Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1907)
txttflttttt M ' -! T ' 1 ! F 1 • ? Great World’s Pair held at San Fraticiaco. Jitst to pass the time away I entered a very cheap circus. ».1 u.: • tii e ir Twd of our old classmates constit- -4 ^ .be larger par. of .bei, a„„e- iuj jltui multiply. We also have t j OQS who ait at the electrical ma m JUNIOR BNNQUII (<■ ■■miDiigd fron I.bjjr I ) H ! t [[> r fi • !■ ; iljj I. I ilfii l| K iff Til - w f (• throneand listen tothe teachiui^sof a king. Eacla man has a head on him like a cell, but-this cell cannot be kept from polarizing when the king gives a qnlr. t We also have the mechanical wonders who have a department thg| can not be ex celled for lack of equipment. In U»at dkwrtmeqt there is a -lab.-* which Ls equip,**! with a twen tieth century gas engine, several barrels, a pair of acaiet*. a bucket, an oil ckn and a vacuum machine which 'is operated by suction. Unde vpike” is usually at the -machine. With fhe equipment these men have it is not a j>rophecy to say they will be well developed in tfceir line .some day. Next we have the C. U's -who in i will ruin many railroads and prob ably injarej -several more walking .over them hunting for jobs Uast. but not least, are the textile men who with their genius will soon be piakuig fabric out of sand, or will ibrner the cetton market. Thusjwe are all ! tonight until, so kx u M paitake of ithe pleasures of this otx Ssioti to our ;£ll Let each man ge closer to the other by this cosutng together. Let every ex- periepet be* li.ip]»y[ one and every thoughi lie a pleasant one so that when have_ longl since departed from our Alma Mater we may let our minds run back to this night’s pleasure and live it all ov^r again. l*'4llo'l| ciitssmate*. it -fill not taktf tbU wings of time long to to us, so let us, the re- [ot r tbe tidie be closer to- w< have ever been be- ’e nbal! sooti be scattered winds ot heaven, hllhig su in life. Wbeluer we whether \Te fail jma> we out old chess tn a to who Went s|d | by sMe with us for tour year's,; i | life's preparation. In this our i> utlilind—thefe is a place for us— ver>' «>*«—•“ developing its bourn less resoansfts. | So let ns drink to he liealth of ’ I Only a f.jw simple num But; dea to the class of naught eigh L' ; LU i Taken a|a sacred symbol .Of the > far we graduate; Brmgingi to fond reodlle(|liOiis Old memonc-s ever new—► The oolUge life, the fc-llowsfliip—* Well, napght eight, here' you '>|r; ■ ( | V They were Telfair, the fat n and Crockett, the wise guy. ought add that Cdckett can count to ten while Telfair is still one hun dred and two in the waist. ■ On the center pale in a glass case there hung a leather medal. It read like this; Donated by Chas» Puryear to George Earnest Skaggs aa a slight remembrance of the many yfears that we spent together in the section room and as a souvenir of his final triumph over trigonometry in June, 1905. j :On my way back to the city I stopped at a Chinese laundry. The proprietor who had a long white pig-tail and a mouthful of tobacco greeted me with a smile and I felt the firm hand-grasp of Teddy Maed- gen of Model Laundry fame. Pass- re, Ng on down the street I heard a familiar voice calling, ‘'Dbn’t you niver get hungry } A whole hog a biscuit, hii for a dime.” I coald hardly believe my eyes for tljerc with a loaf \of bread in one hand and a ham in the other stood Slfisa'sright hand man, ‘'Civilized” ^Teller. ' The fair was over and On my way home I had occasion to inspect some mining property in the Rocky Mountains. One of the holes in the ground which .resembled au old mine was sending forth large clouds of smoke from the ftowelsof hades. I instantly recognized the scent of ottr Textile Edgineering section. 2 arrived at home at last and as I was behind on. the news I picked up a paper and began to read. The tiikt article I glanced at caught my eyt. It reau as follows: College Station, Texas. Feb. 31,a <1949. Special to the Houston PoM.