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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
T i : '* ■’ ' ; W\ if ]• s mt- rltfl Jfl Il Ihlij !,p il J : ili 1 i* ! wf • l,’s m n ‘ j * f I if * L ilL 1 f A Mfr .11 ME Published Weekly by the $tudenta' Association of the Agricultural and Mechanical Cc VOLUME XIV college station; Texas, January ie, 1907. of Texas. : JL. ' I i foo. I*nekr<t tJLt. LIN B Idipy’s ; Ball Goode lUady-M tl'iARETTKS A i'trH M<»T pri ■ Cutlery at. I Razttt*. KiH ULEORK" fl s»: OCB .C«< *' Ol.Ai E AND i A N D3 E S 1 L* )LD aol>A waiter ice tji:Tam Wa Soiatt Your > ilroil sm ty *ri MEETING OF AUSTIN LITERARY J CORN ELL'S |PEECH AT THE LAST SOCWtY. | y. MC. A. MEETING. The A. L. S. met for its first j j iThe ten diy* 1 spent at the Rus- mejeting in the new year, January 4® CoifitAtc^ were the happiest la] 1907. The rfecorclinK secreia^Y [CPW l> « st l, a>4 of ray life. It was not being absent, the corresponding sec-1 ^' very p r a« gathering, but every rettiry took his place. ^Tlie tnin-1 ^xtn went thkre to learn something, ut<S of the two preritms meetings 2 Ad 1 htliedi- he did: 'n»ere were weEe read and adopted. The trea-J<4!b' dei^gates. but hey were 1 stiver made bis report on the finan- |ce* Of the society ior the fall ter»n. ] It allowed a small Amount of money Jon' hand. Thif aAiount ought to ‘benaercased by everybody paying hi^ dues. The constitution and by- latts were then read by the secre tary, Mr. Bkan impressed on the memlters the necessity of immediate wcjrk. We have Only five months ah£ad of ns, and if anything is to be accompliahed we must get down to it now. The programs of the next two meetings will consist of debates of interest. All members Should be present. M: H. Wein-ert, Cor. Sec. for Safety Razors PockOt Knives, Etc. anrAN. fty good cj^wd of men and boys. The Rustin people opened their I dmes, undi welcomed us to their 1 dwu. ‘rh^Mayor tuyned theytown r to ' us^f, and we hallowed and ed uptil ie couldn’t. Not a case < fl misheha^or was reported, and " Tr rvbod\ wore a smile, not a selfish i aitle. but "natural I \\* at di NUMBER 14 ■ ^ = ’£> j 1 Qlfect Appeal, to the Supreme court m — ' » » _ « mm JJ / WaBhlngtoa. Jan. 5.—It was stated */. I i & tl Iff VOI*S at'tho dapartment Justice that at* _ _ I Tf pekl* will t>o taken direct to the su behalf of the cases under the employ art" liability act. which was recently avoided to be unconstitutional — dj ,H il m t i*! a •• r *N'I 11 V {. Cra nib 1 tied good old together in a mil near Mt r gathe iMially san ltd them on^s and y e meal, hear f 4 ? center of the town, g around the table, we -.a song, returned thankw fun began. College Is were in order during it was very interestinR the different institutions, lelegates from Alabama, fkansas. Georgia, Louisiana. Miss- „r pp1 ’ Okl4h oma. and last but not lei*t. 1 exa^ T1>ere were men from hlrty different colleges -4- seniors, uhiors. sophomores and freshmen, achers, tAachers. lawyers, doctors mixed together. Several delegates men and wore mus- couldn’t tell it by the Mi /' 9 o’clock each im»-}ing in some sort of ti 'Ie IB, conference *nd nnn- l At these conferences pre.. |dl n ^skre mar ^aChe. but Wfy they a< Front 8 was spent «My; 9 to lstr> work.j M&n’s knette Coats ' Without a doubt the roost practical Overcoat you can wear, jlood in all kinds of weather.cold and rain proof and right up to the minute in