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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
f THE f ; im |fii 1. 'JHH =a=± . I 2- Published WeekJjrlby th« Students’ ^sscciAtion of the Africultnral and Mechanical VOU JME XIV ew Spring Styles ‘1-; i r : fi ; ■ fr lit -j , Walk Over Shoes COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, MARCH t3, 1907. 1 H iT>^ J-j^ > *1'! 1 in xS m Y. M. C. A mmmmm if t X II ; f. jr ii- \\TE arc now showing 25 * * new Spiring styles in Walk Over Shoes and Oxfords; every correct toe and kind of leather is; hep-. resented in the line* includ ing several new styles out this season for the first time in patent vicii patent colt. • gun metal calf, velour calf, vici kid and tan Russia calf. These famous shoes are being improved every sea son in both workmanship and mate rial* and today stand without a rival in high grade shoes, at the popular price of $3.50 and $4.00 ;i See ^display of the New Spring Styles in our show window. A. 4 M. COLLEOE 1 ! COKNELL ELECTED PRESIDENT FOR THE COJIING YEAR; WEINERT VICE PRESIDENT! . | /!'V J 1 1 DflEMS 10 DIUIS COIHNIIOII. Qeaeral Secretary Powell Snukat* May Be Seat I {* L I f* 1 i “ ji As the constitution ot the asso ciation requires new officers to be elected for the ensuing year before the lieginnhig of the spring teftn, a meeting fb« this purj>.«e ^as call- * I " 1 ed by the president. The officers elected are: Cornell, president; Weinert, vi|e president. Syroes, secretary-treaSureY; Ward. Chairman of Bible Study Commit- tee; ( Lettgett, chairman of Memlier- Flnp Committee; Kvans, chairman t>f Finance Committee; Ellis, chair- j tnau of Program CtJmmittee; Bow- 4r, chairman of Entertahtmetot ! Committee It was decided to send, if poaai- jble, our general secretary, Dr. jlfathan Powell, and several sftt- j dents to the State Convention at Dallas, to be held dpring the last days of this week. It is probable that several of the cadets going ♦H the Stock Show at Ft. Worth may find time to go from there to Dal las for the oouvention. | ' After tht meeting adjourned, there was a meeting of the old and tdew officer*.! i af A. 4 M. Weites Lefiitlatal*. following. arth Jtt prpm the daily praai; I, Senatoi Harper; af 'j , county and Repres^nla ! Davis of Brazos I ctived from the . Mechanical College pies of cotton goodi students of the texfi and Several of that school. Thfc a pretty Wide ran; fancy weaves, unbl ed ami colored say it is the finest ever manufactured i ton factory. The s4i|| A plaid gingham |n and light blue, thf pound, value 30 cents' A striped gingham blue, four yards per A fancy weave black and white, th pound, 30c. Two samples jacquhi and blue, • faucy W yards per pound, A black and whit plaid, two yards per A fancy striped light blue and pink per pound, 30c. A highly colored in white. NUMBER 22 ——r=3r black, red and greep, F, t Clipped iiuentone e W. d have tural and of s.iin- 1 ny the partment leN cov er lain and f. bleach • Experts 4J of jgoods as cot- include: ite, black ards per iree and a half yards per potiod. thja ktc remark: bite and I »s goods, arris ^ri Bryan Eagle tp An unf nished - niity, yards per pynmd, 7c. ]i A gray s leeting. thepe yards per ixjund, jigc J s the ] ■ “‘Tbeire is plenty of capital to Imildacottm mill in Bryan and . have it in operation bk the next * cotton sertsen, and the Eagle would rejoice to see steps taken in that direction. jThe smxessful manu facture of mill products at the A.b & M. Colltrge, as shown by the samples seft to members of the legislature, shonld be am intpira- . tion to Btyan toward'' securing such an enterpriae.’ F TF J I in white; es, three, lephdrd’s white, yards gnlatea. NO PLACE LIKE DALLAS. Cullpm's Maga/ine tells another story of the 1 depa: ted upnl knock ing at the gite of Heaven. This time it u-as a former citizen of DallasL j ji f ' I I I ‘‘Well/' Ludl St. Peter, after learning that the applicant for ad mission hailed from the North Texas metropolis, “you may come in, but I know >*>u won't like it.'T LYCEUM cdftse. jl WILL VISIT GALVESTON. That The Com pan ceived The me P P. B pam st; E. F. W Steele, by Miss who was ). me “Ssa lot’s Temple Quartet at Cfcayel Last Sator- Prof Fermler Arraacing Trip to IfflWiPji I cl,y ,or n ’ E emple Qnkriet Concert Tl»e Galveytoti News has the fol- of Boston |was well re- lowing i e last Saturday night, j I*rof. Fermier, in charge of mer rs of the j company ^are chamcal engineering at Agricultur- ,er, baritone and accom- al and Mechahical College, has D. Powell, first tenor; written Mayor Landes for informa- ber, second tenor; A. C. ;tion regarding the City, and stated Thej’l were assisted he was trying to arrange to bring Catherine Cole, reader, j a body of students from that %col- again and again, j lege to Galveston on a trip of iin- th was as follows: ; spec tion bf the different engineer- laract jr ...J Hatton concerns. fTemple Quartet |! BT thc mtliile , '. - - • Shortl ‘-•turn he states * ‘ Anabel Selected. oa Outfit Miss Cc of his com muni that it has been -“Good N ght Littleiairr...Macy lr. Powe! .....Van ae Water I Quartet I ; , ■ 1 • 4a ; - A Cutting from “Dohibey and i].L i... .Dickena Miss Cole The Phi ntotn Bandj*... .Thayer 1 Temple “Tlie Lig ithouse UiBa ? •The Tal ting MacMne’’ J. JiBailie “Abide With Me '..W. A. Potter T eta pie Quaftet his experience that stedents gain a great benefit by visiting and seeing for themselves such engineering features as would be of direct in terest to them, and that he was in corasiunication with Galveston as $ desirable place to .visit. A reply has been made to the letter of such a nature that it is expected a body of the students will pay Galveston! ia visit in the near future. Every consideration will Ik- shown them and every facil ity afforded them for obtaining all formjiti M. CLUR AT PALESTINE, rousing meeting of ihe I ex- cadetH , of the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical college, the Ander son cdunty alumni was orgam/e 1 Monday night and the fallowing j dfficeis elected: H. L. fright,] president; V. H. Foy, secretary and .treasurer, r The following membership was enrolled:! C. A. Strieber, L. G. Leneyt, J. E. Abra hams E C. Erhard, C. B. Soles, Etr. George R. Howard, T. L. Horn. G A. Kohler, O. W. Myer. A. Johnson. W. O. Clegg. ,H. 8. Davenport, y O. Berryman, E. Foster, George Radford, Clar ence DuBose, John R. Hearne, Jr.. William F. Reeder, Earle Butler, J^Orin Cutter, Ben Sarvis. The membership will be increased, and Mai Anderson county - association in a short time will be one of the strongest in the State.—Houston Post. the infc ion they umydeaire. The ne: ;t Lyceum entertainment is due to: alive here Saturday, the 16th. Ot that occaakm the reader, Miss Katl Mine, will be with t»- She comes to us highly endorse! and we ar : sure she brill score a hit. L^H v-, '' k i :! kf 1 -I I. BOOMNO A. AND M. COLLEGE Pi ( AT COLLEOE. The board of directors, with the excepting of the president, Judge Leggett, spent several days of last week at College Station. They inspected the groonds, buildings, and the various departments. They came to College from Prairie View and Austin. .► , Prof. E. J. Kyle' Visits High School a N<be* Wort of Posits. Prof. B. J. Kyle of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College is here today from College Station He spent much time at the high school, -hod m addition to inspect ing the work being done by the pupils he did not peg%ct tb speak a good word for the educational in stitution he represents. It is probable that he will id dress a gathering of farmers of this section tomorrow mort ing on the subject of truck growing.-—Hous ton Chronicle. n 1! / r 'v^i. to Ban St«tMa Hats CorHCs-Cooa Collar* 1 WiaOtw ShaOaa nJow CartauM Hair £.-aahaa P«oc4s sad TaWata Duck Paata sod Jam . 3 W1 . « CanrrtaS* Homo af I Trast» Ssos* 1 sMs Co.ars ' | Honsr Nov«I-n M»t* I,nr,.* Shoe, black S ' S.ntlc Hcd Tslcnm PosadSX n 1: T if 1 ± Skantacsaap l j jou Cloth du t . MaRAMmau >MB TO GADRTS. BURT NORWOOD ■ * IL.LLZ1 .ill ’ifiritff 4 l ill miil • !i , | if /£ ’ 1 I t iMk )i ! a it . i •.q]