Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1907)
v ir''w 1 VOLUME XIV f H Published Weekly by the Students' Association Agricultural and Mechanical College >f Texas. : re COLLEGE STATION, AS, JANUARY 30, 1907. FOJLL Spalding a Foot Ball Goods 1‘oekat Cutlery and Razors. Haady-Made fclQARETTES AND CIGARS A CLEG BETTI’S I)EX.ICIOU8 CHOCOtiATE CREAMS AND CANDIES HOT or COLD SODA WATER, PC RE ICR CREAM. We Solicit Your Patronage' . f, m\m\ , 10 Bf ClllfD TO RND OCT NUMBERS OF CADETS INTENDING TO TAKE PART IN FIELD MEET. I l -'' Pm FOOTBUL MIN16PR. A Good Football Schedule Expected Next Year. INTERESTING TALK! MADE TO BERS BY PRESIDENT LAW ALUMNl' ASSOCIATION. MEM- NUMBE R 16 lor Owing to the inclement weather it jura* not possible to take the Tuesday br Saturday runs. The roads will no People ol 4b< State, •< IS POPUlMt. dale the W ork ll * * Inf 1 • f ! i { Men*s Crav Coats ijfl K. M. Last a> J. Allen Myers for Safety Razors Pocket Knives, Etc. ( Mr. F. M. L.«# of Hr van. presi- ent of the Alunttii association of the Texas Acrix u|tur«r and Mechanical lldoubt be in good condition by Thurs- Itollege. who originated jhe plan of (day when it is expected that a large J Agricultural andj Mechanical ^College number will be out. • i^lubs recutrtly oUMni/ed in seven .cities At their meeting Monday evenihR 1the State, talked interestingly to the Athletic Council decided to have I tilembers of the -Harris county club class meetings called to And out just 1 last night an me purposes of the how many are going to paiticipate inlrlub movement, and told of some of the Field Meet, in order to determine | the things they' giight do as a dub to how much more track equipment will | hold "Oid Collate*'and the cause of Industrial educanbn, in the Southwest, r.? I! % (Continued on page a.) ,iii •- -- -V i 'tavs the |{ouscdl||pacH "Tl'he Agricultural and -I hi Ft! ll- M v-q L.h 4 X \41 ■J K Mowiuito Ban Trents SSora Towels 1 Bbls t ov*r» Stetson Hats y Bonar Kovcttv Hats Cijrlsss Cepe Co Bars * Ceffa Tennis Shoes, black * white Window Shades * Stn0s Bed Sheets Window Curtains Clothe* Broshes Hair BswAM j ’ j 1 ‘ ! If-! f* 1 —— Powder Pencils and Tablets uj | . ) Deck Paata S*d Jutt. [wrs ’I t Shinols Outfit > Whits Cloves B. S * T. N ATiee Eacte Drill Shirts Cosudnrpanes Tooth Brashes Shaving Soap Oil Cloth Rugs , Tranks snd Sait Canes WRLkOOMlS. TO CA'OFITfe. BURT NORWOOD ' ' >; • ( i . Meehan ic- of Mi^piigan has more than dents iiitnually,” said Mr w. TjThe Agricultural and Me- .-hanical collegB i of Wisconsin has more than 2000, and in Illinois and each thd Agricultural and Me- as over 1500 stu pre-eminently an the college has 500 not taking care of vO ’ T Iowa each thd [hanical collegi dents. In Tl agricultural Stati Students^ and k them. ITie college has been hampered miserably hampered,” said Mr. Law “ever since it was organized. And the trouble has bee n lack of funds. It has been enabled to more liberal support than it (has received at the 'hands of the legislature. (Jo there now and you will find boys three and four in a room, ^vhen your own ex perience and judgment tells you that! <wo in a room is all that can be per mitted If the best results in studying are to be secured. Not only that, but the campus'is studded with tents. Fellows come to he admitted, the dormitories are all filled and there is no place for them, hut they persist that they must come to college. So theTents wefie put up and there they are camping out to get the advantage of the collegf. ' I CONDITION SHAMEFUL. "That's a shame. Such a condi tion ought not to exist; Here is Tex as, a great, rich and magnificent com monwealth. There as the Agricul tural and Mechanical college, the only industrial school of its kind the State, and yet scores of young men are being turned away from its doors yearly because of a niggardly appropriation. 'ITieTe are not the {facilities^ for them. There is not the dormi|pry room. ■*Prpsid«w* Harrington is asking for some ipecific things f(om the present legislature. I think he is extremely modest in his 'requests, comparing what he is asking for with what is needed at the college. But - he says he ha* confined himself to the needs that ate imperative, and here they are: Two ' dormitories, an engineering i . Without a doubt the most practical Overcoat you can wear, good in iill kinds of weathcr.cold and rain proof and right up to the minute-in style. We'are showing the largest and most com plete assortment of Men's Cravennette Coats and Overcoats ever brought to Bryan. Every correct style that will bej worn ♦his season is here to se»- lect from, from the short top coat to the long 52 inch coat, in solid blacks, dark greys, tans and fancy effects at j'-'' $12.50 $15.00 Copyright 4 Hart SchaHher' Has^ We can sui $18.00 $20.00 then in Bryan Call at ills Book Store all the shool reasonable prices , i j, 'ii wants at the uildihg, x steam heating jplant, and 1 a warehouse for farm implements and machinery. There are just a dozen of other things that we need and could make good use of-#-*- gymna sium. a natatorium, a Young Men’s, Christian Association building, etc.; but these are the things that are ab solutely necessary if the college is to meet in any way the present demands.” Mr. Law urged the young men of the Harris county club that the thing for them to do is to prtseAt the needs of the college to the Harris county members of the l^gtsla^use and them to remember the college rn- rime «-mr>e* lb make appropria- the, /ear.j All of she other ciuoj aao busy along this line, and the Harris county clufat > rill immed iately get to work. EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR J. E. ORICE, Froprieto. HOT AND COLD BATHS MBXT DOOR TO RXCRAKUK HoTVl, BRYAN. TEXAS. . jii 1J Emtnel iWalonoy - INSTITUTION Mr. Law said he ricultural and Meehan be a popular institutioi pie over the State, understood," he said, people have the op iCoetinoed oa ib 11 jfl; POl ULAR. « red the Ag- coliege to dnth the peo- 1 erever it is ifherever the to see 2) Solicit your patronage 13 ret 03 IP © rftr irruQ 3 ^ Stationory; etcJj 1 cl in. .tTioLio rOOd3 .own® ’ ‘ So Oh -kownen 3 lrocola.t.e3