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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 2004)
4 Friday, September 24, 2004 AGGIfj THE BAIT. ‘Punisher’ reprimand^ TICKET FOR ONE 'The Punisher" on DVD Starring Tom Jane and John Travolta Lion's Gate Films ROBERT SAUCEDO Reviewer “The Punisher” was made for a specific audi ence: The same audience that enjoys monster truck rallies, beer commercials and movies like “Blood- sport.” It’s for people who don’t give a Jean- Claude Van Damme if the movie features a be lievable character arc or if the plot’s logic is hung out to dry while the camera is rolling. “The Punisher” is the perfect movie for plopping yourself in front of on a Sat urday afternoon while your brain takes a tempo rary vacation. The problem is that the movie could have been so much more. Based on a Marvel superhero originally creat ed 20 years ago as a bad guy for Spider-Man to rough around, “The Punisher” tells the story of Frank Castle, an FBI agent who has his family brutally gunned down after taking out a venge ful crime boss’ son. Seeking revenge (“No, not revenge ... punishment”), Castle dons a semi costume and takes to the mean streets of Tampa (sarcasm alert) to clean house. A simple story of revenge, “The Punisher” is a fitting reflection of the comic book character’s mental state, a schizophrenic tornado of a film that can’t decide if it wants to be gritty realistic or darkly comic. The film tries its hand at a variety of tones, never finding one that completely fits. Scenes where Tampa’s leading crime boss (John Travolta in one of his patented villain roles) reacts to his son’s death attempt to be realistic and sympatric, but instead come of as cold and flat. Then we have scenes in which Castle battles with a hulking Russian in a hor ribly cartoonish battle that would make Wile E. Coyote wince. The comic scenes make the film memorable and the aforementioned Russian rumble and a scene in which Castle tortures an informant with a Popsicle and a steak speak of a poten tial to be something different in the straight- to-video days of Steven Segal and company. If the film wished to focus instead on a gritty take on revenge, the character of is one of Comicdom’s greatest sources tapped mental pathos; a character horde: the edge of insanity. Instead, the film struggles to reachaiu stumbles down the rough side ofMt. Stt A collage of shots and scenes ripped froc films, “The Punisher” perfectly display: tor Jonathan Hensleigh’s skill at beinga The acting is perhaps the worst pan film. Thomas Jane struggles to convert tured pathos of Castle, but looks as if ingested a half-pound of Taco Bell am find a bathroom. John Travolta phonesu formance of a potentially sympathetic When the audience is asked to empathi; Travolta’s motivation behind the assass of the Castle clan, there is not enough ei in the film to warrant any. When the film portray the scary bad guy, he can’t brealiii'. his likable charisma and audience memhiet The m b nir isior lies,! instead be expecting him to break outicl at any moment. t One of the few memorable aspect! film is the great trio of actors who Castle’s fellow' tenement dwellers. Agi misfits and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos(wk way is convincing as an incredibly sexy who just happens to be living in the Tampa) add lightness to the constipated of the film. In one of the documentaries on th producer claims that “The Punisher’’is film to shoot in Tampa. There is area that. It's hard to believe anybody would>:■ Greg downtown Tampa dressed in a blacktrenclinsfo without dying of a heat stroke. flue set The main draw to the DVD is a prequei;flubs d book by the creative team of Garth En-flirates Steve Dillon, w ho reinvigorated the hero recent past. On the DVD, there is the usicl The of extras who are actually more than ifllinche Olyn stTy Iwed i er ti ic Cc vestij mple ve pla 01 There are two information-packed doci ries about the making of the film: "Kes flampa Real: The Punisher Stunts” and “WarJon Also included are two featurettes focus;: the origins of the characters. “Drawing!! is a short interview with Tim Bradstrtf uber-talented cover artist of the comic; series and genius behind the theatrical crs. There is also a commentary by the: director, Jonathan Hensleigh, and a coup promotional pieces: a trailer for the upc24e Punisher video game and a truly stupid - [lefiniti video by the remainder for a once pn band. Drowning Pool. 199 Itart o T tytn i Ik I lulu ami Iijiiui Mink tan I s ivi il Wail to sto 11 on \i,!tO Gat«-n llio malinoo ^ I ud i ul ii< mi hill in I cami i uf ni ilils in ilvinu ’ r ’ ( I ' 2 2 LOW VJOi JTFJLV F'oyiLLj JT Means ft Grp^- locations r 1999IEEP GBAMn CHEB9KEE J l GBANII CHEBOKEE #235928A ) c 2001 CHEVY isiio mm crew cm ^ r 2002 CHEVY ^ J l SUBHilBHlI Z-YI J #2174P #2084P ( 2 3500 li BE l G D G°B E ) C 2 °S|IKSI il11 ) (8992 FOBP ESCOBt) (2003 JEEP MBEBTV) #1889P smm #2213P A I IAWRI I i * .1.. HZ/ OUNTRY 2310 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, College Station 800 Presidential Corridor, East Hwy. 21, Caldwell 979-696-4700 • PRE OWNED TRUCK CENTER 979-696-4700 N -HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY ikwayA / Experiment stai federal agencies join in study Texas Agricultural Expf Station scientists are t operatively with federal assessing the effectiveness o 1 ally funded conservation as part of the 2002 Farm Conservation Effects Ass# Project examines conservatif grams across the nation. Iti a watershed assessment which evaluates the benefits servation programs in select: watersheds — including the U Bosque rivers in Texas. "This! has two main benefits," said! gas, director of the Texas AS 1 versify System Blackland Re and Extension Center in “It will confirm and justify ta funds for conservation progtf farms and it sustains and eit; environmental quality." Tin ment Station is receiving mately $600,000 annually A 2007 for its participation ect. The results will be Washington and used forai* assessment, Dugas said. W go to: http://agnews.tamu.e^ news/stories/AGPR/Sep230 i; Compiled from “I all sa I