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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
BATTALION ■ WMlfiTtotUM SluJcBt* AMOCiatioa ^ A t ru ulru«»l.»4 M*a>»akal l oU«tf at T«xm T. B. HoiuowVt a bbam I . ' »» W. G. M a H.#ri C. A. S* HAD J. A. Cot Hfs C. W.iijr! (qHTT L. CtaaKK *eiM. ClA.» Max Vc P. D. Cai Entrrcd PK1C* P W tumor a CMM AmocwI« Editor-ia Chief • BaMaeas M«naC«r > AmMotiO Baatnesa Manager • - Local Edito KaChan^r Editor t - - Athletic Editor ^ tAlumni Editor ^ Ar.iM. C A. Editor .taut aaipM^ r * F. RtBUMEM c. M EvxHB A. TtBJt « O B Hahaia • ate SOT1CT Battalion i aame will taken of 4 | aacoud claaa matter t^n. leaaa. Fehraarv 17 ^ollo(e Sta- pfi :i. tfc'i fL ii-n-i =_ That ANNUM Li ir ■ -it DNESDAY, iMAUC^H 6, Bfr'1 U*k ■Tl-r 1 \ if: Itt j -11 t be? Instead of concen- the money it had to spare he college already established making it the model of all the l|tn|l, this money would be frittered a(«T^y on two, three or four puny ruifts and nobody be benefited. Wf State has ^three Noxtoaal Cel- whefi it only ought to have on^, the Sam Houston at Hunts- vUfc; that oug^t to be made the sujjtrrior of all other Normal Col leges in existence an^ with half the mopey expended for the three hor- majs it cuitld he made better than all three of theift now are. Some little, jself-cocking key- winding, wouldlbe politician, in- ih y! M Momt; § StMOg C. E.’* ENT t-STAINED of Prof. ao4 Kirs. Nagle Friday Nifki. The Senior Civil Engineering; class were royally entertained last ^ Friday night at the home of Prof. Nagle ami wife. After arrival the boys and girls were r parlor, and after a short con non the punch bowl was discovered. Miss Helen Kittle gracefully served the punch until the thirst of the last one was quenched. ' I f Each one was now given k card Kigated by somfl grafter, id always I end a penny. The card contained* WRTH TEXAS A. AXD M. COLLEGE. The tnre es College answer a tor am publish ficial o The foil article porary: • That Texas College North It is loo t ruction with a North die for i j» rln nn you go t< priations into two 1 opositiuo that the bliah a brai* b A. Nortfti Texas Legisla- and M. is well by the National Co-oper- Farm Joatual, Which is id Dallhs- n o* the P ing is a our North'Jrexas taontem- feady with soiiuf scheme atui every turn: there is a rake-off in it. and of cotirse the littK- kev-winder is strictly inU. alwfiys. Thofanners do hot haw muih done for them, •o.^ray do not ttV to take ihe little thfY froth taem. . ' 1 DISGRACEFUL twenty Questions of which thejah*- wers could be found on the peviay* A boy and a girl were allowed to work together and the ones that got the most correct answers would re ceive a prize. After all had done their l>est to find out the many mys teries hidden on a penny, Profs. Nagle and Spence were given the cards to be graded. | WTiilp the cards were being grad ed, the dining room was opened ami eveiyow was served with ice Yrfatn,-coke and many other good tilings. All dkl full justice to the ; occasion, The winners of the — ..BRVMk El AO Lx B. B / r i ♦ I ' ENG RAVI NG I V sl |f|]i it n ! i- i r.\ TtRINTING ] 4 3*38 Bt rTCR FRCP A AH ORDtRS CArr/Y r l , : * ( i - a ■ iiLiiiLiuku v i-ill Jtl D JUAB eveR BtUtRt „ >4**% r N finvial AinsTtoN wflOnG %30 I • ! Ar ; | ~ .V position to divide up the cultural ami Mechanical o two, puitiiq; one in xas, is a Grecian horse, means utter des- College near Bryan, ic kb little weakling in xas that will eventually of ijourikliment. in strength and when ividiug up State appro- >r schook, or colleges, tl|ree litfif Uidgets you simply hd^e two or th|ee struggling little schcfols n ul colleges that never can and t ever, wall accomplish any thing. l^itb less money given to strengthe and build tp one Agri- cultural 1 fcd Mechankal College something will be done for the good of the fa tniag interests of the country ai d for the proper educa tion of th i farmer bqys who are striving tc gecure a sck-ntiBcj agri cultural e< ncation. tf this iniquitous j proposition should cog e up in the Legislature, it is hoped! it •willj be strangled in the commitlee room. Indeed, not only the nifrly 300,000 meUibers of The Farmeas’ItTnian in Texas de mand that nuch a bill be kiKed. but y other firmer who in thsT succes^ of gticultuml ajvd Mech- The Fetleral Gov* 4 DlSCfRACEfVL PIECE OF ROWpYISM. l^ast Saturdayinight, onto of the ladies of the •'ambus gave a dance to ^ party ot youig people of Bryan and College. F*otn what we lAas*e rx/eh able to learn, the dance was strtptly a private allair, given by thdjlady at h^r o vn house and in hofor of a near rdlative. . j prizes were now announcetl—Mias t , 1 McDoagilB and Mr. A. Uderwood being the lucky <*«. i riH.- ptiais were presented by Capt. an^sofA aiidN. "or in-, who „ ((m w , rf' B, ‘' ." K 'T n f to McDougald received a ftiltBone. They .uocured v*ie Uamjf l A M C ant and Mr . r,t Mn ?f Pm *- rr Tf 1C f 10 ' t'dderwood a bctntifill sofa pillar hgltt u in tin windows «f the danc- LT c T f o; upon it. mg,room, ami tn*d to smoke out Lfi B L aL„ k by^wering the least nuTibet of questions showed Uiore wisdoin than the rest, and the dancers. Fortunately thqy were dispersed before much dis- comfort wascau-cd- there is any tt^ck more worthy of the lowest type df country’ bump kin. please bring it fo our notice. But it is encouraging to note th«^ the great maj^ity of the corps condemn it.