style. We are showing the largest and most com plete assortment of Men’s Cravennette Coats and Overcoats ever brought to Bryan. Every correct style that will be worn this season is here to se lect from, fcrom v the short top ccat to the long 52 inch coat, in solid blacks, dark greys, tans and . fancy effects at Mow kite B»r* tow, l. . ji Sunea 'HA Copyright n» The House of Kupp-nbeinw Teams Sheas Table Covers (Pkoar Navel tv Hats V Shuaola Omtfit White Clavas a. s. A T. N fries \ ' Corti uCaoo CeSars * Cuffs Tsntus Shoes. Mack • whitaMBaCte UriU Sh.rtsL WioAow Shades | SuZU Bed Sheets Ooeaterpaaes Curtate, teas J udyken ints tad Jump : c-thr. Bn Talcum Powder Shavia, Soap Oil Cloth Rota 1 Tranks and Suit Cases Yv ELLhOOMfci TO OADB.T©. BURT NORWOOD fver\ falloi# had a say-so, and the delegate* outlined the different sub jects. such 3 as “How to Organize a Bible Glas|,’' “How to Spend the Class rtoaifc*' and “How to Select Leaders.*' Ten to eleven. American problem* aryti Foreign Mission work. Kleven do twelve, platform lectures, which weret very good. T'he after noons were Ipent in interviews wish the speaker^ and in athletics. Seven to eight in the evening, platform ad- ht to nine, conference one in the morning, thirty, state conferences, bed time. T'he {VinCtpal speakers were Coop- «r. l.afiamim , and Murray of New Vork, Milliard and Weatherford of Jhldanta, Harte of Mobile, Hobbs of Kansas Citd M McCulloch of Nash- rflle. anil KeAwn of Texarkana. Be sides these, there were some fifteen or twe nt K V- Mjl' ^wretaries. La Hath me-gave us two lectures on Ureign tnisAon work. He has just Seturned from India. 'Ute district in India where he worked has 250,000 people. He.told us that there were 20,000 widows under seven yea rs of a*e m 1M>4 'Lwo or thfee forceful lectures were given on ( hoiwittg a life work. Be Sure to choose something that Vee enough to hold you down. I'he V- M. C.jAf could use 200 college graduates now. but they are not to be had. lliree;hundred pulpits in the Presbyterian phurches are vacant, and they can't get men to fill them. The faMgat mismon • board wants one #iousand nAn each year for ten fears. * - Cooper’s lecture on Sabbath des- ration Was grand. 1 wish you all hsve heard - it. If we could gfct Cooper ^own here. I believe he Copyright Hart Scb $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 JUST :CEIVED.. a E’uII Ltine of in<i AiMcne Goods.. Why order W* aell pt Cblc would wake some of and thei sooner the Boys it is up to thing, fcnd let’s th to the vheel and do I'he total enrollm<£t colleges represented is 8,74) L, df which 1,35 studyini ; the Bible, a: d promisM to increase 3,458 ly June. N must biing up our si Let's show them tha cannot be outclassed underta tes. Dr. Brown told us per cerg of the efi mitted by men and years of age, and tha the crimes were com that never attended read the Bible. * Ediao > says that cent umpiration and fptratioa. I'he greajmt see something and toteHji -T -i * u HS WELL S BOOK Itat rllows up. some- shoulders the thirty onference are now delegates ■ to we be load. A . & M. emy-five cotn- ^nder 25 cent of people hool or EXCHANGE SHAVING PARLOR J. E. GRICE, 1'roprleto. HOT AND COLD BATHS NKXT DOOR TO BXCHAlfOK HOT XL BRYAN. TEXAB. 'kegh i is- 98 pmlrent I : in mol ■ /Walonoy j Solicit your patronage >' IDrijQs Stationortj * otc. Spat ding s \ Attiotio Gooci^ I of V hi o col at i ! f I I- 4 k gi