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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
m ) m i i ; i.-*i - rt' I iT ri T m [ ■» 1 f nHjVjnj • i IUI n j Sophomore Number T d s A ' y 1 It i i Published jyeekly by the Students’ Association of the Aj snd Mechanical College VOLUME XIV = COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FEBRUARY 20, 1907. Fl ML LINK Spalding’* Foot Ball Gooa» il»«4y-M«d* CIO A RETTK8 AND (IOAK.S ALLKORKTTI8 DELICIOD8 CHOCOLATE CREAMS AND CANDIES HOT or COLD SODA W^TEIl PURE ICE CREAM W« Solicit Yoor Patror 1 f? f We hove been requested by Mri Paul L>, Casey, aditqr-in-chiet of Junion number of The Battalion, to make the following announcement: bellow classmates, your attention is called tp the propagation of the neat issue of The Battalion. It is to be a Junior' number, but we must not forget the old boys who were with u* in the fall of 1904. and have fallon; by the wayside. whether JupioiA not, who know the names, huhereabouts, and business of any whtj have been members of the class ’06. please hand a list of such u^ionie on the staff or drop in, the Battalion box in the Main build' mg. We dapecia})y desire to get the names of the ones, also their partner,; I that have been entangled in the mag- jifimonial net, and the ones who not only left the ranks of class 06, but the living at wet!—if there be any. And more, make It a point, each! and everyone of you, fo hand in: something; remembering that is to be an issue by the Junior Class and not merely by the staff alone, to whom ■ » — in ' - I - I ! you have irl trusted the management. J. A 11 en M V P r* A sccon * 1 tush'’ in the senior — J; ^^ quarters (gA-er the mystic “ten”) IO r S 3 f © t y Razors f was narrowjy averted by the stop- Pocket Knives, Etc-fp* 11 *? of ^ “ cane - ro » h '' V. M. C. A. An interesting meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held in the chapel Sunday evening, immediately after supper. The meeting opened with t,on g, Mr. Bean presiding as leader. The subject aet forth was, "The Primary Purpose of the A. &M. Y. M.C. A. A few' verses, fchild In Kzekiel 149, were rea<l, after which reading t3ie lead- Let everyone of yOu 01 brobght forth several good points bearing cm the subject. I: SWtsoa Hags CortiMiCosti Collars a Cuff, Ovck Paata and Jan,pars TenWa Shon. I TaMa Cover, Hoaar NosaltT Hats TaMiaShoaa. black * whitg Stag**** Shaat. •tbaa Bruaha. , Shi a ola Oatftt Whitt Gloats B S a T. N (Tits Bagla Drill Shirts Conatarpaacs Tooth Sraahaa Shaaiag Soap Oil Cloth Raga T rank, a ad Salt Casa, I A WK.L1OOMES TO OADtaT®. BURT — NORWOOD -trd: Mr. Qomell read a well prejxired P a P er on the subject d Perhonality. He gave several instances! of the power of (iersonality or personal magnetism In his concluding sep-1 tetures he suggested several ways by which Y. M. C. A. mien may use personality iu inilueucigig their felhwv man along uplifting paths. A fter a short prayejr, led by Mr. lyllis, a talk on Fellowship was given by Mr. Weinert. Ffe show ed how the YJ M C. A. promotes good fellowship among tbe mep. He also showed conclusiyely the value of puch fellowshiD to men in after-life; T, The Utter port of the meeting was devoted to business Dr. Powell was elected General Secre tary ot the A. A M. Y- M. C. A. Thi: addition of this officer makes A. & M.’ the second Texas college to have a General Secretary. The ofl&i-e places the college among the leading schools of the state in Y M. C. A. matters. Dr. Powell -pointed to the good the association had done for the college and point ed f urther to the fact that a gener al secretary would place the college in touch yyicb the leading schools of the United States in Christian lines of work. binding if moee convenient, the Y. M. G. A. has deckled to hold its regular meeting.) on Sunday nights, immediately after supper, instead of Sunday evenings, as heretofore, in order tohaveenough time for the meeting. A Commit tee of three was appointed to see • Preiident Harrington aboui having study call sounded thirty minutes' later on Sunday nights. The as-1 sociation is fortunate in getting the president's co-operation with them in their work. 1 He granted the committee’s request gladly. It is hoped that as this arrange- mei.t does not inconMtqfence any one in the matter of time, every body will attendlthe meetings Aaatla Literary Society. The A. L. S. met at i^s usual place of meeting Feb. t6di, ’07, with an at tendance of about ao merabers... The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted i without change. The program, for the meet lag was good and those that brought up their parts did well. Norwood's recita tion on the mercenary soldier dy- ig in a foreign land was good, ui politician. Bob Trench man, expounded the Bailey question. The defense of Andreas Hofer, that, central figure of the land Ty- liol, was read by Mk. feampsoo. Clayton discussed the necessity of ability for public shaker in his usually efficient style. This com pleted the program. The next program will be of interest and all merabers are asked to be present.' New Sp -r. NUMBER - Ing Styles In Walk Over Shoes \AfEare now showing 25- JJ new Spring styles in Wa Ik Over Shoes a nd Oxfords; .every correct toe and kind of leather is rep resented in the line, inclod- ing several new styles out this season for the first time In patent vici patent colt, gun metal calf. Velour calf, vici kid and tan Russia calf. These famous shoes are being improved every sea son in both workmanship and material. And today stand without a rikal in high grade shoes, at the popular price of $3.50 und $4.00 Whei in Bryan Call at I Haswell s Book Store IMfT |ft 1 We can supply fall the shool wants at the most reasonable prices \\ Athletic Mee At a meeting of the corps -Vi the chapel Monday bight, the qtieMiori of organizing a track team ai d the team’s possibilities were dis ussed. Prof. Campbell, faculty mans e* of the track team, made a short t Ik to the cadets about going onto thi team. He said that a good cinder tra< it will soon be constructed at the 1 hletic park. He has arranged to g t the members of the track team e cused from drill. Prof. Kyle remarl id on the coming baseball season, q id he asked the boys to decide on the num ber of gstme* that they want i n the ? < Prof. Kyle was followed by t A. j| Neff, ’03, who reminded the 1 cadets of past victories of the track rej m and of the champions that A. & 'HT in those days. At the close of the meeting mktee composed of Moore, V Wessendorf. Adams, T. A_, D Wortham. Leggett and Hai lilton] was appointed to solicit prizes for the different events of the trac on April 20th. had exchange SHAVING PARLOR J. E. CJRICE, Froprteio. HOT AND COLD BATHS Emmel /Waloney Sottelt your patronage Soaldino’s Athotic Yjroods C-> ti o co 1 a te s M \ i