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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
rf $ t H-i L SHIRTS j CAiYIPAIQN MATS 5* REGULATION BELTS? WHITE GLOVES ? Til. $ . ' Ht-KpiAL Soticf| !-4-Oar Mtix k of drill ahirtw fajltv* jarriver) ror tli«* itp^niog of th* Oal- wan delaye l in nhipment, and hav#i . Bo wa mjw have a full ntook of of the drill wbiritt oflered iha thii* 8PUH011, and rrould rtarn alt who have not yet aecared th^ir Rb|rte Tf f lege, tut ; ju«t arris-ed i.all a*tt< 1 -tudeol* I etudeptM { Dot tOdoiay their purchareo aa each atutient i reqaifeil to have tifo »h|rt*>, and the *>upplv may no^. laat long. M!Ii:Sh U- K OR EAT IfMtSlQiL TREAT. has alwa I thq Glee club lo bri musical attraction each yearn-an; alt ord inary, ou trifle the grent have a| di as well | 'evrtiing, So lai, t . unable to recdre t ? tra4tion at ai . theH-fort has all is tt’ith great the Glee .clul| is ab] Mil s Mary Car' appear in the bo urc ay night, tebru ' *he right tp tl; om of the coming Ac terica has beti uic astrated in^ New Vork, Boston, j Ix> idon and 'P^ris, as well as in many other citi ry ptid abr oad. tVe are all prpud Sir the College above the be heard and one that educational a pleasant ib has been vfry best at- lable figure, k nted any at| de then that * to announce| Cidd who will chapel on Sat- >• 9th- Miss Kidd as t sopranos of horoughly de-! th in this coun- ! — — -i s The Ciy National Bank DESIGN A-T I U MINTED W'ith capital, s dredthousand over half a mill eral banking ices to the pul lute safety, as| experience am the officers am management the faculty a College solicit O. S. E. M. ALBEI ED. S. E. W. 'AM, TEX AO D E P»0 SIT A FT V" OE T M E -® QO V E« MISS EMT’ •Ius and profits of one hun- illars and total resources of dollars, transacts a jren- >iness, and offers its serv- with assurances of abso- laranteed by the character, financial responsibility of lirectors charged with the tbe Bank. The business of students off the A. and fTj *esld IN, Vice-President W. WILKERSON, Cashier iRDEN, Asst. Cashier tENSHAW, Asst. Cashier HUNTER & CHATHAM — RAILROAD T1 mi A IT. C. sjcHEDULK NOETH BODNp TRAINS. No,81 ..I ..l... Ji. No. Si... .i ..i. • SOUTH HOP? No. 8 No. 6 p. m. 18:88 A. Up. ( flntr) RonNfo TRAINS. ..*:«» P . m. Ithc cup No, I I Li. N be i I SolLfH BOC? ‘ 1 r F- No. 101 SOdlTH MOtTND TRAINS LOC — Club will :h nigbt. arve » C. M. IIvans wil hereafter be JMfltant ipitor on 'Battalion.; MENS FURNISHEJtS, ME TABLE ^vell known In gt>lf circles, being ! the winner of several champion ships. £reigb Collins is a well known tennis player. He is the I Western champion and now holds ered by the Kenwood l :57 a. is. fftapyLCountry Club. Everyopg is famil- :in: iar with Eckcrsall’s athletic history. He was quarter-back and Captain 9:88 a- in.! 0 * Chicagb s *o6 football team. H EDUlitt. D TRAIN# These men' harve many friends who 4:66 p^| pi-1 will patronize them and no doubt jthes will *be successful in their • enterprise. Earnest Caklwell. who was here ; as a special in ’oa-'os, is running a farm and ranch near Clareville, Die BHazos Ooi ntj A. and M.Jllexas. T^e has a nine hundred yt'e are all pren sh4 is a rexoi-j thp last si* ofsdvei in < Paris, L^Rtlbn Italy—most bf 0*e teijcity. Some of her teacl ner of Bos tow; Si| nunani of Fionei Isidore Braggiolgi, l>u| now of Flob Arpiand of the| 4, < of Paris; and Sij (tbe song writer) o| i Mian Kidd f ?'da ences” in London, interpretation _ an< Italian music Hei soprano. The prioe'ofj ad onl y 50 cents, so oo4» may t#k< a raae opportunity U; banquet Friday j acre pasture and fitie hundred acres in cultivation, “thifee hund#e<l and the staff of iff will the ^teai:PpIant at on Aie 15lh inst. ' , £jtae Ids* numbei was edited by Mr. seoce of the Kditoi-in-Chiei Cadet Paul J. (Jonnor ret to school Monday three weeks with has been dangerou Cieoige Grupe, charge of the steam plant jat Ctoi lege Sta!tic|n almost continuously tc 18 years, ipok has Engineer 6f the di A. M. Miller’* 00 of The Balt Bean in the after spen his fatter, who imTi has l>een in 4 [usly lor tion i is Cluef ge be* it January 15. ! IJf' Kish: What doe srthe Bugle: put onejtwo. three, fou^. and ftiT short ‘ president's Tennih Cabidet.