Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1907)
Y: Freslimart Numt>or r T XIV -*4r-* - Pnblished Weekly by-the Students' Association of the Agricultural and Mechanic N rUCL- Llts'K SpaldiQti’» I ¥oot Ball <;ood« Popb*n Cutlwry alii K«»t>r«. Ready-Ms '• CIQaRKTTEH AN1> CIGARS 1>EMC CREAM HOT or bOLD L.L.BOH] rotfs cm i a ^ n € «• OL.ATE N U I K £ SOI> A WATER f*U;iE tCK tfUFAM. * 1 'f Ws Sc licit Year ‘ifMinonafS' ' COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FEBRUARY 1907. of #1= LI-.. NUMBER 18 BIBLE LESSON FOR FEBRUARY I Mark, Chapters 9 sqd 10—Obt line. Chap. 9:2-ii-**The thLee leaders of the inner cirtte see Jesus in Messianic splendor. 1 14-38—Jesus exercises power on I>etnomacal Possessions. 30-32•—Jesus makes 4 short v^it' to Galilee. 33*37—The political ambition : of the twelve. 38-42—The political; conception of the Kingdom causey the twelVe I to blander . ^ . \ 43-50—The ambition of tae twelve imperils their prospect iof | entaring the Kingdom.; Chapter 10: 1-12—-Jesus instruats ] concerning the sanctity of marriaoe. 13r 16—The significance of chilq’s life- . j .p. 17-2*—A pious rich i man turps away from the Kingdom. 23-31-—The twelve amazed at Jesus* teaching regarding riches. 33-53*—Jesus goes to Jerusalem. < r Wm MANY Hi \k MlsS klDI) J. Allen Myers for Safety Razors Pocket Knives, Etc. | There was a young lady from l.y Who was so exceedingly thin, w i ITiat when she essayed To drink letncfdade. She slipped thrmigh theistraa f fell in. — I 1*7 ■wn : mm m J? B HR \v People of Bryaa. as Well as College Sin- dents. Attend Her Recital. The much heralded recital by Miss Mary Carson Kidd was given in the chapel last Saturday night at eight o'clock, under the atfspices of the Glee Club. To say that the entertainment came up to expecta tions would be putting it lightly. Miss Kidd more than fulfilled the many promises; made for her. / Our musical critics pronounce the re cital the greatest thing in the way of music that k*e hdve ever had at College. Many cadets were present, as well as students from Allen Acad emy and Texas Womans* College, and residents of Brvan and College Station. Standing room down stairs was at a premium. ” A special train was run -to accommodate the crowd from Bryan. j Miss Kidd ^ras repeatedly en cored during the performance.; Her voice is unusually clear, and she sings seemingly without effort certainly with no straining effect. She was ably accompanied by her brother, Mr. Aldridge B. Kidd, at the piano. Mt. Kidd is the com poser of several pieces on the pro gram. His **Wynken, and Blyn- kei^and Nod’* jwas especially ap- ptauded.; * The program rendered is given below: . iTF a H ,i |i PRdoRAM. 3 T I. ide) i.. Mcwenei — Aldridge H. Kidd (b) Wynken. HlynkUn. aad Nod ^Aldridge B. Kidd Seheno -i.. .L....... . Chopin Mr. Kidd- (a) O. Thai We Two Ware Mapiag - ii .. .. t... .1. ....... . Nevin (b)N ainka> Soog. A . Von Stusmann (a) Je *uia Heitreuse —(l.ouiie). .Carpentiar (b) Je «uis Encore taut Rtourdie (Marten^ .LF. I - •i. -k^-- _..-.Maneetiet Vabi- 11. , I |Sptiy>ing Song—<‘*Fjylng Uutchman") • -i i .,, .1.. I J. Wagner—Ltist Mr. KidtL Micaela'* Aria—(Carmen) Rixot (a) Kitournelle. . 1,.. |. —1 . ... Chaminada (b) Frilling*narht... 1.. . . L .,. . Schumann h < f Indian l.yric*. (a) I'empie BelW I '| j b) LeaaThaa Die Uum (Amy Woodford c) Kashmiri Song j Fiaden <d) Til I Wake Jj | » Ah, non Gpinge—(1^ Sonnombula) i 1 Bellini Coovriehi IWb The Hoove of ICuf—v—nKoimr' Moaquito Bar* Ten no Slioe. Toyota TaM* Cavarf StaSaoa Mata - . Soaar Novcltv H.U Coatua^i'oa Collara a Caff* Tfwaia Shoe*. Mack * whit* Baglo Drill Shtatai WindiapaRaBw Siagla Bod Staaefa Window Cartatas Clotlx Sh.aola Ootfit Wtata Clovaa B. s a T N .TUd PeocUa and Tablet, Duck Paata and tamper* ' WfcaLaOOM To! G A DK.Tfci. Sha-rtag Soap O0 Cloth Rag. Traak* aad Sadi Caara URT! (NORWOOD >RP liajp Cra Men*s enette ais it - F*! VA'V, mt:. ' op vri| Hart Sch I 906 by fy Mara Withoft a doubt tbe most practical Overcoat you can wear, good in all kinds of weather,cold and rain proof and right up to the minute in style. We acte J showing the largest and most com plete assortment of Men's Craven nette Coats and Overcoats ever brought to Bryan. Every correct style that will be worn this season is here to se lect from, from the short top coat to 1 the long 52 inch coat, injsoUd blacks, dark greys, tans and fancy effects at J' $4 ‘ " $1 $18.00 $20.00 : - r trnnpr ; . - fi , ' . -1 » if i S -a., i When in Bryan Cali, at Haa^ell’s Book Store ,, j Jj!?- We can $|ipply all tlie shool wants at the lost reasonable prices IB Falghaip Visits Texas. id I After a thorough tour of Texas, Arkansas and the Territories, Ham den McK. Fulgham. representing the Census Bureau at Washington, D. C., dealing directly in cotton ginning Statistics, is firmly 6f the opinion that the Farmers’ Union in these Stases Will solve the mat-waring problem of the cotton planter. | He travesed Tex as from the Panhandle to Houston. Mr. Fulgham visited Bryan on his tour through this start-—Bryan Engle. 1 his trip of Mf. Kulgham’s is of en>«cial interest to our Agricultural students, for it will only be a few years until the present A & M. boys will be among the leading cotton pro ducers of the state, and they are al ways desirous of obtiinint raformstion of instruction in that line of work. *— It is perhaps a good thing we have so excellent pair of, scissors. If we didn’t, there would probably be some "white space” showing , . r.ilvi ift. JiLiM A cane To see run. And in the thickest The Bull came runn might} He yelled. ‘‘Attentu The boys took his They took no heed. They thought he on.” | So on they fought main. To win the rush snd Then comes the * ran. I Says, “Stop this fight man.'* And now dear Sop! strife, And take this for fun, d make fight, with allt th* his but sad to say Another way; labored on, ust an inch' t|) might and the cane, fit, and in he you'll kill a Pets end the College life —S. A S. EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR J. B. O HICB. HOT AND COLD BATHS KBXT DOOR TO KXCHAXOK HOTBt. BRYAN. TEXAS. r l m ■ r . She; What do yoR^lfnk of smoke less powder?"’ He: “It is dificu a vest.”—-Ex. ii !■ Emmel ..&w. /VYaloney Solicit your patronaga Or'tjfi Station Ot,f 3 LaO-W <3h hocolatoi