—The faculty of the A. and M. College today passed a regulation isetting aside a {tension find for the Itenefit of aged employes of the college and Students of long standing. Those wlqc> receive the benefits of this fir^it fund are two of our highly es- teemed class mates, J. A. and J. L. Coboltai. Fellows: I have slighted some of yoii. I know, mapy worth conspic uous mention; Imt 1 awoke from my dream too toon and I must humbly apologize to those who hayo l>een slighted. However there is one man whom I wanted to* load but! I could not find anything to exajrtly fit the cas^e, sol simp}v ask you to look at him. “Pike” Nea- therwood. , Let jus .drink, not to whig "Pate” may lie, nor to what he may "ndt be, bilk to what he and the rest of titfwilbbt. * ! * *r Mr •Our Swirlkearu. ■ Clas» Futuie Mr. TqastniiLstier and othc-i fud members Bf-the Class: There can be no doubt (that there is a bright and splendid future before niuny of thv members'jof r the cli-s of 190S. Every mefrilter hus some r>tse tint ed vision Before him and castles m tl»e air hoi less splendid than those wtych louCBed before the vivid im agination Hof the Knights of the Round Tafble. In. Jnne, 190.S we intend to don the armor and go forth as some modern Don (Quixote to wage w*r against V,, windmills. It is barely possible that some of us may not reach the high position in the financial world now held by Uncle John D. THlyfelter while others may fail to become president of the Uwed Skate*. However, there is one thing certain and thai is that some of us will follow the paths of gfkxy while Still more of ns will follow the pat hi of the plow. ! carional prwunce hredk. the monotony of A few nights ago after partaking cont.m.uu, stag panics and kiadlas our of, Sbisa » beautiful fepast t sat pride »• pladga our siacare admiration, down to iwruse Car hart's epileptics u is »wre. in one o< thr happiest hour. o< of physics. Ixwthed by the inter- our litua me clink our glastas together in nal feeling of satisfaction I was good fellowship and On D fc , 0 our .wwt- soowwaftan away by fhe magnetic hearts. r P - effect of toe ether waives into tlie After the aomt. were oew there was . distant futore nwma prououacud by some one—not loud. It » 1944 I am attending the but distinct; this call am. Hud-Hufr' lu- arr our sweethaarts at home e»- rhose of ses'enteen yearn or more ,*ut uur company, mail carriers in the limelight; then t here fcre the girls of Bryan who foster the lend* affections of th i ( mighty class. Though neither are repre- eantnd among us tonfght w« cherish iweet thoughts of them during these flying mo ments so dear to us all. To eur sweethearts at home we owe our sincefest regard and Mfectioa. To them who encourage us on So overcome the “re- dwa^eq" of his royal highness ‘‘King Lent' 1 and -to march forward to that goal so covethd by us which hears those invincible figures 'Off. To oer swuethearts in Hryan whose oc- stantly the hall rang with the loud calls for a speech from the cbtrs president. Mr. Huff gave us a short, but ioog-to- be-remembered brotherly talk. At the close of the last speech we all foinsKl in nine hearty rahs for the clUs of ’(M, sod while the distant hill^gaee Nmck echo wa parted lor the night. , If The banquet was not only a success in the fray of a feast. bsM it had a tar reach ing effect oe the clam spirit. The differ ent nystnbert were drawn closer together by ood of fellowship and good will which mill make the class more a enit In Icafeture work. A lumoe. IN THE FARM HUSBANDRY «*BNT. The Farm Husbandry Juniors have two and one-half hours prac tice per -week for two terms in the Farm Machinery •Depprta^em, ^ Thi* practice is made more prac tical by three hoars of theory per tveek which consists ofc lectures. These embraces