J Out hundred-yard disk: Ri 1 dcjl University of Textt; Hendi A. AMO M. NAD THREE MEN ENTERED^ sbn, University of Ttexas; Hs A -L ton, A. and f o:lo flat. | College. NUMBER 31 3=-.e AND M. Al>PR0PkHTlONS J IS «*t- I 1 Mummii md j»n wigi m iius The Techftolo^ical Branch of the University. Agriduiteral, Hortigultnral, Animal Industry-; Mechanical, Civil, Eloc- j i trical. Textile and Architectural Engineering. Taitnjp Kre*. Aetna m- (-.sary* expenaw, cxcludiag (lotkinc and booka, On* Hundred and Fifty-Fivo Dollars per saasion. Qualified applicants, eighteen or over, eater on rertiheate without examiaatM.' CAREFUL Training Given in the general .ubtecta, EngSsfc, Hiatory, Mathemat ics, Modern Languages and the Applied Sciences, which loriu the Ja- t Technical Instruction. File your application now. Cethtogae tree on re,)not. College Station, TtKat. H. H. HARRINGTON, L L. D,. : i i l > Pre&iloat. « When in Bryan Call at Haswell’s Book Store « y n j I , i: We can supply all the shool wants at the i ' ' it ’ I- , V L . . : ' •• . ' J) .4 M I . most reasonable prices A. A. at Waoo was something of a disappointment, owing to the small number of competing colleges. Austin College, Fort Worth j Uni versity, Missouri School of Mines, and Trinity had no entries. Wash ington University and the Univers ity of Oklahoma had entered teams and were expected up to the hour of holding the meet but failed to put in an appearance. The track was very slow and this, with the lack qf spirited xxnnpetition, kept the race from coming up to the usual standard. The most creditable shelving was made in s, t h e fielc^ events. The ground was very insatisfac- tory for jumping and vanltiujg, the pole vault going at the low mark of 9 ft. 7 in. K Texks with ten meii took 78 points, A. ami M with three men took 35, Baylor with ten entries won 19 points and T. C, U; with eleven men seciuvti 3 points.Three new records wene made. the running high jump Bone of [Texas cleared the bar in tieautiful form At 5 ft. 9^ ini defeating his team mate, Kenkkll, who held the old record at 5 ft. 7. Rjoss added eleven inches to the record for the shot put, and Spivey lengthened the discus record by four *ir five feet. A. and M took all three places in the shot put, the ©nl>^ clean sweep made, r In addition fio this she took first and third in the dis cos, first in the hammer, second in the running broad jump and third in the too yard dash and the pole vault. Of the six events entered, we failed to,MCure a place in but one, the running high jpmp. The century was a beautiful contest, Rarasdell leading HendrickjKX^by Sixteen-pound shot put: Ri A. and M. College; Hamilton, and M. College; Spivey, AJ M. College. Distance—37 feet inch. Two hundred ond twenty-y dash: Hendrickson, Universit Texas; Ramsdell, University Tcxai; Bocremap, Texks Oe University. Tfafaie—0^22 4*5 Discus throw: Spivey, Al M. College; Krahl, University Texas; Ros". Af and M. Col! Distance—icfe feet 4^ inches. Running, hii^h jbmp; University of Texas; Mai Baylor Kgndwl, University Texas. Height—-5 fett 9^ in This breaks previous records. Two hundred and tweuty-y hurdle: K.enda|l, University Tekas; Fifik, University of Te: Titpe—2:09 1-5. One milfc race: Sufrati, Bay Ayres, Un6\-ersi«y of Ijexas: Ly University of Tex^s. r.Ti 530^2-5.1 • • Sixteen«poun<i hammer thr Rpss, A. and M. ’Ccfllege: Kr Ujniversity of Texast Fink, t of Texas. |>ti New Dormitory To Be Baih la tbe Near m<\\ future ’ A 1 !* L ’Vt Hk w is gA-en>n official state ment vt the appr^riatioos for the A. u: i \J College for the next tan years., Tiw dew dormitory which ; is to be called. Goodwin Hall, will be built as sohm as possiblp, atKi , will be ready in 5 r or some time in the fall terrrty The Engin eering building will n<M x be built at once. The money for iKnot being available till Sept. 1, 190^ The appropriations in the first below are for the year ending A 1 31, 1908; thoai in the second umn for tbe year ending Aug 1999. J*. For niRintMance. $ 45,000.00 $ 45,000.00 Operating »t«m versity fdet. stance—1 Pole ^filt: Sone, [L T«.xas, and Kendall, t'niversity Ttxas, tty. Height—<) feet 7 cbes. Hamiltoa, A. and M. lejge. Running broad jump: Kern University of Texas; Hamilton, and M. College. Distance—28 f inches, 26 feet 6i4 inches. Four humlrc-d anp forty y dash: Hendrick son JUniN’ersity Texas; R unsdell. University Texas; Fouts, Baylor Universi Time- 0:52 4-5 Mile relay race Ramsdell. U versity of Uexas, Ingram, Bayl Glover, Texas Christian Univ ty. Time—3:4$. J University of Texas 78 poi A- and M. College 25 points lor University 18 points, Ti Christian University a points : Y. M. C. A. 1 « Talks ky Beesley. Besa and LcKoj At the meeting of the Y. Mj plant .....lL, Agricullu-al Dc pmnmanl...;.. 