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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1907)
i L PH* ' n Tit BATTALION l J ls=nz^a4|i^ I I|i>p i 1 ( r \I ... .M., ri i ll H.mlithW W< t h MUl R. W. F, A. t. CO! C_ it.'S%4in T. JaBEEBLE Jl’SRORC V h C.^I Editor ASftll T4«V lUElV'** 4«Hr" c Ai-iE v * N * I' D«B HMimK At<IOR sipB- H r * •-[ E4m^- A*«A<*ui« Lditer-H -H 4 '- ut * 4 • • AthN I r : i f- I PWCE EE* WKDI THE € Editor IstMtft r at ColUfr Sta- ii SET IHfr L * s : Ficiauary a?. -^4= SUMBER OF THE diildren (of the BA TT The twi yo» n A. hnd M, Col leRC have trietf |beir istul tniH,' and numbers of The >nl^ shou^dl the proud of. bill improve th|t hi] :h cel lance 4 r «4»l! I student body it th rae for the lis aaility ithia Band asoji of sediority,'is ex- elelirly'|estubliBt| »he leed *'jrhe Ped is the Seiord/’ | of editor* must •<« l»e t, cl *W rivalry, for that p«i potie- • The pui^ose j» m >re writers to Oon- jxibli unions. ts nru^t be foun<l_>\-ho are Witlifig to 'keep up land next oldeuphil i to si to wield, tits mi| 'ktp which by peeled to fact thai Mightier, This c: mistaken is not the is to deve tinue our Sfudetu able! and ii • j standau: attained arp of ex- by the ii| of ik'ptniwmr The Battalion a nb the Ixetag This neeid is >eidg realized too. as ^%eral excellent Writers have already bee* discovered, and jit is our hope that this Junior issue Will furnish evidence sufficient toj Sus pect that (there afe jet with aur great ■ , tech” sdlu>ol a ffcw "kni(:hts of the 1»e*’| that hhve hot >>eeii do ing their dpty. I The meeting of the Colonial Con ference at London. April I5< will mark the bcviBning of one oHthe most critical periods of the mb<tern history of 4 h r *i pdwer nation. ifU 1 |i u> * 1 -wtl m ^oci Boll Goodn «;<o lety *nfl toaadjj-ifa'h CiGABKTBS AND CllO^gs ALLRGBKITl’ai nBMpfbUrt «1rtot <u,a i CBKAMS A Y I' i: .MNDI H<^T «»r CI?L,t* 5s|>DA Vt A'I^EiH STOCKMEN PAY OS X VISIT M Messrs G. O. Oreswell, E. Boog Soot t of Coietnan Were the guests of Prpf.. Marshall and Dr. '^rdnd* lost Week. Each pf these gentle men had a herd of bulls hereunder the care of Dr. ^ PdaUcis, who ac- chmated*them. Mr. Creswell left hi* tijo stallions and one Aberdeen Angus bull {here', hnd Mr. Boog Scott also left a-Hereford bull to be prepared for the Fort Worth show HH of these gentlemen are friends V>f the College. Mr 11 gividg the Animal Hus* Department an Aberdeen steer last fall.and Mr. Boog giving Prof. Marshall the t of his last years calf crop, this crop wort first prize at the lait International Stock Show These gentlemen recognize the im portautance of the College and are always ready to apeak a good word fur it. BOOK NOTICES—NfcW anT *<44- rto old. ' P°T stanmt Nodae has been given out that the Sthte Yi M. 1 C-l A. will hold the twenty-fburtli convention in Dalla*., March 14-<7- THE BIBLE. “This book contains the mind of God, tie state Of man, the way of Satvat on, doom nf sinners, and hippiress of lielievers Its doc trines ire holy,its precepts binding, its Jiisi ories are trne and its deci sions are immutable. “Re»d it to be i*ihe. believe it to be safe , and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to sup port you and comfort to cheer >x>u. It is "the traveler's map, tlie pilgrim's:staff, the pilot’s coin pa js. the aoldidr's word, and the Christian's charter." Here Para* disc is! restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is- its grand, subject, our good us design and the glory of God| its end. It should fifl the mOuhire, rule the heart, and guide the feet. "'Rebd it slowly,frequently, pray erfully^ It is a mine of wealth, s paradise -of glory and a dver of pleasure. It is givea yot*^ in life, will be opened at the Judgement |“The Development of the North i fHp^el the Civil WarVolume • XXTII. By Joseph Morgan Rod-1 geirs A. M. Edited by Fraaf^t W. 1 Thorpe Ph. D. Published byTieo I Barrie & Sons. Phil., Pa. TJhit book deals with the history j of’ th<Y Northern states since the early 6o's. The leading event* ate set before the reader in a very Re tractive manner and forcible stMW. It deals with the forces that are so vital not only to the North, but-the South as well, more heavily than he does to merely the narrated events, special attention being given to-the successive causes which have redulted in placing the United States at the top as a world powtj- He brjogs out how in the last forty years the poptilskRih lias trdbled. Wealth increased in a much greater ratio, and while as yet the natural resources and op- poftuniUc* have not in the least dithinish^d. Recognition is given individuals who have benefited in dustry. art. science, education