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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 2004)
COLIN LANE - Thc Associated Press |toright, Stanley Bigley (Kenneth Bigley's brother), Craig Bigley (Bigley's son) and Philip Bigley (Bigley's ■) speak to the media in Liverpool, England, Wed. after a video was released on an Islamic Web site of British Itages in Iraq. In the video, Kenneth Bigley made a direct plea to Prime Minister Tony Blair to save his life. tBACH - urritos wereqi aim flea fjntinued from page 1A ost vital areas of the capital. J.S. and Iraqi troops battled with insurgents in central city of Samarra, where U.S. forces had lier claimed success against militants waging a month insurgency, police said. At least one child killed and five people wounded in the fighting, lice said. Ilhe confusion over the fate female detainees began when Justice Ministry official an- lunced that Rihab Rashid Taha, icientist who became known as 'rGemT for helping Iraq make apons out of anthrax, would be :ed in the coming days because : was no longer a threat to na- nal security. JllieU.S. and Iraqi officials found ■mselves at odds over w'ho had stody over Taha and another fe- le scientist involved in Saddam issein’s biological weapons pro- jams, with Iraqi national security ■ IwserQassim Daoud saying they were in the hands ■ Iraqi security forces and that “Iraqi judges de- Bed to release them because they didn’t have any 1 is nOtgelfKlence.” 3utaU.S. Embassy spokesman disagreed, saying pair “are in our legal and physical custody.” Prime Minister Ayad Allawi told The Associ- Press that his government has begun review- [gthe status of its detainees, including the two pnale scientists. But he said the review process had nothing to do ith the hostage situation and had started weeks pin Iraq. “We have not been negotiating and we will not Bgotiate with terrorists on the release of hostages,” "said in a telephone interview from New York, o release takes place unless I authorize it.” The conflicting U.S. and Iraqi statements raised lestions over who has authority in the country, en after the hand over of sovereignty to Allawi’s :erim government in June. U.S. officials have en saying that they have been giving more deci- n-making power to Iraqis, including over secu- y matters. The U.S. military says it has two Iraqi women in stody, Taha and Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash, a 44, I think this is possibly my last chance. I don't want to die. Kenneth Bigley British hostage iuse out food )r four da) — Hans Hi' tion of RedOi Irescent Socifi er they’re dnfi lies.” o daughters from sir e floods, 'ation of Red! ties said coni ms about pos I diseases, ting better bet ic federation Havik food or wajg^ researcher known as “Mrs. Anthrax.’ Justice Ministry spokesman Noori Abdul-Ra- an Ibrahim announced that “Iraqi authorities In t know\vj e a greed with coalition forces to conditionally e cathedral,"lease Rjhab Rashid Taha on bail.” He added that n the intertiaj decision ... has nothing to do with the threat landed out l*de by the kidnappers.” mobbed. Stiff But soon afterward, a U.S. Embassy spokesman ed out any immediate release. The two female entists from Saddam’s regime “are in our legal d physical custody. Legal status of these two and ny others is under constant review,” the spokes- n said. 1 Representatives of the Iraqi government and !) Haitian vi«S. coalition forces have identified a group of ending aid. Bout 14 high-value detainees, including Taha, r way throujl t under conii •ed into theai'l died a worli .3 million to who may be eligible for release because they are no longer needed for questioning and do not pose a security threat, a multinational force official said on condition of anonymity. The Iraqi government has already assented to all the names on the list, the official said. The list has gone to coalition forces and the U.S. Embassy for final approval. “We want to make certain that there is no con nection between the decision to release her with al-Zarqawi’s demands,” a West ern official also said on condition of anonymity. Al-Zarqawi’s Tawhid and Ji had group announced Tuesday it killed Hensley, saying their de mands had not been met. Hens ley would have marked his 49th birthday Wednesday. On Monday, the group released a video show ing the beheading of Armstrong, whose body was found in Bagh dad the same day. The group warned in a Web statement that Bigley, 62, would be the next to die unless all Iraqi women are released from jail — though it did not set a deadline as it has in past statements. In Wednesday’s video, Bigley said Blair was the only man who could keep his kidnappers from killing him. “Mr. Blair, I am nothing to you. Here’s just one person living in the United Kingdom, that’s all, with a family like you, like your family, your children, your boys, your wife,” the speaker said in the grainy video. “Please, you can help. I know you can,” he said, addressing the British prime minister. The speaker wore an orange jumpsuit, the kind that kidnappers put on their hostages before kill ing them and like those issued to prisoners held by American forces at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Bigley sobbed in the middle of his message and wiped his forehead. A banner of the Tawhid and Jihad militant group hung on the wall behind him. Earlier, Britain’s Foreign Secretary Jack Straw appeared to hold out little hope for saving Bigley. “We continue to do everything we can to se cure Kenneth Bigley’s safe release, but it would be idle to pretend that there’s a great deal of hope,” Straw told reporters in New York. Tawhid and Jihad — Arabic for “Monotheism and Holy War” — has claimed responsibility for the slay ing of at least seven hostages, including American Nicholas Berg. The group has also said it is behind a number of bombings and gun attacks. Its spiritual leader, Sheik Abu Anas al-Shami, 35, was killed when a missile hit his car on Friday in western Baghdad, according to al-Shami’s fa ther. The U.S. military had no comment. A host of militant groups have used kidnappings and bombings to undermine Allawi’s interim govern ment and force the United States and its allies out of Iraq. The violence has already persuaded companies to leave, hindered foreign investment, led firms to drop out of aid projects, restricted activities to relatively safe areas and forced major expenditures on security. Mow Delivering Until JAM! 5 mion SUL* Jay im ;e $1.00 »ra) » DEAL!! A s» 10-01-04 L (Don’t Cet acquaintance/(fate rape ruin your co CCepe experience l Women ages 16 — 24 experience the highest rates of sexual violence. (Bureau of Justice Statistics) 90% of date or acquaintance rapes involve alcohol. TIPS: watch your drink know your limits take a responsible friend clarify mixed signals • don’t accept drinks from strangers I report suspicious activity For more information, resources, or help contact: Student Health Service 845-1511 Student Counseling Services 24hr Helpline 845-2700 Student Counseling Services 845-4427 Rape Crisis Center 24hr hotline 731-1000 University Police Department 845-2345 Gender Issues Education Services 845-1107 ^member: It's not one as by to be raped. 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