1 ^ 3,400.00 ■) 5.000.00 600.00 ^ 600.00 Mechanical Be- ! flidwlng. j! 900.44 1400.00 Horticultural De partment ...1j j ; 604.00 I <H) Veterinary Dept.. ' "Amdtal Hnabaa-j 500.00 ’ 50t) <K) ]* iP 11 dry Department - Department Phy- 750.00 \ sica 5i 11. Eag. 940.00 900.00 ? Botanical Dept.. 235:40-! 235.00; Entomological 1>. 754.00 754,04 | ■ Apiary and la- | sectary.., ; L J t CivihESgineeriag 800.00 ’ ->•..041 * Department .,. Car# of ground* 500.00, J sooty* M .1 about six inches, with Hamilton ^ j n the chapel Snpday mght 111 Y. M. C. A. MEtTlNO. Snnday Night Ma, 25th Topic: Training for Public Life.—Acts 7:35-36; I>»n. 6:32-33. Leader—Cunningham, P. E. ‘TYm Reasons We Should Pre pare for Pnbhc Life."—Brasntn. "The Means by Which We are to Prepare for Public Life—the re sults of the Lives of Public Spirit ed Men’’—Leggett. Every one cordially invited. Read Hunter & Chatham’s ad in this issue, read it now. PSOf KYLE VICE-PRESIDENT OF s: W. I. A. A. Xt a meeting of the officers of the Southwestern Intei-Collegiate Athletic Association held Friday night at the |>Ietropole hotel Prof W B. Daniels of Baylor and Prof. O. W.« Long of Texas Christian University, were re-elected as president and secretary-treasurer of the association. Prof. E. J. Kyle was elected vice president. There was little business of im portance transacted beyond passing a rule, forbidding the playing of post graduates 17 1.'. •- h* — less than two feet behind. In the running broad jump be was only two inches behind Kendall.Spivey's hard luck pat him out of this event, which he should have won with ease, as be has repeatedly done over 21 ft. in practice. Every thing considered, the most credit able event from an A. and M standpoint was the hammer throw which Ross won after three days practice. To keep from fouling tbe big fellow sat down in the ring af- tet each throw. The A. and M representatives made a j nltyi^id impression on tbe field, being gen erally praised for their sportsman like and gentlemanly demeanor, xvxirrs. One hundred and twenty yards hurdles: Fmk, University of Texas; Foots, Baylor University. Time—17 2-5. j Eight hundred and pghty Lyday, UaiueWity of 1 subject of "Positive Living discussed by different members the association. '. ,i» I TIm! meeting was opened by, 1 song. Scripture reading by Cornell, And prayer by Mr. Mr LeRoy then made a tbe way in which one may li positive life. Among other fi he brought out the one that man is to succeed in life he have a fixed purpose, and must at all times work to plish that purpose. If a man an anstabV life he’s a failure, i Mr. Betidcy spose on "The pose of living the positive He developed has subject by ing chajppters ftom college life 1 from 1 <ry Mr. iJean spoke |>n progresk of the Y its beginning ui tyadfe. .. t L Fuel.. . 4.r Arcfcitectural Eiw maatya.l .. |- IV«*'i lent’* con- . taapty./ Publishing Bn Hr- j Support of Bee- : vUU Station., h '* Support of Troupe station... I Textile school Board’s expenses. Ag. and £eg. La boratories and party aaing of /tMatytoek Nataioriam . . firtmsies seww. j Dermitory Good- 1 win Hall..t* Rrnslrs...*. ... . k' To erect cottage* Kngineering bldg. Farm imp. bldg- Veterinary hoep. Live stock she*: 1,000.00 2,000.00 mrl 300.00 4,000.00 j 1,000 00 3.500.00 : j 3,500.00 750.00 500.00 15.000.00 10,000.90 • 3,000.00 50,000.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 i.ooe.oo 2,004.00 304.00 3,504.00 >0 .W / MK).D0 i , 1 l.OOO.OO 2.5(10.04 ,000.04 'J run: yards After the Lord’s Texas; meeting dosed. prayer Totab...,,. $177,285.00 $164,0*5.00 i i r,aj Jl'NIOR FARM HUSBANDRY TRIPS. .-f Saa Aatoale. New Braaafds sad Saa Marcos Visited. I 1 .j Tbe tyembtra of tbe Junior Farm Husbandry class returned Monday evening from, a trip to New Braunfels, San Antonio and San Marcos. They saw several ir-* rigation systems and report a very instructive and pleasant trip. They! left College last Thursday evening, arrived at New Braunfels on Fri- V day morning, San Antonio Friday night, then Saa Marcos and bade to College, The following students took the trip: Lauderdale, Heller^ Maedgin. B. R. Robinson, Neale, Reichensteiu, A. J. Smith, and H. H. Jobaon. They were accom panied by Messrs. J, L. and W. A. Price