and — dust letU Kiag Lear." •hakespeare—One of his four erpieces, in fact King Lear is 1 pnt at the apex of Shake- re’s achievement, and by many judges at the head of the dramatic literature-of the world. The story was did and bad already been made subject of a play, a crude effort by -some nameless playwright during the experimental stage of Eliza- hethian drama. Xlhere, as was his constant cus- toi|», Shakespeare followed the main lines of the story as it was given him. Here too, as always in Shakespeare, if we pierce to the core of his meaning the real trage dy is a spiritual one. r 'I King Lear" is an imperious nature, wayward by temperament, and made most incapable of self- government by long indulgence of his. passionate whims. At the opening of the play we see him striving to find a refuge from him- | self by surrendering all his wealth, and power in exchange for abso lute! love. Love i* the element up on which the old “liing" extant,, and age, instead of abating thi4 and ;bd remembered forever. It involve^ the highest responsibility, the greatest labor,and con- hunger, has made the craving more * trifle with its con- imperious. He demaudei love not only ill spirit but in letter. A* if | in sympathy with the chaos in Our Exchanges. Leak’s soul, the elements ( break the best exchanges on lo«|e; and in the pauses of the Acade bla-it we hear the noises of violent Record, a neatly gotten up crimes, curses, heart-broken jest ing, fhe chattering of idiocy, and the wandering ‘ tongue at madness. The min ^-rought 111 the cfld be- ri/i Amoks nr lisj this week ate, The IV • K. 3 Kjtrtr «-UBA ia*r^ t •l l — sz patnphli :t published by students of San Antonio Academy; The Pur due • E eponent, *«i enterpris ng daily! f ©m Indiana; The Rocky h iug’a hea Mountain Collegian, from the Col orado Agricultural College; and I The » Cbapparal. from our sister j college, the College of Induatnal j Art*.- The C. I. A'*.' are certain , ly getting 'the proper training in literary work as well as industrial- is it reparable, >.apd ihe tornado wjiich whirls him t«> hi doom, names with It the "just a unjust. * r The ,X of Camp and Wood craft. By Tloraoe Keplpirt PulW iy- Javcaile Idea. Johnny (i* 1 cemetery why didn’t the man here go to Heaven? ,, 4v—j-Perhaps he did, my 'son. Litklej Johnny—-Qut it say* on his toml-stooe 'Peace to bis ashes,' u*t he a warm place where zshes.'f—KM. T LitkU- Ji Say, paiv, “S!r h r^itv~E and n there's c. enour. on noticing his alarm clbck was last. .“J will de clare. 5 that measly clock cheated minutes sleep this pp^o 111 Ridi i lisht d by the Outing T’fblishhig Qov I New York. jNs- tlie name suggests, this book deals with the sport and life in the woods. Outfitting is treated in de tail; this alone makes it acceptable, The one who contemplates going t© the wilderness, either fdr sport or kawyn'M^ that have lited iu the city ( The book) consists of artickts con tributed to Tlie Field and Stream and Sports Afield: It is well illus trated, ! l • .5 ■ u me out pf five mornjnj; Dora- -What a fine!) mouth >nu have. It she a girl’s face chiseled should be on Evan; —Well, I rarely ever miss tunity, and- ll ■S' , " I wmmmm A CopyriKtu ii h ; I I Moa^udt.- B»r Towda ! J StclBoa lists l c 000 Collsrs j WMMU ' Window Hsi* Hr, Psoctls snd TsSlsts PsnU aad Ju m A •A I TfMs Shoos j TsUlt Casern Bon»r Novsitv Hats j.u \ Tsanis Shoos, block * white Slagle Bed Sheets Clothe* Brushes Sfcmoht Outfit White Glores if-. B. S * T ■-•jk* Ks*ie Drill Shot, Coemltrpsoes ji Tooth BtruAhes shsvtar Soop oti'ckUuMt; Truukt end *«| 1 Ca4a 1 • j 1 f I i BUR M. *f- MKNRV HENRY! I.IVERY HL1«LNE« IM K TO O ADEPTS. ’ I » : V NORWOOD , J. V. BROODOX Ml. P. RUOOIMIV & BR0600N b4o$ -V.SaLE AND RETAIL IN DEALERS < | ANl|H> ••• ‘ | jt Wj .*;! M fij- -n S3-SS- - kxOLETSIVELY FOR WHITE TRADE —I..; < The Fir J: 1 -I fi l esignated' Capital Surolua an 1 I 4! : W#« lifMtr- • 1 U-n «i< any t-©rt »-»t J. W, HOWE H. O. BOATV GUY M. BRY L. U MclNNI ?F. -VI. LAW * . -X t National Bank DE BRYAN. TfXAS. Inited States Depositary. Ft Captur^di.—A Philippine story By U.eneral Cbas. King. Publish ed by The R F. FeDuoCo., X. Y. The value of thisbook which treats of the love of an army officer to j the daughter of a grafting civil 1 sethiam., lies iu the good descvifitiou jot the life in the Philippines. 1 Profits i-eure i»i>r f>atr»i it’g ©•rL-dVat ll th-it-ee tjrt'trod nt GHT i MR- SIOO,000.00 45,000.00 i ' v r.T '** t f I>rt>ni|it > ‘tl- pflVtl’^iMUC. | • >Ur lihmla. > r J 'PTKKtdent Vice President Vice President Casfeler Assistant Cashier RES Hig§ Dinper 12 at a!! ho J & Haygood 2 p. m- Short orders Oysters a specialty 'i