*’ are as follows: Lieutenant Rbscue C. Bnlmer. XT. S. N-. In command of tjxrience. that in t j K , Psewdent’s yacht, the .Sylph. ; make ope tefrO, Bfigadier-General Ttiomas Tf. Bar- :C«ds for? we fiad, notes, after the per Junior: Becaus: three jears of ex the first period we and in thjft seconc zetOes, etq. The Pejcheron Prance has preset t meat of aaimal hus 1 Ohio State University brotize figure of a trophy wifi be competed for annual ly among the stuc structions in horse T diversity, the greatest profici#Dy to hav c name inscribed on figure. A new sporting juat been organ meters. Chandler ate from Harvard University, is i J J., k« charge f liege St#t fifty of which will be cotton, om; hundred •fifty in planted iri i n cape and ^ I have a| hundred head of Hereford cattle which look very pretty, and plenty of gra^ Jo keep them fat all winter. My horses and males, of which tlaere are ten. bead, are doing well. The place is well improved. Besides six rent houses, I have a nice two*st’ory building to live in.” Mr. Caldwell asks that he be re membered to the present juniors, who were Freshmen whpn he was h "' ! . •: HI , In the correbt number of Ridge* wkySt there are pictures of “Men Whose Proficiency with tfie Rac let is a Title to ^fr. Roosevelt’S Confidence.” The names of them nuu. who are also called the; we make two *rse Societ y of •<1 the i depaft- iandry ■ of the pdsity "with a E^rcbcrai. This eots taking in- judging at the o|#e showing the the has* of I rL joods house has ry, U.:S; A., Acting Chief of the! General Staff of the Army: Mr. Al ford W. Copley, Assistant Attornej’-j (General of the United States: Mr. Herbert Knox Smith, who succeeds Mr. Gaifield as Commissioner of the Bureau of CorporationJamesi R. Garfield, Commtnsioner of Cor porations. who will succeed HUch cock as Secretary of the Interior Mr. Robert Bacon. Assistant Secre tary* of thd State; Mr. Gifford Pin-* chat, Chiel^Fbrester, in charge of the Forestry Service; Mr. Law rence O. Murray, Assistant Secre- irnd in Chicago tar V of Commerce and Labor. with Chandler Kg an, Kreigh Col-1 Benson’s College Barber Shop lina^ and falter I ckersall as pro- Kvtan, a gradu- will be provided with two chairs this yea?-'. Prompt and first class work. tf >f the fact that havfhg spent ^ears^studying md Florence, |me in the lat- :rs were Whit- >r Snigi Van- gly; Signor rmerly of Paris Mme. Anna a Conrique’ ’ Paolo Tosti [London. v 1 ited her audi- specially in her rendition of [voice is a high pission will be lat the entire Vantage of this WTTI ^1 -EUSTKIISt© THE wmhB Brushes thing in 1/ -42 Sbisa’s Resider -43 Boyett’l Resident -44 Boyett’a Store. -45 Prof. Fermier; -46 Prof. Firrmidr; ■ -47 Prof. Mitchell’s -48 l>r. Powell’S R« -49 Ketchum's Re -50 Clisrlie |Nhc|l, -1 I. & G*N. Static —2 Prof. S; iBbom'^ —4 Cow Ba rn. 4 —5 Mufe Barn. 4 —6 Implimeot Barn. —7 Senior ' Quarter*! —S Maunir gg (Pfeat f Numbers matked asterisk (*) artj not vet 1 ;:]iI ; plD| l>allas News Tke the 1 exas Agric dtural Cal College met in called terday morning At theO giving considemtion to which will be selit toj th naming W. W| Evans j #s superintendent of the* succeeding W. K. Rabin signed last sumncE 1 right o( way thrt^tgh the pus to a company which construct a» eleqtric-line eo College Sta Several special appropi large amounts vaill be askl Legislature by the direct clare that the necessary in ord the work of the An appropriat be asked for thej tory capable students. .