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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1907)
THE BATTALION. Published Weekly by the Students’ Association of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. VOLUME XIV COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, JANUARY 23, 1907. NUMBER 15 FULL LINE Spaldiifg’s foot Ball Goods Pocket Cutlery am! Razors. Ready-Made CIGARETTES AND CIGARS ALLEGRETTI’S DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CREAMS AND CANDIES HOT or COLD SODA WATER PURE ICE CREAM. We Solicit Your Patronage. J. Allen Myers for Safety Razors Pocket Knives, Etc. BRYAN, TEXAS PROGRESS OF THE Y. M. C. A. Two Handred Men Expected to Enroll For Bible Study. T he work of our Y. M. C. A. is maksng good progress. Alteough the association is comparatively young in our institution, it will soon show itself equal to those of other colleges, which were established many years ago. All that is necessary is for us to stay with it now during its infancy, and in several years we shall feel the full force of it. It may be the means of our getting a gymnasium and other things here. Xhe association is pay ing its share toward the salary of student secretary for the state, who will endeavor in turn to secure for us one of the twenty different Y. M. C. A. buildings to be built at different col leges of Texas. The A. and M. stands as good a showing as any col lege. A budget has been made out, and without doubt we shall have these things in shape before long. Differ ent cadets have been around organiz ing the Bible classes in the different halls. According to indications now, at least 200 men will enroll for the Bible work. Another endeavor of the association will be to get good speakers to ad dress us at different times. This will be an important factor in our life here. Copyright 1906 The House of Kuppenheimer -Mosquito Bars Tennis Shoes Towels Table Covers Stetson Hats Bonar Novelty Hats Corliss-Coon Collars & Cuffs Tennis Shoes, black St white Window Shades Single Bed Sheets Window Curtains Clothes Brushes Hair Brushes Talcum Powder Pencils and Tablets Duck Pants and Jumpers Shinola Outfit White Gloves B. S. & T. N.'.Ties Eagle Drill Shirts Counterpanes Tooth Brushes Shaving Soap Oil Cloth Rugs Trunks and Suit Cases WElxOOMEi TO CADET©. BURT NORWOOD cross corny clod. Many Interested in Cross Country Running. FIRST CROSS COUNTRY RUN Held Saturday, With One Mile Course Along Wagon Road. •Friday evening a meeting of those interested in cross country running was held in chapel, Prof. Campbell opening the meeting by suggesting a temporary organization in order to carry on the trial runs. Upon mo tion, a committee of four was elected with Thompson, the track manager, as chairman, to take charge of the trial runs. It was decided to have the first run on Saturday, Feb. 19. The following are the members of the committee: Thompson, chair man, Huff, Richenstein, Utay and Cornell. The membership of the Cross Country Club will be chosen from those making the best records in the runs, and as it will be quite an honor to be a member of the club. Don’t fail to give your name to one of the above committee before going out on the runs. While the cross country runs are somewhat apart from our usual college athletics, an effort will be made to get jerseys for the team. The first cross country run at A. and M. took place Saturday after noon at 4:30. The course for Satur day was along the wagon road a mile in either direction from the I. & G. N. Station. Uutil further notice there will be runs on Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday afternoons. The course will be different each day. As the boys get in trim the runs will be longer. About twenty-five came out Saturday and the mile was more than enough for some of them. This is something everyone Can take part in and more should show up. The equipment for the Field Day sports has arrived and can be found at Shearer & Wyche’s tent whenever wanted. Murphy is doing stunts with the hammer, with Ross and others also working hard to master the new plaything. Spivey seems to have the best of it with the shot. MEETING OF AUSTIN LITERARY SOCIETY. The A. L. S. met at its usual place of meeting January 19th, 1907, with an attendance of nineteen members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Mr. Clay ton was elected recording secretary upon resignation of the one holding this position. The program for the meeting was a debate on the subject, Be it Resolv ed, “That Home Influences Have More to Do with the Shaping of Man’s Character Than All Other In fluences Combined.” The talks of Messrs. Berg on the negative, and Clayton on the affirmative were es Men’s Cravenette Coats Without a doubt the most practical Overcoat you can wear, £ood in all kinds of weather, cold and rain proof and right up to the minute in style. We are showing the largest and most com plete assortment of Men’s Cravennette Coats and Overcoats ever brought to Bryan. Every correct style that will be worn this season is here to se lect from, from the short top coat to the long 52 inch coat, in solid blacks, dark greys, tans and fancy effects at Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner & Marx $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 JUST RECEIVED.. w • » • a Kuill uine of Spalding Alhletic Goods. W« ^t u ^^o e8 prices HASWELL’S BOOK STORE DR. BLAKE ON “COLLOIDS.” Addresses Scientific Association on this Subject. Dr. J. C. Blake addressed the Scientific Association last Friday night on the subject of Colloids.” He be gan speaking shortly after eight o’clock, and held the attention of his audience for about an hour and a half. He defined and discussed col loids and colloidal solutions, perform ing a series of experiments during the lecture. Dr. Powell, secretary of the society, announced that some future speakers EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR J. E. GRICE, Proprieto. HOT AND COLD BATHS NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS. pecially interesting. The decision will be Dr. Ball on “Archaeology, rendered by the judges was unanim ously in favor of the affirmative. There being no further business before the society, it adjourned. M. H. W., Cor. Sec. Prof. Warsall on “Live Stock,” and Prof. C. S. Potts on a subject not given. The first two lectures will be illustrated with stereopticon pictures. Miss Prim—>“ln Alaska they have reindeer.” Mr. Nervy “Yes, but oftener they have snow, darling.”—Ex. Underestimated. Friend—Your wife has a very un communicative expression. Husband (sighing)—You should hear her talk once.—Bombe. Emmel iVlaloiiey Solicit your patronage Duutc^s Perfumes S t a Li o n e i? tj etc. S;p ul cf iu^j’s ^VtTieti e Goods I_kOwney’s Grioeolutes