*“' Well, let it pass.. No names, for we nil have learned the names by heart. And let the rowdies trust that no matter wlmt they do here after, this studeqt’body will never forget them and their deed of last Saturday night, k Food CoonaisBioeer to he at Cellere. TlieFi — OF BRYAN, TEXAS ■ - N therefore received as a prize a bank containing all the pennies. • Miss Hettie Marks sang several Songs and she was encored many times. At last the hour of leaving came; .everyone heartily thanked J^rof. and Mrs. Nagle for the good time that they had given them, and all were fully convinced that Mrs. Nagk is an ideal hostess. Those present were Misses Betts, : Adams, Hudson, Hattie Loo Hud* spn‘, Mamie Hudson, Bittle, McGin- jh, [ Jtalcom McGinnis, Cavitt, Designated United States Depositary. Capital . . SIOO,000.00 Surplus aif d Profits 45,000.001 H : ill-iiJkT: ! {lyir’l'l I’flv our patrons of prompt Att«o ndt-ardr hi tb« perforniai ! iWe desfietto aMure BP tion and pain taking end^aTar hi th"’ pertormaDOe of any and ^BiPt'rrkgs d»afpa4 at hurl humllw • J. W. HOW H. O. BOAT GUY M. BRf|iN. |JR. L. L. MclNN F. M. LAW 1 . if "It ]TI \i< f. ’ -c :... .ll- I . President s Vice Presidentb Vice President Cashier Assistant Her HI Board. Buchanan and Maggie Mc- he amendment offered by Mr. joongaid; Mesdames Spence, Sar- Thomas of Fannin; changing the | gent and Harrington; Pres. Har- Capt Saxgent, Prof. fr< ■ so does e feels an in ‘ the State' antctl Coll IciBment Bryan SiyJ l lar of this thatcolleg other such North Tex ewer be wi the Breseu « There m behind this j lishment ol Meehan, cal I as. Some | work^t get a soft one else State Agri Colleges for three, clamoring that in the | could be | J would j kkrtlttiwcjt one j IfeHni *' Region, or and this complied matter end? rest ia ye^r be di >llege near a dol- ;rtod from of pure fcxxMi commissioner j 1 Denton to AuHtin provoked 13^,^ Messrs. Bean.' Black, iderable discussion. In the jiakie, Boyo^, CunnmgluLm, E^p*’ casj; of the office being located at Ueig, Granau, Higgins, Kloss. Jon Depton would be operated In the ine Lflly, Masbuc*. Max- connection with the College^ In * I w«jf, Marek, KeesS«k Schnoeter, Un- rlal Arts. r - jt' Jerwood, Treadaway, Moore, Potts Itoin wns opposed to having ^ %Vessel , dor( . du V thei ofcce of commissioner located at behton. contending that it Would do Die girls of that college no good Ifkn an ^ should ^ Austin. Becauhebf th^Jf^n- , j|| r ^ Bravos offered a substitute for the amendment, as of- liege wYl established-in a’sehl have no Legislature would ig to do as much for allege as is being done, be some sort of graft d for the estab- aak Agricultural and jllege in Horth Tex- ly must be trying to to make a place, to > for himself otsonu iestablisnnu ot of two and Mechanical lead to the demand Texas would be one on the ground belt horticulture •gbt. This demand be granted Then xas would demand of the tropical and productions of that me Othe- reason, would have to be Where would the ^Tiat would the con- fer*d by Mr. Thotnas, which pro vides for the location of the Office of <he commissioner with the ajv parents for inspeclien at College Station in connection with the Ag- Itural and Mechanical college. ncu Adopted.—Kx. U' AUSTIN LITERARY SOCIETY. J The A. L. $. met at its usual place of meeting at 8 o'clock Sat- a*diy 1 night. After roll call the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted. As there proved- to be no new business, the program was rendered. The current events by Reese, [•at he tic recitatioitl by Eddins, de clamation by Skeelar and reading by Sherrill, went aU good. A quartette was formed by sev eral members who m favor the society with songs at intervals. There being no further Business, the society adjourned. FULL LINE Spalding's foot Ball Goods Pocket Cutlery anil Razors. Ready-Msds CIOARKTTR8 AND CIGARS ALLEGRETTI’S DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CREAMS AND CANDIES • ' I ' HOT or COLD SODA WATER ■ i ■ PUR* ICE CREAM. Ws Solicit Your Patroaagw H. H. hexav zjIv. iiRitohox h. i~ ;< HENRY: &i BROGDON BROS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! CHAIN DEALERS ANJ)-t” LIVERY BUSINKS5I EXCLUSIVELY FOR WHITE TRADE Haswi We can sui »cn in Bryan Call at I s Book Store the shool wants at the reasonable prices ! ^ ^ Dinner 12 at all ho AURANT & Haygood : j to 2 p. m. Short orders u v ii / ■ i • I jiiS' Oysters a specialtyg V -c] The Old Reli JOIN WITTHANN Tailor op !!! < Gan always be dej upon for Quality, Fit and Promptix GIVE US YOUR EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR i .E. OKICE, HOT AND COLD BATfll XEXT DOOX TO JUT BRYAN, T. KX« H AXOK E LX AS 1 HOTKL. m {DER A Freshiaiidiatool oa the bu-ning •; • deck: As far as we could learn,}* , j ! He stood there in perfect safety— n to He was too green to burifc * mM )