the principle* up on which farm machinery is con structed, such as the names of the ^different, parts, the kind of work it is capable of doing and! rnMnnar of doing it. The points to l* con sidered in selecting a machine, such ns strength of material, simplicity of structure, ease of draft, quality of work and labor involved in run-, tiing it both from the standpoint of the leant and the operator. For example if takes up a harvester, giving the name> of the different irts, the principles upon Whifch it constructed, nature of the work 4oaq, and details as to putting up ♦nd operating. i The practice you ipight say is putting into operation the theory, in fact, theory would be of little benefit without the practice, hence the department has fatm- iaaple- tpentsof *11 kinds,, such as gasoline ehgines, binders, harvested, sbred- dfcrs, grinders, mowers, rakes, hai- ebws,’ sffeders. etc., of • various n»akes. *A shaft runs through the efinter of the building and each machine can be put in operaticDi fry tf»e use of one of the gasoline en gfnes. Two student are assigned to a machine, spy a harvester. They first put it iu operation to see thi Ft’ED FIRST-CLASS IlTIRt QllD. Tucker LIVERY STABLE ily Stable on Main Street. RNOUTS. THE ONLY RUBBER CARRIAGE IN BRYAN. 1 !'«• i "i ■ ? L Stationery. H. JAMES eading Druggist BRYAN^ TEXAS jl 4 —T* r-<——!• « j- ,*>;;• lilwjt: j ^ 'Pipes, Tobacco "toilet Articles of all kinds DO Uniform NUB HD A NEW PAIR OF ousers or Uniforms ARLIEI e Tailor AN make th'bI* for. Y,.t ON A FBW Divq* nbrit Bv Cleaning:^ Pressing and Repairing jT’ank his spccrAi.TiKn. DON T KOROF.T t|^ jj'I.AtTE—MoRTH of OaTHRIOMT C i]||i smooth if, everytqiag is rnnning aad then Cake it apart noticing how the pieces fit together. After hav- itqj had the theory one can readily see the connection, but could not without taking it to pieces. They an- not allowed to leave a machine uotil every piece‘is put together aijd the machine in operation. In cqpe something goes wrong they h^ve to find the trouble, which soon developes au understanding of thp construction of the machine. leu they have finished one *ia- chiiie they are assigned tt> another and so on throughout the course. Ab»o the students have practice with windmills of different power. Water is provided for from beneath which enables one to see the exact power of pumping water, as if the mill was placed on a farm. When one finishes the farm machinery cohrse he has a fair knowledge of the average machines used on the modern equipped farm Purdee has been sending out a seed corn special train over Indiana lately. The object is to bring dir ectly before the farmers’ notice the results of experiment station work, thereby henefitting a class of people which take little interest in pub lished bulletins. The train stops at scheduled stations along the way and short lectures are delivered by experts upon the selection of seed corn, etc. This method of instrnc-, tion has proven to be very efficient in the northern states and should be taken np ia tlie southland. ii'lj it liji T ■ T J-Mj CALDWELL Hh HALL KW yam, TEX. Give you»- under for 1 ! • RINGS 4las$ And all repair work to i. M CALDWELL The Jeweler Ail ktit 14 of \Y J» ( «r«»lry 6lr nil kindi •'«* HnF of China in ^*«nd Alarm Clock* at the luw*4 v prieet>. land, pain led China, Qui Gl**—. anil the'Hn PosiO iUJl ic<M l^EALERs IN- ore H H Kawlii|gs Bas^ Ball Goods j Huyler’s Candies Pipes, Cigars and Fancy Tobaccos HOWA R. CAVITT Emmol iWalorn Solicit year pat Drugs- .H’orftjrTTi St»at>iort« ©to. Soaldin AtlTi©ti. Good© o L h * own« ocol */. Allen M for Safety . Pocket Knive J r L- if/i 1 rai-i ill!» • i JHIi/r/,.-! rs zors Etc. ik =»= lenson’s j College Barber Shop will be provided with ttpo chairs this year. Prompt and first cta^ work. tf HOLMES * PARKER CANDIES AND FRESH FRUITS SHOE I N 6 R EPAI La ZIN ANTI CLASS WOHK I* ST