\t boys are domi money available, for die { mote tents it isf said othi would camp in order to congestion in th# barracks. For an engineering bui! 000 will be reoaeMod. ing departments are to be. dated—civil, eletrriojl and ural engineering^ 1 j There will be requested a farm equipment building, struct ion may be giv#n in I of farm maphingry. H I lit ■ r. ‘ ■ 1 11 bOLLCQE T^LtPHUhf: NUMBERS. ] ? or the convegti^t * of the college community the fo owing list of tel tphone numbers s published : Tc-lephone < ffice. * Dr. Brown*? Residence. Bryan.! Residence. Residence. ' Residence, ibisa’s Office, '.esidence. [Station. * iffice. Residence. tin’s Residence. Residence. Office, tin’s Office. House. ’s Residence. & Spence’s rfi Lk Dr. Brown’j Prof. Weirl Prof. Spemj Mess Hall,] A.J Neff: H. ^ T. Cl TelejihJine I Prof. Ijear’j Hospital Prof, Fbun^ Dr. Gilt Prof-i H’eir Prof j IJbtA Shirlbyi Clt Prof.’ Hut Prof. Naj of&4| Prof. Nagl ’s Residence, John Cars n Jr.; Treasn- , rer’ s Office Prof, C«>nr di’s Office. Guggnhehi s Room. ■ Andrews’ Office; Secre- • tary’b pffic 1. *--35 * Prof. Kyle 1 Residence. - -26 1 Dr. Harr dent’s l^ffi* Dr. Hhrr dent's Resi Prof* Jbh: Skagg’s R Agricidtui Dr. Frap’ Building. •32 Prof. Jun -33 Dr. Blake Build tag. .34 Prof. Con 35 Dr. BdlPa - 3 e Clark ; H •37 Mitchell 1 -38 Light n g t o n; Preai- 11 g ton; Presi- ence.. on ’ s’Residence. am. il Building, ffice. * Cbem. 's Residence. Office; Chem. dl’s Res. * .evidence. Janitor’s Rea. * l- -39 Agricultural Building. * Bachekirs’^Lill REG JWA.N need of Pet fumes. Dentifrice, or) any- ollet Articles. Headquarters for! V. and M. College m TF: Stationery heat for all buildings except the mess hall. The college is said to sand: much I in need pf. fine dairy and b#ef cattle, j as well as fine sheep. As the best individuals of the ; choicest strains are desired at the col- | lege, to obtain even a few of these [will necessitate a heavy expenditure, demonstrating. Prof. H. H.'Harring ton. president of tbel college, semes, that education in technical and indus- ^ trial science is much ^more Expensive :* Akan education along literary or or dinal) professional lines. Thataollou ing director^ were pres- ith art em: Capt- K. A. Reichardt. Hou»- |service, rsn; Judge K. K. LegethH Abijtoe; *X. rk AiT-sler, Hempstead; Capt. A. ! I- * / College file . maintenance y 1 rtors lechani* I ion yes* il Hotel, report | tislatur#, Toleman fe farm, who re- ’Sl \ nr* 1 tti That Number of Fever In ^ix Days. Shawnee. Ofeta.. Jaa. 15.—A pecu- grannng I liar disease. • ornnionfiP calUKl swanyi cam- ( fever, caused fifteen d««tln i In tha p <Mes lo ] Secred Heart district In th^ south part ^ ^ , , , _ ff. S. „.. ^Sr*^K f *• ’ j An 1 ti»’ . iotas of of the w ho de will l*e conduct -41 Dr. Residence. a dormi- ring 125 ty-four W were haw of students eve jtt| ( | Secred H* sit district In th [ of the county In six days. < Five nirsntters of one buried In one day. COLLIDES WITH FRglQHt^ Engineer Queen and Baggagemen Hart Loea Their Lives. j Kansas City, Jan. 15.—A Rock passenger train collided wRAi trgln seven miles north of FarkervUle. Mo. Engl sear M. Queen and'Baggage ’ !1 V.‘ fi ock Islan^V 1 a fraicht \ I I Sian Charb* Hart lied. Ancient Tomto Discovered Cairo. Egypt. Jan. 15,—Tho<*l->-e Davla. an AmeHcan explorer, dlgcov- trtd at Luxor the tomb of Queen ; Tfc.. wife of Amen Hotep III. *The tomb contains mummy coffins. Coptic Jam and numerous Interesting objects, (t Is expected the Inscription* '•rill pro.p •u the link hitherto miaaing la enetefft Exyptian histoty. \ Tha Old Reliafala ! - . JOHN WITTNANN For im heating pla» ‘eq ue*ted This plant ,00U for > that in*- 1 us* and $40,000 fumis TaMor Shop Cod always bo depended ! upon fob. Quality, {Style, Fit And Promptness-.... GIVE US YOUR ORDER M iMI */: Vi